PAGE.                                      PAGE.
  Accelerated Growth .............. 19, 35 | Grasses .......................... 10,34 Agriculture ..................... 29, 32 | Graziers ............................ 33 American Desert .................... 10 | Great Britain- Barton, Senator. on Winter Grazing, . 34 | Colonial Policy .................... 6 Beecher, H. W. Rev., Saying of ..... 21 | Short of coal ..................... 32 Big Blue, View on ................... 26 | Harris. G.S.,Land Commissioner ...... 89 Bissell, Thompson, Neb. Pioneer ..... 10 | Herd Law ............................ 30 Buffalo- | Ho, Land Buyer! .................. 23,39 On Platte .......................... 9 | Homesteads- On Republican .................... 34 | Number ......................... 14,15 Burlington and Mississippi R. R. .... 11 | Size of ........................... 14 Growth along Its Line ......19, 21, 25 | System ............................ 13 Land Sales ..................... 23,39 |   Soldiers .......................... 14 California .......................... 31 |   Untaxed ........................... 35 Cities. Latitude of .................. 4 | How Live so Far Off ................. 31 Climate, ............................. 6 | How to Begin .................17, 27, 39 " Effect on Population .......... 7 | Illinois- Coal. Gov. Furnas on ................ 33 | Growth .............................. 8 " Abroad and at Home ......... 32, 34 | In Best Latitude ............. 4, 7, 8 Colorado ............................ 30 | Immigration- Comfort In Moving .............. 17, 25 | Belt of ............................ 5 Commerce, Its Basis ................. 30 |   Ground of ......................... 22 Corn, Yield of ................... 5, 29 | Indians- Course of Migration .............. 9, 35 | Bonnets on ........................ 11 Creighton, Edward ................... 34 | Raids .......................... 3, 10 Crops ........................... 5, 29 | Iowa- Desert, American, a Myth ........... 10 | Elements of Population ............ 23 Dilke, Blunder of .................. 10 | Growth ............................. 9 Duluth. ............................ 19 | No Public Land ..................... 9 Education . . ...................... 18 | Kansas ............................... 8 Emigrant's Homes .................... 25 | Land Commissioner In Burlington...... 39 English In Nebraska ............ 14, 23 | Land- Farms- | Price of .......................... 23 For Sale ......................... 39 | Rises in Value ................. 8, 29 Martin's ......................... 11 | Land Offices of United States- Ready Made ....................... 12 | In Lincoln ........................ 15 Number In Nebraska ............... 15 | In Lowell ......................... 15 Number in United States .......... 15 | Land Buyers, Number of . ............ 23 Fences ............................. 30 | Land Sales ...................... 22, 39 Fijis .............................. 12 | Latham. Dr., on Pastoral Plains ..... 34 Florence, Gates of ................. 17 | Latitude Controls Migration. ......... 5 Franklin, Dr., on Central Belt ...... 6 | Lincoln, Rise and Progress .......... 21 Freighters ......................... 10 | Long Credit ......................... 25 Fruit .............................. 35 | Long, Major, on American Desert ...... 9 Furnas, Gov., on Coal and Salt ..... 33 | Lowell .............................. 15 " " on schools ........... 18 | Lyman, J. B., on Nebraska . ......... 27 Fur Traders ........................ 10 | Manitobans and Mesquitoes ........... 30 Gold. Yield in West ................ 31 | Manufactures ........................ 32  


                                     PAGE.                                       PAGE.
Markets- | Republican River ..................... 34 Home ........................... 15, 32 | Rothschild ........................... 32 Manifold ........................... 30 | St. Louis ............................ 30 Martin, George, Nebraska Pioneer ..... 10 | Salt ................................. 21 "May I Ride?" ......................... 8 | School Children ...................... 19 Migration - Its Course Westward .... 7, 9 | " Fund ..................... 18 Minnesota, Growth of ................. 18 | " Land ..................... 23 Mining ............................... 31 | Sheep ................................ 33 Moving in Comfort .................... 17 | Sod houses ........................... 17 National Road ......................... 7 | Soil ......................... 10, 27, 35 Nebraska- | Soldiers' Homesteads ................. 14 Agricultural Rank .................. 29 | Statistics .............5, 15, 18, 25, 29 Best of New Homes ............... 4, 35 | Turkish View of . ................... 4 Discovery .......................... 10 | What Latitudes Populous ............. 5 Face of Country ..................... 3 | Stock Raising ........................ 34 Growth .......................... 8, 18 | Taxable Values ................ 5, 21, 25 Homestead State ................ 15, 18 | Temperature .......................... 34 Markets ............................ 30 | Tenants, Transformed ................. 14 Population in 1870 and 1872 ........ 19 | Terms of Sale ........................ 39 Prospective Progress ............... 29 | Timber ............................ 13,34 Railroads .......................... 29 | Trans-Mississippi .................... 27 School Children .................... 19 | Tribune, N. Y., on Nebraska .......... 27 School Land ........................ 23 | Union Pacific Railroad- ................ Soil ............................ 10,35 | In Best Latitude .................... 7 Statistics ................... 5, 8, 25 | Only Inter-Oceanic Line ............ 29 Taxes .............................. 35 | Progress ........................... 10 University ...................... 2, 35 | United Stated- ......................... Valuation ....................... 5, 25 | Boundaries .......................... 6   Neighbors ......................... 25 | Crops in Different States ........ 5,29 Now States Better than Old ............ 8 | Hemmed in on West ................... 3 North American Review on course | Populational Belt ................... 4 of Migration .......................... 3 | Utah .............................. 30,32 Otoes. Bonnets Among ................. 11 | Valuation- ............................. Paniers on braves .................... 12 | Of Central Belt ..................... 5 Path of Empire ........................ 9 | Of United States .................... 5 Parry, Capt., Bound to North Pole ..... 8 | Views- ................................. Philadelphia .......................... 7 | Big Blue ........................... 26 Pioneers, How they Begin ............. 17 | Cornfield and Herds ................ 28 Plymouth Colony ...................... 17 | Emigrant's Home .................... 25 Population- | Lincoln ............................ 21 Tables of ........................... 5 | Movers and Farm .................... 16 Zone of ............................. 6 | Stock-Durham and Poland ............ 34 Prairies- | Salt Creek Valley .................. 40 Breaking of ........................ 37 | Salt Works ......................... 20 Fires .............................. 10 | University .......................... 2 Ready Cleared ...................... 12 | West- .................................. Pre-emption ........................ 9,15 | Wages ........................... 21,22 Price of Land Low .............22, 23, 39 | Pressure Thither ................ 7, 15 Produce ............................ 5,29 | Who Should Go ...................... 27 Quakers teaching Indians ............. 11 | Why Settled ........................ 22 Railroads- | Wheat Crops ....................... 5, 29 Progress ........................ 5, 10 | Winter Grazing ....................... 34 Promote Settlement ................. 17 | Yankee Skipper's Mistake ............. 13 Rainfall ......................... 10, 34 | Zone of American Population ........... 4 Red River, Settlers on ................ 7 |


On 10 Years' Credit, at 6 per Cent. Interest.

No part of Principal due for four years from purchase, and afterwards only one-seventh yearly.

Products will Pay for Land and Improvements.

  THE PRICES of these lauds are low, ranging in Iowa from $8 to $16 per acre, and in Nebraska from $12 per acre, with some less and some more.

  They vary according to soil, location, water supply, timber and other advantages. In precisely the same manner as other lands do.

  All these peculiarities of every lot for sale, may be learned at the office of the land Commissioner, or of any of the local agents along the line; but every man should examine in person the land he expects to cultivate, and the locality where is to be his home, and for this every facility is offered.

These Iowa and Nebraska Lands

  Are not exceeded in fertility, beauty, or any attractions of position and soil which farmers prize, by any region in the world; while trade, manufactures, art, science, with all the refinements and luxuries which enterprise can introduce and thrift maintain, are following rapidly the march of settlement.

  The 600,000 acres of Railroad lands already sold have been wonderfully improved. The increase in their value is in many cases almost incredible.

  Much equally good land can still be purchased at low rates on the same easy terms, and with prospects of steady and large rise in value equally good.


  The purchaser pays at the outset, one year's interest at SIX PER CENT. on the price. He makes three other payments each of SIX PER CENT. ONLY. at the end of second and third years. At the commencement of the fifth year he pays one-seventh of the principal and one year's interest at six per cent. on the remainder, and the same at the end of each successive year thereafter, until all has been paid. If he chooses to pay cash down, or one-third cash and the balance in one and two years, with interest at ten per cent. annually. he is allowed an outright discount of 20 per cent., or one-fifth off the ten year price.

  Better terms than these have never been offered and probably never will be. We invite comparison and defy competition.

  Those who purchase for cash, receive on the spot a Certificate of Purchase, and a Warranty Deed as soon as it can be executed. In purchasing either on Short Credit or Long Credit, a Contract or a Bond for a Deed is executed, and as soon. an a payments are made, a Warranty Deed, free from incumbrance, is given, just as when lands are purchased for cash down. No abstract of title is necessary as the lands were granted directly to the railroad company by the United States.

  EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS on freight and passage are afforded to purchasers and their families.

  CIRCULARS containing all you want to know about these lands, situation, towns. schools, soil, climate, products, stock, markets, railroads, etc., are furnished gratuitously. SEND FOR THEM Every one who means to GO WEST should get a copy without delay, and READ IT THROUGH CAREFULLY. It will be the best preparation he can have.

  SECTIONAL MAPS on large scale, showing the exact location of our lands in Iowa, furnished for 30 cents each, and similar maps of those in Nebraska at same price.

  Apply to or address

  Land Commissioner, at Burlington, Iowa.


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