NEGenWeb Project - Civil WarG.A.R. Reunions
Articles 5 and 6
Nebraska State Journal
Friday morning, September 17, 1897
The veterans at Camp Lincoln spent the greater part of yesterday drying out. On Wednesday night the rain came down in streams and made little rivers that ran under tents and through blankets with great glee. As a result there was little dry clothing in the camp by morning and visitors were greeted with the sight of bedding and blankets hung out to dry.
The veterans and their families made the best of the discomfort and some few who were on low ground spent the night in Mercantile hall which was opened for the occasion. There they made the best of the time till morning. A number of tents were blown down, among them the tent of the Illinois headquarters.
Things were soon straightened around yesterday and the business and enjoyment of the reunion began again as if it had not been interrupted.
Yesterday the grounds were not crowded as on Wednesday, but in the evening there were fully as many people on the grounds as on the night before. City people and young people especially came out to see the sights. The campfire, held in the large hall, was very well attended as was the meeting in the afternoon when J. Sterling Morton spoke. In the evening Church Howe was present to bid goodby to the veterans before leaving on his mission as consul to Palermo, Sicily. The speakers of the evening for the first time during the reunion got openly into politics. The sentiment seemed to be that since prosperity is here the calamity howl should cease and all veterans who have gone to other beliefs than the right one should return. The audience was in full sympathy as was evinced by rousing cheers.
The interest which has been taken in the reunion is well displayed by the attendance at the meetings. At every campfire there have been large crowds. The hall where the speaking is held has been filled every evening long before the hour for the exercises to begin. The veterans have remained every evening till the last speaker has finished and then they have called lustily for more. One unpleasant feature during the week has been that in the hall where all the speaking has been held, the seats within hearing distance have been too few. Every evening the speakers have been disturbed by inconsiderate persons who persisted in making a noise at the rear of the crowd. Straw was strewn on the floor to deaden the sound of continual footsteps, but it was impossible to poke straw into the mouths of those who talked at the wrong time, though from the expressions of many in the audience, some would have received summary treatment if it had been possible.
The attendance of veterans has been quite up to expectations. They came early and are staying through the week, though a number went home yesterday. There is general interest in the presentation of the living flag and all wish to be on hand to see it today. At 2 o'clock yesterday, 2,455 veterans had registered at the various state headquarters on state row. They were divided up as follows: Illinois 725, Iowa 296, Indiana 227, Wisconsin 223, Pennsylvania, 154, Ohio 300, Michigan 4 (?), Missouri 74, New York 116, Nebraska 76, Kansas 22, New England 45, Minnesota 26, West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky ??. To the total probably 25 percent should be added to include those veterans who do not register at all of whom there are always some. The officers are much pleased with the attendance.
One feature of the week has been the excellent band music which has been furnished. Bands have been on the grounds from Falls City, Fairmont, Fullerton, Alma and Weston and Omaha, and their music has been much appreciated. Scarcely an hour passes but there is a band concert in some part of the grounds.
Medical Director Albert S. Pierce and Inspector-General J.F Diener made another inspection of the camp yesterday. They found that there was still much sickness and that the exposure of Wednesday night had left its effects. The number of prescriptions increased perceptibly yesterday. The report to the commander is as follows:
CAMP LINCOLN, Sept. 16, 1897 - General John A. Ehrhardt: We have the honor to report to you that we have inspected the sanitary condition of Camp Lincoln today and find former recommendations complied with and camp in good condition. Respectfully submitted,
ALBERT S. PIERCE Medical Director
JOHN F. DIENER Inspector - General
The Council of administration met in the afternoon. A misunderstanding had arisen between the local G. A. R. committee and the G. A. R. officers as to whether the bonus of $100 is to be paid by the local committee this year. The contract reads that a $200 Bonus shall be paid in addition to that provided in the regular contract, which is $100. The local committee held that the $100 was to be paid only on the first year. The department officers held that it was every year. The matter was amicably adjusted and the money will be paid by the local committee.
The council while in session accepted the invitation to be present at the presentation of the living flag this afternoon. Commander Ehrhardt was given charge of the veterans in parade and he issued the following orders, which were read at the camp fire at night:
CAMP LINCOLN, Sept. 17, 1897 - The parade will form in the line at 1:30 p. m. on P street, right on Fifteenth street, in following order: Minnesota, West Virginia, Tennessee, Maryland, Kentucky, New Jersey, New England, Kansas, Nebraska, New York, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Indiana, Iowa and Illinois.
Line of march will be in column of fours, south on Fifteenth to K street, west on K street; form open order on K street, left resting on Fifteenth street. After parade president state association will march to Twelfth and M streets and disband. By order of
Department Commander.
There will be the regular meeting at state headquarters in the morning and a camp fire tonight. Tomorrow is breaking up day.
J. STERLING MORTON TALKS He Gives His Opinion of the New School of Economists The speaking of the afternoon was before a very attentive crowd. It had been the intention to have the speaking in the open air. It was thought too chilly however, and the hall was again utilized.
Commander Ehrhardt read a telegram from Robert W. Furnas expressing his regrets at not being able to attend the reunion on account of official business.
Because of an important meeting of the council of administration, Commander Ehrhardt turned the chairmanship over to Past Department Commander J. H. Culver of Milford.
Henry Culver of Milford, camp bugler, gave the assembly call at 2 o'clock.
Comrade Scott sang a solo.
J. Sterling Morton was first introduced. He said in part:
"As one who was a pioneer in the state of Nebraska, it is a pleasure to greet you all since the sun has again risen for Nebraska. I once saw a Mexican people who greeted the sun every morning in worship. Nebraska now greets the rising sun of prosperity.
"It is a great satisfaction to know that by far the greater part of man's earnings have been used in the building up of homes. The center of the government is the home. Within a very few years a new part of Pompeii was uncovered and the homes of the ancient peoples were laid bare. Even then the home was the great motive of the age. Now no man can address an audience without speaking to home builders.
"The pioneer who first wrote the word 'success' on these prairies of Nebraska was a brave man. The state's population has now grown from a mere handful of people to an army of over 1,000,000. The desire of these people has been to make homes. The original meaning of the word 'home' is to 'tie up with.' That is what the pioneers came to this state to do. The pioneer soldiers who enlisted from Nebraska did so to protect these homes. The maker of a home is always ready to defend it.
"We have come to a point in the history of this state when we must consider the taxation of homes. The more taxation upon these homes the less they will bring. People should know that prosperity is not a thing of enactment, but it is a result of temperance and frugality.
"What the people need to know is that panics and financial stringencies come from a superabundance of money. We are told by some that there is a demand for more money. Such people make a mistake by confounding their desire for money with a supposed demand. A demand for money is only made by those Americans who have something of value to exchange for it, either in property or services.
"People who sit always on dry goods boxes and whittle never will or never have known the time when there were good times. When leaders try to lead the people through economic paths let us ask them what they have done. I could name a great many gentlemen in this state who have declared the state in a state of petrified calamity, who if they had never arrived here till today would have found just as many fields cultivated and just as much wealth produced as there are today. The test of citizenship is what the man has done himself. In a community where everybody is doing the best he can for himself and his family you will find a taxless community. These people are the ones whom the 'whittlers' criticise (sic). Economic 'teachers' might move all their property out of the state and there would be just as many mills and banks running in the morning.
"We have all made our mistakes. It was a mistake to vote down a constitution in 1872 prohibiting the levying of taxes for any but public purposes. One of the first things the state should do is to hold a constitutional convention and to change the law, that no county or city may become indebted for anything but public benefits. We should be as frugal in the administration of public affairs as in private affairs. Taxes in some cities are now as high as 6 per cent. This is a burden that is disastrous. We must study something of the frugality of our forefathers in the administrations of public affairs. We have become an extravagant people because of a redundant currency.
"It is a fallacy to believe that the state can do almost everything. It is now believed that industries which do not profit especially well shall receive a bounty. A Nebraska legislature passed a law against adulteration of butter and then gave a bounty on chicory with which to adulterate coffee. This is as consistent as the legislatures sometimes are. An industry pays or it does not pay and if it does pay it should live and if it does not pay it should not live.
"The state should not pay for school books. In the end the parent pays for his child's books, more under the present system than before., These things are not popular, but I have the good fortune to stand up for what I believe even if it is unpopular.
"The interests of the state should be directed along ??? which nature has given. Nebraska is an agricultural state ... ?? ... ?? .... ??? ... and for which we are particularly fitted. What we want is less taxes.
"Railway bonds were floated at 3 per cent when the trans-Missouri country was opened and the men who worked on the roads got 75 cents a day.
Now, bonds are floated at 6 (?) percent and labor gets $1.00 per day. Money has gone down and much has gone up.
"Money used to be 1 1/2 per cent per month, a lawful interest under the territorial constitution. There has been competition till the interest is 6 and 7 per cent per annum. There was never a riot over this competition ...????? ... How many times have there been riots over competition of labor?
"Corporate interests are not the enemies of labor. I once offered 20,000 share of land in Otoe county at New York for $20,000 and the sale could not be made. The railroad came and now the land is worth $40 an acre. Railroads act intelligently. They will not make money building a road through a community of ususers (?) and the railroads know it. Capitol has done more for the world than Christianity for Christianity was spread through the power of capital. Why should you legislate out the improvements of society? I know I am in the minority, but I have been in the minority so long that I have come to have a great belief in it.
"What we need is a good law for the collection of debts. That will give credit and will renew the confidence in the state. Whatever men's politics their interests are alike and what benefits the interests of one will benefit the interests of others.
"Nebraskans have it in their power to make the state perfect as to its credit by placing good men in office.
I am opposed to the giving of bonds by public office. The system is not in harmony with this kind of government. Abolish this law and then every voter will suffer in case the officer is unworthy and good men will receive the offices. This will put a premium on character. Character in public officers is needed. The religion of economy in the administration of public affairs is what is needed. I heard of a man who came from a revival and announced that he had received religion. An unbelieving acquaintance who knew him said that if he took it at all he took it in his wife's name. I thank you for your attention. Accept the religion of economy and don't take it in your wife's name."
After a song by the veterans Comrade H. C. Russell spoke on the subject of the "Private Soldier." Mr. Russel in opening made reference to the governor's remarks in this address of welcome about the misuse of the flag. He did not mention any names, but his meaning was hot hidden. He did not think the flag could be used to much for whatever purpose.
"I am one of those people who believe that the children should grow up with a better realization of the meaning of the flag. People who come here and tell us we are misusing the flag are shedding crocodile tears and nothing else. Such talk comes from people who are afraid their children may come up to the standard of believing in their homes. A man who carries the Bible in one hand and the flag in the other will not come to harm.
"In Nebraska there have been school teachers who have been turned out of their schools for patriotism to the flag.
"I was to speak of the private soldier. I always believed an officer was as good as a private if he behaved himself. No regiment ever did itself credit, however, without good officers. I know of one regiment that disgraced itself at the battle of Shiloh because of the cowardice of the colonel. The officers who have won fame are worthy of glory as well as the privates who served under them, but understand that in their glory shines the glory of the privates who backed them. Their greatness is our greatness and their glory is our glory. I don't want to have any man to come to me and draw a line of distinction between them. Nearly all the officers have risen from privates and they have earned their glory and there should be no one to begrudge it. I take it as a personal insult for anyone to tell me that there is any difference between honorable soldiers and honorable officers."
PRISONERS OF WAR Meeting Held in the Morning Where Experiences Were Related The union ex-prisoners of war met yesterday morning in Mercantile hall. Adjutant-General Gage presiding. A good audience was present and the meeting was very entertaining as well as pathetic, for when the comrades related incidents of their suffering in rebel prisons, there were few eyes that did not show traces of tears.
General Gage spoke after Captain Henry had opened. The general is president of the Nebraska association. He was confined in Libby prison and Belle Isle for 100 days. The object of the association was not to please, but to keep alive the spirit of patriotism. Few who have suffered in southern prisons like to recount their experiences. They believe they were set apart by Providence and martyrs and they keep up their organization with the end of exemplifying patriotism. General Gage related that 71,000 union prisoners died in rebel prisons or 1,000 more soldiers that Maine furnished and more than the population of Lincoln. These men went to prison healthy and it was not as if they died in a hospital. General Gage has recently visited Libby prison in Chicago. He stood on the very spot where a comrade of his was shot while getting before a window on July 16, 1863.
J. W. Losee of Firth spoke next. He is a Canadian and was confined at Castle Morgan, Ala., for eleven and a half months.
Vincent Stephens of St. Edward, known as "Limber Jim," because of his wiry frame, also spoke. He was engaged in the trial of the "raiders" or union men, six of whom were hung for preying on their comrades.
AN EVENING OF ENJOYMENT J. Wesley Tucker and Church Howe Get into Politics The campfire of the evening got under way early.
John Currie was presented. He told the veterans about his statue of Lincoln. He presented it to the department of the G. A. R., telling the veterans of his hope to see it sculptured in marble. He said it was the greatest work of his life. He said he had rescued it from a pop governor and he wanted to see it in good hands.
Commander Ehrhardt responded, accepting the gift on behalf of the department.
Miss Lethe Watson gave a recitation descriptive of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Chaplain J. Wesley Tucker of Valentine was introduced by Captain Henry as the "baby of the department." Captain Tucker is by no means so small as he might be and drive was appreciated.
He made Judge Foxworthy sing a verse from "Old Shady" before he would begin.
Chaplain Tucker related the circumstances of his enlistment at the very beginning of the war. He enlarged upon the principle of patriotism. He said that since he had been on the grounds he had heard speeches that were not just as the old soldiers would wish. He expressed the hope that at reunions in the future only speakers who were in sympathy should speak. He wanted to hear only those who had carried the knapsack. He advocated unity among the comrades. He advised them to vote right. In a humorous way he told how some of the comrades had listened to people who wanted to go out in the mountains and dig white metal. Some went out of Nebraska during the dry times, but those who remained in the state are now raising wheat and corn and potatoes and the best looking women and children in the country. The comrades are growing old. Their day of producing is about over. They must instill in their children the patriotic principle that there is no such word as fail in the English language. He paid a tribute to Capt. J. C. Cochran of Lincoln before closing.
Church Howe spoke next. He apologized for coming so late in the reunion; but he said there had been prosperity in Nemaha county and he had been busy putting wheat in bins. He hoped the "howlers" would stop howling. He told the "boys" to stand by their comrades and seconded Colonel Tucker's advice to the comrades to vote right. he believed there were stages in patriotism and that the man who pays a bicycle tax is by no means as patriotic as the soldier who left an arm on the field.
Mr. Howe referred to the manner in which the old soldier was now beginning to receive his deserts at Washington. The old dusty applications were being opened and now when pensions are granted the pensioner does not feel the kick from the government at the same time. There are comrades at the head of government now. Veterans are too old to try experiments. Those who have tried political experiments want to rectify them at once.
Mr. Howe bade adieu to his comrades, telling them about his mission to Sicily, where he was going to uphold the stars and stripes in a foreign land.
Captain Henry made a few remarks bidding his friends good-bye.
Mrs. Shepherd of Grand Island, who was at the front, spoke for a short time. She served as a scout with the Sixty-fifth Illinois regiment. She ran the blockade at Memphis, Tenn. For three years and six months she was on the field and was never suspected for she was known as the wife of a rebel captain. She was finally struck by a piece from a shell and she carries a silver plate under her skull now as a result, "free silver" as she expresses it.
The campfire closed at 10 o'clock.Reunion Notes The Falls City band gave a concert at the W. R. C. headquarters yesterday at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. Kate Mussy Shepherd, a union spy who was with the Sixty-fifth Illinois, spoke at the Illinois meeting yesterday. Mrs. Congdon also spoke.
The Wahoo and Schuyler train on the Burlington will be held tonight so that connections may be made at Ashland with the 6:06 train from Lincoln.
The officers of the border state division are there: President, J. T. Clarke, Cortland; vice president, V. A. Jones, Waverly; secretary, W. J. Neeby, Lincoln.
A team was reported missing yesterday but it was found by Detective Pound in the possession of some boys who made a hasty exit from the battlefield on the approach of the officer.
Visitors at the reunion grounds were startled by loud cries of "help, help" yesterday. No one was killed. A showman was only saying "help fill up the tent." The last four words came so long after the appeal for aid that the effect was startling.
Sheriff Trompen closed up a gambling tent operated on the grounds by "Bill Gleason of local talent". The tent itself blew down Wednesday night and has not been put in place since. A roulette wheel and a tub dice game were in operation when the sheriff hove in sight.
The Indiana veterans lost their prize rooster Wednesday night. The bird was tied to a pole in the state headquarters, but it was not to be found yesterday. The Indiana soldiers explained yesterday that they brought the rooster there for the purpose of finding out who the chicken thieves were. They strongly suspect the Wisconsin Boys, as their record during the late unpleasantness is somewhat against the. The Indiana soldiers were know during the war as men who would rather starve then hook a chicken. The rooster can be identified by its big spurs.
The Wisconsin veterans met yesterday and selected the following officers: Colonel, F. M. Ross, Lincoln; lieutenent-colonel, S. D. Eastman, Lincoln; major, D. D. Dunn, Beatrice; J. W. Fox, Lincoln, quartermaster; chaplain, C. M. Leighton, Lincoln; adjutant, E. H. Fancher, Lincoln.
The officers of the Indiana veterans are as follows: President, Jesse Chappell; secretary, I. H. Odell; treasurer, W. J. Blystone, Lincoln; color bearer, J. A. Ward, Pawnee City. The auditing board is as follows: D. L. Hacker, Auburn; W. M. Gifford, Lewiston; J. G. Wilson, Morse Bluffs.
Colonel Job Hathaway presided as policeman at the entrance to the dance hall yesterday and when any unwary spectator entered who did not know there was a price set upon a sight of the game, the colonel would take the person up in his arms and extract his coin with the ease with which he used to arrest people for riding bicycles on the sidewalks.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. held a camp fire Wednesday night at their headquarters. Miss Mabel Crawford gave a recitation and Miss Jennie Slade, sang a solo. Miss Lena Crawford played. There were speeches by the comrades, and a band concert. Last night a reception was tendered to the department officers and a general good time was experienced.
Nebraska State Journal
Friday morning, September 17, 1897
GREAT DAY FOR LINCOLN Monster Parade to be Given in Honor of Visiting Veterans
LIVING FLAG A BIG FEATURE Procession Will Start at 2 O'clock and Be Reviewed by Grand Army
Men and the Governor and His PartyEvery detail for the big parade today has been arranged. Assignments have been made to each one asking for space in the line. Each one may by reference to the assignments herein published know just where to place himself or exhibit. In general each display of a public nature will be placed in the first division and trade displays in the second division. Those whose place in line is in the first division will report to Col. S. S. Whiting, commanding the second division and stationed on L street at the intersection of K street. Military, civic, educational and society organizations will report to S. M. Melick, commanding the first division stationed on K street at the intersection of Twelfth street. Each will have aides to accompany the exhibit to its proper place in the line.
It is especially urged that every person intending to take part in the parade report promptly at 1:30 o'clock as the parade must move promptly at 2 on account of the children composing the living flag.
In accordance with the mayor's published request nearly all business houses will close during the time of the parade, giving employees a chance to take part in or view the parade. All banks and wholesale houses will close and also the postoffice and other government offices. It is urged that residences and business houses along the line of parade especially be decorated. Exhibitors (sic) must remember that floats must not be over thirteen feet in height above the ground unless poles are provided to raise wires and in any event not over fourteen feet from street grade.
Marshal Sizer will be constantly at his room, 129 Lindell hotel, telephone No. 5, to give information concerning parade matters. Owing to the nature of the displays the parade must be confined to the brick pavements.
LINE OF MARCH The parade will start promptly at 2 o'clock from Twelfth and M streets and proceed as indicated below. The marshal and his staff will form on Twelfth street, the right resting on K; the first division will form on K street, the right resting on Twelfth, and the second division will form on L street, the right resting on Twelfth. All trades displays will be in the second division and should report to Marshal Whiting of that division. All civic societies and military companies should report to Marshal Melick of the first division. All must be in position by 1 o'clock. The line of march is as follows:
North on Twelfth to M.
East on M to Fourteenth.
North on Fourteenth to P.
East on P to Fifteenth.
South on Fifteenth to K.
West on K to Fourteenth.
South on Fourteenth to H.
East on H to Sixteenth.
North on Sixteenth to K.
West on K to Fifteenth.
North on Fifteenth to N.
East on N to Sixteenth.
North on Sixteenth to P.
West on P to disperse.
VETERANS WILL REVIEW The veterans under direction of Commander Ehrhardt will view the parade from both sides of Fifteenth street from K street south, forming in double lines through which the parade will pass. At K and Fifteenth, Governor Holcomb will review the parade. After the parade is over the speaking will take place at the flag at K and Fifteenth streets. The speakers are Governor Holcomb, J. L. Caldwell, R. D. Stearns, W. S. Summers, A. J. Cornish, G. A. Adams and Professor Baylor.
Citizens along the line of march will please decorate their residences and places of business, and everyone is requested to keep off the line of march with vehicles that are not in the parade. All horseback riders, both ladies and gentlemen, are requested to participate. Place will be furnished them in the line.
The living flag has been so arranged that the best possible view may be had from the parade as the flag is located directly across the intersection of Fifteenth street on the capitol grounds, and the line of parade directly approaches the flag for a distance of five blocks. Fifteenth street will be the best place to view the parade, though the capitol grounds will be almost as good. The procession will pass entirely around the capitol grounds and those who assemble there will get an excellent view.
FORMATION OF PARADE The parade will be formed in the order following:
Platoon of Police
Marshal and StaffFIRST DIVISION
Division Commander and Staff
Governor and Staff
Fullerton Silver Cornet Band
Lincoln light infantry
Company D, N, N, G
Pershing rifles, two companies
University artillery battery
Woman's Relief Corps
State officers in carriages
County officers in carriages
Mayor and city council in carriages
Other city officers in carriages
Falls City band
Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias
Postoffice employes (sic)
Epworth league, Grace church
P.E.O. ladies society,
Women's club City improvement society
Tribe of Ben Hur
Foresters division M. W. A.
Y. M. C. A.
Lincoln business college
State university
Lincoln Normal university
Cotner university
Cotner medical school
Wesleyan university
Weston Silver Cornet band
Auditorium building fund committee
First ward historical representation
Second ward historical representation
Third ward historical representation
Fourth ward historical representation
Fifth ward historical representation
Sixth ward historical representation
Seventh ward historical representation
Ladies and gentlemen on horseback
Citizens in carriages
SECOND DIVISION Chief of division and staff
Fairmont band
Farmers and Merchants' Insurance Co.
Lincoln Gas Co.
C. H. Frey, florist
Keystone Grocery Co.
Hall Bros.' Hardware Co.
Herpolsheimer and Co.
Armstrong Clothing Co.
McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.
Cooper and Cole Bros.
Houts and Johnson
Evans laundry
J. B. Trickey and Co
Lincoln Pottery Co.
Consolidated bakers
Consolidated butchers
Swift Packing Co
Woodward Real Estate Co
Union Fire Insurance Co.
Jones Douglas Cracker Co.
W. E. Burlingim
Hardy Furniture Co.
P. J. Wohlenburg
Mitchell Decorating Co
L. D. T. Co.
Adams Express Co.
Curtis & Bartlett
Charles Gregory
Carler Bros.' feed store
F. W. Brown Lumber Co.
Lincoln Upholstering Co.
Frey and Frey, florists
Nebraska Central Building and Loan association
Farmers' Grocery Co.
Charles Slattery
Humphrey Bros.' Hardware Co.
Mayer Bros.' Clothing Co.
Lawrence Implement Co.
P. H. Cooper Ice Co.
E. A. Brown and Co.
Standard Paint and Glass Co.
Curtis and Vanderburg
Stratton feed store
Townsend, photographer
Buckstaff Manufacturing Co.
Pacific Express Co.
A. Booth Packing Co.
Best Laundry
Seitz Grocery
Meyer and Cox
Hub Clothing Co.
Hillmeyer and Sadler
Gaffey, plumber
Ferguson, music house
Lincoln Coal Co.
Mann tank line
Holm & Reed, real estate
Omaha band, "D.C."
Herminghaus and Helwig
Fisher & Howard
Erienborn Grocery
Frank Lahr Hardware Co
Grainger Bros.' Interior Decorating Co.
Folsom Bros., insurance agents
American Express Co.
Boston market
Alma band
Fitzgerald Dry Goods Co.
Rudge & Morris Co.
W. A. Bailey Decorating Co.
E. R. Guthrie
Acker & Reddish
Towne Grocery Co.
Whitebreast Coal Co.
Herman, flour
Gillen & Boney
Shamp Implement Co.
Clarkson Laundry Co.
Bowen Bros, feed store
Clark Coal Co
Oberlies Lumber Co.
Sutton and Hollowbush
U. S. Express Co.
Sidies' Cycle Co.
Lincoln steam boiler works
Well Fargo Express Co
City departments
Fire department
VOTING CONTESTS The voting in the wards for ladies to represent states in the parade was spirited. The First ward chose Miss Kittie Smith and Mary Smelkel to represent New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The Second ward ballot chose Misses Stella Douglass and Clare Wolf to represent Maryland and the District of Columbia. Misses Gracie Cotter and Daisy Levy were elected in the Third ward to represent Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Mrs. R. L. Rehlaender and Miss Lottie Whedon were chosen by the Fifth ward to represent New York and Delaware. The Seventh ward chose Gussie Van Sickle and Pearl Barnaby to represent New Hampshire and Georgia. Pearl Wycoff and Helen Woods were chosen in the Sixth ward to represent North Carolina and Connecticut. The Fourth ward had not reported its selections at headquarters last night. In many wards the unsuccessful candidates in the voting contests were assigned places of honor in the program.
THE LIVING FLAG Children assembled at the state house yesterday afternoon to practice for the living flag. The children took their places on the amphitheatre and sang selections from patriotic songs under direction of J. B. Ferguson. Superintendent Saylor gave the children a little advice in regard to the work today and dismissed them. The children went through the rehearsal without uniforms much to the disappointment of a large crowd of spectators, including many fond parents. Those in charge of the affair were surprised on discovering that there were only 822 (?) children in the rehearsal and yet the platform was completely filled. The number of children from the various schools, together with the amount contributed in nickels for uniforms was as follows: Clinton school 106, $5; Capitol 80, $4.20; Park 91, $4.50; Everett 57, $2.50; Elliott 116, $5.65; Prescott 66, $3.60; Bancroft 63, $3.10; Yankee Hill 13, 75 cents; Bryant ?, $2.95; St. Theresa's parochial school 91, $4.55; St. Francis de Salea 28, 90 cents. There were 457 children under eleven years of age and 375 older. These figures relating to attendance at practice were given by school teachers in charge. Managers of the flag will probably enlarge the platform today in anticipation of a larger attendance. The platform on which the children sit is 28x54 feet. It is built of massive timbers and covered with two-inch oak boards. It is apparently as strong as a railroad bridge.
THE BAND CONCERT All of the bands taking part in the parade of Lincoln day will also be heard in a grand concert in postoffice square in the evening, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp. This is the program:
Joy to the World (sacred potpourri), Barnhouse
Academy waltzes, Bochan.
Overture, The Silver Bell, Schlepegrell.
Falls City band, F. Storm, Director.
Prize Polka, Keller.
American Cadet March, Hall
"The Dominant," Casey.
Fairmont Cornet band, George Heaton, director.
Andante and Waltz, Victor.
Serenade, "Dreams of Youth," Fair.
Overture, Narragansett, Dalby.
Fullerton Firemen's band, O. T. Hartman, director.
The Wrecker's Daughter.
Village Quickstep.
Fife Solo.
Continental Fife and Drum corps, (Omaha) George Rhoades, director.
Leon Quickstep, Barnhouse.
Overture, The World's Fair, Feagans.
Silverton Quickstep, Southwell.
Weston Second band, Roy Carpenter, director.Lincoln Day Notes The county offices will be closed this afternoon.
The postoffice will be closed at 1 o'clock p. m. today for Lincoln day.
All Odd Fellows are requested to meet at I. O. O. F. hall at 1:30 to take part in the Lincoln day parade. By order of committee.
All wheelmen are invited to meet at the wheel club rooms on Fourteenth street at 1 o'clock today to take part in the parade.
The meat markets of the city will be closed today at noon to enable the butchers to take part in the Lincoln day parade. A. Meese, secretary of the association makes the announcement.
Mayor Graham desires to meet all the councilmen and city officials at the city hall at 1:30 this afternoon. He has secured carriages for their accommodation and expects all to come and take a part in the making the parade a success.
The Modern Woodmen foresters are called to meet at the city hall today at 1:30 to participate in the parade. Captain Nightengale will have their bats and axes at the police station so those who take part will not be compelled to hunt them up.
Captain Campbell, of company F. Second regiment, the Lincoln light infantry issues an order as follows, being company order No. 13: "The members of this command are ordered to report at the armory at 1 o'clock sharp on Friday, September 17, for the purpose of participating in the Lincoln day parade."
The rehearsal of the "Living Flag" at the capitol grounds was a success yesterday afternoon. Two thousand children were present and were seated on the immense platform erected for the occasion. The vast number of children are to wear costumes of red, white and blue arranged to represent the flag. The costumes for all will be provided today. Let all parents see to it that their children report at the capitol on time.
© 1997-1999, 2000, 2003 by Ted & Carole Miller