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1st DISTRICT, Richardson county. George W. Reneker (R), 3,858; E. E. Auxier (D), 2,915.

2nd DISTRICT, Nemaha county. E. E. Good (R), 2,316; George L. Kennedy (D), 1,825.

3rd DISTRICT, Richardson and Nemaha counties. J. W. Armstrong (R), 6,150; John A. Weaver (D) 4,771.

4th DISTRICT, Pawnee county. E. H. Gifford (R), 2,535.

5th DISTRICT, Johnson county. Alfred B. Downing (R), 2,000; Ed Stutheit, (D), 1,263,

6th DISTRICT, Otoe county. H. C. McKee (R), 2,918; Henry R. Cleve (D), 2,431.

7th DISTRICT, Cass county. H. K. Frantz (R), 3,070; Dr. B. F. Brendel (D), 2,667.

8th DISTRICT, Cass and Otoe counties. Fred L. Nutzman (R), 6,159; James P. Baker (D), 4,771.

9th DISTRICT, Sarpy county. Allen Frazeur (R), 1,621; Phillip H, Zwiebel (D), 994.

10th DISTRICT, Douglas county. David H. Bowman (R), 24,956; Robert C. Druesedow (R), 25,789; Geo. B. Dyball (R), 26,105; T. B. Dysart (R), 25,421; Harry A. Foster (R), 25,701; Vincent C. Hascall (R), 26,247; Irvin A. Medlar (R), 25,947; Edw. W. Palmer (R), 25,595; Wm. L. Randall (R), 25,512; Millard M. Robertson (R), 25,227; E. A. Smith (R), 25,239; John O. Yelser, Jr. (R), 24,126; J. H. Bulla (D), 15,1431; Hester Brownson (D), 14,517; M. Courtney (D, N. P. L.), 159769; D. F. Dolan (D), 13,959; Wm. Fleming (D), 15,208; John M. Gibb (D, N. P. L.), 14,700; Samuel H. Grace (D, N. P. L.), 15,211; Jerry Howard (D, N. P. L.), 20,142; Ed. C. McDermott (D), 14,615; W. E. McMahon (D), 13,922; L. H. Miller (D), 13,482; Ray J. Sutton (D, N. P. L.), 16,176; W. J. Boettger (Ind., N, P. L.), 5,685; Jacob Sass (Ind., N. P. L.), 6,568; Rhoda Bauer (Ind., N. P. L.), 6,267.

11th DISTRICT, Washington county. Albert W. Sprick (R), 2,470; Nathan P. Bouck (D), 1,060.

12th DISTRICT, Burt county. H. L. Webster (R), 2,624: Ralph Deman (D), 1,436.

13th DISTRICT, Dakota and Thurston counties. Walter Sandquist (R), 2.781; D. C. Heffernan (D), 1,770.

14th DISTRICT, Dixon county. James F. Kendall (R), 2,195; Andrew Mathiesen (D), 1,026.

15th DISTRICT, Cedar county. E. J. Herbes (R, N. P. L.), 1,982; W. H. O'Gara (D), 2,967.

16th DISTRICT, Knox County. F. E. Anderson (R), 2,297; D. C. Laird (D), 1,344; John E. Johnson (N. P. L.), 1,334.

17th DISTRICT, Cedar and Knox counties. Robert Lynn (R), 5,732; Lawrence S. Ross (D), 2,979.

18th DISTRICT, Antelope county. W. W. Cole (R), 2,367; J. A. Minteer (D), 1,103; T. Henry Freese (N. P. L.), 1,014.

19th DISTRICT, Pierce county. N. M. Nelson (R), 1,863; J. E. Kuhl (D, N. P. L.), 1,262.

20th DISTRICT, Wayne county. Vaughn G. Williams (R), 1,896; David Herner (1)), 974.

21st DISTRICT. Cuming county. Laurits Lauritsen (R), 2,191; A. R. Oleson (D), 1,538.

22d DISTRICT, Cuming and Stanton counties. Henry Behrens (R), 3,941; C. H. Winther (D), 1,674; Gus Fuchs, 49.





23d DISTRICT, Boone county. Michael V. Ruddy (R), 2,134; George A. Knepper (D), 1,411; Hugh Smith, 821.

24th DISTRICT, Madison county. C. H. Morian (R), 3,323; Herman Geucke (D), 1,502; Obed Rassch (N. P. L.), 1,787.

25th DISTRICT, Platte county. Ed H. Hoare (R, N. P. L.), 3,079; Mike Lassek (D), 2,002.

26th DISTRICT, Madison and Platte counties. C. P. B. Nieweddie (R, N. P. L.), 7,164; Watson L. Purdy (D), 4,438.

27th DISTRICT, Colfax county. Dan McLeod (R), 1,246; J. E. Higgins (D) 962; Jos. Blecha (N. P. L.). 731.

28th DISTRICT, Dodge county. Andrew Frost (R), 3,735; Geo. F. Staats (R), 3,506; Emma Meservey (D), 1,778; Harry S. Morse, (D), 1,569; Herbert Meyer (N. P. L.), 963; Ernest Schmidt (N. P. L.), 943.

29th DISTRICT, Saunders county. A. L. Ullstrom (R), 2,897; Robert H. Park (R), 2,551; H. A. Fisher (D), 1,779; John H. Martinson (D), 1,759; J. W. Behrens (N. P. L.), 1,154; Math. G. Sladky (N. P. L.), 1,239.

30th DISTRICT, Lancaster county. Walter L. Anderson (R), 15,038; J. Reid Green (R), 14,516; Clark Jeary (R), 14,163; W. R. Mellor (R), 14,419; Ralph Moseley (R), 14,741; P. A. Sommerlad (R), 15,020; James Gray (D), 7,178, O. W. Meier (D), 7,866.

31st DISTRICT, Gage county. Frank W. Acton (R), 5,338; Harvey R. Essam (R), 5,204; Theo. D. Bradley (D), 2,158; Frank Malicky (D), 2,623.

32d DISTRICT. Jefferson county. J. A. Axtell (R), 3,3; C. K. Nispel (D), 1,808.

33d DISTRICT, Thayer county. J. G, W. Westerhoff (R), 2,594; Wm. Grueber (D), 1,816.

34th DISTRICT, Gage, Jefferson and Thayer counties. Milton Young (R), 11,041; C. F. Knutzen (D), 5,813.

35th DISTRICT, Saline county. J. Allen Murphy (R), 2.012; John J. Stech (D), 2,233.

36th DISTRICT, Seward county. Herman F. Beckman (R), 3,126; George Gribble (D), 1,811.

37th DISTRICT, Butler county. W. J. Anderson (11), 2,056; Henry Bock (D), 2,181

38th DISTRICT. Saline, Butler and Seward counties. Harry Hanner (R), 7,963; Phil Maurer (D), 5,697.

39th DISTRICT, Polk county. R. G. Douglas (R), 2,041; IV. 1'. Crozier (D), 1,545.

40th DISTRICT, York county. Fred E. McFarland (R), 2,891; W. C. Heiden (D), 1,451; F. W. Romsdal (N. P. L.), 1,726,

41st DISTRICT, Fillmore county. George A. Williams (R), 2,253; W. C. Peterson (D), 1,910.

42d DISTRICT, Clay county. Chas. H. Epperson (R), 3,159; Carl R. Anderson (D), 1,563.

43d DISTRICT, Clay, Fillmore and York counties. Peter Hakanson (R, N. P. L.), 8,319; George Landgren (D), 6,220.

44th DISTRICT. Hamilton county. Frank Anderson (R), 2,687; T. M. Scott (D), 1,421.

45th DISTRICT, Nuckolls county. H. E. Goodrich (R), 1,834; E. Bossemeyer (D), 1,174; R. F. Harritt, 862.

46th DISTRICT, Webster county. R. B. Thompson (R), 2,220; N. V. Anderson (D), 1,157.

47th DISTRICT, Adams county. J. C. Gilmore (R), 4,559; R. R. Vance (R), 4,246, F. W. Turner (D), 1,874; D. M. Tinder, 1,954.





48th DISTRICT, Hall county. John McLellan (R), 3,779; W. W. Rank (R), 3,177; John Thomssen (D), 3,034; T. J. Calnon (D), 2,051.

49th DISTRICT, Merrick county. Charles Wooster (R, N. P. L.), 1,280; Theo. M. Osterman (D), 2,200.

50th DISTRICT, Nance county. D. Stephenson (R), 1,266; W. P. Hattin (D), 722; W. F. Weekes, 001.

51st DISTRICT, Howard county. C. E. Leftwich (R), 1,491; C. V. Svoboda (D), 1,352.

52d DISTRICT, Garfield, Greeley and Wheeler counties. E. A. Wight (R), 1,988; Jerry Donovan (D). 1,737.

53d DISTRICT, Holt county. W. W. Bethea (R), 2,692; John Nelson (D), 1,864.

54th DISTRICT, Boyd and Holt counties. Brantly E. Sturdevant (R), 3,851; Crist Anderson (D), 2,652.

55th DISTRICT. Rock, Brown and Keya Paha counties. George D. Clizne (R), 2,050; T. F. Nolan (D), 1,229.

56th DISTRICT. Valley county. D. E. Strong (R), 1,814; Frank Johnson (D), 1,007.

57th DISTRICT, Sherman county. Geo. W. Wolfe (R), 990; J. B. O'Bryan (D), 743: Ernest H. A. DeLaMotte, 778.

58th DISTRICT, Custer county. James W. Lundy (R), 4,001; Florian Jacobs (R, N. P. L.), 3,852; E. M. Webb (D), 2,793; E. R. Purcell (D) 3,815.

59th DISTRICT, Buffalo county. W. T. Gould (R), 4,167; Charles Miner (R), 4,216; John Simshauser, 2,444; Fred Schieck, 2,289.

60th DISTRICT, Kearney county. Ernest Petersou (R), 1,543; William Gaemly, 1,146.

61st DISTRICT, Franklin county. A. H. Byrum. (R), 1,574; A. L'Heureux (D), 1,180; Ede Pollman, 487.

62d DISTRICT, Harlan county. George M. Wallace (R), 1,812; Lewis L. Swizdell, 939.

63d DISTRICT, Phelps county.Harry Johnson (R), 2,118; Thor Asp (D), 1,522.

64th DISTRICT Furnas county. S. I. Frarklin (R), 2,075; George C. Proud (D), 1,744.

65th DISTRICT, Red Willow county. Ed D. Perkins (R). 1,790; J. C. Puckett (D), 1,228

66th DISTRICT, Frontier and Gosper counties, Walter B. Votaw (R), 1,607; F. H. Hecht (D), 765; C. E. White, 1,230.

67th DISTRICT, Dawson county. J. M. Beans (R), 3,108; H. T. Worthing, 1,702

68th DISTRICT, Lincoln county. E. S. Davis (R), 2,718; Claud Delaney (D), 1,265; Geo. W. Hughes, 1,614.

69th DISTRICT, Dundy and Hitchcock counties. W. F. Wood (R), 1,730; A. R. Smith (D), 1,048; Peter Durkin (N. P. L.), 485.

70th DISTRICT, Chase, Hayes and Perkins counties. Charles M. McGrath (R), 1,518; Fred Hoffmeister (D), 1,690.

71st DISTRICT, Arthur, Blaine, Grant, Hooker, Logan, Loup, McPherson and Thomas counties. Charles S. Reed (R), 1,847; Festus Corothers (D), 949; Arthur D. Couse, 587.

72d DISTRICT, Cherry county. Benjamin H. Mickey (R), 1,009; J. F. Naylor (D), 936; Jens Thomsen (Ind. and N. P. L.), 385.

73d DISTRICT, Box Butte and Sheridan counties, Dwight P. Griswold (R), 2,939; John Coleman (D), 1,213; Sheldon W. Ives, .580.

74th DISTRICT Dawes and Sioux counties. George C. Snow (R), 2,051; Arah L. Hungerford (D), 1,513.

75th DISTRICT, Morrill and Scotts's Bluff counties. W. M. Barbour (R), 3,728; Leon A. Moomaw (D), 2,318.

76th DISTRICT, Banner, Cheyenne, Deuel, Garden and Kimball counties. James A. Rodman (R), 5,409.

77tb DISTRICT, Dawson, Keith and Lincoln counties. Earle Hilliard (R), 8,926.


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