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1890 Gazetteer - Douglas County
Nebraska STATE GAZETTEER Business Directory and farmer list for 1890 - 1891 Omaha: J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509 - 510 Paxton Block 1890 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J.M. Wolfe & Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C. Douglas County by Holice Ballard Young |
Abels Anthony, Omaha Anderson A E, Elk City Arff John, Millard Abels Bernhard, Omaha Anderson A W, Omaha Arkland R D, Waterloo Abels George, Omaha Anderson B, Irvington Armbrest Paul, Omaha Abels Henry, Omaha Anderson H L, Irvington Armbrust H J, Millard Abrahams J M, Valley Anderson J G, Omaha Armbrust Jno, Elkhorn Abrahams L W, Valley Anderson Jno, Florence Armbrust John, Millard Agee Geo, Valley Anderson Jno, Irvington Armitage E, Elk City Agee J W, Valley Andresen Chas, Millard Armstrong A, Waterloo Agee J William, Valley Andresen J N C, Irvington Armstrong W C, Waterloo Ainsworth W C, Elk City Andresen J Sr, Elkhorn Arnold Geo, Waterloo Akerlund A P, Valley Andresen J Jr, Elkhorn Arnold J S, Waterloo Alberts peter, Omaha Andresen Wm, Millard Arvedson John, Valley Albrow A W, Elkhorn Andrews D, Florence Ashmead A J, Valley Alexander Wm, Elk City Anson Albert, Omaha Ashwig Aven E, Elk City Allen Dan L, Valley Anthans John, Waterloo Auch John, Bennington Allen Elijah, Omaha Anthony W B, Omaha Austin Silas, Valley Allen James, Valley Appel John, Millard Avery C S, Omaha Allen Jerome, Omaha Appleby Geo H, Elk City Avery A R, Omaha Allen Mary H, Elkhorn Appleby Jas C, Elk City Aye John, Elkhorn Allen S G, Omaha Appleby John, Elk City Ayers Wm, Waterloo Anderson A, Valley Appleby Thos, Elk City Ayre Isabella, Valley Anderson A H, Omaha Appleby Wm R, Elk City Anderson A L, Irvington Arff Henry, Millard
Baackhaus C J Sr, Elkhorn Bertholasy C, Omaha Brauer Chas, Omaha Baackhaus C J Jr, Elkhorn Bessey Esther A, Elk City Breng John, Omaha Babbitt LC Mrs., Irvington Bessey F J, Elk City Brewster E E, Irvington Bader Otto, Millard Bessey Geo, Elk City Brewster E L, Irvington Back August, Omaha Betz Charles, Elkhorn Brewster K C, Irvington Backhaus H, Millard Beyer Ann, Florence Brewster S C, Irvington BackhumsPC, Bennington Beyer Maggie, Florence Binkley J H, Bennington Baley Benj B, Elk City Bichel John H, Omaha Brogren Ola, Elkhorn Baker D S, Valley Biemen Henry, Omaha Brook S, Bennington Baker George, Omaha Bierbach Aug, Elkhorn Brookman J, Elkhorn Baker Newt H, Elkhorn Billeter M J, Valley Brown G V, Waterloo Baker Wm, Omaha Bird E A Mrs, Irvington Brown H, Waterloo Baldwin B B, Elkhorn Bird Geo T, Irvington Brown I I, Omaha Baldwin C H, Elkhorn Bishop N W, Waterloo Brown J F, Elk City Baldwin Louis, Elk City Bishop R M, Waterloo Brown J P, Florence Bailey David, Elkhorn Blaco John, Elk City Brown M B, Waterloo Ballenger M, Elk City Blecke Wm, Millard Brown Nelson, Waterloo Barber Chas H, Elk City Bleick Albert, Omaha Brown P F, Waterloo Barber R W, Elk City Bleick F J, Omaha Brown R H, Waterloo Barber W L, Irvington Bleick John, Omaha Brown S, Florence Bargstadt Ger, Bennington Blessing J G, Bennington Brown Wm, Waterloo Barker Geo E, Valley Bioedel L R, Florence Brugman J, Omaha Barlow B, Elkhorn Blomquist A P, Waterloo Brugman P Sr, Elkhorn Barnes C C, Florence Blum August W, Millard Brugman P Jr, Elkhorn Barnes C F, Florence Blum Ferdinand, Millard Brunner J H, Elkhorn Barnes R H, Valley Blum John, Millard Brunner L H, Florence Barrett Philip, Millard Bock Claus, Omaha Brush Henry, Millard Barrett Thos, Florence Bock Eggert, Omaha Brusse Albert, Elkhorn Barthelman W, Irvington Bock Henry, Omaha Brusse, John, Elkhorn Barson W B, Omaha Bock Jorgen, Millard Bryant J A, Elk City Batdorf H, Irvington Bockel Theo, Omaha Bryant Wm G, Elk City Baumen C G, Omaha Bockholdt, H, Omaha Buchler Geo, Omaha Baumen Matilda, Omaha Bockholt H, Omaha Bucker Henry, Omaha Baxter S H, Irvington Bodenthine C, Elk City Bucknole R, Elk City Beal Christ, Waterloo Boeahli Dionis, Florence Bucknoll Will, Elkhorn Beals John, Omaha Boege John, Elkhorn Buel CD W, Omaha Bean Charles, Florence Boessig Moxsie, Omaha Buel Adelaide, Omaha Bean George, Elk City Boetel Geo, Millard Bull Christ, Millard Bean John R, Elk City Bohender M Mrs, Omaha Bull Henry, Millard Beanbridge M, Waterloo Bohlen Henry, Elkhorn Bull Joachman, Elkhorn Beard John, Omaha Bohlken Fred, Millard Buller Fred, Irvington Beck George, Elk City Boisen P A, Irvington Buller Wm, Irvington Beck Wilson, Florence Bolen W J, Elkhorn Bunz Peter, Bennington Becker Carl, Millard Bolin Claus, Irvington Burgess C H, Irvington Beknowles Sam, Florence Bonderson A. Omaha Burgman I W, Irvington Bell B F, Waterloo Bonderson Jno, Florence Burgoyne Wm, Valley Bell George, Waterloo Bonneimer CMrs, Florenc Burke Ed, Valley Bell John, Elkhorn Borman Henry, Millard Burke E, Valley Bendesen J P, Florence Borts Simon, Irvington Burow Adolph, Omaha Bendle R, Elk City Bottger Wm, Irvington Bussmann J, Bennington Bengtson Gus, Valley Bouisen E H, Waterloo Butcher Thos, Valley Benister C L, Elkhorn Bowers Mary, Florence Byars L S, Valley Berglet A, Irvington Bowers S S, Florence Bergstrom Carl, Valley Brask J H, Omaha
Calelly B, Omaha Christensen J, Millard Collins James, Valley Calelly Ed, Omaha Christensen J N, Omaha Combs Henry, Florence Callahan Ed, Florence Christensen J, Irvington Compton Azel, Elk City Calvert B F, Elk City Christensen P C, Irvington Compton F J, Elk City Calvin C A, Waterloo Christensen J, Florence Concannon Lee, Valley Cammenzind I W, Omaha Christian C, Florence Conger C P, Valley Campbell C E, Valley Christiansen J. Omaha Cook Emil, Bennington Canety James, Waterloo Christophersen A, Omaha Cooper John C, Elk City Cannon M, Florence Christopherson J L, Valley Cortiss F W, Waterloo Canon Daniel, Elkhorn Clark S B, Omaha Costin Anna, Millard Canon W S, Elkhorn Clark George, Elk City Coston J M, Omaha Carlson C, Valley Clark M H, Irvington Coulter F E, Waterloo Carlson C A, Valley Clark Wm, Elk City Countermine J L, Waterlo Carlson Chas, Florence Clausen John, Millard Covert J H, Florence Carlson J A, Valley Clausen Thos, Omaha Cowing John, Valley Carlson Jno, Irvington Clausen Jurgen, Millard Cowing Oliver, Valley Carlson N P, Elkhorn Clausen Fritz, Elkhorn Cowles Geo M, Valley Carpenter S, Valley Clawson Sam, Florence Cowles L L, Valley Carrington M, Valley Clements A, Omaha Cowles N E, Valley Carswell Chas, Valley Clifton Daniel, Elkhorn Coy C P, Waterloo Cartwright J, Florence Clough Theo, Elkhorn Crane Elias W, Omaha Casey J J, West Omaha Coats Henry, Waterloo Crink Philip, Elk City Cavanaugh W, Florence Coats S D, Waterloo Cronemeyer F, Benningto Chapman J H, Florence Cochran J W, Waterloo Crossle G E, Omaha Chapman M D, Florence Cockerill Wm, Elkhorn Crume N Mrs., Florence Chapman W F, Florence Cole Mrs, Florence Cubley A C, Florence Chase Wm, Irvington Collen Clas, Platte Valley Culp Hiram, Elk City Christen John, Omaha Collins Ed, Valley Curtis Fred, Valley Christensen Anders, Millard Collins Charles, Valley Custard E, Bennington Christensen C, Irvington Collins J, Waterloo
Duggett John, Florence Deneker C, Elkhorn Donnelly John, Elkhorn Dahin Anna, Omaha Denker Christ, Millard Donnelly Jos, Elkhorn Dahlburg J M, Elk City Denker Wm, Millard Donnelly Wm, Waterloo Dahmke Christ, Millard Dennis Chas E, Valley Donscheiski T, Elk City Dahmke Wm, Omaha Dennis E, Valley Doose Henry, Elkhorn Dailey M, Florence Denton L W, Waterloo Doose John, Irvington Daisley Wm, Irvington Denton W A, Waterloo Dorsett Thos, Florence Dake Michael, Valley Devine F H Mrs, Florence Dotson F, Florence David A E, Irvington Deyo D, Florence Dougherty E A, Waterloo Davis A R, Valley Dickerson F N, Waterloo Dougherty Hugh Sr, Omaha Davis Fred, Florence Dicker Hiram, Florence Dougherty Hugh Jr, Omaha Davis Thomas, Valley Diedrichsen J, Bennington Dougherty J, Omaha Day J W, Florence Diedrichsen P, Bennington Douglas E, Florence Decker James, Valley Dierks Geo, Bennington Douglas Robt, Elkhorn Decker M K, Elk Horn Diercks Henry, Omaha Dowing Robert, Elkhorn Deerson C, Elkhorn Dillen Sidney, Omaha Drabek J F, Irvington Deerson G, Elkhorn Dinsdale R, Bennington Dreesen H R, Omaha Deerson H, Elkhorn Dodson A R, Valley Dreesen J F, Omaha Degerman A G, Omaha Dodson Wm, Elk City Drexel G M, Elk City Delchen Wm, Millard Dosherty B, Elkhorn Dubois P H, Waterloo Delm C, Valley Doll Chas, Millard Dubois Wm, Waterloo Deler August, Elkhorn Doll Leopold, Omaha Ducker L C, Irvington DeLand J H, Florence Domina John, Waterloo Duffy Geo C, Valley Delaney F S, Florence Domina j P, Waterloo Duggins Wm, Elkhorn Delfe Hans, Millard Donahoo Ed, Elkhorn Dupois Thos F, Florence Delfs John, Bennington Donahoo H K, Elkhorn Dyer Wm, Waterloo Delfs John F, Irvington Donnell John, Omaha Deneker C H, Elkhorn Donnelly A A, Omaha
Eargerts Henry, Omaha Ehlers Wm, Elkhorn Engler Wm F, Irvington Ebner W Fred, Millard Ehlers Wm, Bennington Erickson M, Omaha Ebrhart Jacob, Elk city Ehrich Chris, Florence Ernest C. Omaha Ebner F G, Bennington Eicke Henry, Omaha Ernest Claus, Omaha Ebner Lena, Bennington Eicke Henry A, Elk City Esmay I N, Valley Ebright E A, Florence Eklund G A, Elkhorn Essert Chas, Elkhorn Ebsen August, Millard Elbert H C, Florence Evans Chas T, Valley Eckerman A, Omaha Ellis J D, Irvington Evans E D, Valley Eckerman Peter, Omaha Eisden Isaac, Elk City Evans S D, Waterloo Edinger Ed, Omaha Eiseman Henry, Millard Evans T K, Watrloo Edwards W A, Valley Elston W R, Waterloo Evans W C, Valley Egbert A A, Valley Elton F J, Omaha Evers Bernhard, Elkhorn Egbert A S, Valley Emerick John, Valley Evesson J P, Florence Eggers Jno, Bennington Emerson G, Waterloo Exner Geo, Elk City Ehlen Henry, Omaha Enfield Fred, Waterloo Ehlers Hans, Millard Engle J P, Watrloo
Fallon Petrus, Elk City Fisher Jno G, Elkhorn Frampton Jas, Omaha Farwell J B, Valley Fitch A H, Omaha Frank Tony, Omaha Faust A, Bennington Fitch David H, Elk City Fredericksen A, Omaha Feagens J L, Waterloo Fitch Ellen J, Elk City Fredericksen F, Omaha Feagens J W, Waterloo Flavon F N, Elk City Fredericksen J, Elkhorn Feagens L B, Waterloo Flor E S, Valley Fredericksen W F, Omaha Feagens Wm, Waterloo Ford E J Mrs, Omaha Frey A P, Irvington Fedde C, Irvington Forgey S Sr, Irvington Frey J A, Elkhorn Fedde John, Omaha Forgey S Jr, Irvington Friberg John, Omaha Fee Saml, Bennington Forsyth J H, Irvington Fritz Ed, Omaha Ferguson F, Omaha Fouts Geo W, Waterloo Fritz John, Millard Ferree J B, Omaha Fouts John, Waterloo Frost Geo, Elk City Filkin Jas R, Valley Fouts P D, Valley Fry Jas T, Elk City Fillwork G, Elkhorn Fouts , Valley Fry Saml J, Elk City Finney G C, Waterloo Fowler Frank, Elkhorn Fry Wm J, Elk City Finney Wm, Watgerloo Frerk Gustaf, Millard Fuller J E, Waterloo Fischer Wm, Omaha Frahm Hans, Omaha
Gaines A C, Elk City Gillespy H M, Waterloo Gray H A, Elk City Gaines H E, Elk City Gilmore J, Elk City Gray Wm A, Elk city Gaines John W, Elk City Gilmore J T, Elk City Green P H, Irvington Gaines Oscar E, Elk City Gilmore J R, Valley Green T P, Elk City Galop David, Florence Gilmore M R, Valley Green W M, Florence Ganton Wm, Florence Glandt N P, Millard Green Mrs M, Florence Ganz Geo, Millard Glandt Peter, Omaha Greggersson J, Florence Ganz Wm, Millard Glissman H C, Omaha Greiss N, Elkhorn Gardiner Alex, Valley Glissman Henry, Omaha Grell Fred, Millard Gaydon C H, Florence Glissmann J H C, Omaha Grewcock E, Elk City Gehl Asmus Sr, Omaha Godberson H, Elk City Grewcock Geo, Elk City Gehl Asmus Jr, Omaha Goff Frank, Florence Griebel J H, Omaha Gehl Henry, Valley Goldstadt C, Millard Griebel John, Omaha Gehrke J, Bennington Goldstadt Hans, Millard Griffen A C, Omaha Gelston Frank, Elk City Goodsell S A, Florence Griffin W W, Millard Gelston Geo, Elk City Goodhard A, Elkhorn Grimm August, Elkhorn GemmingenOV,Bennington Goodhard H Jr, Elkhorn Grimm Fritz, Elkhorn Gerndorf H. Millard Goodhard J H, Elkhorn Groth Christ, Omaha Gerndorf Wm, Millard Goodwin C, Waterloo Groyer A, Valley Gibbons F J, Elkhorn Gordon E, Bennington Groyer Chris, Valley Gibbons John, Florence Gosch Jurgen, Millard Groyer James L, Elk City Gibbons Jos, Waterloo Gosch Peter, Millard Growcock Robt, Valley Gibbons Wm H, Elk City Gottsch C F, Bennington Gugin John, Elk City Gibbs A J, Waterloo Gounger Chas, Florence Gugin Peter, Elk City Gibbs Elizabeth, Elk City Grabbe Claus, Omaha Gulbranson L, Florence Gibbs Robert, Elk City Grafft J R, Waterloo Gunderly D, Omaha Gibbs Wm, Elk City Graham James, Valley Gutter Anton, Irvington Gibson A A, Irvington Gramkau Wm, Millard Guy Frank, Elkhorn Gilbert I D, Irvington Grau C B, Bennington Guy Elmer, Florence Gillen W N, Florence Grau H, Bennington
Haag Geo, Florence Hansen R, Bennington Hicks Geo W, Waterloo Haagersen G, Waterloo Hanson Hans, Valley Hicks W T, Waterloo Haakman Wm, Omaha Hanson James, Florence Hickson Haskel, Valley Hackney Jos, Waterloo Hanson John, Florence Hiler Peter, Irvington Hadan Aug, Irvington Hanson P N, Elkhorn Hill Charles, Elk City Haban Carl, Irvington Harder John, Elkhorn Hill Geo A, Florence Hagedorn L, Bennington Harrier Albert, Valley Hill G W, Waterloo Hager E G, Florence Harrier Chas, Valley Hinken John, Omaha Hail Samuel, Florence Harrier Mrs H, Valley Hinrichs E, Elkhorn Hall Mrs. Ed, Elkhorn Harrier Perry, Valley Hipp Collos, Florence Hall Fred A, Bennington Harrier Wm, Valley Hoeck A Hans, Millard Hall G W, Elkhorn Harris Henry, Omaha Hoeck John, Millard Hall Henry, Florence Harris Joseph, Valley Hoerath M, Omaha Hall J H, Elkhorn Harris L, Valley Hofeldt Peter, Elkhorn Hall M W, Irvington Harrison W H, Irvington Hoffman A, Omaha Hall Peter, Valley Hart Adolph, Omaha Hofmeister E, Elk City Hallenbeck B J, Millard Hart Wm, Valley Holdsworth C J, Valley Hallenbeck Jno, Millard Hartford Allen, Valley Holling Hans, Millard Hallenbeck S H, Millard Hartford Jasper, Valley Holling Henry, Omaha Hamann John, Millard Hartman A, Omaha Holling John, Millard Hamann Marx, Elkhorn Hass Henry, Millard HollingsworthJH,Irvington Hamilton C, Florence Hay G W, Bennington Holt J M, Florence Hamilton M C, Florence Hazard G M, Irvington Holtzman J A, Florence Hamilton Mrs N, Florence Hazard J K, Florence Homan J W, Irvington Handy A G, Waterloo Hazelrigg C, Waterloo Hoock H B, Omaha Haney Alonzo, Omaha Hazen O E, Valley Hopper Chas, Waterloo Haney James, Omaha Healey M, Irvington Hopper Saml, Waterloo Haney John, Omaha Hefley Mark G, Elkhorn Hopper Wm, Elkhorn Haney Oliver, Elkhorn Heide Wm, Bennington Horels Herman, Millard Haney S B, Elkhorn Heise Fritz, Irvington Hoskinson B, Elkhorn Haney Taylor, Elkhorn Heise H, Irvington House M, Florence Haney W E, Elkhorn Heitmann F, Bennington Housley A, Elkhorn Haney W C, Elkhorn Helliwell H M, Valley How F A, Waterloo Haney W L, Elkhorn Helm K E, Florence Howard Alice G, Omaha Hanger J P, Waterloo Hempsted J W, Valley Howard S H, Waterloo Hankinson M J, Bennington Hendricks H L, Elkhorn Howland J H, Bennington Hannah J, Elk City Heninger H B, Waterloo Hubbard A E, Valley Hanner John, Valley Henninger M K, Waterloo Huddleston C W, Elk City Hanschildt F, Irvington Henke H W, Florence Hudspeth E, Valley Hansen C, Bennington Henry G W, Omaha Hughes Geo, Waterloo Hansen C, Omaha Herington J G, Waterloo Hughes J Sr, Omaha Hansen H, Omaha Hesch Jacob, Millard Hughes J Jr, Omaha Hansen H J, Omaha Heyer H, Omaha Hughes Wm, Elk city Hansen Henry, Omaha Heyer Wm, Omaha Hunt G J, Florence Hansen H, Elkhorn Hibbard F B, Irvington Hunt H M, Florence Hansen J M, Waterloo Hibbeler H G, Omaha Hunter H M, Elk City Hansen John, Millard Hick I N, Omaha Hunter Thos, Valley Hansen Julius, Elkhorn Hick J N, Waterloo Hurlbut H M, Omaha Hansen Nels, Irvington Hickey G, Elkhorn Hutchenson C, Valley Hansen Paul, Elkhorn Hickey T J, Elkhorn Hverotti H, Elkhorn
Ingram John H, Valley Isham D T, Bennington Iveson John P, Elkhorn
Jaacks H H, Omaha Jensen Wm, Omaha Johnson Hans, Elk City Jackson T W, Waterloo Jenson A C, Valley Johnson H S, Irvington Jacobs Clause, Millard Jenson C, Irvington Johnson J A, Florence Jacobsen H W, Waterloo Jenson Hans, Valley Johnson J C, Elk City Jacobsen K, Waterloo Jenson P C, Irvington Johnson J M, Valley Jacobson Wm, Bennington Jenson Peter, Elk City Johnson John, Elk City Janes Oscar I, Omaha Jesson Peter, Omaha Johnson Julius, Elk City Jansen Charles, Elkhorn Joens Hans, Omaha Johnson L, Omaha Jargstorf J, Millard Johnson Anna, Florence Johnson M, Valley Jeffers Henry, Elkhorn Johnson C O, Valley Johnson N, Irvington Jensen C A, Omaha Johnson E Sr, Waterloo Johnson Nils, Valley Jensen C, Irvington Johnson E Jr, Waterloo Jort John, Omaha Jensen Hans, Millard Johnson Eliza, Elkhorn Jungjohann M, Omaha Jensen Jens, Omaha Johnson E E, Valley Junker Thos, Omaha Jensen Jens B, Bennington Johnson G, Waterloo Jensen L, Bennington Johnson Gust, Valley
Kaelber C, Millard King F M, Florence Koerner Wm, Elkhorn Kaessner G, Elkhorn King Geo W, Valley Kohlbrandt N, Elkhorn Kaessner R, Elkhorn King Jos, Waterloo Kolterman C, Millard Kal Detlef, Millard Kinkaid John, Florence Korte Henry, Irvington Kalebaugh A, Valley Kinkaid Wm, Florence Kracht Detlef, Millard Kanaway Mary, Elkhorn Kinyoun R E, Irvington Kracht peter, Omaha Karstens H, Millard Kinyoun J W, Irvington Kragskow Peter, Omaha Kast, simon, Elkhorn Kirk Thos, Omaha Kragskow W, Irvington Kean Cath, Elkhorn Kirkendall Wm, Omaha Krakochivil J, Millard Keane A, Elk City Kirkpatrick E G, Waterloo Krambeck Wm, Florence Keating E, Elkhorn Klabunde Theo, Millard Kramer Wm, Omaha Keefe Ed, Waterloo Klahn Wm, Elk City Kraus J, Bennington Keefe Mary, Waterloo Klanhammer H, Valley Kreymberg H, Elkhorn Keiner C F, Elkhorn Kleever M, Omaha Krouse J, Bennington Kelser A. Florence Klinker C M, Bennington Kruger H F, Omaha Keiser E, Bennington Klinker J H, Bennington Kruse A G, Omaha Keiser F S, Florence Klinker P, Bennington Kruse A C, Omaha Keller geo, Omaha Klobunder Wilh,Bennington Kruse C, Omaha Keller P, Omaha Klobunder W, Bennington Kruse Fred, Irvington Kellet Chas, Elkhorn Kloninger C J, Bennington Kruse Fred, Omaha Kellet P H, Elkhorn Kloninger Jno, Bennington Kruse Gustav, Elkhorn Kelley J C, Valley Knag Jens C, Irvington Kruse Henry A, Omaha Kelley P, Omaha Knapp A P, Elk City Kruse Herman, Omaha Kelly J B, Waterloo Knight A B, Irvington Kruse Wm, Millard Kelly J, Elkhorn Knight W B, Irvington Kuehl Claus, Omaha Kelsey H, Millard Knight G W, Irvington Kuehl Henry, Omaha Kelsey Sally, Waterloo Knight H G, Irvington Kiehl John, Omaha Kent F D, Florence Knight J G, Irvington Kuhl Hans, Irvington Kepler D, Elk City Knowles C H, Omaha Kuhr Jurgen, Millard Kerker A, Valley Kobs A, Bennington Kuhr Hans, Millard Kerr J, Waterloo Koch Fred, Omaha Kunkel B, Omaha Kilion J H, Omaha Koch Herman, Millard King Elizabeth, Omaha Koerner H, Elkhorn
Lach Henry, Valley Leeders Ed, Omaha Logan David H, Elk City Lageman F, Bennington Leeders John, Omaha Lonergan C, Irvington Lagemen H, Bennington Leeders J H, Millard Lonergan D, Irvington Lagemen Wm,Bennington Leedroig H, Omaha Lonergan E, Irvington Laing W F, Waterloo Leiettye J, Elkhorn Lonergan J, Irvington Lambert Edwin, Omaha Leische A, Irvington Lonergan M, Irvington Lambertson P, Elk city Lemke J, Millard Lonergan Wm, Irvington La Motte H. Omaha Lentell J V, Valley Long Simon, Bennington Land John, Florence Lesch P, Omaha Lorenz John, Elkhorn Lantry V G, Florence Leslie Mrs M, Florence Lorrenzen L, Bennington Laughlin L C, Florence Leslie S, Florence Lowell T, Bennington Lautenschlager F, Elk City Lester F H, Florence Lown George, Irvington Larsen Hans, Florence Lester W O, Florence Lown Peter, Irvington Larsen P, Florence Lewin J, Florence Luckt Ernst, Millard Larsen P A, Waterloo Lewis F, Valley Ludl Alfred, Irvington Larsen T C, Omaha Lewis I, Omaha Ludl Jacob, Irvington Larson A. Florence Lindberg G, Waterloo Ludl Robert, Irvington Larson A. Irvington Link Harvey, Millard Ludington H S, Irvington Larson C, Irvington Link H E, Millard Luitjens Wm, Elkhorn Larson H, Valley Link L, Millard Lundgren Nels, Valley Larson L P, Valley Link N H, Millard Lushen H, Bennington Larson N, Valley Little G W, Florence Lutton S S, Waterloo Leach A C, Elk City Little T, Valley Lutz John, Elk City Leach F, Florence Lods F, Bennington Lutze Anna, Millard Leach G, Bennington Lobs John, Bennington Lyons C A, Valley Leach M L, Florence Lockman Davis, Elk City Lyons Matilda P, Elk City Lebbert H, Bennington Lockman Doug, Elk City Lysinger M G, Omaha Lee H, Waterloo Lockwood H A, Elk City
McAllister H A Mrs, Valley Marchane Wm, Waterloo Miller J, Bennington McArdle F A, Omaha Markmann W, Bennington Miller J J, Valley McArdle F J, Millard Marrs Hugh, Valley Miller P, Valley McArdle J H, Omaha Marsh John, Valley Miller P G, Irvington McArdle John C, Omaha Marshall Wm A, Elk City Milligan J, Waterloo McArdle P, Omaha Martens F, Florence Millikan A, Irvington McArdle P Jr, Omaha Martensen A H, Omaha Milton H, Waterloo McAshland D, Florence Martig Christian, Omaha Mitchell J, Valley McCart E, Valley Martin C, Bennington Mitchell Wm, Valley McCarthy S, Omaha Martin C F, Elk City Mix G T, Valley McClenighan S, Valley Martinson M C, Irvington Mockelmann D, Elkhorn Mccomb M K, Bennington Mason Chas, Valley Modhorst L, Omaha McCormick T, Millard Mason J, Valley Mogis P, Omaha McCracken A C, Omaha Mastrick I, Omaha Mobalt J, Omaha McCurdy W H, Waterloo Mathiesen M, Irvington Moller F, Irvington McDonald A J, Valley Mathias A, Florence Monnehan J, Waterloo McDonald J D, Elk City Matksen H, Irvington Monroe J, Omaha McDougall A J, Elkhorn Matthies Claus, Omaha Moore J W, Elk City McDowell Hugh, Omaha Mattox A, Florence Moore J W, Waterloo McDuffe A H, Millard Matzenberg C, Omaha Moore J C, Valley McDuffee G N, Waterloo Mauss N, Irvington Morris H H, Elk City McDuffee S E, Waterloo Mayhew A, Waterloo Morris J H, Elk City McEvoy P, Elk City Mayhew J, Elk City Morrison Wm, Elkhorn McGavoo Ed, Valley Mayhew J J, Elk City Morion R B, Waterloo McGavoo Grant, Valley Mayhew J G, Elk City Mosher J, Valley McGrew Amos, Elkhorn Maguer James, Elkhorn Moulton F, Elk City McGuire J, Irvington Mead C W, Elk City Moyer A, Omaha McGuirer C, Waterloo Mead C N, Florence Mueller A, Elkhorn McGuirer J, Waterloo Meckel Carl, Omaha Mueller T, Elkhorn McKee A A, Valley Medley M R, Florence Muenstr J, Elkhorn McKibbonW H, Elkhorn Meewee H, Bennington Mellendoore Al, Valley McKinney Jos, Omaha Meier Herman, Elkhorn Munson P, Irvington McKnight Geo, Valley Melchert T, Millard Murie J, Florence Mclaughlin J, Waterloo Mermann C, Omaha Murley S, Valley McMahon Danl, Valley Merryweather C, Waterloo Murray J, Elkhorn McMann D, Bennington Merryweather R, Valley Murray Jno, Elkhorn Maack Claus, Millard Merryweather T, Elkhorn Murray T, Waterloo Maack John H, Omaha Merryweather W H, Valley Murray T Jr, Elkhorn Mactier James, Elk City Mewes Wm, Millard Murray T C, Elkhorn Mading F, Bennington Meyer H, Elkhorn Murray W L, Waterloo Magussen A, Florence Mikkilsen J, Florence Murtagh J. Omaha Malcho Christ, Millard Milens F D, Omaha Myers e R, Waterloo Mallery O H, Waterloo Miles H M, Elkhorn Myers J, Florence Munsen C A, Waterloo Miller C, Omaha Myers Wm S, Waterloo Mangold M, Bennington Miller C W, Valley Mangold P, Bennington Miller H, Valley
Nafe George, Valley Nelson L J, Irvington Neil C, Waterloo Nafe John, Valley Nelson Louis, Elk City Neil George, Waterloo Nason John, Waterloo Nelson M P, Valley Niel Lester, Waterloo Nason John F, Waterloo Nelson Nels, Florence Niel S W, Waterloo Nason R P, Waterloo Nelson Nels, Irvington Nielson J M, Omaha Neal David, Valley Nelson Nels, Valley Nielson N C, Valley Neal John, Elk City Nelson O, Elkhorn Niemann Louis, Elkhorn Neal David, Waterloo Nelson R, Bennington Nightingale W R, Valley Nelkorn John, Millard Nelson R, Irvington Niles Geo, Valley Nelson Ed, Waterloo Neu Peter, Omaha Nitz L, Bennington Nelson A, Florence Neuhaus H, Bennington Nolte H A, Elkhorn Nelson A, Irvington Neuhaus Henry, Omaha Nordstrtom John, Omaha Nelson Aug, Irvington Neuhaus H, Omaha Norton A H, Waterloo Nelson C, Irvington Nevius C, Irvington Noyce A E, Irvington Nelson D H, Irvington Newell E, Valley Noyce Chas, Irvington Nelson E, Waterloo Newman Carl, Irvington Noyce H J, Irvington Nelson G L, Elk City Newmann A, Bennington Noyce J C, Irvington Nelson G, Irvington Newmann J H, Bennington Noyes Carl B, Elk City Nelson H, Bennington Newport J, Elkhorn Noyes Isaac, Elk City Nelson J, Irvington Nichols C B, Waterloo Noyes J P Mrs, Valle Nelson J J, Millard Nichols J B, Waterloo Nelson L A, Irvington Nickelson C, Elk City
Oberg John F, Valley Olmstead H, Irvington Ortman Fred, Omaha O'Brien Ed, Elkhorn Olmstead H L, Irvington Osborn George, Valley O'Donnell E P, Florence Olmstead W H, Irvington Osborn Wm, Elk City O'Donnell Jno, Florence Olsen Chris, Waterloo Osborne Harry, Elk City Odenreider A, Elkhorn Olsen James, Irvington Oster Mary, Valley Odenreider Jos., Elkhorn Olsen John, Irvington Ostler Geo H, Elk City Oft Claus, Bennington Olsen P C, Florence Otte Eggert, Omaha Oft Eggert, Bennington Olsen L P, Valley Otte Hans, Omaha Ogle Charles, Valley Olson Ole, Valley Ovenhiser B, Waterloo Ogle, George H, Valley Olson Ole P, Elk City Oleson Olof, Omaha O'Rourke P, Florence
Paal Timm, Elkhorn Peterson A, Irvington Pierce R, Irvington Paasch Henry, Elkhorn Peterson A, Waterloo Pierson A, Valley Paddock J W, Omaha Peterson Aug, Valley Pilant J, Bennington Paeper Henry, Omaha Peterson Charlie, Valley Pilant W E, Bennington Pahl Jurgen, Omaha Peterson C, Bennington Piper Henry, Millard Palke H, Bennington Peterson Chris, Omaha Plambeck Geo, Millard Pamp Aug, Irvington Peterson H John, Millard Plant Henry, Florence Pamp C E, Irvington Peterson J, Irvington Plant Louis, Florence Pamp Chas E, Omaha Peterson J A, Valley Plotah Frank, Omaha Parakenings C, Elkhorn Peterson J F, Omaha Plumbeck J, Elkhorn Parker Silas, Omaha Peterson J H, Florence Poosch August, Elk City Parson A H, Valley Peterson Jas, Omaha Poosch Fred, Elk City Parson A J, Valley Peterson John, Florence Post P H, Omaha Parson Nils, Valley Peterson John, Omaha Powell Chas, Florence Patrick A, Elk City Peterson John, Valley Powell Jerome, Elkhorn Patrick Eliza W, Omaha Peterson Lars, Valley Powell R L, Florence Patrick Thos, Elk City Peterson Nels, Valley Powers Jeffrey, Millard Paul Aug, Millard Peterson Nick, Benningto Powers Patrick, Millard Paul Chas C, Elk City Peterson P, Valley Pratt Jas H, Bennington Paulson Aug, Elkhorn Peterson P, Irvington Presba C W, Valley Paulson C F, Omaha Peterson Peter, Omaha Preston S L, Waterloo Payn Geo W, Valley Peterson Peter, Valley Price Nathan, Elk City Payne S G, Waterloo Peterson Swen, Valley Price Thomas, Elkhorn Peaney I C, Valley Peterson V, Waterloo Price Fred, Florence Peck Emma M, Florence Peterson Wm, Elkhorn Pritchard Ed, Florence Peck M L, Florence Petteys A, Irvington Pruess F A, Bennington Peden H, Waterloo Pfeiffer J H, Omaha Pruse Henry, Omaha Pederson S C, Irvington Phalen E, Irvington Puffer D E, Valley Peets Fritz, Millard Phalen F, Irvington Puffer H M, Valley Penke A, Bennington Phalen G E, Irvington Puls Julius, Elkhorn Penke Fred, Bennington Phalen Jos, Irvington Puls Thos, Bennington Penke H, Bennington Phillips G D, Elk City Puls Thomas, Omaha Perkins J W, Waterloo Pickard Henry, Valley Purchase F G, Elkhorn Peperkorn J, Florence Pickard H L, Omaha Purchase F E, Elk City Peters Jurgen, Omaha Pickard O J, Omaha Purchase M W, Waterloo Peters Wm, Elkhorn Pickard O W, Omaha Purchase W G, Elk City Peters Wm, Millard Pierce Clara, Florence Peterson A H, Millard Pierce C R, Valley
Quinn J B, Elk City Quinn Martin, Elkhorn Quinn Wm, Valley Quinn J H, Elkhorn Quinn Robert, Valley
Raabe Henry, Omaha Resum Alfred, Waterloo Rogert August, Omaha Rafferty Dennis, Valley Reuter B, Elkhorn Rogert John, Omaha Rahde Adam, Millard Rhoades I,Waterloo Rohlf Emil, Bennington Rain John G, Irvington Rhoades Samuel, Valley Rohrs J H, Omaha Randolph D F, Elkhorn Rhodes A H, Waterloo Rohwer Carsten, Omaha Ransom J F, Florence Rice M A, Waterloo Rohwer Chas, Elkhorn Rasmus Hans, Omaha Rice S M, Florence Rohwer Claus, Irvington Rasmussen C, Millard Rice T S, Waterloo Rohwer H, Irvington Rasmussen Eric, Omaha Rice W F, Valley Rohwer Hans, Omaha Rasmussen H, Florence Richards E E, Irvington Rohwer Henry, Omaha Rasmussen H, Elkhorn Richards S, Florence Rolf Henry, Elkhorn Rath C E, Omaha Richardson B D, Waterloo Rolf Christ E, Elkhorn Rathman H, Elkhorn Richardson Ed, Elk City Rolfs Fred, Elkhorn Rathmann A, Bennington Richardson M Jr, Elk City Rolfs H, Bennington Rathmann John, Omaha Richardson M S, Elk City Rolfs H J, Elkhorn Ratliff H, Valley Richmond A, Florence Rolfs James, Omaha Ray John, Waterloo Ricker Abbie, Florence Rolfs Louis, Omaha Reavis Isaac, Florence Rieck August, Florence Roll Henry, Omaha Reber Frank, Elkhorn Rieck Henry, Omaha Romine R, Waterloo Redman G L, Irvington Riecken Aug, Elkhorn Rood Z G, Bennington Reed A W, Omaha Riecken N, Elkhorn Rooney M A, Omaha Reed David, Omaha Riehing J A, Elkhorn Root Allen, Omaha Reed Thomas, Waterloo Rinker Theo, Elk City Root Wm J, Elk City Reese Claus, Omaha Risley Sam, Valley Rosacker John, Omaha Reeves E, Florence Ritchie Thos, Irvington Rose W H, Florence Reeves Joseph, Elkhorn Rix Claus, Omaha Rosenbaum E M, Valley Reeves Preston, Elkhorn Rosch Thos, Florence Rohsmann C, Bennington Reichardt F, Valley Roberts S A, Omaha Roske Robert, Omaha Reid James, Waterloo Robertson H, Waterloo Roth Christian, Elkhorn Reid John, Valley Robison James, Omaha Rower John, Bennington Relhman Frank, Omaha Robinson J C, Waterloo Rowles Joseph, Omaha Reimers John, Omaha Robinson J M, Waterloo Royce R A, Waterloo Reiter Mary, Omaha Robinson J L, Florence Royce Wm, Waterloo Remer Henry, Omaha Robinson L E, Elkhorn Runge D, Elkhorn Remine E S, Waterloo Robinson W E, Waterloo Ruser H, Omaha Reneham J, Elkhorn Roe Peter W, Elkhorn` Rusk W Mrs., Florence Renehan M, Elkhorn Roessig Max A, Omaha Rustin G, Irvington Rents Ben, elk City Rogers James, Elkhorn Ryan Maria, Omaha Repass E A, Valley Rogers W E, Florence
Sachs Chas, Bennington Sherwood W B Jr, ElkCity Stabir F, Millard Safford C A, Waterloo Sheffer H A, Valley Stahnke Carl, Millard Safford Ed, Waterloo Shipley D V, Florence Stahnke W C, Millard Samson David, Valley Shipley John, Florence Stalon Geo, Florence Sander Fred, Millard Shipley L, Florence Stalon John, Florence Sander John, Omaha Shipley P W, Florence Standen Alfred, Valley Sanders Levin, Valley Shipley Tine, Florence Standen F, Waterloo Saunders John, Valley Shomer Henry, Omaha Stanfield F S, Omaha Sass Jacob, Omaha Shooks H M, waterloo Stark Fritz, Millard Savadge Chas H, Omaha Shotboldt Wm R, Elk City Stave John, Omaha Schatz Fritz, Millard Shumaker J W, Elk City Steel Peter, Valley Schafer A, Bennington Shurling H, Valley Steen Henry, Millard Schimel H K, Bennington Siberts A S, Waterloo Steen Wm, Millard Schiebur R, Omaha Siebken John, Omaha Steer John T, Waterloo Schleip E G, Omaha Siert Mars, Millard Steer J H, Waterloo Schlen Henry, Omaha Sievers Claus, Omaha Steffer C A, Omaha Schmidt A, Millard Sievers Eph, Omaha Steffinson M, Bennington Schmidt John, Elkhorn Sihade charles, Omaha Stein Chas, Omaha Schmidt N H, Millard Silvis J B, Elkhorn Steinert Chas, Omaha Schmidt Wm, Elkhorn Simansen H, Bennington Steinert Justus, Omaha Schnager J, Omaha Simonton J H, Valley Stemm Louis, Omaha Schnake A, Irvington Simpson John, Florence Stephens L L, Waterloo Schneekloth H, Benningto Simpson L E, Florence Stewart N, Omaha Schneider A, Elkhorn Simpson W H, Irvington Stewart Jas, Valley Schneider H, Bennington Siemmer J, Irvington Steyer Philip, Irvington Schneider H, Elkhorn Smith David, Elkhorn Stinglin Adam, Waterloo Schneider Wm, Elkhorn Smith J B, Omaha Stoddart E, Omaha Schoenbohm W, Elkhorn Smith J H Mrs, Valley Stoltenberg C, Irvington Schroder P, Bennington Smith John, Florence Stoltenberg G, Irvington Schroeder A, Millard Smith L, Omaha Stoltenberg G M, Valley Schroeder E,Millard Smith L D, Valley Stoltenberg H H, Irvington Schroeder F, Elkhorn Smith Mary A, Florence Stoltenberg H, Irvington Schroeder J, Elkhorn Smith P D, Florence Stoltenberg P, Irvington Schroeder J, Millard Smith V W, Florence Stoner T I, Valley Schroth F, Irvington Smith W A, Valley Storm B, Bennington Schubert Aug, Valley Snell Geo, Omaha Storm Claus, Millard Schuldt Wm, Omaha Snyder Ada, Bennington Stout E S Jr, Waterloo Schutte Chas, Millard Snyder Wm, Omaha Stout E S Sr, Waterloo Schwensen John, Omaha Sohl Catharine, Millard Stowers I J, Waterloo Schwock A, Bennington Sohl Justus, Millard Stratman H, Omaha Scott F E, Irvington Soll Christ, Bennington Street Geo M, Valley Seaton George, Elk City Soll Geo, Bennington Street I, Bennington Seele Daniel, Waterloo Soll Henry, Irvington Streitz M Wm, Millard Seidler F, Omaha Soll Peter, Bennington Strickland Ed, Elkhorn Senseng L, Waterloo Somes W E, Elk City Stroebel Chas, Elkhorn Sesermann G, Florence Sorenson C F S, Irvington Stuchm H, Bennington Severin F, Elkhorn Sorenson C, Irvington Stuhr Mark, Omaha Shannon L W, Waterloo Speck Eggert, Millard Summick Gus, Omaha Sharpe G G, Elk City Speckels Geo, Millard Sump Claus, Millard Sheely I, Omaha Spethmann F J, Millard Sundean Aug, Valley Shepardson E M, Valley Springer Geo W, Valley Swarm Jos, Irvington Shepherd J E, Irvington Springer Silas, Valley Swayze Green, Elkhorn Shepler John, Valley Staack D, Omaha Sweet J R, Waterloo
Tabler Geo H, Valley Thompson Z H, Omaha Todd T D, Waterloo Taflinger J C, Elkhorn Thomsen B, Omaha Toner John, Omaha Taggart Arch, Valley Thomsen M J, Omaha Toner Joseph, Omaha Talcott Jane Mrs, Valley Thomsen Hans, Omaha Tonsfeldt geo, Omaha Taylor Henry, Florence Thomsen Peter, Omaha Tope S P, Florence Taylor James, Elkhorn Thomsen Robert, Omaha Torrey T J, Valley Taylor J H, Waterloo Thomsen O T, Bennington Townsend E R, Florence Taylor R, Bennington Thun Aug, Millard Tozer Wm, Elk City Taylor Wiley, Irvington Tibke J, Irvington Tozer Wm H, Elk City Taylow Wm, Florence Tibke John H, Omaha Traber J C, Waterloo Tex Michael, Millard Tideman John, Florence Tracy J F, Florence Thein Carl, Elkhorn Tietz Charles, Omaha Treineis Aug, Millard Thiessen Wm, Millard Tietz Fred, Bennington Truelson H, Millard Thirtle J A, Irvington Tietz H, Bennington Trumen Isaac, Waterloo Thoelke Chas, Elkhorn Tietze H, Bennington Tucker F S, Florence Thomas H C, Irvington Tietze Her, Bennington Tucker Mary, Florence Thomas Jane, Florence Timme G E, Bennington Tunnison G H, Elkhorn Thomas V H, Valley Timme H C, Bennington Turner M B, Elk City Thomas Wm C, Florence Timme L, Bennington Turner Wm R, Elk City Thompson G W, Waterloo Timmons J W, Florence Turner David, Elkhorn Thompson J, Omaha Timperly A, Irvington Tuthill I B, Omaha Thompson J, Waterloo Timperley E, Bennington Twaddell R M, Irvington Thompson J W,Waterloo Timperley J, Irvington Twaddell R, Irvington Thompson Paul, Omaha Timperley J P, Bennington Thompson Wm, Valley Todd C R, Waterloo.
Uhrhammer C L, Omaha Uhrhammer H, Omaha Ulterman H, Elkhorn Uhrhammer C W, Omaha Uhtof Aug, Elkhorn
Van Alst T, Elkhorn Varner M B, Florence Vollsted Henry, Omaha Vandercook J E, Florence Venz Fritz, Elkhorn Voss Fred, Elk City Vandercook Julia E, Florenc Verdick Claus, Omaha Voss Henry, Elk City Vandohren Wm, Millard Veskerna F, Millard VanScypc Sam, Valley Vitting W, Elk City
Wagner B, Omaha Werkmeister F, Elkhorn Williams John, Millard Wagner C, Bennington West F A, Florence Willit M, Millard Wahlgren G R, Omaha West John, Valley Willoughby F, Elkhorn Waldeker H, Bennington Westgate R E, Omaha Wilson J T, Irvington Walker E G, Waterloo Westphal Chas, Omaha Wilt Isaac, Benninton Walker E H, Florence Wharton Wm, Omaha Wilt James, Bennington Walker W S, Bennington Wheaton F F, Elk City Wilt Jacob, Bennington Wallstrom H, Valley Wheaton J, Elk City Wilt Samuel S, Elk City Walsh James, Omaha White Albert, Valley Winship C H, Valley Ward W H, Omaha White A P, Valley Winter Nels, Omaha Wardrip U S, Valley White Joseph, Florence Winterburn H, Elkhorn Warm Herman, Omaha Whitney E B, Elk City Winterburn T, Bennington Warner C, Waterloo Whitney Omer, Elk City Whithnell R, Florence Warnstedt T, Millard Whitted J M. Florence Witte Aug Jr, Elkhorn Warren G E, Elk City Whittingham J, Valley Witte Aug Sr, Elkhorn Warrenstedt A, Elkhorn Whittingham W K, Valley Witte George, Elkhorn Wasmer G, Bennington Widgerey J, Elkhorn Wittorff Otto, Omaha Watson Clark, Waterloo Wiegrt Christ, Millard Wodrig Theo, Florence Watts J R, Waterloo Wiese Hans, Bennington Wohlers F, Omaha Way Wm, Florence Wiese John, Omaha Wohlers Henry, Omaha Wead Michael, Omaha Wight L W, Florence Wolcott Eugene, Omaha Wear Francis, Omaha Wilcox L H, Valley Wolcott O A, Elk City Weassa H, Florence Wilder Wm, Waterloo Woodbridge C M, Omaha Weaver John A, Omaha Wilke H, Bennington Woodworth L, Millard Weber J Jr, Florence Wilkerson J A, Waterloo Wollberg W, Millard Weber J Sr, Florence Wilkinson J, Omaha Wollen Elias, Elk City Webstr F G, Valley Williams, a J, Elk City Wrage H, Irvington Wedney A H, Waterloo Williams A G, Waterloo Wrasse C, Bennington Weeks R, Elkhorn Williams C F, Florence Wrasse J, Bennington Welch A, Irvington Williams G R, Elk City Wright David, Elkhorn Welch I C, Irvington Williams J M, Valley Wright David, Elk City Wells C S, Waterloo Williams J T, Valley Wright W S, Valley Wendt C, Bennington Williams J H L, Irvington Wulf Hans, Florence Werkmeister D, Elkhorn Williams O W, Waterloo
Yates P R, Valley Young H, Valley Young S W, Florence Yeager J L, Valley Young R S, Valley Youngquist F, Valley.
Zeis John, Valley
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