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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 12/15/67 2 3 Mail The Post Office committee has been instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a package post on all the great lines of travel, for carrying money and merchandise at special rates.
1305 9/2/69 2 2 Mail A post office has been established at Sheridan in Nemaha County with Westly Dundas postmaster. Mail will be brought tri-weekly from Brownville by the Beatrice carrier.
0848 1/31/68 3 2 Mail The St. Louis and St. Joseph mail arrived this morning at half past eight.
0848 1/29/68 3 2 Mail Seward county and the county immediately west are to have a weekly mail running to a point 35 miles west from Camden via "West's Mills" Beaver Mill Crossing" and McFaddens. Line extends half way to Kearney.
0848 12/9/68 3 1 Mail Southern, Northern and Western mail coaches are snowbound in this City.
0848 3/25/67 3 3 Mail and Telegraph protection. See Military.
0848 5/15/67 3 3 Mail Understand Capt. Bebout has been appointed post master at Eastport, Iowa.
0848 4/24/67 3 2 Mail Volunteers to bring the mail for this Post Office from Sidney, for a consideration.
1305 2/24/76 2 12 Mail C.E. Yost has resigned the office of postmaster of Omaha. It is rumored Don Parmaler will succeed him.
0848 11/18/68 3 5 Mail. Bids for Post Office Building. Will be received by J.J. Hochstettler at the Post Office until Dec. 10, at noon, for the lease of a building 48 X 60 suitable for a post office building, possession desired by July 1, 1869, and situated between 4th & 10th, and Otoe and Main Streets.
0848 1/15/68 3 1 Mail Council Bluffs & St. Joe R.R. Leaves Nebraska City 12:50 P.M. Arrives Nebraska City 11:15 A.M. Leaves Council Bluffs 8:30 A.M. Arrives Council Bluffs 3:35 P.M. H.W. Phelps, Superintendent.
1305 2/24/70 2 4 Mail or Government appointments. Post offices have been established and Post Masters appointed in Nebraska as follows.
0848 1/24/68 2 4 Mail Post Office Nebraska City. Sealed proposals will be received until Jan. 26, for carrying the mails, daily between Nebraska City, and the Council Bluffs & St. Joseph Railroad station. Must serve at least for one year at price proposed and to be not less than sixteen years old.
0848 1/20/68 3 2 Mail Postage Reduced to foreign Countries. Postage rate, since Jan. 1, 1868 upon letters and news papers forwarded in the mails between United States and the North German Union Europe and Asia have been materially reduced. Letters weighing 1/2 oz. are sent North including the German States and German Union, Austria and Denmark for 10 cents.
0848 11/13/68 3 1 Mail Robberies. William J. Abbott of Lincoln post office was arrested for taking money from letters, was a carpenter by trade and formerly a citizen of Nebraska City in the employ of Mr. Templin, but previous to his removal to Lincoln, was employed by Mr. Levy as clerk of the Oak Hall Clothing store. For nearly a year general complaint has been made to our postmaster that the mails between Nebraska City and Lincoln have been tampered with and money abstracted. Information from a special agent to Mr. Hochstetler as to money being taken from a registered letter pointed to the Lincoln or Nebraska City office. Mr. Hochstetler found circumstance pointing to the Lincoln postmaster and advised Mr. Abbott to resign, which he refused to do. During the last month the special agent of Missouri informed the Nebraska City postmaster that $16 had been taken from a registered letter mailed from Lincoln and asked what time the letter had arrived here, which was four days enroute - three longer than necessary. They found money taken from a letter on Mr. Abbott's person and he was immediately arrested.
0848 8/2/67 2 4 Mail Route The Post Office Department has made arrangements by which an overland mail will leave the western end of the kansas branch of the Pacific railroad via Santa Fe and Arizona to San Francisco.
0848 12/28/68 3 2 Mail, Route. Hon. Geo. Tucker is trying to secure a much needed route from Nebraska City into Johnson County.
0848 4/10/67 2 5 Mail Route, Overland Wells, Fargo & Co. are prepared to purchase at North Platte Station on the Union Pacific railroad, their yearly supply of corn. See freighting.
1305 12/20/56 3 3 Mail Route. U.S. From Nemaha Agency in Kansas to Nyoway River in Nebraska. One trip per week each way stopping at Pricipal towns on Missouri River, Good hacks, good horses and nice men for drivers. J.B. and W. Bennet, Contractors.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Maine Re-elected L.M. Morrill for U.S. Senator.
1305 12/9/75 3 1 Majors, ______ Cardiff Giant. Mr. Majors has received a portion of the Cardiff Giant. See Cardiff Giant.
0848 3/30/68 3 2 Majors, Mr. Extensive farming in Otoe County. See Agriculture.
0848 2/10/68 3 2 Alex Majors Esq. Arrived home from Missouri Saturday enjoying the best of health.
0848 6/19/68 2 4 Majors, Alexander Formerly of freighting firm Majors, Russell and Waddell, has been in town says Frontier Index loading his train with supplies for U.P. railroad graders at Green River. See Freighting.
0848 1/31/68 3 2 Majors, Alexander Has been confined to his bed at Boonsville, Missouri. See Health.
0848 10/26/68 3 2 Majors, Mr. Alexander Is lying dangerously ill at one of the posts on the plains. Mrs. Majors left the City Saturday to attend him.
0848 5/8/67 3 1 Majors, Alexander Esq. Is on the streets of Nebraska City. We are all glad to see our energetic citizen again.
0848 3/15/67 3 1 Majors, S.D. Youngest daughter, aged 4 months and 19 days died at Nebraska City, Nebr.
1305 10/20/70 2 4 Majors, S.P. Elected to the House from Nemaha County.
1305 11/13/73 3 2 Majors, S.P. Gave short address at new building dedicated at Peru Normal School.
0848 6/17/67 2 2-3 Majors, T.J. Republican member State Legislature and officer of Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and Columbus railroad incorporated June 11th. See Land Stealing.
1305 4/22/69 2 2 Majors, Col. Thos. J. Appointed assessor of Internal Revenue for the state of Nebraska. Was Colonel in Co. C 1st Nebraska Infantry, entered in 1861, and became 1st Lieutenant and finished service July 1866.
1305 9/15/70 2 6 Majors, Col. Thos. J. Of Brownville, Nebraska married to Isabella Bushong of Illinois. See Marriage.
1305 12/30/69 1 8 Majors, T.J. Col. Chairman of the Soldier of Nebr. See Military.
1305 11/25/75 3 4 Majors, T.J. Has been appointed one of the Centennial Board of Nebraska for Nemaha County. See Exposition.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Majors, Wils. E. Authorized to buy 2 Babcock fire estinguishers. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceeding, Jan. 5
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Majors, Wils. E. County Clerk, present at Jan. 4 meeting. See Nemaha County, Commissioners Proceddings.
1305 1/12/76 3 4 Majors, Wilson E. County Clerk. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan.4
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Majors, Wilson E. County Clerk. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan.4
1305 10/16/73 2 6-7 Majors, Wilson E. Nemaha Co., Elected County Clerk.
1305 4/17/73 2 6 Majors, Witson[sic] E. Plaintiff against John S. Randolph, foreclosure of mortgage, judgment for plaintiff $822.20
1305 8/4/70 2 2 Majors, Wilson E. Has been appointed Internal Revenue Official at Nebraska City.
1305 6/19/73 2 5 Majors, Wilson E. Real estate transfer from Robert S. Daily. N.W. qr. and N1/2 of S.W. qr. 8 & 1/2 of N.W. qr. 17,6,15. $2,800.
1305 6/5/73 3 4 Majors, Wilson E. Real estate transfer from Samuel R. Daily N.W. 1/4 and N 1/2 of S.W. 1/4 8,6,15, & E 1/2 of N.W. 1/4, 17,6,15 $2,800.
1305 6/12/73 3 3 Majors, Wilson E. To Sarah M. Daily warrantee deed Lot 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 Block 167 $1,000 Peru Nebr.
0848 9/21/68 3 1-2 Malone, Mr. Surveyor killed by Indians near Fort Kearny. His mother resides in Richarson [sic] county. Nebraska. See Indians. Attack Surveyors.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Malone, Geo., Island Pct., Elected assessor.
1305 1/13/76 3 4 Malone, George D. Assessor and Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Malone, G.D. Elected Justice of the Peace and Assessor Judge of Island Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 3/2/76 3 4 Malone, J.D. Assessor for Island Precinct. See Valuations.
1305 6/17/69 2 4 Maloney, Fleming Twenty Indians attacked him while plowing on the Wall farm. He got to the house for a rifle and escaped.
1305 10/28/75 3 2 Maloney, R.S. Attorney will open a law office at Humbold, Nebraska. See Attorney.
1305 11/25/75 2 6-7 Manduson, Chas. F. Was a member of the investigating committee who brought charges against Dr. Fuller, Supt. of the Insane Hospital. See Investigations.
1305 9/15/70 3 2 Maney, Mary Plaintiff priority lien found in favor of Mary Maney and Judgment decreed for $191.81.
1305 6/10/69 1 4 Manley, Charles One of party of five who beat off Indian attackers and safely reached Kiawa Station. See Indians.
1305 5/29/73 3 6 Manley, Riley To Benj. Scott N. 1/2 of S.W. 1/4, S. 3, T. 6, R 15 $480.50.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Manley, S.H. Professor of languages in the State University and member of lincoln Quarterly Conference.
1305 4/13/71 1 7-8 Manly, Rev. S. Was elected Professor of Ancient and Modern Languages at $2000 per year.
1305 5/5/70 2 1 Mann, Abner G. Has bought the stock of drugs of Saunders & Randall at Peru.
0848 6/22/68 3 3 Mann, C.C. Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Health.
0848 10/9/68 1 2 Mann, Christopher C. Deceased. Estate of Claims. See Legal Notice.
1305 9/30/69 2 1 Mann, (Pastor) H.B. Invites the public to M.E. Church cornerstone ceremonies on October 7th at Blue Springs.
0848 4/13/68 3 4 Mann, H.C. Duck Creek, M.E. Conference. See Churches.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Mann, H.P. Appointed minister at Palmyra, Nebr.
1305 1/15/68 1 6 Mann, William Nebraska City, Nebraska. Stoves, tinware, etc. See Hardware.
0848 5/20/67 3 1 Manners, Col. Chas. A. A gentleman well-known by reputation at least in Nebraska, is stopping at the Seymour House. The colonel is deeply interested in the development of our salt lands.
1305 9/15/70 3 1 Manning, Mr. Defendant. Action for trespassing. Trial by jury. Verdict in favor of plaintiff for $8.50.
1350 10/28/73 2 4 Manning, Mr. Pawnee Co., former Sheriff.
1305 10/14/69 2 4 Manning, Mary Peach orchard the smallest of which weighed 6 ounces.
1305 10/14/69 2 4 Manning, Mary Raised peaches, the smallest weighing six ounces. See Horticulture.
0848 6/3/67 3 2 Map. Nebraska Harding Brothers have for sale the only correct sectional may [sic] of Nebraska which has ever been published.
0848 6/14/67 3 1 Maps Of the State of Nebraska and the Counties of Seward, Saunders and Lancaster are in great demand in Nebraska City. Speculation as to where the Public Buildings are to be located, are numerous.
0848 9/21/68 3 4 Maps Messrs. Snyder and Van Vechten who are engaged preparing a complete map of the western States and Territories, and also a sectional map of Nebraska and Kansas and the Western counties of Iowa and Missouri, are still in Nebraska City collecting information to represent the country fully and correctly.
0848 4/17/68 3 2 Marble Quarry Has been discovered in the vicinity of Beatrice.
0848 8/12/68 4 3 Marble Yard Jos. Butzerin & Co. manufacturers of Italian and American marble. Monuments, tombstone, mantels, etc. Mail orders attended to promptly. 5th between Main and Laramie St. Nebraska City, Nebr.
1305 5/1/73 2 1 Marcy Gov. Of New York, when they are contented for victory, they avow their avow, their intention of enjoying the fruits of it. If they are defeated, they expect to retire from office. If they are successful, they claim, as a matter of right. The advantages of success. They see nothing wrong in the rules, that to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Margraves, Lottie Enrolled in Teachers Class Peru Normal.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Margraves, Melissa Enrolled in Teachers Class Peru Normal.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Margraves, Susan Enrolled in Teachers Class Peru Normal.
1305 11/18/75 3 4 Marion, Mrs. E. Of Brownville offers her store and lot for sale. See real Estate.
1305 2/5/74 2 4 Market Brownville.
1305 6/5/73 2 6 Market Report List of Livestock, Grocery, Produce and Provision Market Prices.
1305 11/27/73 3 4 Marlatt, Ella Brownville, took part in high school program.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Marlatt, J. Elected Supervisor District No. 2, Brownville Precinct. See election Returns.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Marlatt, J. Brownville Pct., Elected Road Supervisor.
1305 1/13/76 2 4 Marlow, O.A. Has been elected vice president of the State Bar Association. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 6/5/73 2 2 Marolm, Otto And sisters of Brownville delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Marquett, D. Appointed minister at Blue Spring, Nebr.
1305 1/13/76 2 4 Marquett, T.M. Has been elected vice president of the State Bar Association. See Societies and Organizations.
1305 8/4/79 21 5 Marriage By Rev. W.F Chamberlain at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Mr. D.H. Lewis of Brownville to Frances R. Dove of Canovia, New York.
1305 9/8/70 2 4 Marriage Coleman of the Beatrice Express went east and brought home a wife. She has learned to set type.
1305 4/21/71 2 7 Marriage At the Star Hotel in Brownville by Judge A.W. Morgan, James Bennett of Nemaha County, Kansas to Mary Jane Moon of Jackson County, Iowa.
1305 9/15/70 2 6 Marriage At Holltown, Illinois, August 28th by Elder Walker of Princeton, Illinois, Col. Thos. J. Majors of Brownville, Nebraska and Isabella Bushong of Bureau County, Illinois.
1305 11/17/70 3 4 Marriage By Judge A.W. Morgan at his residence in Brownville, Lewis Falke to Miss Wilhelmena Schmidt, both from Sioux City, Iowa.
1305 7/14/70 2 4 Marriage Theodore N. Coleman of the Beatrice Express has just returned from the East with a wife.
1305 12/1/70 3 4 Marriage By Judge A.W. Morgan, Mr. Alex Moore and Miss Emily Hainline.
1305 12/1/70 3 4 Marriage In Brownville by the Rev. Geo. R. Davis, Andrew D. Odell of Nemaha County and Mary J. Creath of Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 12/8/70 3 3 Marriage By Reverend L.F. Britt, Dr. S.W. McGrew and Miss Kittie Coleman, both of Nemaha County.
1305 12/8/70 3 3 Marriage By Rev. H. Burch, Mr. Martin V. Overton and Miss Mary J. Burns both of Peru, Otoe County, Nebraska.

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