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[Forty-Third Session



   The Auditing committee of the Nebraska Conference has examined the accounts of the presiding elders, secretary, treasurer and the Conference stewards and find them correct.


   Resolved: That we urge up in our People everywhere the necessity and the advantage of increased interest in bible study.
   The careful training of our youth to a high regard for "the Book" -- a reverence for its teaching and obedience to its commands, both by the place we give the Bible in the family circle at the hour of worship and by the exaltation of it in our public ministry.
   Recognizing the efficient and valuable service of the American Bible Society to the church and the world.
   Resolved 1st. That we hereby extend to that organization our congratulations upon the years of success in tile spread of God's word, our gratitude for the assistance that society has rendered to us in our work.
   Resolved 2nd. That we urge upon our pastors a full presentation (if this cause to our people, giving the facts of its value as a help to the church in its world wide mission, and their the reception of their offerings for its support.


   1. We heartily congratulate the Board of Church Extension, and the church at large, on the great success of this work in all its history, and especially on the remarkable financial success of the past year.
   2. That our country, being new, with rapidly increasing population and new territorial acquisitions, still needs the work of Church Extension, and that our Methodism, by fostering and strengthening this work, will increase its own power to do the larger work demanded.
   3. That we as a conference, will not be content with less than a full response to the call of the general committee until all our people in our land shall be furnished with places for worship.
   4. That our presiding elders be requested to apportion, with care, the full amount asked for church extension, to the several districts and charges for collection; and, that, availing ourselves of the helps provided by the board, we will present this cause in all our churches, and secure, at least, the amount asked, in accordance with the plan of the discipline.

September 1903]



(Verbal report.)

   Resolved: That it is the sense of this committee that it is inadvisable to add another collection to the list of collections.

(Verbal report).

   Your committee appointed at the conference in 1902 upon the matter of church federation in Nebraska express their judgment that there is no cause for action at this time.


   The committee on District Conference records have carefully examined the records of the York district conference and find them properly kept and approved the work of their efficient secretary.


   In the case of Moses Anderson, after due consideration the committee on Conference Relations recommend that his present relation be continued, and that his case be referred to the Conference Board of Stewards for consideration.


   Your committee on Deaconess work beg leave to recommend the acceptance of the transfer of Miss H. Ethelyn Hewitt, from the Des Moines conference to the Nebraska conference by Bishop McCabe; that her character be passed and she be continued in the work.
   Further: That we recommend the receiving of Miss Laura Patterson recommended by the York quarterly conference, to consecration for the deaconess work, providing she can pass the examination required by the discipline.


   Your committee on education submits tile following report

   NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. The past year has been one of continued and augmented success for this institution. We rejoice in its educational achievements and financial prosperity. Tile present enrollment of students numbers 460, being 75 more than ever before at, this time of the year. It is a reasonable hope that tile number will ultimately reach 750. We rejoice in the unabated strength of our beloved chancellor, Dr. Huntington, and are devoutly thankful for the favoring providence which thus permits his continuance and the inval



[Forty-Third Session

uable service which he is rendering to the educational interests of western Methodism. We commend the excellent work of Dr. Isham as treasurer and field agent, and are highly gratified with the fruitfulness of his labors and the generous spirit with which our people have responded to his solicitations. The strength and competence of the faculty and the zeal and good order of the student body should not pass without words of high praise.
   Since the payment of the debt no announcement has been made so gratifying to Nebraska Methodism as the present announcement that the University now has an endowment of more than $40,000. in present possessions and drawing interest.
   It is hardly less gratifying to report that a building for the conservatory of music will be erected during the coming year. Meantime all current expenses have been paid without delay, and the auditing committee reports all books and accounts to be in correct condition.
   In order that this wise and honorable policy may be consistently sustained we recommend an apportionment to each pastoral charge of a sum equal to twenty-five cents per member.
   We further recommend that all our pastors be urged to continue to call the attention of parents and youth to the increasing importance and possibility of securing thorough collegiate training, as a preparation for commercial and social life. The Wesleyan University affords unequalled facilities in its Academic, Collegiate, Normal, Commercial, and Musical departments.
   We commend to our young men preparing for the ministry, our great theological schools, notably Garrett Biblical Institute, Drew Theological Seminary, and Boston University School of Theology, and urge upon them the advisability of taking a course in one of these schools before seeking admission into the annual conference.
   We request that Childrens' Day be observed and a collection taken in every charge according to the discipline it is the day when the doors of the Christian college should be made to open wide for the Christian youth. Let it be so observed.
   During the past year the board aided students who gave their home residence, or church relationship as within the bounds of our conference to the number of 27, and to the amount of $1046, The contributions of our conference received by the board for the same period were $590.96 our minutes show a large number of charges not contributing to this fund. We commend the officers of the board for their energy in collecting loans, and we urge all beneficiaries within our own conference to make as prompt payment as possible.

   NOMINATIONS. We submit the following nominations for the approval of the Conference:

September 1903]



   Trustees Nebraska Wesleyan University: J. M. Stewart. A. L. Johnson.
   Conference visitors to Nebraska Wesleyan: Wm. Worley, O T. Moore. To Garrett Biblical Institute; F. L. Wharton, T. H. Worley. Alternates: W. J. Scott, J. T. Roberts. To Drew Theological Seminary; E. M. Furman, I. C. Lemon.


   We, your Committee on Episcopal Fund, submit the following report: All claims upon the general treasurer during the past year have been met, and a safe surplus is on hand
   The amount paid this year by our conference is $826, which is an increase of only $21.00 over last year.
   Whereas, Our Conference has failed to meet its apportionment by $652. and 31 charges have not given anything to this fund, be it
   Resolved, That we as pastors will do our best to meet our apportionment for the coming year, and will endeavor to have a report from every charge.


   The work of the Freedman's Aid and Southern Education Society upon which the society has especially laid the education and moral uplifting of the ten millions of destitute black people and the three millions of poor white people of the south, relates itself not only to the progress of the church in our land, but also to the very life of the Republic. It, therefore deserves the deep interest of our pastors, and an earnest presentation of its work annually before our churches.
   2. The general committee has asked for a thank-offering of $100,000 to be especially applied to the debt of the society, Suggesting that this be made by an advance in the regular collection for this cause. Every dollar given in excess of the apportionment will be applied directly to the reduction of the debt. We approve of this policy of debt extinction and will co-operate to the extent of our ability.
   3. A series of fresh and interesting tracts have been issued, which will be furnished free of charge to the pastors applying for them. We will use these, informing ourselves and our people.
   4. To every one giving one dollar or more, the Christian Educator will be sent free of charge for one year. This illustrated magazine of facts is issued promptly and will greatly help every pastor in his presentation of the work. We will call attention to this before taking tile collection, and see to its fulfillment afterward.
   We are glad to know that in the industrial department of our



[Forty-Third Session

schools at the south the faculties are being enlarged, and the work strengthened; and that in general there is a noticeable increase in attendence and in receipts from tuition; while there is a marked decrease in administrative expenses.
   We pledge ourselves to our best endeavor to the raising of the apportionment of $1,400.00 asked from us for this most necessitous and worthy cause


   Whereas, The Methodist Hospital and Deaconess Home at Omaha by its excellent work has commended itself to Nebraska Methodism be
   Resolved, 1st. That we do most heartily endorse it and pledge it our support.
   2nd., That we will welcome its representatives to our charges;
   3rd. that we make this conference year a special hospital year on the charges where work was not represented during the past year, and do all in our power to push to the front this most worthy institution.


Beatrice District.

Hastings District.


$ 40

Blue Hill

$ 40





















Zion and Highland




LaSalle St













Lincoln District.

York District.

North Lincoln and Arbor

$ 20


$ 40



Linwood and Brainard


















Prairie Home


Platte Valley




Pleasant Dale













September 1903]



Nebraska City District









    I hereby approve tile above charges as missions and the appropriations thereto made.


   The Christian literature of the church is an acknowledged adjunct in the salvation of the race, going side by side with the minister of the Gospel.
   Our periodicals are keeping pace with the demands of the hour. We desire to call attention to our Methodist review, and urge our preachers to subscribe for it.
   We note with pleasure the increase in the subscription list of the Central Christian Advocate, and recommend that our preachers push the subscriptions for the coming year, and call attention to the liberal offer of the publishers of sending the Central to any new subscriber for three months for twenty-five cents. We are assured that many will continue after the expiration of the three months subscription, and remain friends of that most excellent paper.
   We also commend the Epworth Herald to our young people and feel it our duty to put that magnificent paper in the hands of our youth, displacing the cheap literature so current in many homes.


   First. -- That each conference hold, at its session in 1904 such services, commemorative and fitting, as it shall see proper.
   Second. -- There shall be held at Lincoln, Nebraska, June 3-4, or as near that date as practicable, a state meeting. the same to be in charge of the executive committee of the Methodist State Historical Society.
   Third. -- That some time during the month of August, 1904, the several districts of each conference hold commemorative services.
   Fourth. -- That sometime following the state meeting in June 1904, and during the conference year 1903-4, each Methodist pastoral charge in the state, (and if possible each appointment) hold some form of celebration.
   Fifth. -- That in order that the general plan may be more efficiently carried out, we respectfully recommend that each annual and also each



[Forty-Third Session

electoral conference of 1903, shall appoint a committee which committee shall hold a joint meeting and together nominate a suitable person for conference secretary. This secretary to be elected or confirmed at the joint session of the two conferences.
   Sixth. -- That such conference secretaries, jointly with the presiding elders and pastors of each conference, shall within the bounds of their own conferences, districts, charges and appointments, constitute a committee of arrangements for all local celebrations.
   Seventh. -- That to secure as much unity of action as possible, Rev. David Marquette be appointed secretary at large, and that he correspond with all local committees of arrangements in the matter of time, place and programs for the various celebrations.
   Eight. -- That an offering be taken at every meeting, the same to constitute a permanent fund for the benefit of the superannuates of our conferences. Provided, however, that each conference shall direct concerning the investment and management of the funds raised within its own territory.
   Ninth. -- That during the calander year 1904, the Methodists of Nebraska and their friends, be asked to raise $100,000. or more, to constitute an endowment fund for the benefit of the superannuated Methodist ministers (if the different conferences of the state. The investment and management of this fund to be in accordance with Par. 8th of this plan.
   Tenth. -- That a collection be taken at each annual conference to defray the expenses of the general secretary, and for other incidental expenses as postage, etc.



Conference Collections

$2719 00

Book Concern Dividends

758 00

Money Returned

140 00

Chartered Fund

    22 00

$3639 00


J. W. Taylor

$165 00

Jeptha Marsh

$165 00

Mrs. J. L. Fort

165 00

C. G. Lathrop

160 00

A. L. Folden

165 00

Mrs. Ella Roberts

125 00

Harrison Presson

120 00

William Cowley

115 00

Mrs. E. M. Cooley

105 00

Mrs. E. J. Willis

105 00

Mrs. E. B. Tibbetts

105 00

Mrs. A. Johnson

105 00

Mrs. Mary Pritchard

105 00

Mrs. E. F. Davis

105 00

September 1903]



Chas. Reilly

100 00

Mrs. Z. B. Turman

105 00

J. A. Chapin

100 00

N. H. Davis

100 00

George A. Hobson

100 00

D. C. Brannon

100 00

Mrs. G. B. Crippen

90 00

A. J. Marsh's Children

100 00

O. P. Sheldon

80 00

J. W. Warfield

90 00

C. L. Smith

80 00

A. P. Hull

80 00

D. S. Davis

80 00

A. P. Jones

80 00

Hiram Curtiss

75 00

G. A. Smith

75 00

Moses Anderson

75 00

C. W. Wells

75 00

G. H. Moulton

50 00

Lorenzo Jean

50 00

Mrs. J. H. Hobbs

40 00

Enoch Holland

50 00

Mrs. M. E. Roberts

1 00

Mrs. W. B. Slaughter

1 00

Mrs. G. Wood

1 00

Mrs. E. Hawes

1 00


5 00

Mrs. W. Kline

1 00

Emergency Fund

     44 00


$3639 00

spacerP. C. JOHNSON,


Total receipts to date (including this year's report)

$543 65


  347 94

Remaining on hand

$195 71

spacerP. C. JOHNSON.


   The board of stewards as special committee approve the "Plans for Trust Gifts" and recommend their adoption as contemplated in the circular from the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


   1. We recognize in the Sunday School one of the most important factors in the religious and educational life not only of our own age, but of the ages to come. The total Sunday School population in the United States is more than 13,150,000, of whom there are in The Methodist Episcopal Church over 32,390 Schools with 351,402 teachers, and 2,758,429 scholars.
   2. We believe that the literature for the Sunday School supplied by the Methodist Episcopal Church, and published by our own Book Concern, is the best for the purpose that can be obtained. We urge that our pastors and presiding elders everywhere see that our literature is used in the Sunday Schools.
   3. We recommend that wherever practical the Home Department be established in connection with our Sunday Schools.



[Forty-Third Session

   4. Inasmuch as the Sunday School Union of our church aids every year about 3,500 needy schools with literature, we urge that an offer for this cause be given in all of our charges.
   5. We recommend that more systematic work be attempted in our schools and that as rapidly as practicable some system of grading be adopted and put into operation by the Sunday School Boards on our various charges.
   It is with especial thankfulness that we note that 130,853 conversions are reported as the result of earnest evangelical efforts in our Sunday Schools last year.
   We nominate A. W. Shamel as honorary vice president of the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
   We welcome the Rev. A. P. George D. D., the field secretary of the Sunday School Union, to our midst and learn with pleasure that he proposes to hold a series of Sunday School Institutes within the bounds of the conference this coming year.
   We approved the holding of the 76th anniversary of the Sunday School Union at Kansas City in November, and recommend that our superintendents, primary and other teachers attend said convention.


   Resolved: That we as a Conference will do our part to raise $100,000, in conjunction with the other conferences in Nebraska for a Superannuate fund, and that the presiding elders be requested to apportion the said $100,000. among the different conferences of the state, and that we recommend the Bishop to appoint P. C. Johnson Field Agent of the Nebraska Conference to raise our apportionment of the $100,000. and that his compensation be arranged by the board of trustees.
   Resolved: That there be a board of five trustees consisting of one member from each district, these to be nominated by the presiding elders, and that the trustees appointed shall be constituted a commission to arrange and present to the next session of this Conference a plan for the formation of a Conference Claimants Society.
   Resolved: That we recommend Hiram Burch president of the Nebraska Conference section, P. C. Johnson, secretary, and we further recommend A. C. Crosthwaite treasurer of all funds belonging to the Historical Society and Superannuate Fund.


   We point with pride to the fact that our General Conference has declared that the only consistent attitude of the Christian toward the liquor trafic (sic) is that of relentless hostility, and that political parties

September 1903]



not pledged to hostility against it ought not to expect, and ought not to receive the suffrage of Christian voters.
   1. Resolved: That we express our gratitude to Congress for forbidding the sale of beer and other intoxicating liquors in the United States Army and for an appropriation of $500,000. for the construction, equipment and maintainence of buildings at army posts for the recreation and sociability of the men;
   Resolved: That we insist upon the Anti-canteen law having a fair trial with the War Department co-operating to make it a success;
   Resolved: That aside from the alleged effects of any legislation on the subject we are unalterably opposed to the sale of intoxicants in government buildings, or upon government premises, or by Federal authority and sanction;
   Whereas, There seems to be a growing tendency in some of our towns and cities to desecrate the Sabbath, and disregard civil righteousness, and,
   Whereas, Some of our preachers have taken the lead in this fight against sin in high places.
   Resolved: That we commend them for their faithful efforts, and assure them of our loyalty, sympathy and suppport (sic),
   Resolved: That we gladly assume the responsibility of pressing the claims of Christian Citizenship upon all our people, not only by precepts but also by example.
   Whereas, There is now a bill pending before Congress, known as the Hepburn Bill, to limit the effect of regulation of commerce between the several states and foreign countries in certain cases, and
   Whereas, it is a strong blow to the liquor trafic (sic), be it,
   Resolved: That we approve its sentiment, and urge its passage, and that our pastors write their senators to that effect.
   We recommend the adoption of the following Memorial to the General Conference: "Dear Fathers and Brethren Whereas the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that the traffic in intoxicating liquors as a beverage is dangerous to public morals, (See Beer Co. vs. Massachusetts etals,. 97, U. S. 32.)
   Whereas, The aforesaid traffic has been prohibited in the Naval and Military Reservations, in the capitol building at Washington, D. C.,
   Therefore we, The members of the Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, respectfully request you to memorialize the President of these United States, and the Congress, to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors, as a beverage in the Territories Islands, District of Columbia, and all other places where the federal government has control, to the end that the legislative and executive


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