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Barnes - Bellmont

Date 18xx p-c
Barnes, A. S. and Co. publishers of School Books, Teachers Library and National School Library. Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 3-1
Barnes, Alattio Enrolled in Teacher's class, Peru Normal. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 1-4
Barnes, David Will build south of the Normal School at Peru. Nebraska Advertiser 4-27-71 3-2
Barnes, High Who filed his bondsmen, was brought back from St. Louis to Nebraska City. See Outlaws. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Barnes, John Registrar of voters in Nemaha precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 4-2
Barnes, Moody and Co. Merchants at Peru has opened up a large stock of goods in the building recently occupied by Hawleyt and Tynas. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 2-1
Barnes & Martin Dealers in dry goods, etc. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-2
Barnum, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs or Forty Years Recollections written by Barnum. Illustrated. 784 pages. Burr and Company, Hartford, Connecticut Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-6,7
Barr & France Nebraska City, Nebr. Pioneer Paint Shop. See Painting Nebraska City News 5-6-67 2-5
Barret, R. F. Defendant. Judgement against. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Barrett, Anna E. To Sidney French lot 11, block 17, Brownville, Nebr. $550 Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-4
Barrett, B. F. Defendant in action on note and account. Judgement of court in favor of plaintiff for $850 Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-1
Barrett, Frank Falls City, petition for divorce. Nebraska Advertiser 2-12-74 2-6
Barrett, R. F. Of Brownville, Nebr. has purchased the steamer Sunset, formerly owned by Nebraska City citizens, for $15,500 to use as a ferry boat. See Farries. Nebraska City News 2-21-68 3-3
Barrett, R. F. Real Estate Agent. Beatrice, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Barrow, Elder Preaches once a month at Glen Rock. See Churches Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-6
Barrow, Elder Will begin meetings Nov. 6. See Religion Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-8
Barrows, Mr. Debate, Young Mens Literary. See Societies and Associations. Nebraska City News 1-20-68 3-4
Barrows, F. C. Of Tecumseh was elected Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Barrows, E. C. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Attorneys Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-6
Barrows, Eld. R. C. Friends will give him a donation party at Tecumseh. See Social Life. Nebraska City News 9-30-68 3-3
Barrows, Morris With Robert Crow have bought the Chieftain. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-2
Bartman, Wm Adv. The world renowned astrologist, somnambulist, and clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state delienates the very disease the person is afflicted with and if curable or not, and will also prescribe medicine for a cure. Also gives information as to stolen property, etc. Nebraska City News 5-13-67 3-5
Barton, Guy C. Member of Premium Committee, State Fair. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1
Barton & Keith Have 6000 head of cattle on grazing land near North Platte. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 1-4
Barton and Park Publishers of the Lincoln County Advertiser at North Platte, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-3
Barwick, J. J. Esq. From Missouri, formerly of Nebraska City is in town. Nebraska City News 2-17-68 3-1
Baseball The following members of the Otoe Base Ball Club left for Council Bluffs to play a match game: Captain Hale, catcher; Wm. Nuckolls, pitcher; Sayers, short stop; M. Wittridge, 1st baseman; McFarland, 2nd baseman; Kinney 3rd baseman; Hale, right field; Miller, center field and Jones, left field. Nebraska City News 9-4-68 3-3
Baseball Game between Pottowatamies and Otoes. Otoes victorious by a score of 39 to 25 in the second series of home games, Council Bluffs and Nebraska City. Inning by inning play, names of players of both teams and position played on team. Umpire Ed. L. Sayers. Scorers, F. Thompson, Pot., D. B. McMerchan, Otoes. Nebraska City News 10-9-68 3-2
Bassett, Mr. With Mrs. Bassett and baby carried off by Indians. See Indians. Nebraska City News 10-16-68 3-2
Bassett, W. E. Appointed minister at West Point Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Bates, Mr. Lead the choir at the Methodist Bishop and clergy religions service of the Methodist conference, Omaha Herald. See Churches. Nebraska City News 4-5-67 2-2,3
Bates, James Was arrested for stealing jewelry and terribly beating a man named Keef. A mob hung him at North Platte. Nebraska Advertiser 3-17-70 2-1
Bauer, Frank Nebraska City, Nebr., Public House. See Death. Nebraska City News 7-8-68 3-3
Bauer, J. H. Elected J. G. in Knights of Pythias. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-2
Bauer, J. H. Of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2
Baumer, (Gen.) W. Of the First Nebraska Regiment, died at Omaha. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Bansfield, ___ Is putting up a brick residence for Mr. Pierce. See Building Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 2-1
Bausfield, Ester Real Estate transfer from Geo. W. Bratton treasurer lots 9 and 10, block 27, $500. Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-5
Bausfield, Ester H. To Martha Pierce, warrentee deed, in 1/2 lots 9 adn 10 block 27, Brownville $200. Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-5
Bausfield, John Bricklayer and Plasterer, Brownsville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Beach, Henry Former resident of Nebraska City met with an accident at Hamburg, Iowa. See Accident. Nebraska City News 9-16-68 3-5
Beach, Miss Lilly Essay "Nebraska" at the schools exhibition at the Hall. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Beach, Lilla Delegate to Good Templars from Bedford Lodge. See Organizations and Associations. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Beach, Tillie Brownville, took part in school program. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-5
Beadle, D. E. Was removed from position as Post Master at Papillion, Sarpy County Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Beall, Enos Elected to the House from Hall, Buffalo and Merrick Counties. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Beall, S. W. Of Post Sutler, Fort Kearny will sell in lots to suit customers, at the lowest prices, contents of his store, iron safe, and store building 20x66. See General Store. Nebraska City News 3-6-67 2-6
Beany, Richard Saline Co. Fatally burned in Prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4.5
Beany, Mr. Two sons will die from being burned in prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Bear, Mrs. Sold her interest in the Millinery shop. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 3-2
Bear, Mrs. J. K. Bought the interest of Mrs. Moore in the Millinery shop of Bear and Moore at Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 9-16-69 3-2
Bear, Mrs. J. K. Has bought the interest of Mrs. Tisdel in the Millinery firm of Tisdel and Bear in Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 5-6-69 3-1
Beasley, Mr. Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Beason, J. H. Blacksmith shop has been rented to R. G. Clover of Tecumseh shop corner 5th and main. Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-5
Beason, J. H. Has sold his blacksmith shop in Brownville and moved to Watson, the new town on the St. Joseph and C. B. R. R. Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 3-3
Beason, J. H. Manufacturer of the Double Diamond Corn Plow. Main street, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-6
Beatrice The county seat of Gage County is situated on the Blue River, 8 miles from the Kansas line, and in the exact geographical centre of the county. The Big Blue River at this point is about 175 feet wide, with an average depth of 20 inches in the lowest water, and. is a bed of rock. The left bank is also of solid rock, forming with the aid of a substantial dam, a mill power of 7 feet head, which, with the volume of water afforded. by the Big Blue at all times, makes the best and. most commodious place for manufacturing in the state. There are now three staple stores in Beatrice, kept by N. Blakely, Reynolds & Townsend, and J. Buchrn11. Another store being erected. by the firm of P. B. Roper & Co. Three hotels; the Beatrice House, by W. Chesny & Bro., one by Dunbar & Hamma, and A. L. Ayers. A blacksmith shop by Jacob Shaw, and one by Dunbar & Snow. e drug store by Brock & Antony; a boot and shoe store by G. W. Brook. Also a brick kiln going up by Mr. Hagy and. several dwelling houses now being erected.. Beatrice expects to double its population and business this season. It has all the necessary materials for building good buildings; stone of a superior quality, and a shingle and lath mill now running by Proctor and. Mack. The lands along the river are wide bottoms and not surpassed. for richness and depth of soil. The climate is healthy, the water clear, pure and cold. Improved farms can be bought at fair prices and many good. locations yet open to the settlers under the Homestead. and Pre-emption Acts. If the projected. railroad from Browuville is built, it will pass through Gage County and hopes of a road. being built from the South up the Big Blue Valley to the new location of the capitol near Salt Basin. Beatrice has also a wagon shop, A. J. Pethard, Proprietor. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 1-2
Beatrice County seat of Gage County, is situated on the Big Blue River, on the line of the Brownville and Pacific railroad. U. S. Land Office for the Nemaha Land District is located here. Has a population of 600. Large business houses mills, etc. is very progressive. Beatrice Clarion is its news paper. Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-4
Beatrice Mr. Crites was digging a well near Beatrice when the wall gave way and buried him fifteen feet below surface. He was taken out dead. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-71 2-2
Beatrice Dedication of new Methodist Church December 13. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 1-2
Beatrice To build new $10,000 brick court house. See Building Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-2
Beatrice Rev. B. F. McNeal of Beatrice is in Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-1
Beatrice Gage County. Howard & Nelson publications of Blue Valley Record. See Press. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 2-2
Beatrice Is improving rapidly and is destined to become one of the most important manufacturing points in Nebraska. The water power there will run a hundred mills. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 2-2
Beatrice People have wisely decided not to license sales of any more whiskey. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-71 2-2
Beatrice Nebraska, Stone Quarry. See Capitol Building Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Beatrice Stone Quaries. Rock equal to the Illinois stonel. Used for entire front wall of the new Capitol Building. See Stone Quaries. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 2-2
Beatrice Stone Quarry from which front of Capitol was taken. See Capitol Building. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Beatrice U. S. Land Office. List of Business transacted from Nov. 11 to 30th inclusive. See Land Office, U. S. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 2-2
Beatrice J. B. Weston, the founder, was in Nebraska City. He says the influx of immigrants into Gage County is very great and that the garden spot of America is on the Blue river. Nebraska City News 3-16-68 3-2
Beatrice Rev. S. P. Wilson appointed minister at Beatrice, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Beatrice extras Brown & Coleman proprietors Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Beaugart, David Killed by a prarty of Indians when their settlements on Solomon River, 50 miloes north from Solomon City, Kansas were attacked August 12. See Indians, Trouble in Kansas Nebraska City News 8-17-68 2-4
Beauvois, Mr. Of Beauvois Ranche, with the Indian Commissioners out on treaty business expected at Laramie. See Indian Depredations Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Beaver, E. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Beckman, Rev. Attended Teachers Institute in Benton Precinct Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-71 2-1
Bedford, T. W. Incorporator of the Brownville Southwestern Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 2-6
Bedford, T. W. Residence Engineer and Transitman of the B, FK and P. R. R. Co. See Railroad, Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company. Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-2
Bedford, T. W. Elected director of the Brownville and Hamburg Railroad Company. Nebraska Advertiser 5-25-71 2-1
Bedford, Capt. T. W. Brownville. Moved to West Virginia. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-2
Bedford, T. W. Brownville. Sold residence to F. A. Tisdel. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 3-2
Bedford, Theodore Plaintiff in suit against Hudson George. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70  
Bedford, (Capt) Theodore W. Married Elizabeth Blackburn, both of Nebraska City. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-6
Bedford, T. W. Nemaha Co. Committee on Resolutions, Convention Omaha. See COnvention, State Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-2,3
Bedford, T. W. Of Nemaha. Tem. Pres. of Omaha Convention. See Convention, State Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-2,3
Beebout, Mr. Bridge and road near his farm on the Beatrice road from Nebraska City in need of repair. See Roads, southwest. Nebraska City News 5-31-67 2-4
Beery, J. H. Assessor. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan. 4. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Bees No finer country than Nebraska for the successful raising of bees; Joel Draper has now eighty and Wm McLennan, Esq some twenty hives. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-2
Behn, Mr. On Amendments Committee at COnvention of County Superintendents an Lincoln, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 1-4
Belden, George P. White Chief, soldier, hunter, trapper and guide. Author of Belden the White Chief or Twelve Years Among Indians of the Plains. Nebraska Advertiser 10-6-70 3-1
Belknap, Major General Was appointed Secretary of War by the President. He served in the army from the first to last day of the war, is thirty eight years old, a lawyer and graduate of Princeton College, New Jersey. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-5
Bell, ____ Has manufactured nearly 5000 gallons of sorghum this fall. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 2-3
Bell, A. A. Living on Mulberry creek had two little daughters carried off by the Indians. See Indians. Trouble in Kansas Nebraska City News 8-17-68 2-4
Bell, A. E. Plastering. Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 6-10-69 3-2
Bell, B. B. Was killed, and his wife mortally wounded by a party of Indians who attacked the settlements on Solomon River, five miles north of Solomon City, Kansas on August 12. See Indians, Trouble in Kasas Nebraska City News 8-17-68 2-4
Bell, John R. Sold interest in wholesale grocery concern to partner W. H. Small. Bought luber interest of W. H. Small. Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-6
Bell, John R. Plaintiff, Judgment in favor of, for $250. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Bell, John R. Plaintiff against Jerry Hawkey to fore close mechanic Lein. Judgement for Plaintiff. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-5
Bell, John R. Brownville, lumber dealer. Nebraska Advertiser 1-8-74 3-3
Bell & Towsly Defendants in suit brought by State of Nebraska. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Bellangee, James Peru. Teacher, Mathematics, State Normal School. Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Bellevue In Sarpy County, Nebr. the home of the Bellevue Times, conducted by the prominent Democratic leader, Hon. John Q. Gross. See Press. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 2-1
Bellevue F. M. Esterbrook appointed minister at Bellevue, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Bellmont County Republican by an increased majority. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 11-4-68 3-2
Bellmont Rev. A. G. Blackwell appointed minister at Belmont, Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5

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