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Board of Canvassers - Breslau Troupe

Date 18xx p-c
Board of Canvassers, State Governor, Secretary and Auditor-David Butler, Tom Kennard and John Gallespie. Fraud and Robbery played from the beginning. See Election Game Exposed Nebraska City News 9-25-68 1-2
Bodean, Col. Adam Aid-de-camp to General Grant. History of. See Gen. Grant's Military History Nebraska City News 1-20-68 3-4
Boeck, John Bought 10 acres of school land in Section 36, Township 4, Range 12 at $28 per acre, in Nemaha County. See School Lands Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Boen, Bro Pastor in charge Methodist meetings. See Churches Nebraska City News 2-3-68 3-2
Boggs, L. B. Gage Co., Lost considerable grain and hay and part of his furniture by Prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Bohond, John C. Defendants Thomas & Broady plaintiff forclosure sale confirmed Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Bolinger, Elder Assisted by Elder Thomas will hold meetings in Johnson. See Religion Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-6
Bolkin, H. Benton Pct. Elected road supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Bollinger, Elder P. Of Pawnee CIty, Nebraska to preach at Baptists Convention. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Bollman, S. P. Appointed Minister at Albion, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 10-5
Bolond, Laura defendant Thomas & Broady plaintiff foreclosure sale confirmed. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Bond and Labor Contractors will employ 20 men and 30 teams on the work opposite Nebraska City, Nebr. See Railroads Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-1
Bond, J. W. Railroad Contractor. See Dissolution Co-partnership Nebraska City News 8-19-68 2-3
Bond, James The well known contractor with four or five hands in gradually drilling the rock in the Home Coal Mining shaft which is now about 80 feet. lip to 4 o'clock yesterday sane 55 large tubs of stone had been taken from the shaft by an immense pulley and tackle worked by horse power. See Coal. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-2
Bonds Brownville & Fort Kearney R. R. bonds are held by Jno Carson and Wm Hoover. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-2
Bonds As a rule, the Nebraska City News opposes the issuance of evidence or debt by city, town, county or state; and. it makes no exception to that rule by favoring the issuing of County Bonds for Otoe County for a grade upon a railroad. to the west nor any other railroad at this time. The policy is bad and will result in debt, taxation and. stagnation � The News will battle against balloting the county in debt. It is immaterial to us whether the doctrine accepted now or whether we shall have to await its verification by time and taxes. Nebraska City News 7-31-67 2-1
Bonds, Railroad. Lost about December 24th, 1866, two Otoe County Railroad Bonds issued to Willis Phelps, President of the C B and St. Joe Railroad, numbers 9 and 10 for 1.00 each. The public are cautioned against negotiating for them as payment has been stopped and application has been made for duplicates. J. W. Bond. Nebraska City News 7-22-67 3-2
Bonds, Railroad. Merrick County last week voted to issue $100,000 bonds to aid in building the Nebraska Railway through to Central City. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 2-4
Bonds, Trunk Railroad. voted by Peru Pct. Nebraska Advertiser 1-22-74 3-3
Bonds, U. S. 7-30's, 10-10's and 5-20's. Bought and sold at the Otoe County National Bank. Nebraska City News 3-18-67 2-5
Book "Defense of National Democracy" Compiled by Mathew Carey, Jr. Aid to democratic speakers and editors. See Defense of National Democracy. Nebraska City News 9-30-68 3-2
Book Store Moore Brothers opened their new book store and School Equipment Depot, Post Office Block. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 3-2
Book and News Store Mr. Herrick has opened a book and periodical store in the Lindsey Hotel. Nebraska City News 5-20-68 3-2
Booker, J. S. Appointed fro Rock Bluffs at the late convention of Nebraska City District. See Churches, M. E. South Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Boone, Iowa Find the vein of coal about four feet thick in the mine. About 50,000 pounds or 2 1/2 carloads are taken out daily. Boone Co. Index. See Coal. Nebraska City News 6-3-67 2-4
Boone County Investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Booth, John Wilks Dairy of. Complete copy of the document as it now exists, after assassination of President Lincoln. See Dairy, Booth's Nebraska City News 5-29-67 2-4
Boot & Shoe Store Beatrice, Nebraska. G. W. Brook, Proprietor. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Boots & Shoes Adv. A. Angell. Calf, Kip and Stegia boots and shoes made to order. Repairing of all kinds. Nebraska City Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-5
Boots & Shoes Adv. J. Menke. Main St., Nebraska City. Particular attention paid to custom work. Always a quantity of ready made work on hand. Nebraska City News 10-7-68 2-3
Boots & Shoes Adv. S. P. Sibley, Main St., Nebraska City, Nebraska. Prepared to make every variety of Boots & Shoes to order. Good supply always on hand. Nebraska City News 1-17-68 2-5
Borland, J. Johnson, Neb., Merchant Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-5
Borland, J. Johnson Station, Manager of Grange store. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-5
Borland, John M. Nemaha Co., School Teacher Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 2-3
Borland, John Washington Pct. Elected clerk of election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Boston Tea Party 100th aniversary Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 2-2
Boulder County, Colorado Arrest of four of the wealthiest and oldest settlers on St. Vrains in connection with murder of Mr. Clifford. See St. Vrains. Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Boulware, George Arrested in Kearney Ward for disturbing the peace of Nebraska City. See Judiciary Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-1
Boulware, J. B. The founder of South Nebraska City returned from the West, after an absence of over three years. Nebraska City News 2-17-68 3-2
Boulware, John Proprietor of Kearney City ferry. Prices per wagon and team, loaded or unloaded, stock per head, freight lumber, etc. See Ferries Nebraska City News 8-15-57 4-4
Bound & Earsom Bloomington, leased the mill of Mr. Calhoun. The Franklin County Guard. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-4
Boutman, Mrs. George Daughter of Mrs. Missouri Allumbaugh was killed by lightning at the William Boutman home. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Boutman, Mrs. William Received a severe shock when lightning struck the home. Her arm and limb were rendered powerless. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Bowen, Mrs. Eloped with Wat Empson. See Crime Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-1
Bowen, Colonel An incorporator of the "Northern Air Tight Railroad" which grabs 48,000 acres of the State Lands for the use and benefit of a few radical politicians, has been appointed Selector of State Lands in the Dakota Land District, by Gov. Butler. Nebraska City News 7-12-67 2-1
Bowen, Dr. Aurelius Of Nebraska City, member of the Board of Directors of the Nebraska Institiute for the Deaf and Dumb at Blair. Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-70 2-3
Bowen, Aurelious (Dr) Vice president of Nebraska City Mercantile Library Association. Consolidation with Young Men's Literary Association. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 1-6-68 3-3
Bowen, (Gen.) John S. President and Director of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb at Blair, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-70 2-3
Bowen, John T. Of House Representatives, State Legislature. Officers of Northern Air Line, Nebraska Organized June 8th, DeSota to Fremont. See Land Stealing. Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Bowen, Lucy Nebraska City. School House 1st Ward. See Schools, Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 8-31-68 2-5
Bowen, S. Is preparing to go to the Black Hills. See Black Hills Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-2
Bowers, F. Nebr. City. 1st Ward Delegate. Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Boyd, G. A. Proprietor of the Mount City Hotel, Cor. North Market and Broadway street, St. Louis, Missouri Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-6
Boyd, J. E. John McCormick and J. A. Morrow of Omaha got the Government contract to furnish 5,000 cattle at $3,90. See U. S. Government Nebraska Advertiser 9-23-70 1-4
Boyd & Lamb Gage Co., hay and stables burned by prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Boydston, W. L. Chairman of Democratic meeting at Syracuse Precinct. See Political Parties, Democratic Nebraska City News 8-31-68 2-1
Boydston, Wm. L. Vice president of Southern Immigration Society in Nebraska City. See Emigration from South Nebraska City News 2-19-68 2-2,3
Boydson, William L. Of Nebraska City, Nebraska, is advertising for a young man for steady work during the summer as dairy hand. See Labor. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Boyle, (Rev.) J. T. Will preach at dedication of new M. E. church in North Star. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 7-28-70 2-2
Bozer, Mr. Living on Kearney heights, Nebraska City. See Wells. Nebraska City News 10-28-68 3-3
Braden, Clark Appointed one of the committee to locate a college. Pawnee City offers $7,500 adn 20 acres, Huboldt $2,000 and 20 acres, Falls City $10,000 and 10 acres. Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 2-2
Braden, (Prof.) Clark Has opened a Normal School in Pawnee Seminary Building. See College Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 2-2
Braden, Clark Member of the Teachers Association meeting at Tecumseh Nebraska Advertiser 6-1-71 1-3
Bradford, Mr. Aiding Mr. Moore in his Nemaha Valley Book Store. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 3-2
Bradford, A. A. One of the oldest resident of Nebraska City, and distinguished for having repealed the entire criminal code of Nebraska, to clear a client who had been indicted under it, is now a candidate for Congress in Colorado. He was also plaintiff in the case of Bradford vs Boulware for assault with intent to kills. Nebraska City News 7-31-68 2-2
Bradley & Company Of Nebraska City, Dissolved by mutual consent. See Dissolution Co-partnership Nebraska City News 6-21-67 2-3
Bradley, Keller Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Elder of the Christian Church of Nebraska City. See Churches Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-1
Bradley, Levi Nemaha County, Nebr. See Death Nebraska City News 1-17-68 3-3
Bradley & Payne nebraska City, Nebr. agents for Nebraska City an Lincoln Express. See Express Nebraska City News 3-30-68 2-4
Bradley & Payne Nebraska City, Nebraska, all kinds of garden seeds. See Horticulture Nebraska City News 2-21-68 2-3
Bradley & Payne Nebraska City, Nebr. Produce & Commission merchents. See Groceries Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-6
Bradley, T. K. Firm of Bradley & Co. dissolved by mutual consent, Nebraska City. T. K. Bradley and Wm Payne continue under name of Bradley and Payne. See Dissolution Co-partnership Nebraska City News 6-21-67 2-3
Bradt, (Rev.) J. W. Appointed to the Grant District by the Nebraska Conference of Methodist churches. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Bragg & Co. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. are expecting five carloads of pine lumber by river transportation. See Industry Nebraska City News 4-5-67 3-1
Brainard, Charles A. Peru, Teacher State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Brainard, John M. Has retired from the editorial chair of the Council Bluffs Nonpariel. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 2-2
Brake, B. M. Awarded prize for essay on Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 2-4
Brand, H. A. Aspinwall Pct., Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertised 10-23-73 2-6
Brannan, M. St. Deroin Pct., Elected Justice of the Peace. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Brannan, M. Elected Justice of the Peace and Judge of Election, St. Deroin Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Brannan, Michael Justice. Annual settlement made. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan. 4 Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Brannan, Michael Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Bratton Is the name of the new Post Office on the Muddy. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 3-4
Bratton, Geo. W. Bought 5 acres at $22.50 and 5 acres at $20 of Nemaha County school land in Section 36, Township 6, Range 15. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Bratton, George W. For County Treasurer of Nemaha County on the Democratic ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-4
Bratton, G. W. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Bratton, Geo. W. To Ester Bausfield warrantee deeds lots 9 and 10 block 27, Brownville, Nebr. $500 Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-5
Bratton, Geo. W. To J. H. Broady, tax deed lots 2, 3, 8 and 9 block 64, Brownville, Nebr. $1.00 Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Bratton, Geo. W. Treasurer to A. P. Darby, tax deed, lots 13 and 14, block 19, lot 2 block 41, Middle Brownville $1.00 Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-5
Bratton, Geo. W. Treasurer to T. J. West, Tax deed, lots 9, 12, 14 block 15, Brownville Nebr. $1 Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Brand, H. A. Grand Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Brawnan, D. C. appointed Minister at West Bloom Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Bray, Nathanial Who was so severly injured a day or two ago, is convalesing. His left arm which was mangled was taken off by Drs. Hershey & Larsh. Dr. Conger of Syracuse precinct aided in giving opiates. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-3
Bray, Nathaniel Democratic candidate for Nebraska House of Representatives. See Political Parties. Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-1
Bray, Nathaniel. Of Syracuse Precinct met with an accident this morning. It is feared he cannot live. See Accident. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Brazelton, Dr sold his town property to Major Wm. Daily Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 3-5
Bresla, Mrs. Breslau, J. C. Appeared ln the character of Evadue last night at Nebr. Cjty. She thoroughly comprehends her character and enters into it fully. See Theatre. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Breslau, J. C. Acting Manager, Nebraska City, Nebr. of Melissa Breslaw's Great Northwestern Combination Company. See Pastimes. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-1
Breslau, J. C. Also a member of the troupe producing Evadue last night at Nebraska City, Nebr. See Theatre. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Breslau, Melissa Proprietress of Great Northwest Combination Company. McCann's Hall every evening. See Pastimes. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-1
Breslau Troupe Dick Johnson, favorite comedian. See Benefit Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1

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