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Crenshaw, Thos C. - Croxton, John H.

Date 18xx p-c
Crenshaw, Thos. C. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Saddles, harness, etc. See Harness Nebraska City News 1-15-68 4-4
Cresky, George Assisted Mr. Southard from Esquire Frank's well Brownville, Nebraska. See Southard A. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-4
Crete Rev. A. J. Swarts appointed Minister at Crete, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 105
Crime In a murder trial at Plattsmouth a jury found Gallant Rakes guilty of the Murder of Mrs. Sarah Powers and sentenced him to life imprisonment. Nebraska Advertiser 11-17-70 2-2
Crime The jury found Foster Guilty of murder of a negro and recommended life imprisonment in the penitentiary. Nebraska Advertiser 10-13-70 1-4
Cirme Charles Phillips, a horse thief broke jail. Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 3-2
Crime Near Ponca, Dixon County, Nebr. near the old Badger Creek crossing a murdered man was found. He had been shot five times and stabbed forty three. Matthew Miller is under suspicion having been seen last with the murdered man. Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-4
Crime Mr. Ames, living 1 1/2 miles south of Thompson Bros Mills, beat his wife until her life is despaired of. His trial will probably result in a new coat. Nebraska Advertiser 5-18-71 3-3
Crime A. G. Burnett, stage agent at Lincoln for six months left with $300 of his proprietor, Mr. Dorrington's money. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-3
Crime John Helmus of Schuyler, Colfax County, a German, was murdered in his home by Marcus H. Sears, F. H. Lent, and S. C. Burchard not more than 20 years old. They robbed him of two or three watches. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-2
Crime The home of John Quinn who resides two miles from Arago was robbed of a suit of clothes belonging to John Kid and 20 cents belonging to his five year old daughter by two masked men, one of whom is believed to be John Patton who escaped from the St. Joseph Jail (clipping from St. Joe Hearld). Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-5
Crime Mr. Mastin, Hastings agent of the B & M. R R was attacked and robbed of $535., $500 of which belonged to the Railroad. Clipping form the St. Joseph Herald Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 2-2
Crime Missouri, Savannah. Attempted robbery of bank. Mr. McLane, president, shot by one of the men, condition dangerous. St. Joe Herald. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 3-6-67 2-5
Crime Nebraska City. Walker, Charles. Arrested at home of Mr. Jennings, three miles south of the city. Leader of gang of horse thieves. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 10-19-68 3-3
Crime Nebraska City. Vincent, Bill. Horse stealer, and escaped convict from Iowa. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 9-16-68 3-2
Crime Nebraska City. Stafford, Thomas. Arrested for horse stealing. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 4-22-67 3-2
Crime Nebraska City. Thomas, Dr. Home entered by burglar. See Outlaws. Nebraska City News 8-28-68 3-2
Crime Nebraska City. Robert, James Arrested for stealing pistol from Mr. Young. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 9-11-68 3-4
Crime Nebraska City. Man arrested for stealing wood, near J. J. Hochstetler's vicinity. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 2-4-67 3-1
Crime Nebraska City. Barnes, High. Fled from bondsmen early in summer, brought back from St. Louis. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Crime Nebraska City. Angel, A. Shop entereed, but scoundrel frightened away. See Outlaws. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Crime Nebraska City. Entrance gained into auction room. Goods amounting to $400 to $600 taken. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 9-28-68 3-2
Crime David Nelson shot Charles Gustavson in a quarrel over family affairs. Both are Swedes Northern Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 6-2-70 2-2
Crime Matt Miller was hung at Ponca by citizens for the murder of Mr. Dunn in Dixon County, Nebraska. Miller made a public confession showing this to be one of the most cold-blooded, cowardly murders ever known. The Covington News says the people were afraid of the pardoning power. Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-2
Crime E. W. Thomas is circulating a petition in Brownville asking Governor Garber to commute the penalty of Dodge, one of the murderers of McGuire, to life imprisonment. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-2
Crime Annie Wilson a prominent Omaha sport (woman of ill repute) one night last week, with about $2500 in her pocket and $1000. in jewelry got gloriously drunk and was robbed. H. B. Clayton, Wm Berry, Ed Burns and W. Morgan (alias Dutch Bill) were arrested and charged with the robbery. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 2-1
Crime Marshal Wright has been busy arresting persons who defraud the government. Johnson item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Crime Isaac and Reuben Wyatt living near Bennett's Mills have absconded, taking with them the wife of N. T. Russell, these men were arrested by the people of Nemaha City for breaking into the store of Burrell Hoover and given a certain length of time to leave the country. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 3-2
Crime John Marshal confessed stealing a team. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Crime Nemaha County, Nebraska. District court, in session at Brownville. James Wright, Indicted for assault with intent to kill Mr. Casenback, and Mr. Fife, for counterfeiting County Warrants, were each found guilty and sentenced to one year in States Prision. See Judiciary. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-69 2-1
Crime Wm A. Noble, Fairbury, 56 years old was recently arrested charged with incest. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 2-1
Crime Nineteen year old Edmond Wilcox was arrested in Brownville with horse stolen from John Ryan ten miles north of Omaha. He once lived in Boynton, Illinois and served in Co. B. 73d Illinois Regiment. Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 3-1
Crime The Post office at Beatrice was robbed of $600 last Monday night. $100 in Postage stamps, $100 in Revenue stamps and the balance from letters in the office reported by R. F. Barrett, land and Real estate Agent. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Crime Mr. Reynolds was fined $10 and costs for assault and battery. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-6
Crime William M. Pruett was convicted of Murder at Hebron recently. See Murder Nebraska Advertiser 3-30-76 2-2,3
Crime. Shooting Affray. The Press in yesterday's issue gives one side of a shooting case that transpired about a week ago n the county west of Nebraska City. The young man Eppileti Girardot was made a hero of by the Press. The matter will be brought up before the legal authorities in proper time. The man who was shot is a stranger here the would be murderer an old citizen with wealthy friends to back him. Nebraska City News 5-10-37 3-2
Shooting affray Nebraska City. Occured in the vicinity of the arcade Saloon last night-possibly over a game of cards. The persons engaged were Wm Flannery, of Fremont County, Iowa and Oren Ramsford - the former attempted to choke the latter when Ramsford drew a Daringer pistol and shot him throught the groin. Understand of Flannery is a Civil officer of Fremont Co. and possibly the individual who arrested Dircks, the murderer, last summer. Nebraska City News 3-29-67 2-1
Shooting Affray Peoples Press See Falls City   4-24-60  
Criminals Abbott, who has been arrested for robbing the mails was examined at Omaha a few days ago and in default of $4000 bail, incarcerated in jail. Nebraska City News 11-20-68 3-1
Criminals Otway G. Baker in a written confession, says he is the murderer of Woolsey D. Higgins and also committed the robbery and the arson with which he has been charged. Nebraska City News 1-27-68 2-3
Criminals Ottowa Baker, the murderer of Will R. King's book keeper at Omaha, escaped by the aid of friends. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 3-2
Criminals Bankers and others are cautioned against a sharper who signs B. S. Ware and other names to forged drafts, says a Des Moines dispatch. The gentleman has succeeded in swindling several bankers in the eastern part of the State and is now supposed to be winding around in this latitude or in Omaha. He is a going man, 25 years of age and about 5 or 6 feet. high. Omaha Herald. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 2-4
Criminals James. H. Brown and John Burno, were arrested yeaterday in Kearney Ward, for drunkenness, shooting, etc. They were fined $10. and cost's, each. Nebraska City News 4-19-67 3-2
Criminals A couple of prisoners now confined in one of the cells of the Court House, have been preparing to make their exit. The jailor had his suspicions aroused, lately by the frequent visits of the lady friend of one of the prisoners, and on Friday night noticed her hovering around the outside of the cell. Upon examination it was discovered she had furnished the prisoners with two large rasps, one small file, a couple of butcher's knives and a bottle of aquafortis with which to soften the iron. Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-2
Criminals Col. John A. Joyce an internal revenue officer at Jefferson City has been convicted of dishonest practices in office. He will be fined $1000, and 7 mo. imprisonment. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 2-3
Criminals More Thompson in Peru just from the west reported the robbery of the N. W. Stage Company by A. W. Ellis, stage driver for the company between Fairview and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Stole $4,200 and "lit out". Has three days start. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-2,3
Criminals Charles McKinney a notorious desperado, who has been in the habit of frightening people by threatening to shoot, cut, maul, etc., was arrested by Marshal Hickey on Saturday for brandishing a revolver and disturbing the peace at Concert Hall. He was fined $10 and costs. Employment will be furnished him on the streets in case be refuses to pay the fine. Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-1
Criminals Crime for Year. Arrests made by the Marshal since January 1st, 1866, to February 4, 1867 - Territorial Cases Adultery, 12; arson 3, assault with intent to kill 4; attempt to rob 4; larceny 24; seduction 1; obtaining money under false pretenses 2; passing counterfeit money 5; rioting 5; robbery 6; horsethieves 10. Total 76. City Cases Careless driving 5; fast driving 6; carrying fire-arms 23; disturbing the peace 34; disturbing neighborhoods 9; drunk on the streets 29; exposing their persons 3; insulting ladies 8; keeping bawdy houses 29; obstructing sidewalks 14; pedling without license 3; shooting within City limits ; using vulgar and obscure language 7; vagrants 23; pimps for houses prostitution 18; assault and battery 39; prostitutes 46; selling liquor without license 17; teaming without license; riding on sidewalks 10. Total 350. The total number of arrests from Jan. 1, 1866 to Febr. 14, 1867 amounts to 426. During the same period in the years 1865 and 1866, the number was 309. In the spring and summer of 1866 there were more arrests made than in 18 months afterwards. At that time, there were in the City 9 houses of public prostitution. At the present time there is not one. Nebraska City News 3-1-67 3-2
Criminals Out of eighteen prisoners who broke jail in St. Joseph on the 1st, fourteen were captured before the 5th and one is under the sod. Union. Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-2
Crim, Miss Viola W. J. G. of Good Templars, present at Febr. 9 meeting. See Organizations and Associations. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Crippen, J. D. Appointed minister at Mt. Pleasant Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Crippen, Perry Glen Rock Pct. Elected Road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-27-73 2-6
Crist, H. L. Brownville, officer Knights of Pythias. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 3-2
Crockett, Capt. Wm. Made a billiard "run" of six hundred and twenty on Saturday at the Billiard Hall east of Lindsey Hotel. Nebraska City News 5-20-67 2-1
Slavery Peoples Press at Nebraska City, an ardent Black Republican paper, Commenting escape five slaves, property Mr. Majors, from that town, thinks negroes did not better their condition, quote. "Seriously, much as we believe slavery, as system, to be an evil and opinion its spread should be prevented in this instance, servitude was undoubtedly mildest form slavery, and in new untried field of freedom, and unprepared--they may encounter difficulties not expected or contemplated by their advisers; if such there were." Omaha Nebraskan 7-14-60 2-3
Crockett, Mr. Formerly a citizen of Nebraska City arrived from Helena, Montana Territory, last evening. Nebraska City News 3-6-67 3-2
Cromwell, Jacob R. and wife to C. M. Snoke warrantee deed lot 5 block 42 Middle Brownville, Nebr. $60. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Crook, Col. Indian fighter promoted to brigadier general. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 2-5
Crook, Gen. is prepared for an expected Indian outbreak. See Indians Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 2-1
Crook, T. D. Nebraska City, Brick residence on Otoe St. See Buildings Nebraska City News 8-7-65 3-3
Crooks and Pierpont New City Meat Market, north side of Main Street Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 3-3
Cropsey, Colonel Gave $280 for the new Methodist Church at Beatrice. Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 1-2
Cropsey, Col. Has just sold 3 lots in block 86 at Lincoln to Mr. Townly of Ohio, says Lincoln Commonwealth. Nebraska City News 8-19-68 3-2
Cropsey, A. J. Elected Senator of Pawnee, Gage, Jefferson, Saline and Lancaster to the Nebraska Ledgislature. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Cross, D. D. Elected trustee of the Brownville school for 1 year. See School Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 2-2,3
Cross, Daniel O. Real estate transfer from Alex W. Morgan, N 1/2 of S 1/2 of lots 13, 14, 15, & 16, Block 7 in Brownville, Nebr. $100. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Cross, J. F. St. Deroin Pct. Elected Assessor, Clerk of Election, and Justice of the Peace. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Cross, J. H. Successor to Rhodes and Tingle. He is a brother of Mr. Cross of the Star Hotel of Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 1-4
Cross, Jennie Brownville. Took part in high school program. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Cross, Miss Sue and others in "Not afraid of Ghost" at St. Dervin District School excercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Cross and Stevenson Sold their interest in the Star Hotel to Jesse McDowell. See Hotel. Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 3-3
Crossland, A. Proprietor with Sam Warfield of Nebraska City Variety Show. Singing, dancing, jokes, etc. See Pastimes. Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Crossley & Crossley St. Deroin, flour mill. Nebraska Advertiser 12-18-73 3-5
Crother, Mrs. Of Nemaha City is at Brownville on Court business Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Crother, Esquire Shoe shop owner, Nemaha City. See Nemaha City Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-8
Crother, J. P. Elected Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Election, Nemaha Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Crothers, J. P. United Samuel Bennet, Jr., and Frances Seaberry in Marriage. See marriage Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-3
Crother, J. P. Nemaha City Pct., Elected Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Crother, Jno P. Justice of the peace Annual settlements approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Crother, Jno P. Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Crother, Justice J. P. Married Wm W. Seid and Lauretta Prall. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-7
Crother, P. Will conduct arithmetic drill for the Nemaha Teachers. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-3
Crother, P. Nemaha City Pct. E lected Clerk of Election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Crothers, Philip Elected Clerk of Election. See Election Returns, Nemaha County Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Crother, Philip Teacher of Nemaha school has closed for the holidays. Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-75 3-6
Cronch, Mason Wyoming precinct, Otoe County. See Coal Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-1
Crounse, Hon. L. Associate Justice to Third Judicial District. See Judicial Nebraska City News 3-29-67 2-2
Crouse, U. S. Senator From nebraska originated the bill to open Fort Kearney military reservation to homestead entry. See Legislation, Congressional Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 2-1
Crow, G. W. Vice President of Nemaha County Fari. See Fair, County Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 2-2
Crow, Geo. Master of Rising Sun Grange, London Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Crow, Geo. London Pct. Elected Justice of the Peace. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Crow, George W. Elected Vice President of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 4-3
Crow, Mrs. Mary Delegate to Good Templars from Security Lodge. See Organizations and Associations Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Crow, Robert With morris Barrows has bought the Chieftain. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-2
Crow, Wm W. O. S. of Good Templars, present at Febr. 9 meeting. See Organizations and Associations Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Crow and Thatcher Dermapathic Physicians, will be at Nebraska City, Nebr. April 16, 22 and 29th and on May 6th for 3 days each week at the Seymour House. See Physicians Nebraska City News 4-10-67 2-5
Crowell, D. A. Appointed Minister at Kearney Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Crowell, H. Elected Judge of Election, Bedford Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha COunty Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Crowther, William Nemaha City, died. Nebraska Advertiser 1-8-74 3-3
Croxton, John H. Received 8,648 votes for Governor Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 4-2
Croxton & Calhoun Nebraska City. Attorneys for plaintiff Horatio Vars vs Milton D. Anderson, et al. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-30-68 2-4
Croxton & Calhoun Attorney's for plaintiff, Horation Vars vs Milton D. Anderson, et al. Otoe County district court, Mortgage forclosure. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 10-30-68 2-4
Croxton, Mr. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Attorneys Nebraska City News 1-31-68 2-5
Croxton, J. H. Nebr. City. 3rd Ward Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Croxton, J. H. Member of Democratic Central Committee. See Election, Primary Nebraska City News 7-17-68 2-1
Croxton, John H. Declined the nomination on the Labor Reform ticket, saying that he is a Democrat. Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 1-5
Croxton, Hon. John H. Speaker at Democratic meeting at Syracuse Precinct. See Political parties, Democratic Nebraska City News 8-31-68 2-1
Croxton, John H. Was placed in nomination for Chief Justice of Nebraska by the Democratic State Central Committee at Plattsmouth. See Convention, Democratic. Nebraska City News 9-28-68 2-2
Croxton, John M. Administrator of estate of Mrs. Sarah A. Hulin, deceased, late of Otoe County, Nebraska. Probate Court vs Claims. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5

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