Methodist Church
News Clips
Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, September 21, 1916
Leaves This City After Three Years of Service, and Will Be Greatly Missed
From Wednesday's Daily
In the assignment of charges of the Methodist
ministers of the state made at the conference at Hastings yesterday, Rev. F.M.
DRULINER, who for the past three years has been in charge of the First Methodist
church of this city, is transferred to Red Cloud as his charge for the year,
and Rev. Thomas A. TRUSCOTT, from the Grand Island district, has been sent
to this city to occupy the pulpit for the ensuing year.
It had been hoped that we might retain Rev. Druliner in his charge here
for another year at least, as his services to the local church have been such
as to greatly add to its membership as well as splendid working force, and
the sentiment for his return was unanimous, but the conference saw fit to send
this able gentleman elsewhere to carry on his work for the church.
It was with a sense of sincere regret that the people of Plattsmouth part
with Rev. Druliner, not alone among the members of his church but with the
people in general, regardless of creed, who have come to know him and his estimable
family and to cherish them as kindly friends and neighbors during their stay
here. There has been no pastor of the church here in the last few years that
has made the friends that Rev. Druliner has, and by these warm friends he will
be greatly missed as will his charming wife and very estimable family of young
folks. A keen, able minister of his faith, Rev. Druliner has also reached his
pleasing personality outside of the church in meeting the people in their daily
walks of life and made many friends of all those with whom he came in contact.
Straightforward and conscious always of his duty to the church, he has brought
the message of religion to many who had long stood outside the organized church
of the Master, and his work has been of a nature that has had an uplifting
effect upon the community.
While it is a loss not only to the Methodist church but to the city of
Plattsmouth to lose Rev. Druliner and his family from our midst, we can congradulate
[sic] Red Cloud upon having sent to them one of the best representatives of
the ministry in the sate, and a man who is sincere in his every action and
thought, and appreciative of the wants and needs of his fellow man, either
in the church or out.
The change in pastors will be carried out as soon as possible and this
will be the last week that Rev. Druliner and family will be here, as they must
leave the first of the week for Red Cloud to take up their work in that city.
Plattsmouth Journal, Thursday, September 21, 1916
Notice has been received from Rev. Thomas A. TRUSCOTT, newly appointed
minister of the Methodist church in this city, that he will be here on Saturday
afternoon next, and be prepared to take up his work as pastor of the church.
Rev. Truscott has been occupying the charge at Schuyler, Neb., and expects
to have his household goods shipped to this city the forepart of next week,
and will settle here to make his home. Mr. Truscott will occupy the pulpit
at the church both Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. F.M. DRULINER will
leave the last of the week to take up his work at Red Cloud, where he is to
be stationed this year.
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