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192 09/15/70 3 4 Stewart, William Election School election for District No. 69, composed of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 of Town 6 Range 12. William Stewart, Moderator; Chas. E. McPherson, Director and John M. Doty, Treasurer. Also propose to build a new school.
192 09/15/70 3 4 McPherson, Chas. E. Election School election for District No. 69, composed of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 of Town 6 Range 12. William Stewart, Moderator; Chas. E. McPherson, Director and John M. Doty, Treasurer. Also propose to build a new school.
192 09/15/70 3 4 Doty, John M. Election School election for District No. 69, composed of Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35 of Town 6 Range 12. William Stewart, Moderator; Chas. E. McPherson, Director and John M. Doty, Treasurer. Also propose to build a new school.
192 11/24/70 2 3   Election Seven editors were candidates for Congress in New York at last election.
192 09/15/70 2 1 Tucker, George P. Election George P. Tucker of Johnson County is on the ticket for Senator from the 3rd district from Richardson, Nemaha and Johnson Counties.
192 09/01/70 2 2 Hilton, B. F. Election B. F. Hilton of Blair, Washington County, has been nominated for State Senator from the 9th Senatorial District.
192 09/15/70 2 6 Hoxie, M. B. Election M. B. Hoxie has been nominated candidate for Representative from Colfax and Platte Counties.
192 08/18/70 2 3 Stewart, Dr. A. S. Election Dr. A. S. Stewart of Pawnee City, brother of our fellow citizen Dr. C. F. Stewart, has been nominated candidate for the State Senator of the 4th Senatorial District consisting of Pawnee, Gage, Lancaster, Jefferson and Saline Counties.
192 08/18/70 2 3 Stewart, Dr. C. F. Election Dr. A. S. Stewart of Pawnee City, brother of our fellow citizen Dr. C. F. Stewart, has been nominated candidate for the State Senator of the 4th Senatorial District consisting of Pawnee, Gage, Lancaster, Jefferson and Saline Counties.
192 07/28/70 2 1   Election List of delegates from Brownville Precinct to County Convention. They are instructed to cast the entire vote without proxies.
192 09/22/70 3 6 Houghes, A. T. D. Election List of voters in Bedford Precinct. A. T. D. Houghes, Registrar
192 09/22/70 3 6 Stunman, Henry Election List of voters in Benton Precinct. Henry Stunman, Registrar
192 09/15/70 4 2 Higgins, Jonathan Election List of voters in Lafayette Precinct. Jonathan Higgins, Registrar
192 09/15/70 4 2 Dundas, Wesley Election List of voters in Douglas Precinct. Wesley Dundas, Registrar
192 09/15/70 4 2 Barnes, John Election List of voters in Nemaha Precinct. John Barnes, Registrar
192 09/22/70 3 7 Hawley, Richard Election List of voters in Washington Precinct. Richard Hawley, Registrar
192 09/22/70 3 7 Cedbertson, D. Y. Election List of voters in Glen Rock Precinct. D. Y. Cedbertson, Registrar
192 09/22/70 4 4 Martin, Joseph P. Election List of voters in Peru Precinct. Joseph P. Martin, Registrar
192 09/29/70 3 5-6 Houghes, R. V. Election List of voters of Brownville Precinct. R. V. Houghes, Registrar
192 09/22/70 3 7 Vanderventer, George Election List of voters in St. Deroin Precinct. George Vanderventer, Registrar
192 09/22/70 2 1   Election List of delegates elected to the County Convention.
192 09/08/70 1 5 Croxton, John H. Election John H. Croxton who was nominated for State Treasurer on the Labor Reform Ticket, declines because he is a Democrat.
192 10/20/70 2 4   Election Nebraska Legislature Members-elect.
192 09/01/70 2 5 Kimsey, T. C. Election Peoples Convention T.C. Kimsey, Esquire was elected chairman and W. T. Rogers Secretary (List of delegates elected.)
192 09/01/70 2 5 Rogers, W. T. Election Peoples Convention T.C. Kimsey, Esquire was elected chairman and W. T. Rogers Secretary (List of delegates elected.)
192 07/28/70 2 2   Election Precinct caucus of the Aspinwall precinct Republicans. Met to elect delegates to Convention.
192 09/22/70 2 5   Election Republicans of Washington Precinct met to nominate Convention officers.
192 08/04/70 2 5   Election The Republican County Convention met at the Court House in Brownville to elect eleven delegates. Listed.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Taffe, John Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Butler, David Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 James, William Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Koenig, Henry Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Roberts, George Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 McKenzie, J. M. Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Gould, Charles Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Hewitt, O. B. Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F.. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Carvin, T. C. Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 08/18/70 2 1 Gray, E. F. Election Republican State Ticket. John Taffe for Congress; David Butler for Governor; William James for Secretary of State; Koenig, Henry for State Treasurer; George Roberts for Attorney General; J. M. McKenzie for State Superintendent; Charles Gould for State Prison Inspector; O. B. Hewitt for District Attorney District 1; T. C. Carvin for District Attorney District 2; E. F. Gray for District Attorney District 3.
192 05/04/71 2 4   Election Results in Brownville.
192 11/10/70 2 2 Rogers, Hon. E. H. Election Hon. E. H. Rogers of Fremont is candidate for U. S. Senate.
192 09/22/70 2 3   Election Aspinwall Precinct elected delegates to County Convention at Brownville September 24, 1870.
192 09/15/70 2 6 Gerrard, L. L. Election L. L. Gerrard is the Republican candidate for the Senate from the district composed of Colfax, Platte, Merrick, Hall, Buffalo, Lincoln and Kearney.
192 01/19/71 2 1 Hitchcock, P. W. Election Of Honorable P. W. Hitchcock as United States Senator.
192 12/22/70 2 1 Sanders, D. C. Election The Board of Commissioners met in special session and ordered a special election to fill the vacancy in the county's Legislative representation occasioned by the death of D. C. Sanders.
192 10/21/69 2 3   Election Official returns in Nemaha County.
192 05/18/71 2 3   Election Jefferson county is 48 miles long by 18 miles wide. At a recent election its residents voted concerning its division. For 360, against 65.
192 05/05/70 2 1 Morton Election The election in Nebraska City on Monday resulted in the election of 4 Republicans and 5 Democrats. This is the first time for 8 years that a Republican has been elected to office in Nebraska City. Morton and the news labored with much zeal to elect a ticket upon the temperance Platform but failed
192 04/07/70 2 2   Election On Monday the following People's Ticket was gotten out and the whole of it elected.
192 10/07/69 2 4   Election Nemaha County Democratic Convention.
192 04/27/71 3 5-6 Hughes, R. V. Election List of voters of Brownville Precinct. R. V. Hughes, register
192 04/27/71 2 7   Election List of voters in Nemaha City Precinct.
192 04/27/71 2 7   Election List of voters in Glen Rock precinct.
192 01/13/70 2 5-6   Election List of the under signed Registrar of voters in Brownville Precinct in Nemaha County Nebr.
192 01/20/70 2 6   Election List of Registrar voters of Brownville Nebr.
192 09/23/69 3 6   Election List of registered voters in Washington Precinct, Nemaha County, Nebr.
192 09/23/69 3 6   Election List of registered voters in St. Deroin Precinct Nemaha County, Neb.
192 09/16/69 2 5   Election List of registered voters in Peru Precinct, Nemaha County.
192 09/23/69 3 6   Election List of registered voters in Glen Rock Precinct, Nemaha County, Neb.
192 04/20/71 2 5   Election List of registered voters in Douglas precinct, Nemaha County Nebraska.
192 09/16/69 1 5-6   Election List of registered voters in Brownville and Douglas Precincts of Nemaha County.

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