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Adams, John Quincy                   112     Amsbury, Mr. & Mrs.                  174
Alexander, George S.                 386     Amsbury, W. A.                       174
Alexander, Thomas                    185     Amsbury, Wm. A.                 187, 189
Alling, J.                           189     Andrews, Bishop            279, 280, 349
Alling, J. W.                        187     Aughey, Samuel                        40
Ames, Bishop    134, 140, 141, 142, 194, 
                      244, 247, 248, 380

Baird, C. N.                         229     Bowman, Thomas                  281, 361
Baker, Brother & Sister              335     Braden, Harvey                       170
Baker, David                         334     Brakeman, Ella                       335
Baker, Elvira                        334     Brakeman, L. D.                      335
Baker, Father & Mother               335     Britt, L. F.                         290
Baker, Osmon C.                      138     Brown, John                          179
Ballard, A. E.                  376, 377     Brownfield, John           106, 107, 109
Bassett, Thomas                  334-335     Burch, Brother                       144
Beans, W. K.                    326, 336     Burch, H.             182, 190, 358, 386
Beatty, Brother                 198, 261     Burch, Hiram                    136, 140
Beatty, Laura                    198-199     Burch, Hyram                         186
Beeks, G. C.                         117     Burlingame, Brother                  252
Bell, J. H.                          334     Burns, Isaac               182, 183, 190
Beni, Jules                        64-66     Burt, Francis                         35
Billings, Josh                       112     Burt, Governor                   35, 167
Black, Governor                      241     Butler, David           35, 36, 224, 323
Blowers, L. J.                       288     Butler, Governor                 36, 225
Bovey,                           171-172     Butler, J. H.                        327
Bowman, Bishop                  304, 306

Cadman, John           217, 219-220, 229     Colt, W. B. M.                  381, 386
Cadman, Judge                   220, 225     Combs, A. J.               185, 261, 290
Calhoun, John C.                      18     Cookman, Alfred                 377, 394
Campbell, J. F.                      288     Coon, A. F.                          290
Cannon, J. T.         140, 182, 184, 190     Cooper, Peter                        173
Casey, James P.                       90     Coronado,             27, 30, 31, 32, 33
Cash (Deiricks)                  201-202     Cortez,                           27, 28
Chivington, J. M.          140, 141, 175     Cox,                                 188
Chivington, John M.                  135     Creighton, C. F.                350, 360
Clark, Bishop                        267     Creighton, Chancellor       364-365, 367
Clarke, Adam                    300, 411     Cropsey, A. J.                       229
Coan,                                188     Crosby, Mrs.                         392
Coldwell, E. G.                      229     Crowder, Thomas                      386
Colfax, Schuyler                      47     Crowell, Mrs.                        174
Collins, Isaac                       175     Cuming, T. B.                         35
Collins, Isaac F.               140, 174     Cuyler, Theodore L.                  395
Collins, Mr. & Mrs.                  174

Daily, John                          170     Davis, W. E.                         185
Davenport, Mr.                       203     de Guzman, Nunez                  27, 28
Davis,                               214     De Sota,                              33
Davis, Albert                         48     Dee, John                            217
Davis, Alexander (Mr&Ms)             174     Deiricks (Cash)                  201-202
Davis, Allie                         382     Dempster, John                   353-355
Davis, Brother             252, 261, 345     Donivan, W. T.                  216, 217
Davis, Elder                         209     Downs, H. P.                          57
Davis, H. T.       6, 175, 182, 190, 386     Downs, Hiram P.                       57
Davis, Henry T.                   3, 118     Dunam, Brother                       117
Davis, Mrs.    154-5, 159-160, 177, 228, 
                           315, 341, 382

Eatherton, Brother                   238     Eghert, E.                            48
Eatherton, James      213, 217, 220, 231     Elliott, Simon C.                    229
Eddy, T. M.                          118     Evans, John                          356
Fair, Brother                        308     Fort, J. L.                182, 186, 190
Fisher, H. D.                        291     Foss, Bishop                         113
Fisher, Hugh D.                      175     Foster, Bishop                       291
Fisk, C. B. (General)                109     Foster, J. N.                        325
Folden, A. L.                        280     Fowler, Bishop                  359, 360
Foote, J. B.                         387     Franklin, Benjamin                    23
Ford, J. B.                          233     Freeman, Daniel                  324-325

Gage, W. D.                          185     Goode, Wm. H.                   140, 141
Garrett, Eliza                       354     Goolsby, Brother                 199-200
Gere, C. H.                           36     Gorton, P.                           186
Ghost, A. M.                         334     Gorton, Philo                   182, 190
Giddings, C. W.                      185     Goss, A. L.                          185
Gillespie, John                      224     Goss, T. S.                          185
Glover, Aquila                       131     Gregory, John S.       216, 217, 218-219
Goode, Brother              135-137, 143     Griffin, Brother & Sister            190
Goode, W. H.                    123, 124     Gue, George W.                       248
Goode, William H.               134, 174

Hamilton, William                35, 200     Haynes, Sister                       263
Hamilton, Wm.                        197     Henderson, S. H.                     387
Harris, Mrs.                     174-175     Hilton, Jane                         392
Hart, David                182, 184, 189     Hoagland, T.                         189
Haven, Bishop                        287     Hughes, George                       376
Haven, Gilbert                   283-284     Hull, T. A.                          185
Haynes, Brother                 262, 263

Iler,                            171-172     Inskip, Sister                  380, 381
Inskip, J. S.                        378     Irving, Washington                    20
Inskip, John S.                      377     Izard, Mark W.                       167

Janes, E. S.                         143     Jones, Brother & Sister              338
Jefferson, Mr.                        16     Joyce, Bishop                        364
Joliet, Louis                         34     Judson,                              188
Jones, A. D.                163-164, 174

Kelley, M. C.                        327     King, C. A.                     381, 386
Kendal, William H.                   190     King, James                        89-90
Kennard, T. P.                       224     Kinney, Beatrice                     319
Kenyon, G. W.                        288     Kinney, John F.                      321
Keys, W. E.                          217     Kinney, Judge                        319
Kimball, James                       229

La Salle,                             34     Lincoln, Abraham           168, 245, 256
Lamb, W. (Mrs.)                      229     Lincoln, President                   166
Lang, Robert                         156     Loder, John P.                       216
Laur, Dan                            202     Long, Major                           18
Lee, Daniel                          130     Long, Stephen H.                      18
Lee, Jason                           130     Longacre, Andrew                     377
Lemon, T. B.      186-187, 190, 287, 296     Louis XIV                             34
Lemon, Thomas B.                     185     Lushbaugh, Benjamin F.               333
Lewis and Clark                   16, 17

Majors, Johnny                   193-194     Miller, J. G.              225, 226, 260
Majors, S. P.                    193-194     Miller, W. G.                        367
Mallalieu, Bishop                    345     Moore, D. T.                         340
Mark, Hugh S.                        118     Moore, Sarah M.                      335
Marquette, D.                    289-290     Morgan, Brother & Sister             339
Marquette, Father                     34     Morgan, James                        216
Mason, Joel                          190     Morgan, W. E.                        338
Maxfield, J. B.            187, 190, 338     Morris, Thomas A.                    182
McCabe, Chaplain                     364     Morrison,                            188
McCoy, Mrs. George A.                174     Morse, Jedediah                       15
McCulloch, Emily                     121     Morton, J. Sterling                  149
McKaig, R. N.                        360     Munhall, T.                     182, 190
McKenzie, J. M.                 357, 386     Murphy, John                         335
Mickey, J. H.                        288     Murphy, Mary                         335
Micklen, Walter                      248     Mutz, Nettie J.                      194
Miller, Brother & Sister             178     Myres, Thomas                        335

Newman, John P.                      367     Ninde, Bishop                        352

Peck, Bishop                         399     Poppleton, A. J.                     174
Peck, William                        185     Prentice, George D.                  168
Pettis, S. W.                        335     Presson, William                     325
Phelps, J. M.                        360     Prey, John D.               213-214, 215
Pierce, President                     35     Prey, Mrs.                           215
Pike, Zebulon M.                      17     Prey, Rebecca                        215
Pizarro,                              31     Prichard, Martin           182, 184, 189
Poe, Adam                        141-142     Punshon, Mr.                         394

Quantrell,                           139     Query, James                    262, 288
Query, H. C.                         288     Query, Wm.                           288

Randall, R. R.                       307     Roberts, George C. M.                378
Raymond, Minor                       339     Roberts, J. J.                  185, 205
Reed, Brother                        271     Roberts, M. E. (Mrs.)                315
Reid, J. M.                          282     Roberts, Sister                      316
Reid, James C.                  110, 116     Roberts, William                     130
Reynolds, Brother                    252     Roe, H. A. (Miss)                    392
Rising, Albert                       289     Rogencamp, Mr.                       389
Rising, Samuel W.                    289     Rogers, Mr. & Mrs.                   161
Ritchie, John                        127     Romine, Martha                       119
Roberts, Dr.                         377

Sarpy, Colonel             148, 149, 153     Smith, Jack                          333
Sarpy, John                          150     Smith, John                           26
Sarpy, Peter A.            148, 149, 151     Smith, L. W.          182, 186, 190, 239
Saunders, Joseph                     321     Smith, R. P.                         413
Savage, James W.                      26     Smith, W. M.                         186
Schoolcraft, J.                      229     Smith, William M.          124, 175, 189
Scott, Bishop                        175     Smith, Wm. M.                        182
Shakelford, Mrs.                     335     Snowden, William P.                  174
Shaw, H. S.                          118     Sovereign, Milton                    340
Sheridan, General                    245     Spillman, Jerome                     182
Sherwood, Mr.                        334     Spilman, J.                          190
Shinn, Moses F.                      175     Spotted-Horse (Pawnee)  235-236, 241-242
Simpkins, Brother                    159     Staunton, Edward                     256
Simpson, Bishop                 195, 196     Staunton, William                    256
Simpson, Mrs.                        196     Steele, Daniel                       396
Simpson, William                     173     Stephenson, Dave                     210
Slade, Alf                         64-66     Stover, David                        109
Slaughter, W. B.             5, 185, 228     Sully, General                       243
Smith, G. A.                         340     Sweet, James                         226

Taylor,                              188     Thomson, Edward                      359
Taylor, Bishop                       270     Thomson, John                        378
Taylor, George                       172     Towle, Albert                    321-324
Taylor, J. W.    140, 175, 182, 186, 190     Towle, Sister                   322, 324
Taylor, Mrs. George                  172     Train, George Francis            167-168
Taylor, William                  91, 390     Turman, Brother    144, 232-235, 237-243
Thayer, John M.                      367     Turman, Z. B.    182, 186, 190, 221, 231
Thomson, Dr.                         342     Turman, Zenas B.                     231

Van Doozer, S. P.                    281     Volney, Mr.                          300
Vandoozer, S. P.                185, 304

Wallingford, J. A.                   217     White, C. C.                    266, 386
Wallingford, R.                      217     White, Sister                        266
Wallingford, Richard                 216     Whitecar, Charles H.                 375
Wanamaker, Postmaster-General        108     Whitehead, L. F.                     287
Ward, D. J.                          185     Wilbur, James H.                     130
Warens, E.                           217     Wiley, Bishop                        340
Warens, E. M.                        216     Wilkerson, Brother              254, 255
Warner, H. W.                        185     Wilkerson, Sister                    255
Warner, Joel                         287     Wiseman, Brother & Sister            242
Warren, Bishop                  350, 366     Wittenmyer, Annie (Mrs.)             310
Warren, H. W.                   349, 361     Wittenmyer, Sister              312, 313
Watts, Isaac                         385     Wood, Aaron                     117, 216
Waugh, Bishop                        121     Wood, Samuel                         185
Wesley, Charles       145, 146, 180, 373     Worley, Caleb                        386
Wesley, John         112, 129, 373, 374,     Worley, George                  285, 386
                      385, 392, 393, 400     Worley, James                        285
Wesley, Mr.                     185, 391     Worley, Joshua                       262
Weston, J. B.                        321     Worley, Sister                   285-286
White, A. G.                         185     Worley, William                      262
White, A. K.                         229

Young, Brigham                       320     Young, J. M.                         221     

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