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We find the accounts of the Presiding Elders
and Secretaries correct.
Signed: J. Q. A. Fleharty, J. T. Knuckey,
G. A. Luce, R. C.
WHEREAS, The American
Bible Society proposes to place the word of God in the homes where
it is not, even without price where it cannot be paid for; and
WHEREAS, In these
scriptures is found the great plan of redemption that not only
seeks to save man from sin, but also to elevate man in his entire
nature, and
WHEREAS, Some charges
report no collection for this cause this year, Therefore
Resolved, We do earnestly implore our
brethren to not neglect this great cause, and while we are glad to
report a slight increase in collections this year. Let us try to
make another advance the ensuing year that this great cause may be
more efficient.
F. M. Wright, W. A. Wilson, A. M. Molesworth.
WHEREAS, The North
Nebraska Conference is in the midst of the most practical results
of the work of the Board of Church Extension and nearly all of us
are worshiping (sic) in churches which have been made possible by
this society, we recommend for adoption the following
1st. That we appreciate the assistance we have
already received.
2d. We heartily congratulate the Board of Church
Extension and the church at large on the remarkable success or
this work through a period of thirty years.
3d. That our country being new with rapidly
increasing population and unlimited resources, will continue to
need church extension in the future as in the past, and that our
church by fostering and strengthening this work will increase its
power to promote all forms of Christian and benevolent
4th. That we as a Conference will not be content
with anything less than a full response to the call of the General
Committee for our proper share in church extension, until
everywhere in communities now destitute, the people shall have
opportunity to "enter his courts with praise."
5th. That our Presiding Elders be requested to
apportion with care the
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$1,000 asked for church extension to the several districts and
pastoral charges for Collection, and that availing ourselves of
the helps provided by the Board and especially "Christianity in
Ernest" and Glad Tidings, we will present this cause in all our
charges and endeavor to secure, at least, the amount asked in
accordance with the plans of our dicipline (sic).
6th. That we esteem the visit of Dr. Spencer and
endorse his earnest words in behalf of this society.
C. N. Dawson, Chm.; J. Crews, Sec.;
H. W.
Conley, N. A. Martin.
The Book Concern and its various publishing
interests is an agency of invaluable power in sending abroad the
"Leaves of the Tree of Life" for the healing of the nations. It is
also a most valuable source of income to what may be termed the
pension department of our church, the several Conferences having
received for this purpose this year $125,000, of which amount our
own Conference received this year $777. Therefore
Resolved, That we consider our
obligations to maintain and promote the interests of our Book
Concern to be as sacred as any obligation appealing to our loyalty
and demanding our faithful support. We urge each pastor to impress
upon all our people the important work of our publishing interests
and the further fact that it is not a corporation organized for
private gain, but is the property of the whole Methodist Episcopal
Church and is one of the greatest co-operative associations in the
G. H. Main, J. M. Bothwell, J. W. Jennings.
We have examined the records of Neligh and
Grand Island Districts and find them correct. There is no District
Conference on Omaha District. The minutes of Norfolk District have
not been furnished for examination.
E. R. Adriance, F. M. Sisson,
A. L.
Mickel, H. H. St. Louis.
Through the blessing of God, the Methodist Episcopal Church marches onward in victory, and this victory, by the aid of the Holy Spirit comes largely from the consecrated devotion of the church to the great work of Christian education. The success of the work of education is the evidence of the mission of our book or discipline and of our church educational system. Our Board of Education gives favorable report in behalf of the University senate and the plans of educational confederation of increased collection for our Children's Day fund, and especially urges that
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the general collection be taken separate from the Children's
Day collection. The society feels honored in the general use of
the programmes for Children's Day and the collection envelopes.
The increased attendance of students at our institutions of
learning, and especially of the young men who are preparing for
the ministry is a cause for special rejoicing.
The high standing and important work of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University gives the state of Nebraska and the
North Nebraska Conference high rank among the states of the Union
and Conferences of our connection. We also recognize that the
responsibility for the highest efficiency of our school rests to a
great degree upon the heart of the North Nebraska Conference, and
this Conference may worthily rejoice in the great triumphs of this
institution in the measure that we bear our share in heroic work
necessary to success.
Our debt has been reduced from $50,000, by the
receipt or $20,000 in cash and of $10,000 in notes. This
achievement is recognized by the trustees as being largely the
result of the earnest efforts of Rev. T. O. Clendening, D. D.,
financial agent, and the joint committee recommends the thanks of
the Conference for his arduous labors. We recognize with sincere
thanks the generous donation made to the University by Rev. O. J.
Nave, S. T. D., D. D., of the proceeds from the sale of his great
work. "The Bible Index." We commend the mission and prudential
action of the Board of Trustees in the administration by which
$5,000 yearly has been saved to the school and yet, as we believe
without subtracting from the worthy management of our school. We
are glad to give highest praise to the work of Chancellor Isaac
Crook, D. D. He will ever have our highest regard, and the effect
of his excellent services will ever remain for his honor. We
welcome Chancellor C. M. Ellinwood as the man for the time and
place. We will welcome him to our pulpits in the interest of the
school, and assure him of our support. We have 400 students and 15
instructors for their training, and we especially rejoice in the
high moral and spiritual tone of the school as the chief
recommendation in behalf of its support and future success. May
this spirit ever continue and increase. In accordance with the
request of the trustees we recommend that the Sunday preceding
Thanksgiving Day be observed as the day for the special collection
for the University. We recommend the election of Rev. J. B.
Maxfield and Rev. O. J. Nave as trustees for the term ending in
1900, and Rev. J. W. Robinson for the unexpired term of C. F.
Weller. We recommend as visitors to the Nebraska Weleyan (sic)
University, F. H. Sanderson, J. B. Priest, N. A. Martin.
To Iliff school of Theology, T. C. Webster, H.
H. Millard.
Garrett Biblical Institute, G. H. Main, E. W.
H. Brooks, J.
W. Robinson,
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Recognizing in our chief officers those who
are among the hardest worked of any in the church, that the amount
raised for the Episcopal Fund was only $220.00, which was $35.00
below that of last year.
Resolved, That we feel humiliated in the
face of this fact, and that we urgently request all of our
preachers to do their utmost to raise their full
Signed: E. E.
Hunt, T. Bithel, W. H. Carter, C. F. Heywood.
That the Epworth League has been a potent
factor in the success of the church is a happy and evident fact.
Its power for good to the church and pastor is acknowledged
everywhere, and by all. How often a good, active, spiritual League
has infused new life and impetus to a church. What an agency it
has been to the pastor of revival meetings. But what may be said
of the Epworth League is just as true or the Junior League. We are
exceedingly pleased and gratified to hear of the blessed
conventions that have been held on all the Districts this year,
and especially with the success of the Conference Epworth League
convention. We heartily approve of the selection of Rev. F. M.
Sisson as president of the Conference League, and we urge upon our
pastors to encourage a better attendance at the convention to be
held at Grand Island. We would recommend every pastor, if
possible, to take up the Epworth League reading course in each
chapter on his charge. The Epworth Herald should find its
way to every Leaguer's home, as it is by far the best paper
published for young people. We should also give it our liberal
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the
Epworth League department of the Omaha Christian Advocate
and request that such be continued it possible. We do not deem it
advisable to add another department to our Epworth League
constitution, but urge upon our Leaguers to co-operate with the
committee on missions appointed by our Quarterly Conferences.
E. W. Erickson, P. M. Sisson, A. Bishop, F. W. Bross.
We rejoice in the continued success and
prosperity of this society. The cause is dear to our hearts, by
reason of the work it has accomplished. It deserves and demands
the attention of the church and especially of this Conference. It
well deserves the commendation both of church and nation. As a
Conference we were asked to raise $684 this year. Our collections
amounted to $209, a shortage of $475. For this we are exceedingly
sorry, but by God's help we promise to do better the coming year.
In view of the great indebtedness of the society, we would request
that the apportionment to this Conference for the coming year be
raised it possible, and that the helps furnished by the society be
used by all our charges.
Signed: J.
Charles, J. E. More, B. Blain, F. M. Clark.
68 |
Patients treated |
666 |
From North Nebraska Conference |
262 |
Free Patients from North Neb. Conf. |
101 |
No. of Days Free |
1090 |
Hours spent in outside work |
9335 |
Evangelistic and Temperance Meetings |
370 |
Children's and Mothers' Meetings |
210 |
Recognizing the magnificent work done by the
Omaha Hospital and Deaconess Home throughout the state and
especially within the bounds of the North Nebraska Conference,
Resolved, That we pledge ourselves anew
to all the interests of this important branch of our church
The Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home at
Omaha being in need of more commodious quarters, both for the
accommodation of patients and for the convenience and comfort of
the Deaconesses, we pledge ourselves to cordially receive any
agent appointed by the trustees to solicit funds from our charges
for this purpose. That we recommend that the trustees lay plans
for early and heroic action and in co-operation with the Presiding
Bishop, push the enterprise to a speedy completion. We further
recommend that selection be made of such physicians to serve on
the Hospital Staff as are in sympathy with us in maintaining a
religious influences and Godly deportment in the Hospital.
We recommend the following persons to serve on
the Conference Board: Rev. D. K. Tindall, T. C. Webster, John
Dale, Mrs. D. Cole, Miss Mattie Mason, L. H. Rogers, Mrs. F. M.
Sisson, J. B. Priest, John McQuoid.
T. W. Mathews, T. Bithel, E. E. Hunt.
Recognizing the importance of the work of the Missionary Society, we hereby pledge our hearty support and continued prayers. Believing, as we do, in the conversion of the world, we think it fitting and proper that we should set a suitable example before those whose belief is less firmly fixed than our own. We believe that if each pastor will set the example of proportionate giving and judiciously urge the people in this direction, they will not be slow in emulating his example. We deplore the fact that of our apportionment to the Missionary Society of $6410, but little more than $1000 has been realized. We believe a pastor's love for the Missionary Society will find its appropriate mode of expression in fully meeting his apportionment to it. Any love short or this is as "Sounding brass or a tinkling symbol." By the payment of 50 cents per member in our Conference, we can pay more than $7000 into the treasury of our beloved Missionary Society. Our people will do this it our pastor's will faithfully present its claims and follow their own advice to the people. We believe that this world will not be converted to Christ until the last command of our blessed Lord shall have been implicitly obeyed. To go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature implies much more than appears upon the surface. We believe an era of temporal and spiritual prosperity will sweep over the church, the like of which has never been
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seen since the days of the Apostles as soon as we shall have
become obedient to the mandates of Christ Jesus the Lord.
We, as your committee, desire to place our
belief upon record that a deficit in the Missionary collection is
an unnecessary evil and in accordance herewith would respectfully
suggest the following: First to the Presiding Elders: After
carefully adjusting the apportionments among the various charges
of your respective districts, multiply each apportionment by two
before sending it to the pastors. Second, to the Pastors: Before
presenting the apportionment to the people, make a liberal
allowance for shrinkage of subscriptions and add this allowance to
the apportionment, then take your collection. Then when the year's
returns are in, we will find that "He that had gathered much had
nothing over and he that gathered little had no lack." And there
will be no deficit in our Missionary collection. Plan your work
and work your plan and God will do the rest.
E. E. E. Rorick, J. N. Gortner, R. J. Cooking, W. R. Phelps.
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Whereas, The Woman's Home Missionary Society
of the Methodist Episcopal Church has established and is
conducting The Mothers Jewels Home at York, Nebraska, consisting
of 160 acres of land deeded to the church and valued at $40,000;
it has for its object the care of orphans in the home; it also
does the work of a home finder's society; therefore,
Resolved, That all cash and supplies
should be sent to said home, and we hereby pledge ourselves to
take collections for our home.
W. Bovee, W. H. Carter./P>
WHEREAS, We recognize
in the press one of the most potent influences for the diffusion
of religious knowledge, and for building up the kingdom of God on
the earth; and
WHEREAS, Our own
periodicals are by far the best helps, and best adapted to the
needs of our people; therefore,
Resolved, That we appreciate the
recognition by the General Conference of the Omaha Christian
Advocate as being a necessary factor for the growth of the
Church in the Great Central West, and for their action in making
it a Book Concern publication.
Resolved, That we express our
satisfaction with the choice of Rev. J. W. Shank, D. D., as its
editor and pledge our co-operation in the effort to place the
paper in every Methodist home.
J. McQuoid, C. M. Griffith, Henry Trezona.
We return devout thanks to Almighty God for
the grace given us in preserving our lives to assemble again in
Annual Conference.
We recognize in Bishop McCabe a brother beloved,
whose wise and business-like administration, fraternal courtesy,
inspiring addresses, sermons and songs have made this session a
memorable one, and recording this our appreciation of his labors
among us this year, we assure him of a hearty Methodist welcome,
as our Presiding Bishop in the future, whenever he shall come to
Resolved, That we commend the efficient
zeal of the pastor of our church at Albion, Rev. C. 0. Larrison,
in providing for our entertainment. We are deeply grateful to the
church and citizens of Albion for their warm welcome and generous
Resolved, That we congratulate our
brethern (sic) at Albion upon the dedication of their beautiful
church edifice free from debt and we praise God that already we
have seen His Glory filling all the house, and the fires of
revival burning upon the altars,
Resolved, That we express our thanks to
our Recording and Statistical Secretaries and Treasurer, for their
laborious and faithful work.
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Resolved, That we commend the enterprise and
appreciative spirit of the Albion newspapers in giving an
unusually accurate and complete report of the proceedings of this
Signed: A. L. Kellogg, W. P. Murray, E. R.
Adriance, Cyrus P. Cheeseman.
WHEREAS, There is a growing tendency to
desecration of the Sabbath by Sunday excursions, picnics, drives
and other forms of amusement, and the day is too often associated
in the public mind with pleasure seeking instead of worship;
Resolved, That we condemn all these forms of
amusements upon the Sabbath day and we will earnestly exhort our
people to keep sacred the Sabbath; and further, that each pastor
preach at least one sermon during the year upon the proper
observance of the Sabbath day.
Signed: C. O. Larrison, John McQuoid
During the year we have had to pass through the throes of a General Conference, and are now in the midst of the bitter acrimony of a Presidential election. From the first we have emerged satisfactorily but are still in turmoil and uncertainty. So that it is exceedingly difficult to present a true report on the state or the church. Everywhere, almost everything is disturbed in its relation to other things. In the church, retrenchment is the order of the day, from the missionary society to the sexton who cares for the village church. The question naturally arises, whereunto shall this come? or what shall the end be? Shall the church become absorbed or dominated by the world? Or shall she arise, shake herself from the dust and put on her beautiful garments? We believe that Zion shall yet come forth out of the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners. For God still lives. He sitteth upon the circle of the heavens, be the earth ever so unquiet. The very disputations of the church shall brighten the truth, and make the jewel more resplendent. Out of the turmoil and strife of tongues shall come forth a greater perfection of government, and more perfect equality in law. From the financial depression of poverty shall arise temperance, industry and frugality. While the same spirit of giving which is now manifested in our church will under more prosperous circumstances put $3,000,000 in our missionary treasury, with all other benevolences increased in proportion. Many have heard and heeded the Divine law of tithing all increase for the Lord, and when the whole church shall fall into line and bring the tithes into the store-house, God will "open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." There are many tokens that this glad day
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is coming. The standard of ministerial efficiency is rising.
Our preachers believe in our doctrines, practice and enjoy them.
Our people are coming to know more of our doctrines and love them.
The vexed question of amusements is being rapidly solved by the
faithful loyalty of the Epworth League. There have been at least
one thousand more converts at our altars, than during any previous
year. The spirit of unrest so evident last year appears to have
subsided. All these things give promise of still greater and more
rapid advancement.
Some from our ranks have passed over, and as of
old our people die well. So that while our ranks are depleted the
volume of melody is increased around the throne. Our consecrated
youth are crowding our schools for equipment for more efficient
service. Causes for encouragement multiply on every side, to that
extent that nothing short of a long meter doxology can give
expression to our gratitude. While last but not least, the
wonderful outpouring Of the Holy Spirit in heathen lands resulting
in multiplied converts to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
fulfill the prophecy, that Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her
hands to God, and that "the earth shall be full of the knowledge
of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."
John P. Roe, T. C. Webster, E. E. E. Rorick, L. K. McNiel.
The Sunday School is the nursery of the
church and the agency by which thousands are started in the path
of righteousness. We rejoice in the achievements of our 30,259
Sunday Schools under the leadership of 352,696 officers and
teachers, with an enrollment of 2,585,178 scholars. There remains
a great demand for a more liberal spirit toward this society.
Resolved, That we ask that the Presiding Elders
apportion the amount asked by this society to their several
charges. And that we recognize our Methodist Sunday School
literature as second to none. Therefore, we recommend the use of
our literature in all our schools to the exclusion of others.
E. T. Antrim, A. Bishop, W. D. Stambaugh, J. A. Roades.
WHEREAS, Intemperance
is a recognized, widespread evil, striking at the heart of the
nation, the home and the individual,
Resolved, That this Conference continue
to place itself upon record as the uncompromising foe of the drink
habit and of the liquor traffic in every form. We stand, not only
for state and national prohibition, but for the total annihilation
of this giant sin.
As ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
avowed advocates of purity and morality, and always and everywhere
champions of temperance
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and prohibition, we pledge ourselves to increased efforts for
the suppression of the liquor traffic, and will do everything
within our power to secure the consummation devoutly to be wished.
While we do not deem it within the province of the Conference to
dictate to its members as to the depositing of their votes as
individual citizens -- thus interfering with their most sovereign
prerogative -- we nevertheless propose to stand always for the
right. And we will remember the saying of Edmund Burke: "When bad
men conspire, good men must combine." We also promise to preach on
the subject of temperance, through the year, as frequently as
would be consistent with the demands of other necessary pulpit
presentments. And in public and private we will be true and loyal
to the great prohibition cause and fight its defiant and audacious
foe 'till we conquer.
H. Sanderson, Clyde C. Cissell.
Since our Tract Society furnishes a vast
assortment of tract literature, which is an efficient
instrumentality for evangelization,
Resolved, That we recommend their liberal
use, and would call the attention of our pastors to the offer of
this society to give to each charge one-half the amount
contributed last year in tracts.
We are pleased to announce the aid which this
society has rendered to our missionary cause by giving $7,000 per
annum for the circulation of religious literature. We recommend
that the Conference instruct the Presiding Elders to apportion pro
rata to their charges the amount of $210, the amount asked by this
society from the Conference.
E. T. Antrim, J. A. Roades, A. Bishop, W. D. Stambaugh.
Believing in the command given by the Great
Head of the Church to go forth and disciple all nations, we hail
with delight all the instruments raised up of God for this
purpose; principle among these we recognize the Woman's Home and
Woman's Foreign Missionary. Societies. We review, with gratitude
to God, the good already accomplished in home and foreign fields.
We shall, as far as possible in accordance with the rules of our
church, stand ready to obey the command of God through Paul to the
Philippians, and help "Those women which labor together with us in
the gospel," giving them our prayers, help and sympathy, and
trusting that God will abundantly bless them in their institutions
and labors.
D. C. Worts, T. C. Clendening, Elmer E. Shafer.
74 |
D. C. Winship |
Logic and Psychology. |
H. A. Barton |
Studies for Local Candidates for Deacons Orders |
C. 0. Larrison |
Systematic Theology, Miley, Manual of Christian Evidence. |
G. A. Luce |
Essays. W. P. Murray Outlines Universal History, Leading Facts of American History. |
J. W. Jennings |
Discipline, Catechism, Review of Four Years Local Course for Candidates for Elders Orders. |
C. N. Dawson |
Life of Wesley, History Christian Church, History American Methodism. |
Thomas Bithel |
Biblical Hermeneutics, Theological Encyclopedia and Methodology. |
G. H. Main |
Elementary English Branches, Rhetoric. |
Wm. Esplin |
Written Sermons. |
T. C. Webster |
Christian Perfection, Butler's Analogy. |
L. K. McNiel |
Syllabi. |
H. H. Millard |
Doctrinal Aspects of Christian Experience, The Supernatural Book. |
John McQuoid |
Exegetical Studies. |
N. A. Martin |
Theory and Practice of Extemporaneous Preaching, Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. English and American Literature. |
J. T. Knuckey |
Harmon's Introduction Scripture History. |
Examiners and undergraduates will please study carefully
the new Discipline, Appendix, ¶ 56 to ¶ 60 inclusive,
and be guided strictly thereby. Undergraduates who were conditioned will find it to their advantage to clear up the
conditions at once, then take up the books of the course
systematically and persistently, remembering the saying of Bishop
Janes quoted by Bishop McCabe: "The fore-part of time enough yet
is the best part." D.
C. WINSHIP, Chairman.
In Conference Roll and Directory read A. L.
Mickel, Columbus, instead of Wood River. Also in Disciplinary
Questions, under Triers of Appeals, omit last two names in list,
according to instructions from the Bishop, as we are not entitled
to so many.
Please correspond with C. N. Dawson, Omaha, as
to all matters pertaining to publishing and distributing the
minutes. D.
@ 1999 by Ted & Carole Miller for the NEGenWeb Project