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 Code  Date 18xx  Pg  Col   Subject   Extraction
0848 6/17/67 3 2 Morton, J. Sterling Nebraska City, tendered the Grand Lodge of F. & A.M. of Nebraska 10 acres for school for deceased Mason's Children. See Schools, Masonic.
0848 12/15/67 2 5 Morton, J. Sterling Nebraska City, Nebr. Territory dealer in lands located, bought and sold and taxes paid for non-residents. See Real Estate.
1305 10/21/69 1 5 Morton, J.S. Of Nebraska City, Vice President of the State Agricultural Society.
0848 8/7/68 2 1 Morton, J. Sterling Of Nebraska City, Democratic candidate for State Senator. See Political Parties, Democratic.
1305 10/21/69 1 5 Morton, J.S. Vice- President of Nebraska City of the State Agricultural Society of Nebraska.
1305 12/1/70 2 1 Morton, William $1500 loss by fire at Nebraska City.
1305 6/12/73 2 2 Moudy, Mr. Attorney for deft. Harlan County.
1305 7/29/69 3 2 Mount, Mr. New artist in with Mr. Stafford, photographer.
1305 5/1/73 1 5 Mt. Pleasant Rev. J.D. Crippen appointed minister at Mt. Pleasant, Nebraska.
1305 6/5/73 2 2-3 Mountainer Steamer Capt. Crapster, J.B. White clerk, W.W. Ashby and M. Baldwin pilots.
1305 7/8/69 1 6 Moyer, A. Bought 80 acres of school land, Section 36, Township 4, Range 12, at $7 per acre, in Nemaha County.
1305 7/8/69 1 6 Moyer, Albert Bought 15 acres of school land in Section 36, Township 4, Range 12, at $8 per acre and 10 acres at $29.30 per acre, in Nemaha County.
0848 1/17/68 3 4 Moyer, Daniel Living in neighborhood of Willhelm's Mill lost his house and furniture by fire. See Fire.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Mudge, Frank Gage Co., Lost wheat and hay by Prairie fire.
1305 9/15/70 3 1 Muir, B.V. Plaintiff. Judgment by Court in favor of plaintiff for $850.45. See Legal Notice.
1305 9/8/70 3 3 Mrs. Muir Mother of R.V. Muir of Scott City fell and broke her wrist.
1305 7/6/73 3 2 Muir, Downie D. Of Brownville is moving to Lincoln to be connected with the new bank.
1305 12/16/75 3 2 Muir, Downie Of the First National Bank of Lincoln spent the weekend in Brownville with his parents.
1305 11/5/73 3 2 Muir, R.V. Brownville, elected Director of the State Bank.
1305 6/19/73 2 5 Muir, Robert V. and wife to Sylvester P. Willis warantee deed N 1/2 of S.W. gr 26, 5, 15, $2,500.
1305 5/25/71 2 1 Muir, R.V. Elected Treasurer and a director of the Brownville and Hamburg Railroad.
0848 1/20/68 3 3 Mules John Heth says, that twenty-one mules belonging to Mr. Graves were shot, eleven seriously wounded. The animals were in the field of Mr. Masters at the time.
1305 12/9/75 3 1 Mullis, Rev. Wm. Married Andrew Eames and Margaret Jook at Brownville, Dec. 5. See Marriages.
1305 9/8/70 3 3 Mundinger, Jacob Plaintiff against Conrad Schriner for $75.75.
1305 1/19/71 4 2 Munger, W.H. Received 7,791 votes for Attorney General.
1305 12/9/75 3 3 Municipal Government City Council Proceedings - Brownville. City Council meeting last Monday evening. Regular session. Council members, marshal, and police judge present. Bills allowed: Chicago Lumber Co., $9.20; Marshal for lamp, $1.80; Lorance supervisor work, $5.00; Stull office rent #20.; Carson for lumber $102.36. Stevenson * Cross for nails, etc. $3.90;Lockwood for building bridge on 3d between College & Main Sts, $33; N. Cochran's bill for $2.50 and Marshal McCabe's for $50 salary referred to finance committee. Finance committee reported back with recommendation that the bill;; be reduced to $25. in accordance with previous order of the Council. Report was adopted, W.A Judkins and R.A. Hawley each asked permission to establish hay and stock scales on Main St. Application granted with restrictions. Saloon license granted Philip Frader. Richards applied for reduction of assessment of their stock of merchandise. Clerk was directed to correspond with firms handling fire extinguishing equipment to ascertain price of same. Approximately $1,000. to be expended.
1305 1/20/76 3 1 Municipal Government City Council Proceedings - Brownville. City Council appointed W.T. Rogers as city treasurer in place of Dr. Blake, deceased.
1305 1/24/76 Municipal Government The mayor appointed J.B. Docker and W.T. Rogers to audit the books of the late John Blake, treasurer. They found 70.62 on hand, overpaid in general fund $46.17. In various funds $689.56. All funds were paid over to W.T Rogers, treasurer.
0848 5/1/67 3 1 Municipal Government Nebraska City Ordinance fixing curb line, requiring trees placed inside of curb. See Trees.
0848 4/1/67 2 2,3,4 Municipal Government Nebraska City Liquor Ordinance. To regulate sale. Sec. 1. No persons shall sell or barter, directly or indirectly within Nebraska City limits, any intoxicating liquor in quantities less than 5 gallon, without first obtaining a license. Sec. 2. Application to be made in writing directed to the Mayor, stating time desired and place for liquor to be sold, and signed by at least 10 free-holders and attested by a Justice of the Peace or Notary; and Mayor may grant or otherwise. Sec. 3. Person applying for license must give bond in sum of $4000 with 2 or more securities approved by Mayor before the license shall be issued; and that person will not keep a disorderly house or gambling with cards, dice, etc. Sec. 4. Persons shall pay to City Treasurer, $25 for 6 months or $50 for one year, to sell ale and beer to be drank where sold; and $100 for 6 months to sell malt, vinous spiritous liquors to be drank where sold. Quantities not less than one quart, not to be drank where sold, $25 for 1 year provided dealer's bond does not exceed $500. Sec. 5. to Sec. 15 inclusive, pertaining to violation, etc.
0848 4/1/67 3 1 Municipal Government Nebraska City Amended ordinance, Sec. 11 on regulating omnibus, hackney carriages and wagon rates. Also on ordinance establishing and regulating the police department, adopted. See Nebraska city Council Proceedings.
0848 4/3/67 2 5-5-6 Municipal Government Nebraska City An ordinance concerning Mayor's Court and regulating the Proceedings therein. Be it ordained by the city Council, the Mayor and all Justices of the Peace of Nebraska city, shall have jurisdiction in all actions for penalties, fines or for preturis under any ordinance or police regulation of said town. Sec. 1 to Sec. 32 inclusive.
0848 4/5/67 3 1 Municipal Government. Nebraska City council have decided to again force the hog ordinance. See Livestock.
0848 4/10/67 2 2-3-4 Municipal Government Nebraska City An ordinance to define the pay and duties of Officers. Section 1 to 30 inclusive. Mayors, annual sallary---$200 plus fees. Alderman annual salary----$50. Marshal, Treasurer, Recorder, Collector, Street commissioner, City Engineer, City Attorney, such sums as City Council shall deem just and reasonable. Assessor, salary of $200 for the term necessary in making the assessment and returns. Policemen shall receive a stated salary $50 per month, determined by the City Council. All other officers shall receive fees and compensation such as the City Council may allow. A.F. Harvey, R.H. Dickey, Mayor.
1305 10/20/70 2 4 Munn, E. Elected to the House in State Legislature from Otoe County.
1305 5/23/70 2 7-8 Munson, Oscar P. Was murdered by the Winnebago Indians.
0848 7/31/67 3 2 Murder Further developments a Sidney Iowa have been made in regard to the felonious homicide which took place in that vicinity last week. The mother of the child has been found and testified before the court, that the man, Dr. Hitchcock, told her that he expected to meet a friend at the Nashnebatone who would care for the child. Upon arriving, the Dr. said he would take the child to his friend's house, he then left the buggy with the child and a bucket and returned in about ten minutes without either. He stated he had found his friend and given him the child. Beyond a doubt, the man murdered the child, and it is with the greatest difficulty that the citizens can be kept from taking the law in their own hands. The father of the child is a well-known hotel keeper of Omaha, who is missing at the present time.
0848 3/23/68 2 4 Murder Omaha Republican says on Sunday evening, a gambler named Dodge was shot dead at the supper table of the Ford House in Cheyenne, by another one of the gambling fraternity.
1305 3/30/78 2 4 Murder William M. Pruett was recently tried for the murder of Albert O. Whittaker at Hebron, Nuckols County before Judge Weaver, June 23d. He robbed him of $100. The verdict was murder in the first degree and he was sentenced to be hanged.
0848 5/8/67 2 1 Murder St. Vrains. Clifford, Mr. killed in camp at Boulder County. See st. Vrains.
0848 7/3/67 3 2 Murder Two well-known and otherwise quiet, peaceful, good-hearted citizens of Nebraska City, John McFarland and John O'Brien, were taking a friendly drink at Buess' grocery, when they got into an altercation about some money, $9.00. At some maddening instigation McFarland rushed home for a carving knife, and despite the entreaties of his wife, rushed back and plunged the blade twice into the heart of his companion. A brief struggle and O'Brien was a lifeless corpse. McFarland gave himself into custody to Hon. John G. Graves. Soon marshal, sheriff, coroner and a large crowd were at the scene, an inquest was held and a verdict rendered, and McFarland is in jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury, now in session. The body was dissected by Drs. Larsh, Brinker, Whitinger and Bowen, who found the knife blade penetrated the heart to a depth of an inch and a half. Either stab would have been fatal. The men were both excellent when sober; O'Brien leaves a wife, prostrated for over a month with consumption and one child. McFarland is about 65 years old, and has a wife and 2 or 3 children
0848 5/8/67 2 1 Murder Arrest of four weathly settlers on St. Vrains for murder of man named Clifford. See St. Vrains.
0848 10/5/68 3 4 Murder Theodore Dickens, adopted son of R. Dickens, grocer and produce dealer of Nebraska City left in the spring for a trip over the plains arriving safe at the mountains. In an altercation over a gambling table gave the lie to his opponent, who, it is reported, shot him.
0848 10/16/68 3 5 Murder Omaha, Nebr. The Hernandez troupe, which has been playing at Omaha have been having family difficulty and on Tuesday afternoon Mr. Hernandez shot his wife in the back with only one chance out of ten for recovery. He fled but was captured on Capitol Hill. Omaha Exchange.
0848 7/26/67 3 2 Murder Iowa. Particulars of a horrid and brutal affair in the vicinity of Sidney, Iowa, was brought to Nebraska City by our townsman William Ballentine who has just returned from there. A number of boys were bathing in the Nashnebotone river when they found on the bottom of the stream, the body of a four weeks old child with a smoothing iron attached to a halter made fast to the body. The child was identified as having been in the possession of a man and woman from Red Oak Junction who had stopped for supper at a farm house close to Sidney on Sunday. The mother of the child is missing and it is feared she has shared the same fate. The man who was in company with the woman and child on last Sunday evening was arrested yesterday and is now in jail waiting developments. Parties were grappling the river bottom in quest of the mother. They were residents of Red Oak Junction.
0848 10/16/68 3 5 Murder Dakota Territory. Martin Murname, proprientor of the "Queen of the West" dance house at Cheyenne, D.T. was found on the outshirts of that City shot dead on the 13th.
0848 10/16/68 3 5 Murname, Martin Proprietor of the "Queen of the West" dance house was found dead. See Murder.
1305 10/23/73 2 4-5 Murphey, John E. Gage Co., Lost wheat, 8 hogs, all his hay, house and furniture by prairie fire.
1305 2/12/74 2 3 Murphy, E.B. Furnas County, Aid de Camp with rank of Colonel, on Governor Military Staff.
1305 10/23/73 3 2 Murphy, J.F. Brownsville pork packer, moved to Lincoln.
1305 10/16/73 3 2 Murphy, Mr. Brownville, sold his pork house fixtures to Lewis & Marsh of Lincoln to bbe shipped to Lincoln this week.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Murray. F. Elected Judge of Election and supervisor District No. 4, Washington Prrecinct. See Election Returns.
0848 7/15/68 3 2 Music Annie, daughter of John Bueter Esq. a child of eleven years, played the piano with elegance and grace not often found in older performers. She is indebted to Mother Prioress of the catholic Seminary for her proficiency in this accomplishment.
0848 12/16/68 3 4 Music Both of our City bands play at the Luthern festival the 22nd and 23rd.
0848 8/5/68 2 4 Music The largest audience seen in Bloom's new music Hall heard Prof. Weber's concert. A full orchestra of a high order was presented with selections from "Ill Trevatore Bohemian Girl", etc. Council Bluffs Nonpareil.
0848 7/1/68 3 3 Music The Minstrels gave their first performance at the Court House to a crowded house.
0848 6/19/68 3 2 Music Nebraska City will have the pleasure of hearing Skiff and Gaylord's Minstrels. The troupe is highly commended by the N.Y. Herald, Boston Post & Buffalo Express.
0848 8/31/68 3 2 Music The old brass band of this City has been re-organized and an accomplished instructor procured. We were favored on Friday, with several choice pieces of music by the amateur string band of this City.
0848 5/4/68 2 5 Music Adv. Peak Family, Vocalists, Harpists and Bell Ringers. Tickets 75 cents, no half price in the evening. Children admitted to the matinee for 50¢.
1305 3/20/73 1 6 Music "Shining River" was sung at the Teacher's Institute.
1305 6/19/73 3 3 Musicial Convention. At Brownville Nebr. June 17, 1873.
0848 9/30/68 3 3 Music, Scoundrel. Professor Britton, making great pretentions to musical knowledge, formed a singing class in Nebraska City. He collected fifty cents from each of the children, gave a lesson or two and decamped for parts unknown, forgetting to settle his city bills, one a hotel bill for $25 and many others.
0848 9/30/68 2 4 Music Adv. Prof. Cassine, the Harpest, and Profs. Gerardi and Fornia, the Violinists, have arrived in Nebraska City and are ready to furnish harp and violin music for balls, parties, etc. Terms moderate. Also piano tyuning by Prof. Cassine.
0848 10/19/68 2 4 Music Adv. New Music Store. Kaufman and Stephans. Nebraska City, Nebraska. The only full stock between St. Joseph and Omaha. Pianos, organs, melodians, violins, guitars, banjos, etc. Liberal rates for the Clergy, Schools and Teachers. Agents wanted throughout the country.
0848 9/23/68 3 3 Music Prof. John Kelly, the celebrated violinist will give an exhibition of his wonderful talent in the musical line on Thursday. The Indian boy of the Snake tribe accompanies the Professor; he also is a fine violinist.
0848 5/22/67 3 1 Music Morrison & Dahl have received the agency in Nebraska City for the sale of Berry & Thompson's celebrated choral organs, designed either for church, public school or organ. Also on hand a choice lot of the latest sheet music.
0848 4/26/67 3 1 Music Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock and pupils are giving a series of very successful concerts in Plattsmouth.
0848 7/29/67 3 2 Music Miss Lilly Simpson and Miss Myrtle Parmelee, young musicians from Plattsmouth, left Nebraska City yesterday for their homes. Their playing and singing astonished many anx [sic] adept at the piano. The little ones are scarcely thirteen and play with an ease and elegance that would put to shame some of the so-called music teachers.
1305 11/13/73 2 4 Mutton & Mutton, Nebraska City Paint shop burned, a total loss.
1305 2/3/70 2 7 Myers, Bvt. Brig. Gen. Wm. Chief Quartermaster office, Omaha, Nebraska January 19, 1870. A Public Auction of Government Property order sold by Bvt. Major Gen. C.C. Augur at Brownville, Nebraska.
1305 7/21/70 2 8 Myers Defendant sued by Tearc and Furnas on notes. See Legal Notice.
1305 1/27/70 3 2 Nace Isaac S. Has bought out the interest of George Hansen in the City Bakery.
1305 12/9/75 3 1 Nace & Phillips Are opening a grocery store in Brownville. See Trade.
1305 8/25/70 4 1 Nail, (Hon.) Wm. B. Raised 91_ bushels of oats per acre on his farm in Otoe County. See Agriculture.
0848 9/7/68 2 4 National Employees. The number of clerks and agents employed, and cost. From a book entitled "Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military and Naval in the U.S. on Sept. 30, 1867. List employed under "Freedman's Bureau" with the yearly salaries. Total - 717 employees at $836,450.00 yearly salary.
1305 7/8/69 1 6 Neal, J. Bought 20 acres of school land in Section 16, Township 6, Range 16 at $12.50 per acre, in Nemaha County. See School Land.
1305 10/23/73 2 6 Neal, J.E., Glen Rock Pct. Elected road Supervisor.
1305 10/21/75 3 4 Neal, J.F. Elected Judge of Election Glen rock Precinct. See Election Returns.
1305 11/13/73 3 5 Neal John F. Real Estate transfer to O.H. Willsie.
1305 7/8/69 2 1 Neal, Dr. John F. Of Peru, reported on crops in that district.
1305 6/5/73 3 4 Neal John F. To Sarah Brunsdon warrantee deed lots 5-6, Block 84 Peru. $25.
1305 2/17/76 3 4 Neal, L. (Mrs) Delegate to Good Templars from Aspinwall. See Organizations and Associations.
1305 3/10/70 1 4 Neal Laura Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal.
1305 2/17/76 3 4 Neal, Louis Delegate to Good Templars from Aspinwall. See Organizations and Associations.
1305 2/17/76 3 4 Neal, Louis Member of committee on credentials for Good Templars. See Organizations and Associations.
1305 6/23/70 2 3 Neals, D. Of Fort Calhoun, elected G.W.S. of Good Templars Lodge.
1305 9/30/69 2 2 Neb, H.P. for Treasurer of Gage County.
1305 11/10/70 2 4 Nebraska Governor Butler asked Colonel Furnas to resign his membership with the State University and Agricultural College. Col. Furnas refused to do so. Covington News
1305 3/2/76 2 1 Nebraska Census taken last spring - 246,280. See Census.
1305 11/18/75 2 4 Nebraska Claim for 5% of the valuation on Indian lands has been disallowed. See Indian Reservations.
0848 6/29/68 3 2 Nebraska Foundry Of Nebraska City Nebr. Abra Holmes. See Foundry.
1305 12/1/70 1 3 Nebraska State Historical Society Major B.F. Lushbaugh was an officer of N.S.H. Soc and a few days before his death he left at the Advertiser office a history of Washington County for publication saying that it was the object of the society to publish a history of each county in the state. He showed deep interest in the enterprise.
0848 5/22/67 2 3 Nebraska Admission Legislature expenses during the session will reach $500 per day. See Legislature, State.
1305 2/2/71 2 6 Nebraska Elected P.N. Hitchcock for U.S. Senator.

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