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Sept. 1901]





spacerDavid City, Nebraska, September 26th, 1901.
   OPENING.-The Forty-first Session of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held in David City, Nebraska, beginning Thursday Sept. 26, 1901, Bishop Daniel A. Goodsell. D. D. LL. D.. presiding. Devotional services at 8:30 a. in. were conducted by H. L. Powers, of the North Nebraska Conference. At 9:00 a. m. Bishop Goodsell took the chair and announced the 798th hymn beginning

"And are we yet alive
And see each other's face?"

   After the hymn was sung, he read scripture lessons from Isaiah 40th chapter, verses 18 to 31 inclusive and from Ephesians second chapter, verses 11 to 22 inclusive. The Lord's Supper was then observed by the conference with unusual impressiveness and with great benefit, the Bishop addressing the conference upon the supreme importance and privilege of such an occasion.

   ROLL CALL. -- The secretary of the last conference, Orien W. Fifer, called the roll of the conference and one hundred and twenty-four members and probationers responded to their names. (See names marked present on roll.)

   SECRETARY. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, Orien W. Fifer was elected secretary of the conference by a rising vote and given power to name his assistants. He named J. W. Scott, 0. T. Moore and G. A. Hobson.

   TREASURER. On motion of Geo. I. Wright, A. C. Crosthwaite was elected treasurer in the same manner and authorized to name his assistants. He named G. M. Jones and W. K. Williams.

   STATISTICAL SECRETARY. On motion of A. C. Crosthwaite, by rising vote, E. D. Gideon was elected statistical secretary with power to name his assistants. He named R. A. Barnes, F. W. Bean, J. W. Embree, G. L. Hosford, E. M. Evans, H. Zinnecker and A. V. Wilson.

   CONFERENCE POST MASTER. On motion of G. I. Wright, A. E. Chadwick was elected conference post master by acclamation

   BAR OF CONFERENCE. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the bar of the conference was fixed within and including the seventh row of seats from the altar.

   STANDING COMMITTEES. On motion of W. B. Alexander, the presiding elders were authorized to nominate the standing committees.



[41st Session

   On motion of G. W. Isham, a committee on church Insurance was added to the list of the standing committees. G. I. Wright, for the presiding elders, read the list of such committees as follows: (See Standing Committees.)

   SESSION HOURS. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the hours for conference sessions were fixed at from 8:30 a. in. to 11:45 a. m., the first half hour to be spent in devotional exercises.

   LETTER FROM BISHOP FOSS. The secretary read a letter from Bishop Foss regretting his inability to be present and preside at the conference session, owing to temporary ill health, and expressing his pleasure that Bishop Goodsell was to preside in his absence. On motion J. S. W. Dean, the secretary by a rising vote was requested to knowledge the receipt of the letter, to thank Bishop Foss for his fine greeting and to assure him of the prayers of the conference for his recovery.

   ADDRESS. Bishop Goodsell briefly addressed the conference.

   INTRODUCTIONS AND ADDRESSES. The Rev. Dr. A. C. Hirst, of the North Nebraska Conference, was introduced and addressed the conference in the interest of the Church Extension Society. The Rev. F. L. Hart of the West Wisconsin Conference was introduced and addressed the conference upon matters pertaining to the National Mutual Church Insurance Company.

   RESOLUTIONS. P. C. Johnson read the following resolutions concerning the assassination of William McKinley and on his motion they were adopted by a rising vote. (See Resolutions.)

   SEMI-CENTENNIAL SERMON. On motion of T. H. Worley, the time for preaching the semi-centennial sermon was referred to the committee on public worship for decision, with instructions to consult with Chancellor Huntington.

   XV QUESTION. The Fifteenth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   The presiding elders reported that no member of the conference had died within the year.

   XIV Question. The Fourteenth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   The following transfers of elders from this conference were announced: D. C. Phillips, W. J. Calfee, and T. McK. Stuart to the Des Moines Conference, and S. T. Hawkins to the Idaho Conference.

   I QUESTION. The First question of the General Minutes was taken up:

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   The following transfers of elders into this conference were announced: C. A. Hale and N. J. Chrysler from the West Nebraska, P. P. Carroll from the Genesee and J. W. Lewis from the Maine Conferences.

   TIME EXTENDED. On motion of J. S. W. Dean time was extended.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. F. M. Esterbrook, treasurer of Nebraska Wesleyan University was introduced and addressed the conference, stating the present financial condition of the institution and how money should be reported to receive proper credit.

   UNIVERSITY FUNDS. In the matter of reporting money subscribed to the Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund for the University debt, the Bishop ruled that any money paid upon contingent circumstances, was not in the power of the conference to appropriate and could not be reported in the statistical tables in columns marked for the regular benevolences.

   STATISTICAL SESSION. On motion of A. C. Crosthwaite, a session of the conference was ordered at 2:00 p. m. to receive statistical reports and subscriptions for publishing the conference minutes. The Bishop appointed J. S. W. Dean to preside.

   EXCUSED. On motion of Richard Pearson, G. W. Abbott was excused from attendance upon the conference session on Friday morning.

   ADJOURNMENT. The committees were called, the announcements were made, the doxology was sung and A. C. Hirst pronounced the benediction.


   OPENING. The conference met at 2:00 p. m., J. S. W. Dean presiding. Devotional exercises were conducted by William Worley. John Gallagher offered prayer.

   SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR MINUTES. The secretary called the roll and cash subscriptions aggregating $110. were received.

   STATISTICAL REPORTS. The roll of charges was called by the secretary and statistical reports were received.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. The Rev. W. E. Grose, representing the Western Methodist Book Concern was introduced and addressed the conference.

   ADJOURNMENT. The doxology was sung and W. B. Alexander pronounced the benediction.


spacerFriday, Sept. 27th., 1901.
   OPENING. The devotional exercises at 8:30 a. m. were conducted by the Rev. J. J. Rapp of the Rock River Conference. At nine o'clock, Bishop Goodsell called the conference to order. The Journal of the sessions on Thursday was read and approved.



[41st Session

   ROLL CALL. The secretary called the roll of absentees and the following answered to their names: T. A. Hull, J. G. Day, C. L. Myers, U. G. Brown. H. F. Smith. L. F. Harmon. G. W. Selby. and M. E. Gilbert.

   EXCUSED. W. T. Cline, F. A. Stuff, and D. W. C. Huntington on motion of J. S. W. Dean, and D. W. Wilt on motion of G. I. Wright, were excused from the conference session. On motion of G. W. Isham, J. R. Gettys was granted leave of absence.

   DELINQUENT REPORTS. The statistical secretary and the treasurer called the roll of charges for delinquent reports.

   SPECIAL ORDER. On motion of W. B. Alexander the time for taking the vote upon the Constitution, was fixed at 10 a. m. Saturday.

   VII QUESTION. The Seventh question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who have been admitted into full membership?"
   The character passed of Charles E. Ruch and he reported his disciplinary work. The character passed of Marvin E. Gilbert.

   X QUESTION. The Tenth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "What members have completed the conference course of Study?"
   The character passed of Samuel T. Walker. William H. Stanley, George C. Cobb, John Calvert, William M. Morrow, Henry F. Smith, James E. McKenney, Edward S. Burr, Green W. Selby, Mortimer R. Crisp, George L. Hosford. Alexander B. Grossman, and they reported their disciplinary work. They were represented by their presiding elders, and the board of examiners reported upon their studies. Samuel T. Walker, Henry F. Smith, George C. Cobb and Green W. Selby were continued in the studies of the fourth year with credit for studies completed. William H. Stanley, John Calvert, William M. Morrow, Edward S. Burr, Mortimer R. Crisp, George L. Hosford, and Alexander B. Grossman were elected to elders orders.

   INTRODUCTIONS. The following persons were introduced to the conference: J. W. Jennings, Wm. Gorst, A. L. Mickel, J. A. Johnson and H. L. Powers of the North Nebraska Conference, 0. R. Beebe of the West Nebraska Conference and S. A. Beek of the Korean Mission.

   XXIII QUESTION. The Twenty-third question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who are the superannuated preachers?
   The character passed of C. L. Smith and he was continued in the superannuated relation. He addressed the conference and on his request he was excused from further attendance upon the conference session.

   XIII. QUESTION The Thirteenth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Was the character of each preacher examined?"
   The character passed of G. W. Isham, presiding elder. The Bishop

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asked if there was anything against the character of any effective elder on the Beatrice district. The presiding elder replied "There is nothing." He then read his report. The names of the effective elders were called and the following reported their disciplinary work: E. L. Barch, L. Morrison, J. T. Roberts, L. G. Parker, U. G. Brown, W. M. Balch, E. F. S. Darby, P. C. Johnson., I. L. Lowe, W. N. Simpson, J. W. Stewart, G. M. Morey, J. W. Swan.

   XVIII QUESTION. The Eighteenth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who have withdrawn?"
   On motion of J. W. Stewart, C. H. Gilmore was permitted to withdraw from the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church on condition that he complete the return of his parchments to the conference. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, S. H. Maxwell was permitted to withdraw when he had returned his parchments to the conference.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. The Rev. Dr. W. V. Kelley, Editor of the Methodist Review, was introduced and addressed the conference.

   METHODIST REVIEW. On motion of O. W. Fifer. John Calvert was appointed to canvass for subscriptions to the Methodist Review.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. L. 0. Jones, President of the Nebraska Conference Epworth League, was introduced and addressed the conference. He stated that $150.00 would be given to the conference stewards as ten per cent of the profits of the Assembly.

   VOTE OF THANKS. On motion of P. C. Johnson a vote of thanks was presented to the Epworth League with assurance that the members of the conference would support and attend the Assembly next year.

   DIVIDENDS. The Bishops presented drafts properly drawn for $504.00 as the Book Concern dividend and $22.00 as the Chartered Fund dividend in favor of the Conference Claimants.

   XIII QUESTION The Thirteenth question of the General Minutes was resumed. The character passed of Richard Pearson, presiding elder of the Hastings District. The Bishop asked him if there was anything against the character of any effective elder upon the Hastings district. he replied "There is nothing." The name of each effective elder was called and the following reported according to the disciplinary requirements: C. P. Metcalf, A. G. Forman, B. W. Marsh, G. H. Moulton, G. M. Gates, F. A. Colony, H. B. Seymour, E. L. Wolff, R. A. Barnes. A. W. Coffman, C. L. Hamilton, T. A. Hull, P. H. Smith.

   INTRODUCTION AND ADDRESS. Mrs. Allie P. McLaughlin of the Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home in Omaha was introduced and addressed the conference.

   ADDRESS -- The bishop addressed the conference upon the deaconess work in this and in other countries.



[41st Session

   CONFERENCE RELATIONS. On motion of F. L. Wharton, the conference gave its consent for cases to be referred to the committee on conference relations on the unanimous vote of the presiding elders without announcement in open conference.

   SEMI-CENTENNIAL SERMON. The Bishop announced that the hour for the semi-centennial sermon by D. W. C. Huntington would be eleven a. m. Saturday.

   ADJOURNMENT. The committees were called, announcements were made, the doxology was sung and W. V. Kelley pronounced the benediction.


spacerSaturday, September 28th., 1901.
   OPENING. The Conference met at 8:30 a. m. Devotional exercises were conducted by H. L. Powers. The Journal of the session on Friday was read, corrected and approved.

   EXCUSED. On motion of C. E. Giwits, G. W. Selby was excused from examination and continued in the class of the fourth year.

   TIME OF ADJOURNMENT. By general consent, it was agreed to conduct the conference business so that adjournment, sine die, could be had Monday night.

   DEATH OF W. A. SPENCER. Leander Morrison announced the death of Secretary W. A. Spencer of the Church Extension Society. The Bishop addressed the conference concerning the great loss sustained by the church by his decease. The conference joined in singing

"Oh how sweet it will be, In that beautiful land, To meet one another again."

   XXX QUESTION. The Thirtieth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Where shall the next conference be held?"
   Invitations from Trinity Church Lincoln, Wymore and Falls City were received. Wymore was chosen.

   XXIII QUESTION. The Twenty-third question of the General Minutes was taken up.
   "Who are the superannuated preachers?"
   The character passed of A. L. Folden, G. W. Selby, William Cowley, N. H. Davis, A. P. Jones, 0. P. Sheldon, H. Burch, G. B. Crippen, C. G. Lathrop, J. Marsh, H. Presson, C. Reilly, L. W. Smith, J. W. Taylor, J. L. Fort, G. A. Smith, J. W. Warfield G. A. Hobson, E. Holland, J. A. Chapin, L. Jean, D. C. Brannon, A. Madole, J. Williams, R. G. Adams, J. S. Orr, J. H. Beery and they were continued in the superannuated relation. Those present and desiring to speak addressed the

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conference The character passed of Moses Anderson and Hiram Curtiss, and they were referred to the committee on conference relations.

   CHANGE IN COMMITTEE. On motion of J. F. Kemper, L. C. Lemon was excused from the committee on conference relations. N. A. Martin was named as substitute.

   VII QUESTION. The Seventh question of the General Minutes was resumed.
   "Who are admitted into full membership?"
   Marvin E. Gilbert reported his work. The character passed of George Wash and he reported. Charles E. Ruch, Marvin E. Gilbert and George Wash were called forward, answered the disciplinary questions and were addressed by the Bishop. The board of examiners reported upon their studies, they were represented by their presiding elders, advanced to the studies of the third year, admitted to full membership and elected to deacon's orders. The character passed of Eugene F. Gates. He was represented by the board of examiners, and his presiding elder and advanced to the studies of the third year. Not being present at the seat of conference he was continued on trial. The character passed of Herbert E. Covell. Further action was deferred until his examiner could report.

   EXCUSED. By his own request, E. S. F. Darby was excused from further attendance upon the conference session.

   ORDER OF THE DAY. On motion of T. H. Worley the order of the day was taken up and the vote upon the Constitution submitted by the General Conference was taken. On motion of O. W. Fifer the ballot was taken by a rising and count vote. On motion of G. I. Wright the vote was taken without debate. The result was as follows: Yeas 96, Nays 5.

   XXII QUESTION. The Twenty-second question of the General Minutes was taken up.
   Who are the supernumerary preachers?"
   The character passed of T. M. Ransom, C. W. Wells, A. P. Hull, J. G. Walker, Francis Deal, and they were continued in the supernumerary relation. The character passed of A. J. Young and at his own request he was granted a location, the disciplinary limit for a supernumerary having expired.

   DUPLICATE PARCHMENT. On motion of Richard Pearson the Bishop was requested to issue a duplicate Deacon's parchment to C. L. Hamilton, the original parchment having been destroyed by fire.

   XI QUESTION. The Eleventh question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "What others have been elected and ordained deacons?"
   The recommendation of Leonidas M. Fleming from the Strang quarterly conference was presented. On motion of J. W. Stewart, the conference expressed satisfaction with his examination. On motion of G. W. Isham he was elected to deacon's orders as a local preacher.



[41st Session

   SEMI-CENTENNIAL SERMON. The hour of eleven o'clock having arrived, the semi-centennial sermon by D. W. C. Huntington was announced. H. T. Davis offered prayer. Dr. Huntington chose his text from Psalm 145 verse 4. "One generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare thy mighty Acts." This sermon was preached by request of the conference in honor of fifty consecutive years of service by Dr. Huntington in the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. At the close of the sermon the following resolution offered by J. S. W. Dean was adopted unanimously by a rising vote. (See Resolutions.)
   In token of his own regard and in the name of the conference, Bishop Goodsell took Dr. Huntington by the hand and thanked him for his sermon and congratulated him upon his half century of service in the church and paid a fine tribute to his personal character and example. The conference joined in singing

"Blest be the tie that binds."

   INTRODUCTION. J. S. R. Rasmussen. pastor of the Baptist church, and H. H. Harmon of the Church of the Disciples in Christ, of David City and Edgar M. Reed of the United Brethren Church, Blue Springs, were introduced to the conference.

   AFTERNOON SESSION. On motion of J. W. Royse, the conference agreed to meet at 3 p. m. The Bishop appointed D. W. C. Huntington to preside.

   G. A. SMITH. On motion of Asa Sleeth the secretary was requested to send a letter of sympathy in the name of the conference to G. A. Smith.

   ADJOURNMENT. The announcements were made, the committees were called, the doxology was sung and D. W. C. Huntington pronounced the benediction.


   OPENING. The Conference met at 3 p. m., D. W. C. Huntington presiding. C. A. Hale read the 19th. Psalm and the presiding officer offered prayer. The Journal was read and approved.

   VOTE OF THANKS. On motion of F. M. Esterbrook the following resolution was adopted concerning the Hobbs collection. (See Resolutions.)

   ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE DELEGATES. On motion of J. F. Kemper, A. B. Whitmer and T. W. Swan were elected delegates to the National Anti-Saloon League convention in Washington, D. C. December next.

   TELEPHONE MESSAGE. On motion of T. H. Worley the treas-

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urer was instructed to communicate with J. W. Seabrook by telephone concerning his financial report.

   TELEGRAM. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the secretary was instructed to send a telegram of condolence to Mrs. W. A. Spencer.

   REPORTS. The following reports of committees were received and adopted: Local Preachers, District Conference Records, Bible Cause, Suncay Schools. Periodicals, Church Insurance, Temperance, Tracts and Current Book Accounts

   STATE METHODIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The plan submitted by the North Nebraska Conference for a State Methodist Historical Society was read by the secretary and concurred in on motion of John Gallagher. (See Minutes) The following were elected as charter members of this society: John Gallagher, Hiram Burch and P. C. Johnson.

   ADDRESS. W. E. Grose addressed the conference upon the Epworth League reading course and the course of study published in the Wesleyan.

   EXCUSED. J. H. Presson, C. B. Lenfest, A. W. Partch and Hiram Burch were excused from further attendance upon the conference.

   ADDRESS. J. B. Carnes representing the Anti-Saloon League was introduced and addressed the conference.

   ADJOURNMENT. The announcements were made and J. S. W. Dean pronounced the benediction.


spacerSunday, Sept. a 1901.
   LOVE FEAST. The conference love feast at 9:00 a. in. was led by W. B. Alexander.

   SERMON. At 10:30 a. m. Bishop Goodsell preached, choosing his text front Colossians chapter 1, verse 27, "Christ in you the hope of glory."

   MEMORIAL SERVICES. At 2:30 p. m. memorial services were held. The memoir of Mrs. Ida Burbank Lewis was read by T. S. Fowler and an address made by H. T. Davis. The memoir of Mrs. Patience C. Peck was read by J. W. Stewart and be followed it by a short address. L. C. Lemon and W. M. Worley eulogized Mrs. Pauline Lathrop. Short addresses upon the life and work of Secretary W. A. Spencer of the Church Extension Society were made by D. W. C. Huntington and Bishop Goodsell.

   ORDINATION SERVICES. At 3:30 p. in. ordination services were held. The Bishop ordained as deacons Charles E. Ruch, Marvin E. Gilbert, George Wash and Leonidas M. Fleming; and assisted by the presiding elders and Asa Sleeth, T. A. Hull, D. W. C. Huntington and John Gallagher, he ordained as elders William H. Stanley, Mortimer R. Crisp. John Calvert, George L. Hosford. Alexander B. Grossman, William M. Morrow, Edward S. Burr.



[41st Session


spacerMonday, Sept. 30th., 1901.
   OPENING. The conference met at 8:00 a. m. H. L. Powers conducted the devotional services. At 8:30 Bishop Goodsell called the conference to order. The Journal of the session on Saturday afternoon was read and approved. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the report of William Worley, conference visitor to Garrett Biblical Institute was ordered printed in the minutes as a supplement to the report of the committee on education.

   DELINQUENT REPORTS. The treasurer called the roll of charges delinquent in financial reports. On motion of Wm. Worley, the treasurer was authorized to pay his expenses from money received in odd cents.

   ANNIVERSARY SPEAKERS. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the Bishop was requested to appoint five persons to speak in conjunction with the official secretaries next year when necessary, upon the following benevolences: Missions, Church Extension, Freedmens Aid, and Education.

   XIII QUESTION. The Thirteenth question of the General Minutes was resumed. The character passed of H. T. Davis, presiding elder of Lincoln district. The Bishop asked him if there was anything against the character of any effective elder upon the Lincoln district. He replied "There is nothing." He then read his report. At the close of his report he made a short address to the conference stating his desire to receive a superannuated relation at the close of his forty-three years of effective service in Nebraska. He gave a most interesting summary of the progress of the Methodist Episcopal Church since he came to the state in 1858.

   PRESENTATION. F. L. Wharton. speaking generally on behalf of all the members of the conference and more particularly for the ministers upon the Lincoln district, congratulated this retiring presiding elder upon forty-three years of service in which nothing had ever been charged against his character as he had answered to the many conference roll calls, and that he had been permitted to share so honorably in building up the Methodist Church in Nebraska. As a remembrance from the Lincoln district preachers he presented him with a beautiful gold watch. A most touching yet cheery response was made by Dr. Davis and the conference joined in singing

"Am I a soldier of the cross."

   The roll of effective elders upon the Lincoln district, was called as follows. and those present and in charge answered that they had done their disciplinary work: J. W. Royse, J. W. Seabrook, W. B. Alexander, C. B. Lenfest, A. M. Perry, J. K. Maxfield, J. A. Nichols. T. S. Fowler, J. W. Embree, R. N. Orrill, F. L. Wharton, N. A. Martin, J. G. Stanard, David Fetz, L. C. Lemon, H. G. Wilcox, W. M. Worley, D. W. C.

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Huntington, F. M. Esterbrook, F. A. Stuff, W. T. Cline, W. H. Prescott, A. W. Partch.
   The character passed of P. Van Fleet, presiding elder. In answer to the disciplinary question he replied that there was nothing against the character of any effective elder upon the Nebraska City district. He then read his report.

   PRESENTATION. J. M. Darby on behalf of the preachers of this district made an appropriate address, presenting their retiring elder with a gold watch, very valuable and beautiful, as a token of their esteem. In his response the presiding elder gave a vivid account of his conversion and expressed his love for the Methodist Church and the members of this conference. The conference joined in singing two stanzas of the hymn beginning,

"And if our fellowship below, in Jesus be so sweet
What heights of rapture shall we know, when 'round his throne we meet."

   The name of every effective elder upon the Nebraska City district was called as follows, those present and in charge reporting their disciplinary work: Duke Slavens. A. C. Crosthwaite, O. T. Moore, A. V. Wilson, L. F. Harmon, J. S. W. Dean, E. M. Evans, George Shuman, D. S. Davis, C. L. Myers,. C. M. Shepherd, G. W. Martin, W. M. McGwire, Asa Sleeth, J. M. Darby, D. B. Lake, A. W. Shamel, A. B. Whitmer, H. W. Cope, T. H. Worley, F. A. Campbell.

   The character passed of Geo. I. Wright, presiding elder. The Bishop asked him if there was anything against the character of any effective elder upon the York district. He answered, "There is nothing." He then read his report. He also presented the wills of D. F. and Julia Canfield of Rising City, which bequeathed a property valued at $2,000, to the conference to be used as a home for conference claimants.

   The effective elders upon the York district were called as follows and those present and in charge reported their work according to disciplinary requirements: J. F. Kemper, H. G. Claycomb, L. F. Smith, W. H. Mills, Frank Mills, A. E. Chadwick, E. W. McMillen, J. G. Day, J. H. Presson, J. W. Scott, E. J. Randall, W. K. Williams, C. E. Rowe. C. E. Giwits, John Gallagher, M. C. Smith, O. W. Fifer.

   EXCUSED. By general consent the committee on conference relation was excused for consultation, L. C. Lemon resuming his place on the committee.

   STEWARDS REPORT. P. C. Johnson read the financial report of the conference stewards. On motion of J. W. Stewart it was accepted, the division of money approved and the distribution of funds left to the chairman. (See Reports.)

   IV QUESTION. The Fourth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who have been admitted on trial?"



[41st Session

   Recommendations were read as follows: Edward M. Furman from the Tobias quarterly conference. Irvin C. Lemon from the Alexandria quarterly conference, Lawrence Yost from the Hastings quarterly conference, Eugene Maxcy from the Salem and Shubert quarterly conference. They were introduced to the conference, represented by their presiding elders and the board of examiners and admitted on trial.

   III QUESTION. The Third question of the General Minutes was taken up.
   "Who have been received on credentials and from what churches?"
   The credentials of Edgar M. Reed, an elder in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, were presented. He was introduced to the conference and represented by G. W. Isham. presiding elder. He was called forward and answered satisfactorily the disciplinary questions propounded by the Bishop. On motion of G. W. Isham, he was recognized as an elder, and admitted into full membership. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, his credentials were ordered returned to him after the disciplinary endorsement had been made.

   V QUESTION. The Fifth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who have been continued on trial?"
   The character passed of William W. Hull, Dora W. Wilt, Albert S. Bull, Charles D. Metcalf, Wiley H. Shoaf and those present reported their disciplinary work. They were represented by their presiding elders and the board of examiners. Wiley H. Shoaf and Dora W. Wilt were advanced to the studies of the second year subject to the requirements of the board of examiners. Albert S. Bull, Charles D. Metcalf and Willliam (sic) W. Hull were advanced to the studies of the second year. The board of examiners reported in the case of Herbert E. Covell and he was continued on trial in the studies of the second year with credit for all studies completed.

   IX QUESTION. The Ninth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "What members are in studies of the fourth Year?"
   The character passed of Ira W. Kenagy, George W. Ayers, T. H. Lillie, T. M. Ransom, Henry Zinnecker, Herbert V. Price and those present and in charge reported their disciplinary work. They were represented by their presiding elders and the board of examiners. T. M. Ransom, T. H. Lillie, Henry Zinnecker and George W. Avers were continued in the studies of the, third year, with credit for studies completed. Ira W. Kenagy and Herbert V. Price were advanced to the studies of the fourth year subject to the requirements of the board of examiners.

   APPROPRIATION TO BENEDICT. On motion of G. I. Wright, the money secured from the sale of Keckley Chapel was ordered appropriated for the benefit of the Benedict charge in erecting a parsonage.

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   CHANGES OF RELATION. On motion of Richard Pearson, G. H. Moulton was granted a superannuated relation. He made a brief address and the conference joined in singing

Blest be the tie that binds.

   On motion of Richard Pearson, H. B. Seymour was granted a supernumerary relation, and J. H. N. Cobb was granted a location at his own request. On motion of G. I. Wright, Henry T. Davis, as he had requested, was granted a superannuated relation by a rising vote. He addressed the conference saying, "As I believe this action to be the will of God. I accept this relation as cheerfully as any appointment I ever received in this conference."

   CERTIFICATE OF ORDINATION. The Bishop filed the following

spacerCertificate of Ordination.

   THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the twenty-ninth day of September, A. D. 1901. I ordained under the election of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church the following as Deacons: Charles E. Ruch, Marvin E. Gilbert, George Wash. Leonidas M. Fleming: and at the same time and place and assisted by Elders the following as Elders: William H. Stanley, John Calvert, William M. Morrow, Edward S. Burr, Mortimer R. Cris,. George L. Hosford, Alexander B. Grossman.

spacerDone at David City, Nebraska.
spacerDANIEL A. GOODSELL, Presiding Bishop.

   XXIV QUESTION. The Twenty-fourth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "Who are the triers of appeals?"
   Geo. I. Wright for the presiding elders nominated the following persons and they were approved: J. W. Stewart, R. A. Barnes, W. M. Worley, J. R. Woodcock. C. M. Shepherd, F. A. Colony, J. R. Gettys.

   EPISCOPAL FUND. The report of the committee on Episcopal Fund was read and adopted. (See Reports.) The Bishop addressed the conference concerning this fund by request of the treasurers thereof.

   INTRODUCTIONS AND ADDRESSES. The Rev. Dr. W. P. Thirkield of the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society and the Rev. Dr. C. B. Spencer, Editor of the Central Christian Advocate, were introduced and addressed the conference.

   TIME EXTENDED. On motion of J. W. Royse, time was extended.

   CONFERENCE RELATIONS. The committee on conference relations reported. On motion of Asa Sleeth the report was adopted. (See Reports.)



[41st Session

   AFTERNOON SESSION. On motion of J. W. Royse the conference agreed to meet at 2 p. m. W. B. Alexander was appointed to preside.

   ADJOURNMENT. The announcements were made, the committees were called, the doxology was sung and C. B. Spencer pronounced the benediction.


   OPENING. The Conference met at 2:00 p. m. W. B. Alexander presided and J. R. Woodcock conducted the devotions. The Journal of the morning session was read, corrected and approved.

   INTRODUCTION. D. F. Canfield and wife of Rising City were introduced. They had made their wills bequeathing a house and lot with furniture, notes and other assets aggregating in value $2,000, to the conference stewards for the use of conference claimants. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the conference by a rising vote expressed its appreciation of their gift. The secretary was instructed to record their wills with the county clerk of Butler county.

   REPORTS. The reports of the following committees were read and adopted: Education, Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home, Stewards, State of the Church, Womans Foreign Missionary Society, Womans Home Missionary Society, Freedmens Aid and Southern Education, Church Extension, Auditing. (See Reports.)

   TREASURER'S REPORT. A. C. Crosthwaite read his report as treasurer by districts and on motion of Asa Sleeth it was adopted.

   ADDRESS. W. E. Grose addressed the conference concerning the conference claimants fund.

   COLLECTION. On motion of E. D. Gideon, a collection was taken for the conference claimants amounting to $25.00. On motion of T. H. Worley, this sum was placed in the hands of P. C. Johnson to use as an emergency fund and report next year.

   CONFERENCE CLAIMANTS COMMITTEE On motion of G. W. Abbott a committee was ordered appointed to devise ways and means for increasing collections for conference claimants and to report next conference. On motion of F. L. Wharton, the present board of conference stewards was made such committee.

   STATISTICAL REPORT. E. D. Gideon read his report as statistical secretary by grand totals. On motion of J. W. Stewart it was adopted.

   EPWORTH LEAGUE STATISTICS. On motion of J. S. W. Dean, the secretary was authorized to publish Epworth League statistics in the conference minutes.

   COLLECTION. On motion of J. W. Royse, a collection was taken for the janitor, The amount was $7.77.

   PRESIDING OFFICER. The Bishop took the chair.

Sept. 1901]



   CONFERENCE EVANGELISTS. On motion of P. Van Fleet, by unanimous vote, the Bishop was requested to appoint F. A. Campbell and W. H. Prescott, conference evangelists.

   XXVI QUESTION. The Twenty-sixth question of the General Minutes was taken up:
   "What is the aggregate of the benevolent collections ordered by the General Conference as reported by the conference treasurer?"
   The treasurer reported the sum of $29,470.

   NOMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS. Geo. I. Wright read the nominations for the following boards and they were approved: Conference Board of Deaconesses, District Missionary Secretaries, District Boards of Church Location. Epworth League Directors. (See List). The appointments for the Board of Examiners. the Missionary Sermon and the Conference Sermon were announced. (See List.)

   MISSIONARY APPROPRIATONS. Geo. I. Wright read the report of the committee on missionary appropriations and it was adopted. (See Reports.)

   RESOLUTIONS. The report of the committee on resolutions was read by F. A. Colony and adopted by a rising vote. (See Resolutions.)

   ANNIVERSARY SPEAKERS. The following persons were nominated by the presiding elders and approved by the conference as reserve speakers upon Missions, Church Extension. Freedmen's Aid, Education at the anniversaries of these benevolences next year. W. M. Balch, G. M. Gates, F. L. Wharton, A. B. Whitmer and O. W. Fifer.

   PRESENTATION. On behalf of the preachers on the Beatrice district, J. W. Stewart presented the retiring presiding elder, Geo. W. Isham, with a purse of money as an expression of esteem for his character and faithful work. A brief but fitting response was made by the presiding elder.

   ADJOURNMENT. On motion of George I. Wright, the conference agreed to adjourn sine die after the reading of the Journal, devotional exercises, and the announcement of the appointments. The Journal was read and approved. Bishop Goodsell led in prayer, addressed the conference, read the appointments and pronounced the benediction.

   (Attest.)           DANIEL A. GOODSELL, President.
ORIEN W. FIFER, Secretary.



[41st Session



April 4-8

Neb. City


H. T. Advise


March 26-31



T. B. Lemon


March 25-28



T. B. Lemon


March 24-26



T. B. Lemon


March 29 to April 1

Neb. City


T. B. Lemon


April 4-7



H. T. Davis


March 27-30



H. T. Davis


April 2-4



H. T. Davis


March 31 to April 3

Neb. City


H. T. Davis


March 31 to April 2



H. T. Davis


March 31 to April 3



H. T. Davis


March 20-23

Neb. City


W. B. Slaughter


April 18-22



W. B. Slaughter


October 1-5



W. B. Slaughter


September 15-22


Haven, G.

W. B. Slaughter


October 4-9

Falls City


W. B. Slaughter


October 11-15



W. B. Slaughter


October 10-14



L. F. Britt


October 8-13



S. H. Henderson


Sept. 30 to Oct. 4

Neb. City


S. H. Henderson


September 14-19



S. H. Henderson


September 7-11



John Gallagher


September 5-10



John Gallagher


September 17-22



A. C. Crosthwaite


September 17-21



A. C. Crosthwaite


September 23-26

Pawnee City


A. C. Crosthwaite


September 21-26



A. C. Crosthwaite


September 19-24



C. A. Lewis


October 2-5



G. S. Davis


September 10-15



G. S. Davis


September 23-28



A. C. Crosthwaite


September 21-26

Neb. City


A. C. Crosthwaite


September 13-18



A. C. Crosthwaite


September 19-24

Falls City


A. A. Randall


September 18-24



A. A. Randall


September 16-21



A. A. Randall


September 15-20



A. A. Randall


September 21-26


Fitz Gerald

O. W. Fifer


September 20-25



O. W. Fifer


September 12-17

Neb. City


O. W. Fifer


September 26-30

David City


O. W. Fifer

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