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Nebraska Methodism as a great debtor to this great society. Many of our charges, now vigorous and prosperous, could not have become so without the aid of our Missionary Society. The fact that since the organization of our Conference we have been receiving from $4000 to $6000 annually to aid us in our work, demonstrates out, dependence upon this society, and this together with the knowledge that everywhere, both at home and abroad: the fields are white with the harvest, should inspire both our ministry and laity to heroic efforts to secure the largest possible missionary collections. As a Conference we pledge hereafter a committee on this most important and worthy interest.
spacerJ. H. Brooks. Wm. Gorst. W. H. H. Pillsbury, J. W. Shank.

Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home.

   Whereas, the Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Deaconess Home at Omaha is a greatly needed institution in our midst, and from the facts gleaned from their reports this year, we see it is no small agency for soul saving as well as for bodily healing. And, Whereas, nearly all of the charity patients are from the territory outside of Omaha, we therefore recommend that this institution receive the systematic, and generous support of our Conference, and to secure this result we recommend that, each Presiding Elder's district, assume the support or at least one bed it the annual cost of $250.00. And when assumed, that the Presiding Elders apportion said amount to the several Charges of the District, and that this collection be taken early in the conference year and forwarded to the Hospital which bed shall be at the disposal of said district for any patients within its bounds. We also recommend that a conference board of nine be chosen for this institution to serve during the coming conference year and that the following persons constitute the board: Bishop J. P. Newman, G. M. Brown. H. H. Millard, John Dale, A. F. Rector, J. N. Gillan, Mrs. David Cole, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. J. O. Phillipi. And that five of this number constitute a quorum for the transaction of such business as shall come before them. We further recommend that our preachers take special care to secure young ladies who will enter the work of Nurse and Visiting Deaconesses in our Hospital. We also recommend that the names and postoffice address of every Deaconess within bounds of the Conference be furnished to the secretary for insertion in the Conference Minutes. Signed,
spacerT. C. Webster, J. A. Roades, N. A. Martin, J. W. Jennings.

Memorial to Senate and House of Representatives.

The North Nebraska Annual Conferenece (sic) of the Methodist Episco-



pal Church, assembed (sic) at Norfolk. Neb., on the 6th day of September, 1893, composed of 90 ministers, representing over 11,000 church members, respectfully petition it your Honorable Body to immediately repeal the act passed on the 5th of May, 1892, known as the Geary Law. We make this earnest petition, first on the ground of justice and fair dealing. By solemn treaty agreement the Chinese now in the United States are entitled to the same treatment that is accorded to the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation. The provision that they shall register and take out certificates to assure their continued residence here, producing the testimony of a white witness to their right to be here requires of multitudes of them an impossibility, and yet subjects them to imprisonment and deportation if they fail to comply with the requisition. This requirement made of them alone, in contradistinction to all other foreigners in the country, is a palpable violation of the treaty.
   We futhermore (sic) petition for the repeal of this law because it endangers our interests in China. The Methodist Episcopal Church has one hundred and twenty-five missionaries in that Empire. It has churches, chapels, dwellings, school buildings, hospitals, printing presses, and other property to the amount of over $400,000. We have reason to fear that if the provisions of this law are insisted upon, our missionaries and property will be imperiled. The Christian sentiment of the country is opposed to this enactment. and we urgently beseech its immediate repeal.
   Signed by order and on behalf of the Conference,
spacerD. C. Winship, Secretary.           John M. Walden, President.


   It is with hopefulness and pride that we point to our church periodicals as being second to no other denomination in number, cheapness and ability. We recommend them to the kind consideration and support of our people. It is with sorrow that we note the negligence of many of our laity in not taking one or more of our church periodicals, many Methodists taking literature of some other denomination on the plea of cheapness, union and non-sectarianism. This we believe to be disloyal to our church and ought to be condemned. It is with pleasure that we note the prosperity and success of the official organ of North Nehraska Conference, "The Omaha Christian Advocate." We earnestly commend this paper to our clergy and laity, as being centrally located, Methodistic in theology, American in politics, and thoroughly christian in all its teachings. it is cheap and obtainable by all who desire a first-class church paper. The paper fully demonstrates the ability of Dr. J. W. Shank, the editor, who in we all recog-



nize as a in in who speaks as he conscientiously believes. We believe that this paper ought to be circulated largely on every charge in the North Nebraska Conference and that every pastor should endeavor to increase his subscription list the coming year. We heartily endorse the other church advocates for their ability, usefulness and high christian character. We earnestly urge, our young people to subscribe for the Epworth Herald, which is at the forefront in literature and spiritual excellence, and meets it long felt need among the young people of our church. We also commend the "Methodist Review" and "Gospel in all Lands," as worthy of our hearty patronage and co-operation and as being the exponent of the highest christian thought.
   Signed. spacerF. Ellis. W. H. H. Pillsbury. J. L. St. Clair.

Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Estimated Resources and Liabilities:

Campus and Buildings with Furnishings



Real Estate


Notes secured by Real Estate


Endowment notes, subscription


Haish Endowment


Total Endowment




Real Estate


Notes secured by real estate


Notes, subscription


Total General Fund



Total Resources



Note to R. E. Moore, due Nov. 1st, 1893


Note to Burlington Bank, due July 16th, 1893


Cadwallader mortgages (assumed to protect Uni.) due Nov. 1, '93


Outstanding orders


Total liabilities


Net resources


Liabilities as per report June. 1893


   "    "  "   "    "   1892







   Whereas, Through the Divine providence and blessing of Almighty God in giving life and health to us, we are permitted to assemble in this, the twelfth session of the North Nebraska Conference in the beautiful city of Norfolk. therefore, Resolved, That with hearts filled with a deep sense of gratitude we render to our heavenly father thanksgiving for the blessings and prosperity given us, our families and our people. Resolved. That we appreciate the wise counsel and helpful sympathy of our Bishop, J. M. Walden D. D. LL. D., and thank him for his kind Christian bearing in all his relations to us. Resolved. That we thank the Methodist church and citizens of Norfolk, for the cordial welcome they have given us into their midst, and for the excellent and generous provisions they have made for our comfort. Resolved. That we congratulate and thank the pastor, Rev. J. W. Jennings, for the excellent manner in which he has provided for and received the Conference. Resolved, That we thank the Congregational church for the free use of their church building for a part of our services. Resolved, That we thank the local management of the F. E. & M. V. R'y, for the pleasant free excursion they gave us to the beet sugar factory, and also to Rev. J. W. Bovee, for arranging for the same and for our visit to the insane asylum. Resolved, That we thank the officials of the beet sugar factory and of the insane asylum for the favors shown in our visits to these institutions.
spacerC. O. Larrison, William Gorst, John P. Roe.

Report of Committee on W. H. & F. M. Society.

   Whereas, God has signally blessed our beloved church in calling our noble Christian women into the great work of bringing the glad news of Salvation to this lost world through the organization of the Woman's Foreign and Home Missionary Societies, and,
   Whereas, In our Foreign work side by side with the missionaries of the parent board are the noble christian workers of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, who in sacrifice and toil, are doing valiant work for God and humanity. And,
   Whereas, The needs of our country have been placed upon the hearts of the Christian women of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of our church, who with loving zeal and wise action have responded in their missionary endeavor in our large cities and Southern States, or through their supply department, have encouraged many of our tolling missionaries on the frontier to carry forward the work of the Lord in these needy places. We therefore unite in thanksgiving to God for these organizations. We bid them God-speed in their con-



secrated work for Christ and his Kingdom. We commend to our churches these organizations and believe that they, rather than any outside combinations should have the loyal support of our people. We will welcome to our charges any conference organizer whom they in their wisdom may see fit to send among us. We recommend to our people the Mother's Jewels Home, at York, Nebr., and also the supply bureau of this organization as worthy of their kind assistance and support. Signed,
spacerE. W. Errickson, J. B. Priest, J. T. Crooks, R. C. McReynolds.

Sabbath Observance.

   Be it Resolved, That we are profoundly grateful to Almighty God for the institution of our Sabbath Day,. and we urge its religious observance by all men, both by precept and practice, and especially would we emphasize this upon the leaders of God's church. 2d. We protest against the inroads of continentalism. Our national greatness was achieved by that sterling morality that is the hand-maid of the American Sunday. The Sabbath that is a holiday has been the chief instrument in the hands of despotism for degrading the people. 3d. We unalterably oppose the course that has been pursued by the directorate of the World's Columbian Exposition in regard to the opening of the fair on the Sabbath. as disgraceful and outrages the public opinion in America, as fully expressed in the national congress. 4th. We reccommend (sic) "The Sabbath for Man," by W. F. Crafts, as a compendious statement of our views on the Sabbath question, and a very valuable cyclopedia of information that should be in every Pastor's study and the home of every Christian. Signed,
spacerR. N. Throckmorton, W. H. La Vake, W. H. Linn, F. Crane.

State of the Church.

   We view with great thankfulness the fact that the past Conference year has been one of almost universal revival, and a very evident spiritual advance, while we especially rejoice over the advent of over thirty-one hundred souls into the. Kingdom of our blessed Christ. To Him be all praise and glory. With gratitude we also note the determined efforts which have been made to liquidate the indebtedness on the church property of the Conference, and are glad that we can call your attention to the figures representing a payment of church indebtedness amounting to $34,840.00, and a less debt than last year of $2,366.00. Our attention is directed to the past year as one of signal prosperity and aggressiveness along all lines, yet we are impressed that the coming year should be one of still greater advance, hence, we,



   Resolve. First. That we need the old-time revival method and spirit of Methodism, and that we will seek diligently for that power which shall make the coming year one of revival. Second, that move prominence shall be given to prayer meetings which are exclusively for prayer, to the class meeting, to the family altar, to the disciplinary order of public service and the spiritualizing of all our singing and worship. That more prominence should be given to the care of the children of Methodism, meeting the requirements of the discipline and the demands of the future upon us, and providing for these as those of whom we must give account. That more attention should be given to our Quarterly meeting occasions that they may be as they have been in the early history of our church "times of refreshing," indeed. Third, That we view with the greatest satisfaction an increase in benevolent collections of over $1200.00, and that we will during the coming year, be still more faithful to the interests of the church as found in these different causes, by presenting every claim, by using the committees, and by the earnest endeavor to bring to the next Conference our full apportionments. Fourth, That we endorse the Deaconess movement as one of the instrumentalities for bringing the Gospel to the masses, and that we commend to our people and their benevolence the Methodist Episcopal Hospital at Omaha. Fifth, that regarding the solicitation to send delegates to the International Christian Conference, to be held in Chicago next October, we suggest the election of one delegate and one alternate. Signed.
spacerJ. T. Knuckey, G. H. McAdam.

Sunday School.

   We learn that the Conference paid to the Sunday School Union this year the sum of $104, An increase over last year of $21. Concluding from this report it is evident that all the charges did not take a collection this year for this purpose. Our apportionment for this year is $175. Considering this society in its relation to the Methodist church, its immeasurable influence in the early training of our coming twentieth century Methodism, we recommend that a sermon be preached by all our preachers at least once during the year, setting forth its benefits, its wide-spread blessing to the race, its illimitable power for good, thereby increasing the interest and co-operation of the people as well as instructing them in the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We also suggest that a special effort be made this year to meet the entire apportionment. Signed,
spacerGeo. M. Brown, H. C. Myers, N. A. Martin.




   We, your board of Conference Stewards, are obliged to report more claimants, and only little increase in the funds. We also report that the plan adopted by the Conference to increase the claimant's fund has not been heeded by the brethren, and we have no funds for distribution under that plan.


From last year's fund

$ 8 00

From Conference Collections

403 00

From Chartered Fund

25 00

From Book Concern

  767 00


$1203 00

   Which has been applied as follows:




D. T. Olcott, Columbus


$125 00

Mrs. Adair, Denver, Col

J. B. Maxfield

125 .00

Mrs. Fleharty

J. Q. A. Fleharty

125 00

Mrs. Lemon, Omaha

J. H. Maxfield

100 00

Mrs. Fowler, Aliens

Ernest Fowler

105 00

Mrs. Rhone, Williamsport, PA

D. C. Winship

105 00

Mrs. Gortner, Page

D. Marquett

105 00

Mrs. Guthrie, Ann Arbor

D. C. Winship

100 00

Mrs. Thompson, Albion

W. M. Worley

105 00

J. R. Gearhart, Wausau


50 00

Wm. Stanner, Plainview

D. Marquett

75 00

D. C. Worts, Wood River


43 00

W. Wilson's children, Chapman

G. H. Moore

    40 00


$1203 00

We would recommend that the plan for the collection of Conference Caimant's (sic) Funds of last year be adopted with this amendment: that the last clause of said plan be stricken out and the following inserted: Resolved: That each member of this Conference not a conference claimant, be required to contribute five dollars annually to the above funds: and any member unless excused by the Conference from paying the said amount shall forfeit his rights to any of the said fund, Signed,
spacerB. Blain, G. A. Lace, Wm. M. Worley,


   Whereas. The Methodist Episcopal Church has an excellent tract publishing house, and Whereas, The proper distribution of tracts is a



great help to the pastor in educating church members and awakening the unsaved. Therefore, be it Resolved, That we pledge our cooperation with the tract society, both in taking the annual collection and in distributing the tracts as suggested by the Discipline.
spacerC. N. Dawson, T. Charles, A. L. Nickel, R. J. Millard.


   Whereas, No other evil like the gigantic saloon evil confront the people of our land to-day, No place is so holy, no institution so venerable or sacred, no ties so tender that the blighting shadow of this crime does not bring destruction and desolation. It empties the purse, taking food from the months and clothing from the backs of women and children: it filches character; destroys health, robs of life, and damns the soul. It disorganizes labor; corrupts polities; menaces the very foundation of government: is an enemy to God and man. No one thing is so prolific of vice, poverty and crime as the sin of drunkard-making. No enemy confronts the country to-day that is so insidious, treacherous and powerful. and none against which the church should more positively array herself than this, therefore, be it
   Resolved, That this Conference re-affirm its adherance to the resolution adopted by the last General Conference and found in Section 24. Paragraph 8 of Appendix of the Discipline, and that we rejoice at the progress that is being made in uniting the different Christian denominations of the land in a crusade against the rum traffic.
   Resolved, That in all political matters that pertain to the banishment of the saloon system from our munincipalities, counties, state and nation, we are unalterably in favor of prohibition: and that we will conscientiously vote as we pray.
    Resolved. That we approve the course of the "Christian Advocate" in printing in parallel columns the platfcrms (sic) of the various parties. and we recommend that our other papers follow the same official course, and print with these platforms the general conference resolution above refered to in order that comparison may be easy.
   Resolved, That we urge that the social purity movement be encouraged in all our homes, and through the agency of the White Cross League.
   Resolved. That more attention should be given to the evils of the tobacco habit: that, as ministers, we should preach more earnestly and pointedly on this subject; and that our young men and boys should be pledged against the use of tobacco.
   Resolved. That we believe that the truest reform is that which grows out of genuine Christianity. That these bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost; it so be the Spirit of God dwell in them: and therefore



it is the duty of all men to keep the body pure. We believe that Christian sentiment should crystallize into Christian laws. Finally, we have confidence in the ultimate victory of right, because the Lord of Hosts is our leader.
spacerW. H. H. Pillsbury. J. H. Johnson, D. R. Collings.


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