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   We, the auditing committee, having examined the accounts of the Presiding Elders, the Secretary and the Conference Treasurer, find them correct, with the exception that the Conference Treasurer has in hand and reports more money than is shown in the reports of the Statistical Secretary, owing to some being paid the Treasurer after reports of Secretary were made.


   The American Bible Society was founded in 1816 to encourage a "Wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures without note or comment." This society has the indorsement of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1840. The receipts of the society during the quadrenium preceding the General Conference of 1896 were $2,205,707.87. The disbursements for the same time were $2,125,632.72, making the receipts $80,075.15 above the disbursements. During this time the Society has issued 6,173,933 volumes. Since its organization there have been 61,705,841 volumes issued. There is a good increase in the business of the Society each succeeding year. It publishes the Holy Scriptures in about one hundred languages and dialects.
   This Society sends out the Bible into all lands and among all people, at such an exceedingly low price as to make one marvel at its work.
   Our own Missionary Society has received $25,000 in the past four years for this purpose. In 1866 we, as a Church, gave in collections, $107,238, and in 1895 $30,000, a falling off of $77,238 in 1895 as compared with 1866. But we are glad to note an increase in our Conference collections. Last Conference year we raised $69, and this Conference year $78 for this cause, making an increase of $9 this year over last.
   Resolved, That we as a Conference pledge our loyalty to the American Bible Society, and see that its cause is properly presented to our people and the collection taken.


   WHEREAS, The North Nebraska Conference has been the recipient of so large a portion of the blessings dispensed by the Board of Church Extension, nearly all of us worshiping in houses built in part by this Society, we recommend for adoption the following resolutions:
   FIRST -- That we highly appreciate the help received in the part.



   SECOND -- We heartily congratulate the Board of Church Extension in its achievements through a period of thirty years.
   THIRD -- That our Country is rapidly increasing in population, and will continue to need Church Extension in the future, as in the past, and our Church fostering and strengthening this work will increase its own power to promote all forms of Christian and benevolent activity.
   FOURTH -- That we, as a Conference, will not be content with anything less than a full response to the call of the General Committee for our proper share in Church Extension, until every where in communities now destitute, the people shall enter "His courts with praise."
   FIFTH -- That our Presiding Elders be requested to apportion with care, the full amount asked for Church Extension to the several districts, and pastoral charges for collection, and that availing ourselves of the helps provided by the Board, and especially "Christianity in Earnest," and Glad Tidings We, will present this cause in all our Churches, and endeavor to secure at least the amount asked in accordance with the plan of our Discipline.


   We, the committee appointed to examine District Conference Records submit the following report: We have examined the records of the Norfolk, Neligh and Grand Island districts, and find them correct.


   A very large amount of work has been accomplished during the past year, of which the following will give us a glimpse:
   673 patients have been admitted.
   5,630 days for pay patients.
   4,007 days for free patients.
   5,976 hours spent in outside nursing.
   417 free dressings done outside Hospital.
   3 visitors working all the year.
   3,500 calls made.
   9,340 papers distributed.
   150 temperance meetings held.
   365 special meetings held.
   Resolved, That it is the sense of this Conference, that the Trustees of the Omaha Hospital and Deaconess' Home of the M. E. church should, as soon as by them thought practicable, put a man in the field for the purpose of raising funds for the erection or purchase of a new hospital building,
   Resolved, That we manife t (sic) our appreciation of the efficiency of the Board of Trustees and officers by extending a fraternal welcome and our



heartiest support to their representative when he shall come into our midst.
   We recommend the following persons to serve on the Conference Board: T. C. Webster, D. K. Tindall, John Dale, Mrs. D. Cole, Emma Gillan, Osker Glidden, Mrs. F. M. Sisson, J. B. Priest, John McQuoid.


   We recognize in our publishing interests the most potent auxiliary to the pastorate, and one of the most powerful agencies of our church.
   It is with pleasure that we view our periodical literature as standing in the forefront of the religious literature of the world, both as to perfection in quality and in the extent of its circulation.
   We protest against the un-Methodistic principle of Methodist preachers assisting in the circulations of non-Methodistic papers, and of our people patronizing the same at the expense of our own literature, and we will do all in our power to strengthen our own publishing interests.
   We record our satisfaction with the visit to our Conference of Rev. W. V. Kelley, D. D., editor of the Methodist Review. We urge that every pastor become a subscriber to this excellent and well-edited periodical.
   We are highly gratified with the efficiency and unprecedented circulation of the Epworth Herald. We rejoice in the success and widening influence of our official organ, the Omaha Christian Advocate.
   While we do not close our doors to any of the great family of advocates, yet we especially commend the Omaha Christian Advocate for the high standing of literary merit maintained, and its bold aggressiveness in all battles for the right, and we pledge ourselves to our earnest endeavor for the increase of its circulation, Every official member should avail himself of this means of information so essential to his work. We express our thanks and satisfaction with the efficient labors of Rev. J. W. Shank, D. D., as its editor, and we pledge our co-operation in his effort to place the paper in every Methodist home. We call the attention of our Publishing Agents to the fact that in accordance with the action of the General Conference of 1892 the Omaha Christian Advocate has become the official organ of our Conference, and while none of the Advocates are excluded from any territory in the church, the official relation of an Advocate to a Conference means much to the success of that paper within the bounds of that Conference. In accordance with the recommendation of the Book Committee that undue competition should not be indulged in, we respectfully request that the official relation of the Omaha Christian Advocate to its patronizing territory be extended the same courtesy and treated in the same manner as are the other Advocates in their respective patronizing Conferences.




   During the past year the Lord has continued to bless our church. There has been advancements in nearly all lines of work. The subject of tithing has been freely discussed by many of the pastors and laymen, and many are beginning to believe and put in practice the Divine law that one-tenth of the income belongs to the Lord.
   There is an increasing demand in the Church that the ministry shall be free from the use of tobacco. We exhort the old men, by the help and grace of God, to quit using it, and the young men not to break the vow they made.
   We have much to thank God for in the blessings of the past year, and in the glorious outlook for the future.


   WHEREAS, There is in the bounds of the Church 31,121 Sunday Schools, with 360,633 officers and teachers, and an enrolled membership of 2,620,010 scholars, and
   WHEREAS, In the providence of God there has been 126,818 conversions in 1896; therefore, be it
   Resolved, (1) That great care should be exercised in the selection of teachers that are fully consecrated to God and his work.
   Resolved, (2) That our Methodist periodicals as published by our Methodist Book Concern be recommended and used in all our Sunday Schools.
   Resolved, (3) That we hail with delight the home department of the Sunday School to help those that are unable to attend the sessions of the Sunday School to study the word of God.
   Resolved, (4) That as the Sunday School Union has so grandly helped 3,000 schools of our Church, and that we have within the bounds of our Conference, as given by the general minutes, 16,706 members, that we accept the apportionment as given by the board of $835.00 to be distributed pro rata among the Sunday Schools of the Conference to be raised during the year.


   WHEREAS, The Tract is an evangelizing instrumentality, because of its adaptation to almost every variety of need, its convenience and ease in circulation, and its brevity, causing it to be read where a book would be neglected, therefore be it
   Resolved (1), That we recommend with delight the Tract Society of our own Church, with its vast assortment of Tract literature.
   Resolved (2), That we receive with grateful hearts the aid which our Tract Society gives to the cause of missions each year of from $6,000.00 to



$7,000.00. That as the Tract Society asks of the entire Church $60,000, of which some $210 has been apportioned to our Conference, we will therefore pledge it our support.

W. H. M. S. AND W. H. F. S.

   Gratefully recognizing the good work being accomplished through the efficient agencies of the Woman's Home and Woman's Foreign Missionary Societies, therefore be it
   Resolved, That we in Conference assembled, bid those faithful bearers of the Gospel God speed in their glorious work, and
   WHEREAS, The work being accomplished by the Mothers' Jewels Home is singularly blessed of God, in that they now have an excellent home, worth $40,000, clear of ail incumbrances. under the efficient management of Brother and Sister Spurlock and their co-laborers, and we trust and pray that the whole Church will take this matter to heart, giving especial care to our own and as many others as the management may provide for. Therefore be it
   Resolved, That we as the pastors of the North Nebraska Conference, give the Home right-of-way in all of our pulpits, and that we recommend an annual collection for the interest of the same.


   The organization and growth of the Epworth League marks an epoch in Methodism. Its power for good is without precedent and is increasing.
   We rejoice in this mighty army of 1,600,000 consecrated young people who are striving to "look up and lift up" as well. We recognize in our General Secretary, Dr. Schell, an able and devoted leader and organizer, and in Bishop Ninde, our President, a valiant man of God, who will lead the way to greater usefulness in our Master's service.
   We heartily endorse the administration and re-election of Dr. Sisson to the presidency of our Conference League.
   We recommend that our Chapters pursue, as far as possible, the Current Reading Course, and that the watch cry of every League should be: "The Epworth Herald in every Epworthian home."
   We appreciate the Epworth League Department of our Omaha Christian Advocate, and hope it may be continued. We recommend that the Conference League officers and constitution be approved by this body and the same published in the minutes, in pursuance of the action taken at our last convention, held at Central City, Neb.


   ARTICLE 1, NAME. -- This organization shall be called the North Nebraska Conference Epworth League. It shall be auxiliary to the



Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and its constitution shall be subject to approval by the North Nebraska Annual Conference.

   ARTICLE II, OBJECT. -- The object shall be to promote piety and loyalty among the young people of our Church and congregations, to aid them in the attainment of purity of heart, constant growth in grace and to train them in Christian work.

   ARTICLE III REPRESENTATION. -- The Presiding Elders and Preachers in charge in the Conference shall be members ex-officio of the Conference Epworth League and each chapter of the League within the bounds of the North Nebraska Conference shall be represented in the Conference League by two lay delegates to be elected by the local chapters, one of whom may be the Superintendent of local chapter of the Junior Epworth League.

   ARTICLE IV, OFFICERS. -- Section 1. The officers of the North Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, a Superintendent of Junior Epworth League, and two directors from each Presiding Elder's district, one of whom shall be the Presiding Elder and the other a Pastor.
   Section 2. -- The officers shall be elected annually (except the Presiding Elders, who are officers ex-officio) at the time of the Annual Convention. The election shall be by ballot, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to constitute an election.
   Section 3. -- The officers shall be members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and connected with some chapter of the Epworth League within the bounds of said Conference. The President shall be subject to approval by the Annual Conference, to which body he shall submit report annually.

   ARTICLE V, MEETINGS. -- The North Nebraska Conference Epworth League shall hold Annual Conventions at such time and place as may be designated by the Annual Convention from time to time. At the Annual Convention the President, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and the Superintendent of Junior League shall present written reports concerning the work of past year or fraction of a year previous to such Annual Convention. It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to secure, if possible, reports from each League chapter in the Conference. The Annual Convention shall be the regular session of this Conference Epworth League, at which all business shall be transacted which may properly come before it.

   ARTICLE VI, BOARD OF CONTROL. -- The Board of Control shall consist of the officers designated in Article IV, Section 1, including the Directors. Its duties shall be to have charge of all matters pertaining to the Conference Epworth League during the interim of Annual Conventions, not otherwise provided for by the Annual Convention, and shall have power to fill all vacancies, prepare and publish programs, devise ways and means



for and to carry out plans of the Annual Convention, to raise money necessary to meet the expenses of Annual Conventions and fix time and place of holding the Annual Convention, unless fixed by the Annual Convention, or if it be found impracticable to hold the Annual Convention at such time or place as may have been previously designated by the Convention.

   ARTICLE VII, AMENDMENTS. -- This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any Annual Convention, subject to approval of the Annual Conference.

   ARTICLE VIII, BY-LAWS, ETC. -- By-Laws and Rules of Order may be adopted at any Annual Convention by a majority vote.


   The amount apportioned to each pastoral charge for the support of the Bishops, shall be a pro rata claim with that of the pastors and Presiding Elders; and no pastor or Presiding Elder shall be entitled to his allowance, except to the extent to which the claims of the Bishops are also met by the charge or district with which such pastor or Presiding Elder is connected.
   Second. By an examination of the reports made to this annual Conference, we find that the amounts reported from three districts for this fund are below such a proportion, and
   Third. Complaints come from both pastors and Presiding Elders that they have not received their disciplinary pro rata or the money raised for ministerial support. Also, appeals of special earnestness are made to this Conference for an increase of contributions to make up the deficiency in the Episcopal fund. Therefore,
   Resolved, That it be the sense of this Conference that any pastor or Presiding Elder who accepts more than his pro rata share of the amount or money raised for ministerial support on his pastoral charge or district, or who does not pay the due proportion to the Episcopal fund shall be deemed an offender aginst (sic) the order of the General Conference and guilty of a breach of trust.


   With gratitude to Almighty God, we recognize the faithful works of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Educational Society for another year. We rejoice that the report of our Conference for this year reveals an increase of $104 to this very important cause, but we must, as an Annual Conference, report a deficit in our contributions of $313. We pledge ourselves to greater faithfulness during the coming year.




   We recognize the Missionary Society as the organized effort of our church for fulfilling the Divine command to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
   The gospel is world-wide in its value and must therefore be world-wide in its application.
   We believe it is within the power of the Christians of this century to hasten or retard the coming of Christ's kingdom on earth by hundreds and perhaps by thousands or years.
   We rejoice that from every nation comes the Macedonian cry, "Come over and help us," but no less do we rejoice because of thousands of educated and consecrated young men and women who have heard the call, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?" and have placed themselves upon the altars of the church, saying -- "Here am I, send me."
   With open doors and waiting workers the conversion of the world is now a problem of dollars and cents. May the Lord baptize the church with the spirit of giving until every member shall pay into the Lord's treasury at least one-tenth of his income. For then will there be no deficits in our treasuries.
   We note with thanksgiving an increase in our missionary collections of $1,008.00 above last year's receipts. Yet despite the total increase some thirty charges fell below their apportionments.
   While we deplore the debt of our Society we lay no blame upon the Secretaries nor Board of Managers. And instead of looking upon the debt as an unnecessary evil, we rather consider it an evidence of God's willingness to use our church for the salvation of increasing millions.
   If there is any blame it must be laid at the door of our members for having failed in their liberality to keep pace with the demands of our work.
   We heartily concur in the efforts or the Missionary Secretaries to liquidate this debt and pledge our earnest support. We trust those having assumed any portion thereof will promptly meet the same as soon as informed that all is provided for.


   WHEREAS, We recognize the proper observance of the Sabbath day as one of the most vital principles of our religion and there is a constantly growing tendency to desecration of this day in various ways. Therefore, be it resolved,
   Firstly, That we unreservedly condemn the Sunday newspaper as a harmful institution and unworthy of Christian patronage.
   Secondly, That we declare Sunday excursions are contrary to the



teaching of God's word and demoralizing in the extreme and no Christian can properly join in them.
   Thirdly, That we condemn all other forms of Sunday amusements whereby the mind is detracted from proper worship of God and meditation upon His word and whereby a faithful attendance upon all or any of the means of grace are hindered. Also that we pledge ourselves to discourage the use of public conveyance for any purpose on Sunday.


To the Directors Trans Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, June-Oct., 1898.
  The North Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church assembled and representing 125 ministers and over 13,000 laymen earnestly and urgently petition your body to close the gates of the Exposition upon the Lord's day.


   We return thanks to God for the grace given us in preserving our lives to assemble again in Annual Conference.
   We recognize in Bishop Ninde a brother beloved, whose wise and business-like administration, fraternal courtesy, inspiring addresses and sermon have made this a very blessed Conference session, and recording this our appreciation of his labors among us this year, we assure him of a hearty welcome, as our Presiding Bishop in the future, whenever he shall come to us.
   Resolved, That we commend the efficient work of the pastor of our church in Schuyler, J.W. Jennings, D. D. in providing for our entertainment. We are very grateful to the church and citizens of Schuyler for their warm welcome and generous hospitality.
   Resolved, That we express our thanks to our Recording and Statistical Secretaries and Treasurer for their labors and faithful work.


   We recognize the leading of Divine Providence in the constantly increasing success of our educational institutions and in the interest manifested in the same by our people. Inasmuch as the race of life becomes more keen and it is apparent that only the person of trained intellect can hope for any measure of success, we earnestly urge upon our young people the importance of utilizing the excellent facilities offered in our Nebraska Wesleyan University for such training. On behalf of our Conference we express our appreciation and approval of the splendid work accomplished by our University and heartily commend it as a place of learning to all those seeking advanced education. We are pleased to



note that over forty students from our bounds are within her walls, and we pledge for the future our heartiest support to the authorities thereof. We heartily endorse the administration of the Board of Trustees and efficiency of the Faculty. That we welcome Chancellor Ellenwood to our pulpits; that we record our high appreciation of the magnanimous gift to the University by Chaplain O. J. Nave, S. T. D., LL. D., of the proceeds of his Topical Bible. Also, be, it
   Resolved, That we call special attention to our several schools of theology, namely: Boston University, Drew Theological Seminary, Garret Biblical Institute and Iliff School of Theology as second to none in fitting young men for the work of the ministry, and we urge them to avail themselves of their advantages.
   Furthermore, we endorse the work of the Board of Education as represented by C. H. Payne, D. D., LL. D. We accept the standard set by the University Senate and are gratified that this board has aided twelve students in the bounds of our Conference to the amount of $118. We recommend that our preachers, in no case, fail to take Children's Day collection.
   We recommend the election of R. W. Breckenridge and Wm. Gorst as trustees to the Nebraska Wesleyan University.
   We recommend as visitors to the same: J. B. Carns, C. C. Cissel and J. H. Johnson.
   To Drew Theological Seminary, A. L. Mickle.
   Garett Biblical Institute, E. T. George.
   Iliff School of Theology, Thos. Bithel.


   WHEREAS, Our Discipline says that "Temperance in its broader meaning is distinctively a Christian virtue enjoined in the Holy Scriptures. It implies a subordination of all the emotions, passions and appetites, to the control of reason and conscience. Dietetically, it means a wise use of suitable articles of food and drink, with entire abstinence from such as are known to be hurtful." And
   WHEREAS, Science, religion and human experience join in condemning all alcoholic beverages and narcotics as injurious to health and detrimental to morals,
   Resolved, (1), That as Ministers, we will urge upon our people both by precept and example total abstinence by the individual and organized effort for the overthrow of the saloon.
   Resolved (2), That we endorse the American Anti-Saloon League, and will gladly aid in the organization of State and Local Leagues.
   Resolved (3), That we endorse Rev. O. B. Whitmore of Lincoln, State Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League and welcome him to our charges.



   Resolved (4), That we recommend the election of the following brethren as delegates to a State Convention soon to be held at Lincoln, for the purpose of organizing a State Anti-Saloon League. Rev. C. M. Griffith and Rev. C. F. Heywood. We also recommend the election of Rev. J. W. Jennings and Rev. H. H. Millard as delegates to the Natonal (sic) Anti-Saloon Convention, to be held in Columbus, Ohio, January 11 to 13,1898. We also name Rev. J. W. Jennings as a member of the Board of Direction for the new year.
   Resolved (5), That we deplore the increasing use of tobacco and cigaretts, and will urge as a religious duty upon all our members total abstinence from use of the same.
   Resolved (6), That while as a Conference we do not admit to memberchip in our body, any young man who uses tobacco. We herewith earnestly request our Bishops not to transfer to our Conference any Preacher who uses tobacco.
   Resolved, (7), That we request any preacher who has formed the habit of using tobacco, to abstain from the unclean, unhealthful and unministerial practice.

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