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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 3/23/68 3 2 Lorton & Bennett Fir of Nebraska City, Nebr. Lost goods by burning of a freight car. See Fire.
0848 6/1/68 3 3 Lost A black morroco note book, containing valuable papers of no use to anyone but the owner. J.D. Clayton.
0848 1/24/68 3 2 Lost Samuel Fitchie has lost his New Foundland pup. Suitable reward for his return.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Lost A gold Masonic breastpin - the square set with 12 pearls. Liberal reward for its return to this office or to R.M. Hill.
0848 8/21/68 3 1 Lost My shot gun on 10th & Otoe Streets, finder return to J. Shoff and receive reward.
0848 6/3/68 3 2 Lost Note dated May 18, 1868 for $1000 payable to N.L. Simpson and J.B. Bennet on Oct. 1, 1868. Sanders Diefendorf.
0848 5/13/68 3 2 Lost Judge Rector lost $8.80 yesterday; fined will be rewarded by leaving it at the store of D.J. Goff.
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Lost Taken up by Henry F. Jenkins, 6 1/2 miles south Nebraska City in Camp Creek precinct, one Steer, letter "A" branded on left hip. Also steer calf.
0848 3/30/68 3 2 Lost, City Warrant. No. 1780 for $20. drawn in favor of Henry L. Harvey, or bearer; payment stopped, finder return to L. Levi. Blum & Co.'s Store.
0848 1/27/68 2 3 Lost or Stolen Red setter dog belonging to William Phifer, No. 157 Main Street, Nebraska City, Nebraska.
0848 3/29/67 3 1 Lost. $10 Reward On Wed. afternoon on Main Street, a small sheepskin pocket-book containing $50 in cash and a note on Wesley Queen. Will pay above reward for return of book and contents. James Woods.
0848 3/15/67 3 1 Lotbridge, L. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Livery, Feed and sale Stable, Agent for Studebaker Wagons. See Wagons.
0848 12/28/68 2 3 Lotteries. Missouri State. Draws daily. Capital prizes of $5000 to $10,000. The Great Single Number Plan draws every twenty days. Send for circular to the State Managers. C.H. Murray & Co. P.O. Box 3347, St. Louis, Mo.
0848 3/30/68 2 6 Lotteries. Nebraska City Grand Prize scheme $22,000 in premiums. Number of prizes 402, price of certificate $5.00. A fortune for somebody. First Prize, valued at $15,500, fire proof brick store building at Nebraska City.
0848 10/16/68 3 2 Lotteries. Paschall House Drawing. Came off last Saturday at St. Louis, No. 55,792 drew the Paschall House and the ticket held by Mr. Peter E. Hawkins of Memphis, Tennessee, and valued at $280,000. No. 71530 drew the Memphis residence valued at $60,000; No. 92,085 drew the house on Chesnut street, valued at $18,000. The four $15,000 residences were drawn by No's. 11,794, 93,340, 1819, and 35,367 respectively. Residence 714 on Chonteau Avenue, by No. 43,106, and residence 716 on Chonteau Avenue by No. 81,433.
0848 3/23/68 3 2 Lottridge, Lee Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Horses.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Louisiana Elected J.R. West for U.S. Senator, J.S.Harris retiring.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 Love, Dr. Sold his drug establishment to Reed, Whitinger & Co. Nebr. City. See Druggist.
1305 6/26/73 3 6 Love, John W. To Wm. F. Craddock and John Craddock warrantee deed lot 8, block 45 Brownville Neb $76.
1305 3/16/76 3 2 Love, J.W. Is preparing to go to the Black Hills. See Black Hills.
1305 5/15/73 3 4 Loveless, Mrs. Owns the largest orchard in this vicinity formerly owned by Mr. Byrd Vowel.
1305 3/23/76 3 3 Loveless, J. Is in the pary bound for the Black Hills. See Black Hills.
1305 3/23/76 3 3 Loveless, J. Writes letter from Little Sandy on way to Black Hills. See Black Hills.
1305 6/23/70 2 3 Lovett, M. Of Omaha, elected G.W.M. of the Good Templars Lodge.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Low, D. Elected Justice of the Peace, Aspinwall Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha Co.
0848 6/21/67 3 1 Lowe, Judge District Court at Omaha. See Judiciary.
1305 12/30/69 1 8 Lowe, Dr. Enos. Elected President of the Soldiers of Nebr.
1305 11/25/69 2 1 Lowe, Rev. T.S. New Baptist pastor preached in the new church just completed.
1305 8/26/69 3 2 Lowe, Reverend J.S. Of Rushville, Illinois new Baptist Pastor at Brownville, Nebraska. See Church.
0848 9/17/59 3 1 Lowe, W.H. Nebraska City, Nebr. Territory, Peach orchard, trees for sale. See Horticulture.
0848 3/29/62 3 4 Lowe, W.H. Nebraska City, Nebr. Territory, Peach orchard, trees for sale. See Horticulture.
0848 8/31/61 3 2 Lowe, W.H. Nebraska City, Nebr. Territory, Peach orchard, trees for sale. See Horticulture.
0848 2/28/68 3 2 Lowe, W.H. Nebraska City, Nebr. Territory, Peach orchard, trees for sale. See Horticulture.
1305 10/20/70 2 3 Lowe, W.W. Elected Treasurer and Director of the omaha Smelting Works. See Industry.
1305 6/26/73 3 2 Lowell Worthing, Sheppard & Co. has established a Bank at Lowell, Nebr.
1305 4/3/73 3 5 Lowman, Emanuel "The Builders". The schools exhibition at the Hall.
1305 11/25/75 3 4 Lowman, L. Bought 1 share of Centennial stock. (Brownville) See Exposition.
1305 10/30/73 3 3 Lowman, Louis Real estate transfer from Eli S. Wibley and wife.
1305 2/9/71 2 4 Lowrie, (Miss) Jennie Taught the first school in Hamilton County. See School.
1305 11/11/75 3 6 Lowry, Lizzie A. Died in Lincoln. Nov 3, 1875. See Deaths.
0848 3/25/67 3 2 Luckey, Mr. and Rab__l from Omaha, arrested for robbery. Mr. Luckey released. See Outlaws.
1305 3/2/76 3 7 Lucus, Charles A. Was married to Mrs. Lavina Russell Febr. 25th. See Marriage.
1305 1/15/74 2 4 Luke, Rev., Circuit rider
0848 5/29/68 3 3 Lull, John B. Arrived at home from Atchison, Kansas yesterday.
0848 1/15/68 1 6 Lumber Geo. E. Bragg & Co., assortment of Pine, Poplar, Oak, Walnut, Cottonwood, etc., constantly on hand. Lumber, shingles, lath. Nebraska City.
0848 7/20/68 3 2 Lumber A branch lumber yard has been started at Lincoln by Ballentine & Bragg. Some twenty-five loads of lumber for that place have left the City during the week.
0848 11/6/68 3 2 Lumber Eleven loads left the City yesterday afternoon for the western part of the State.
0848 8/21/68 3 4 Lumber Fifteen wagons loaded with lumber left Ballentine and Bragg's yard on Tuesday for Lincoln.
0848 7/15/68 3 3 Lumber The firm of Ballentine & Bragg received last week two hundred and ninety thousand feet of pine lumber and on Saturday last there was remaining in their yard, unsold only about forty-three thousand feet.
0848 1/15/68 2 5 Lumber McElroy & Simpson. Pine Flooring, siding, finishing lumber, doors, lath, etc.
0848 2/12/68 3 1 Lumber One thousand and forty feet of clear pine lumber on one wagon, passed through Nebraska City yesterday bound for Lincoln.
0848 12/7/68 2 4 Lumber R.D. Simpson & Co., Nebraska City, Nebraska. Having bought the lumber stock of McIllvoy & Co., we are prepared to furnish finishing lumber of all descriptions, flooring, siding, shingles, lath, doors, sash, window and door frames, at low prices. We guarantee satisfaction.
0848 12/4/68 3 2 Lumber Richard Simpson, Esq. has pruchased the stock of lumber owned by McIllvoy and will commence business in a few days
0848 9/9/68 3 2 Lumber Two hundred thousand feet of pine lumber was received by Ballentine & Bragg on yesterday from St. Louis and fifteen thousand feet was sent to Lincoln today by the same firm.
0848 8/12/68 2 5 Lumber E. Wilhelm, has opened a new lumber yard on corner of 15th and Otoe Streets, Nebraska City. Full assortment of cottonwood, oak, elm, etc., sawed to order. Geo. W. Soart, Agent
0848 8/17/68 2 6 Lumber E. Wilhelm. Has opened a new lumber yard on 11th & Otoe St. with a full assortment of cottonwood, elm, oak, etc., sawed to order on short notice. Geo. W. Shoat, Agent.
0848 1/17/68 2 6 Lumber. For sale. Craig and Sroat [sic]. Cor. 11th & Main, Nebraska City. Fine lumber, lath and shingles. Also prepared to fill all orders for building materials at Lincoln.
0848 4/1/68 3 2 Lumber sale Thirty thousand feet was taken from the yard of Bragg & Co. on last Saturday. Four men were engaged in measuring and one in taking in the money.
1305 7/8/69 1 6 Lunsman, Henry Bought 80 acres of school land in Nemaha County in Section 36, Township 5, Range 13 at $7 per acre. See School Land.
1305 6/16/70 2 3 Lushbaugh, B.F. Of Omaha, Corresponding Secretary of Nebraska State Historical Society. See Neb. St. Hist. Soc.
1305 2/3/70 4 1 Lushbaugh, Major B.F. A gentleman well known throughout the state has recently pruchased the old home farm of Hon. George P. Tucker in Johnson County.
1305 4/24/70 2 1 Lushbaugh, Major B.F. Of Brownville, has moved with his family to Omaha, to make their home.
1305 1/5/71 1 4 Lushbaugh, Mrs. B.F. Died one month after her husband. Leaves four children.
1305 10/23/73 2 4,5 Lyman, Mr. Gage Co., prairie fire set by boys herding his his cattle.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Lyman, C.W. Gage Co., prairie fire.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Lyman, W.W. Gage Co., a renter lost hay and his stables by prairie fire.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Lyons Rev. C.W. Wells appointed minister at Lyons Nebraska.
1305 9/15/70 3 1 Lyons, Jackson Plaintiff, petition of Real Estate Commissioners, allowed $3 per day for services. See Legal Notice
0848 1/15/68 2 6 Lyons, Jos. Philadelphia Clothing Store, Nebr. City. See Clothing.
1305 10/16/73 2 6-7 McAdams, Mr. Nemaha, Co., elected County Commissioner.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 McAdams, R.T. Elected Judge of Election, Peru Precinct. See Election Returns.
0848 4/29/67 3 1 McAlister, R. Omaha Nebraska. Director of the omaha Baseball Club. See Societies & Organizations.
0848 8/21/68 3 2 McAnaly, Rev. D.R.D.D. Editor of the St. Louis Cristian [sic] Advocate is exspected [sic] to dedicate the M.E. Church, South of Nebraska City about Oct. 1st.
0848 6/3/67 2 3 McArthur At Balvais with one company of 36th Infantry to guard the railroad employees. See Military.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 McArthur, N. Elected Justice of the Peace and Clerk of Election of Island Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 McArthur, N. Island Pct., Elected Clerk of Election.
1305 9/15/70 3 1 McArthur, Nathan Defendant in suit brought by Benjamin F. Duncan for $242.75. See Legal Notice.
1305 12/15/70 1 4 McAusland, J.N. (Dr.) Assistant Superintendent of the Nebraska Insane Asylum.
0848 4/13/68 3 3 McBride, Mr. Daughter aged 16 years. See Death.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 McBride, Ella Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal.
1305 2/12/74 2 3 McBride, J.C. Colfax County, Ajutant [sic] General with rank of Brig. General on governor's Military Staff.
1305 12/9/75 3 3 McCabe, _____ Allowed $1.80 for lamp. See Municipal Government - City Council Proceedings - Brownville.
1305 12/9/75 3 3 McCabe, _____ (Marshal) Presented bill of $50. for salary. See Municipal Government - City Council Proceedings - Brownville.
1305 1/6/76 3 3 McCabe, (Marshal) Was present at city council meeting. See Government - Municipal - Brownville.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 McCabe, J.B. Brownville Pct., Elected Constable.
1305 6/12/73 3 6 McCabe, Jno. B. Appointed on Committee of Ways & Means Artillery Committee of 4th of July celebration.
1305 10/16/73 3 2 McCabe, Jno. B. Brownville Pct., Elected Constable.
1305 11/27/73 3 2 McCabe, J.B. Brownville, officer Knights of Pythias
1305 10/21/75 3 4 McCabe, John B. Elected constable and supervisor District No. 3, Brownville Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 4/6/76 3 2 McCabe, J.B. Elected marshall of Brownville. See Election.
1305 12/23/63 3 1 McCabe, J.B. has resigned as Marshal of Brownville Neb.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 McCabe, John M. Constable Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioner's Proceedings, Jan.4.
0848 9/21/68 3 2 McCaig, D. Nominated for Member of the house for Cass Co. at Cass County Republican convention. See Convention. Republican.
1305 6/12/73 1 8 McCaig, Wm. of Elmwood Cass county Secretary. Patrons of Husbandry.

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