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   We recognize in the Missionary Society of the M. E. church an evangelical agency that is world-wide in its influence. Its field is the world. Besides sustaining our missionaries in foreign lands it helps to support three thousand preachers in our own country, many of whom could not stay on their charges without the help of this society. In the foreign field it aims to accomplish the same work done in our own country, by the combined agency of all our connectional societies.
   We rejoice for the success achieved by the Missionary Society the present year, notwithstanding the financial panic, in keeping our missionaries in the field and in the large collections thus far received. It gives us great delight that in our own conference, smitten by the terrible drouth, our pastors and people have been loyal to this cause, and that we are able to report a total increase of $135 in our collections over last year. We recognize that however depressing the financial conditions we must not fail in our collections for this great representative society, and we hereby pledge to it our unfaltering support.
   We recommend and urge the following ways and means by which the missionary spirit may be kept alive among our people and the collections increased:
   1st. Let there be observed according to the suggestion of our missionnary secretary, Dr. Leonard, a monthly concert of prayer, in which there shall be earnest supplication for the blessing of our Heavenly Father and the power of the Holy Ghost upon all our missionaries and mission fields.
   2d. Let our Sunday Schools not only be organized into missionary Societies, but let special effort be made to interest and educate our Sunday School scholars in the cause of missions.
   3d. Let there be earnest co-operation this fall with the plan inaugurated by Mr. Willis Cooper, by which $400,000 may be given as a special Thanksgiving offering to our Missionary society, thereby relieving it of all indebtedness.
   4th. Let a whole Sunday be given as Missionary Day, upon which day the interests of this cause shall be faithfully presented and the people encouraged to make a liberal offering to the Missionary society.
   We recognize that in the death of Dr. J. O. Peck the church and Missionary society have sustained an unspeakable loss. We shall miss his earnest and enthusiastic appeals for missions. But we are encouraged by the fact that while God buries His workmen He carries on their work.
spacerH. C. Myers, G. H. MacAdam, G. H. Main, E. R. Adriance.



Methodist Hospital and Deaconness Home.

   WHEREAS, the Methodist Hospital and Deaconness Home at Omaha is a greatly needed institution in our midst, and
   WHEREAS, The report shows that 208 of the 408 patients of the past year have been from the North Nebraska Conference;
   ResoIved, That we the pastors of this conference will faithfully present this cause to our respective congregations;
   Resolved that we will welcome representatives of the Home to our charges to present their work;
   Resolved, That the pastors assist the deaconnesses in distributing The Deaconness Visitor in their congregations, that the people. may keep informed in regard to the Hospital work.
   We recommend the election of the following persons to serve on the conference board the coming year: Bishop J. P. Newman, W. P. Murray, W. H. H. Pillsbury, John Dale, L. H. Rogers, Mrs. David Cole, A. T. Rector, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Frank Cotton.
spacerJ. T. Crooks, T. P. Donnelly, C. N. Dawson.

Womans Home and Foreign Missionary Society

   Believing that broad declaration of St. Paul, "Ye are all one in Christ Jesus," one in hope, one in purpose, and one in effort," we as a Conference gratefully recognize the work of the W. H. & F. Missionary Societies, endorsing their methods, and rejoicing in their success. We review with gratitude the good already accomplished, both in the home and foreign field, and stand ready to assist them in all ways compatible with the rules and usages of our church, welcoming their organizing agents to our charges and praying for the institutions they support.
spacerR. C. McReynolds, E. W. Erickson, J. Crews, F. Charles.


   WHEREAS, We recognize in the press one of the best instrumentalities for the diffusion of religious knowledge and the advancement of our work and the development of the Redeemer's Kingdom; and,
   WHEREAS, our church periodicals are the best assistants of our ministers;
   Resolved, That we record our appreciation of, and loyalty to, all our official papers, and we pledge ourselves to endeavor to increase their circulation by placing one of them at least in every one of our families.
   We reaffirm our loyalty, as a conference to our own Omaha Christian Advocate and earnestly urge our brethren to press its claims as the best publication for the interests of North Nebraska Methodism within our reach. We note with pleasure the steady improvement in the Quarterly Review, and urge on all our ministers the importance of



becoming subscribers for, and earnest students of the contents of, this strong and able representative of the higher literature of our nation.
   We recommend that all our young people be urged to become readers, of the Epworth Herald, which we recognize as at the head of all the papers published for young people in this country.
spacerW. H. H. Pillsbury, D. C. Winship.

Sabbath Observance.

   The institution of the Sabbath being one of the chief blessings given by God to men, as respects both his physical and spiritual welfare; therefore, be it
   Resolved, First, That we urge its observance, both by precept and by practice, upon all classes of mankind;
   Second. That we regard the growing encroachment upon the sacredness of the Lord's Day as a serious menace (sic) to our Christian civilization, and would urge all Christians to give their earnest support to men and measures looking to the suppression of lawlessness and vice upon that day.
   Third, The running of Sunday trains being in direct violation of the Fourth Commandment, and, therefore a sin, that as ministers and Christians we scrupulously avoid all sanction or patronage of the same, except in case of extreme necessity.
   Fourth, As the Sabbath as a holiday is Satan's great instrament in the bands of the lawless for the degradation of the people, especially our youth, we recommend that frequent sermons and exhortations be given from our pulpits to warn young and old against its desecration, and to encourage them to preserve its sanctity.
spacerSigned: W. H. Linn, T. W. Mathews, Henry Trezona.

State of the Church.

   The committee on the state of the Church looks over the wide field of church activity, and rejoices because of the prosperity of Christ's Kingdom. In the midst of times of financial pressure drouht (sic) disaster and limited material resources, the church lifts up her voice with the shout: ",The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge."
   He who spoke from the burning bush marched with our fathers in pillars of cloud and fire, moved in the midst of the wheels of Ezekiel's vision, and created Pentecost, is now gloriously present with the hosts of the kingdom of God.
   It is with a degree of satisfaction that we recount the victories of the pust (sic) and view the prospects of the ultimate triumph of Christ's hosts in the earth. The church is pledged to continue the battle until the "kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ."
spacerJ. W. Robinson, John P. Roe, Wm. M. Worley, J. H. Brooks.




   We your committee recognize the importance of Sunday-Schools as a factor in the work of the church. We note with pleasure the growth of the past year both in the number of schools and of scholars.
   We earnestly recommend that all our pastors use zealous care in securing the use of our own excellent literature in every Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. We condemn that spirit of false economy that would buy the literature of so-called union publishing houses because of its cheapness.
   We urge our pastors further that they endeavor to secure good libraries in our Sunday-Schools and to patronize our Book Concern in furnishing the same.
   We would caution all pastors against the danger of forgetting, or neglecting the collection for Sunday Schools in favor of the larger collections.
spacerC. O. Larrison, B. B. Keister, W. H. Linn.


   DEAR FATHERS AND BRETHREN: -- Your Board of Stewards has carefully considered the cases of claimants which have come before them. and beg leave to report as follows, viz;
   The following claimants need the amount of money set opposite their names in the first column, which amounts to $2,100. But as we have, all told, only $1,043, we have been able to recommend that each claimant receive only the amount set opposite his name in the second column, as follows, Viz; --





D. T. Olcott

$ 180

$ 93

F. W. Bross

Sister Adair



J. B. Maxfield

Sister Fleharty



J. Q. A. Fleharty

Sister Lemon



C. N. Dawson,

Sister Fowler



H. W. Conley

Sister Rhone



D. C. Winship.

Sister Gortner



J. X. Gortner

Sister Guthrie



D. C. Winship

Sister Thompson



W. M. Worley

D C. Worts




W. H. Carter




William Stanner




Total needed,


Total apportioned.,


The above sum as apportioned is from the following receipts:

From chartered fund


From Book Concern dividend


From Conference collections






   We also call attention to items of interest as follows:
   1st. Our list of conference claimants is steadily increasing, so that this year the eyes of twenty-seven people are turned toward this conference for a part at least, of their annual support. And, in view, of the very limited resources of the conference to supply these demands, we respectfully inquire whether it is a mark, either of good policy for the conference, or in the interest of those who in the nature of the case must soon cease the active labors of the ministry, for so large a number of brethren who have spent nearly all their years in other and stronger conferences to transfer here and so soon become claimants on our scanty resources. We believe it to bean injustice both to this conference and the aged heroes who came, for them to relinquish their claims, often on wealthy conferences, to take what they can get here after a year or two's work. Our western work needs young men Who can probably wait for the resources to grow.
   2nd. During the next two years we recommend that every charge be requested to raise at least double apportionment of the past year to partially meet the pressing needs. We also trust that the General Conference at its next session will establish a connectional society in these interests and in accordance with the suggestions of Dr. J. Benson Hamilton in the accompanying circular we recommend the appointment of William Esplin, J. B. Priest, J. W. Robinson, William Worley and John Crews as our committee to whom shall be referred all papers pertaining to this subject and who shall carry out so, far as they may be able the work suggested in said circular.
spacerG. A. Luce, Wm. Gorst, J. B. Priest, J. W. Miller.


   TO THE PRESIDING BISHOP AND THE MEMBERS OF THE NORTH NEBRASKA ANNUAL CONFERENCE. -- Dear Fathers and Brethren: For over three years we have been urging the Annual Conferences, to unify their method of collecting and distributing the funds for the support of Conference Claimants. A large number of the Annual Conferences have adopted the annuity principle which has been thoroughly tested by the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in England, Canada and Australia. Her experience proves that this principle furnishes a complete solution for this vexing problem. It was hoped that by concerted action throughout our denomination we might be able to work out the ideal plan adapted to our special needs and conditions.
   We submit a connectional annuity plan for the sustentation of superannuates. It has been prepared under the supervision and in accordance with the recommendations of hundreds of the most eminent ministers, and the most influential laymen in every section of the church. The local provisions of this connectional plan, which have been,



adopted by the various Annual Conferences with slight modifications, consist of that portion of paragraph 301 within the brackets and the whole of paragraph 302.
   We respectfully request the appointment of a special committee to which this proposed connectional plan may be referred. We desire to secure the consensus of the whole denomination concerning this plan as an aid in the preparation of a plan to be submitted to the next General Conference.
   The failure of the numerous efforts to provide a competent support for conference claimants has resulted from the impossibility of preparing a satisfactory plan amidst the hurry and pressure of General Conference business.
   All annual conferences are solicited to appoint strong, experienced and sympathetic committees who will co-operate in drafting a practical connectional plan. The General Conference then will, have before it a carefully prepared and thoroughly digested scheme which can be made the starting point of its own work. This will insure the adoption of a plan for the sustentation of conference claimants worthy of the church they have served so faithfully and heroically. Will you not at your present session aid in this preliminary work?
spacerYours faithfully, Jay Benson Hamilton.


   We learn that our Conference contributed to the tract cause the present year seventy-six dollars, and that the apportionment for the coming year is two hundred and two dollars.
   WHEREAS, The founder of our church established the fact that the press is a great power for spreading the gospel among the masses; and,
   WHEREAS, We have an excellent tract publishing house which sends forth a great variety of tract literature which is at the disposal of our pastors to assist them in their work; therefore be it
   Resolved, That we will use this means provided for us and will give our greatest effort to raise the apportionment for our Conference.
spacerE. R. Adriance, H. C. Myers, J. Q. A. Fleharty.


   WHEREAS, We are confronted at every turn in life with the liquor traffic, which has proved itself an enemy to the home, municipality, state and nation, an enemy that owns no allegiance to any sect or party, an enemy that respects no man's business or hopes, his earthly possessions or his family, an enemy that uses any form of crime as an ally in its efforts to escape the law and shield itself in its work of death, an enemy that disregards all the tears and pleadings of mothers, wives and children, an enemy of the home, school house and church, an enemy to



humanity, a monster that has grown with our growth and strengthened with our strength as a people, until many good men and women are perplexed to know how and when to unite in one supreme effort for its overthrow and extirpation; therefore be it
   Resolved, First, That in our judgment there is but one remedy for the evil and that is state and national constitutional prohibition.
   Resolved, Second, That as our highest representative body of the Methodist Episcopal Church has declared that license is sin, we declare that to vote for that man or party which, if elected, will license, collect fines, or in any other way protect and encourage the liquor business is sin.
   Resolved, Third, That, considering the temperance question, all subterfuges for old party friends and measures are out of date and unbecoming the highest intelligence of our great Christian church.
   Resolved, Fourth, That we are in favor of giving the franchise to women that they may have the privilege of more effectually assisting in the overthrow of this great evil.
   Resolved, Fifth, That we appreciate the exalted position the ministry holds in framing the thoughts and actions of the voters of the land. We therefore pledge our hearty co-operation with all churches in waging an unceasing warfare against our common foe.
   Resolved, Sixth, That we recommend the adoption of Dr. Kynett's plan for league organization.
   Resolved, Seventh, That we have faith in the final triumph of the right, which means deliverance from the rum oligarchy.
spacerF. M. Sisson, R. J. Millard, H. W. Conley, C. F. Heywood.

Financial Need.

   Your committee beg leave to report that throughout a large portion of the territory comprising the North Nebraska Conference, owing to frost, hot winds and the unprecedented drouth that there is such an utter failure of all crops; viz: grass, corn and small grain as was never known in the memory of man. That large numbers of stock cattle and hogs, have been and are now being sold at one dollar per hundred pounds and shipped out of the country, and that even horses have been sold at from one fourth to one tenth of their usual value. That in many portions of the Conference grain to seed the land will have to be shipped into the country; and that it is our judgment that in the Neligh and Grand Island districts the best charges will find it difficult to pay the pastor a sufficient amount to supply him with the necessities of life, and many charges, are not able to pay anything.
   Therefore we urge and earnestly solicit help from our people, and all friends of Methodism who are more fortunate than we have been, to help as best they can the loyal faithful Methodist preachers and people within the bounds of this Conference by any methods they may elect;



we further recommend that each Pastor at an early date report to his Presiding Elder such cases as are believed need such help as is contemplated in this report; and we further recommend a commission of nine, one at large and two from each Presiding Elder's district who shall draft an appeal addressed to the public; said appeal to be published in our church papers. Respectfully submitted,
spacerD. Marquette, Wm. M. Worley, J. W. Robinson,
spacerJ. R. Gearhart, J. B. Leedom, Committee.

Baltimore Conference Proposition.

   WHEREAS, The General Conference of 1892, directed the submission to the Annual Conferences in the Autumn of 1895, and the Spring of 1896, of certain resolutions, which provide in part, as follows:
   "(1st.) That we submit to the Annual Conferences the proposition to amend the Second Restrictive Rule by, adding the words, 'And such delegates must be male members,' after the words 'Two lay delegates for an Annual Conference,' so that it will read, 'Nor of more than two lay delegates for an Annual Conference, and said delegates must be male members.'

*          *          *          *          *          *          *

   "(5th.) That if the amendment so submitted does not receive the votes, of three-fourths of the members of the Annual Conferences, and two-thirds of the General Conference, the Second Restrictive Rule shall be so construed that the words 'Lay Delegates' may include men and women, and thus be in harmony with the legislation of previous General Conferences;" and,
   WHEREAS, This action involves a principle, the application of which is claimed to be without precedent, and without constitutional authority; and,
   WHEREAS, The fifth section of said resolutions requires, "The votes of three-fourths of the members of the Annual Conferences" to enact said proposed amendment; while the discipline requires, so far as relates to the Annual Conferences, only "the concurrent recommendation of three-fourths of all the members of the several Annual Conferences who shall be present and vote on such recommendation;" therefore be it
   Resolved, 1st. That, waiving all question of the expediency of the admission of women to the General Conference, we declare our judgment that such admission should not be secured or sanctioned by any method that wears the suspicion of irregularity or inadequacy.
   2nd. That we deem it unwise to vote upon the proposition to amend the Second Restrictive Rule in the manner proposed by the aforesaid action of the General Conference of 1892.
   3rd. That we propose the following amendment to the Second Restrictive Rule to add the words, "And said delegates may be men or women," after the words, "Two lay delegates for an Annual Confer-



ence," so that the entire clause will read, "Nor of more than two lay delegates for an Annual Conference, and said delegates may be men or women."
   4th. That we hereby record our purpose to vote on this proposed amendment at the session of this Conference in the year 1895.
   5th. That the secretary of this Conference is hereby instructed to forward to each of the Bishops, and to the secretaries of the various Annual Conferences a certified copy of this paper; and that the Bishops are hereby requested to submit this proposed amendment to the Second Restrictive Rule to all the Annual Conferences, meeting in the year 1895, and to report the vote on the same to the General Conference of 1896.
   Signed by the Committee; spacerJohn F. Goucher, C. Herbert Richard, J. Lanahan, A. M. Courtenay, W. S. Edwards, D. H. Carroll, J. St. Clair Neal, J. B. Stitt.


   WHEREAS, Through the blessing of God the lives of all, the brethren have been spared, and we have been permitted to assemble in this the thirteenth session of the North Nebraska Conference, therefore,
   Resolved, That with hearts filled with gratitude, we render thanks to our Heavenly Father for the benefits of the past year.
   Resolved, That we appreciate the geniality, ability and sweet Christian spirit of our Bishop, Edward G. Andrews, D. D., LL. D., in presiding over the Conference.
   Resolved, That we thank the Seward St. M. E. church and the other M. E. churches of Omaha for their hospitality in entertaining the conference.
   Resolved, That. we thank Rev. D. K. Tindall, D. D., for the excellent way he received and entertained this conference.
   Resolved, That we tender our hearty thanks to the secretary of the conference and his assistants, the treasurer and assistants, and the statistical secretary and assistants, for the faithful performance of their arduous labors.
spacerWm. M. Worley, Robt. J. Cocking, A. L. Mickel.

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