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     Sec. 8.46 No lands now owned or hereafter acquired by the state for educational purposes shall be sold except at public auction under such conditions as the legislature shall provide.

     Sec. 9.47 All funds belonging to the state for educational purposes, the interest and income whereof only are to be used, shall be deemed trust funds held by the state, and the state shall supply all losses thereof, that may in any manner accrue, so that the same shall remain forever inviolate and undiminished; and shall not be invested or loaned except on United States or state securities; or registered county bonds of this state, or registered school district bonds of this state; and such other securities as the legislature may from time to time direct. And such funds with the interest and income thereof, are hereby solemnly pledged to the purposes for which they are granted and set apart, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses.

     Sec. 10.48 The general government of the University of Nebraska shall, under the direction of the legislature, be vested in a board of six regents to be styled The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, who shall be elected from and by districts as herein, provided. Their term of office shall be for six years each. Their duties and powers shall be prescribed by law; and they shall receive no compensation, but may be reimbursed their actual expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.

     The legislature shall divide the state, along county lines, into six compact regent districts of approximately equal population, which shall be numbered from one to six, consecutive numbers to be given adjacent districts. Such districts shall correspond, as nearly as may be practicable, in location and numbers with the present six congressional districts of the state. Such districts shall not be changed except upon the concurrence of two thirds of the members of each house of the legislature, nor shall any such change vacate the office of any regent. Until such districts are established, the six congressional districts of the state as now constituted and numbered shall be the districts provided for by this section.

     Provided, that the regents elected before the adoption of this constitution shall serve out their respective terms and that the successors of those whose terms expire in January, 1923, shall be elected from districts numbered three and four respectively at the general election to be held in 1922; of those whose terms expire in 1925, from districts numbered one and two, at the general election to be held in

     46 1920 constitutional convention placed this section (Proposal No. 21) in lieu of the 1875 section which reads as follows:
     "Sec. 8. University, agricultural college, common school or other lands which are now held or may hereafter be acquired by the state for educational purposes, shall not be sold for less than seven dollars per acre, nor less than the appraised value."
     47 1908 amended by adding to 1875 section the words "or registered school district bonds of this state and such other securities as the legislature may from time to time direct." Vote 213,000 for; 14,395 against. Endorsed in party plat forms.
     48 1920 constitutional convention added matter in black face. Proposal No. 22.




1924; and of those whose terms expire in 1927, from districts numbered five and six, at the general election to be held in 1926.

     Sec. 11.49 No sectarian instruction shall be allowed in any school or institution supported in whole or in Dart by the public funds set apart for educational purposes, nor shall the state accept any grant, conveyance, or bequest of money, lands or other property to be used for sectarian purposes. Neither the state legislature nor any county, city or other public corporation, shall ever make any appropriation from any public fund, or grant any public land in aid of any sectarian or denominational school or college, or any educational institution which is not exclusively owned and controlled by the state or governmental subdivision thereof. No religious test or qualification shall be required of teacher or student, for admission to or continuance in any public school or educational institution supported in whole or in part by public taxation.

     Sec. 12.50 The legislature may provide by law for the establishment of a school or schools for the safe keeping, education, employment and reformation of all children under the age of eighteen years, who, for want of proper parental care, or other cause, are growing up in mendicancy or crime.

     Sec. 13.51 The general government of the state normal schools, as now existing, and such other normal schools as may be established by law, shall be vested, under the direction of the legislature, in a board of seven members to be styled Board of Education of State Normal Schools, six of whom shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, two each for a term of two, four, and six years, and two each biennium thereafter for a term of six years, and the state superintendent of public instruction shall be a member ex-officio. The duties and powers of said board shall be prescribed by law, and the members thereof shall receive no compensation for the performance of their duties, but may be reimbursed their actual expenses incurred therein.


     Section 1.52 The necessary revenue of the state and its governmental subdivisions shall be raised by taxation in such manner as the legislature may direct; but taxes shall be levied by valuation uniformly and proportionately upon all tangible property and franchises, and taxes uniform as to class may be levied by valuation upon all other

     49 1920 constitutional convention added matter in black face. Proposal No. 28.
     50 1920 constitutional convention struck out "sixteen" and in lieu thereof inserted "eighteen." Proposal No. 24.
     51 1920 constitutional convention added this section. Proposal No. 25.
     52 1920 constitutional convention rewrote this section: (Proposal No. 26). In the 1875 constitution it read as follows:
          "Section 1. The legislature shall provide such revenue as may be needful, by levying a tax by valuation, so that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in proportion to the value of his, her or its property and franchises, the value to be ascertained in such manner as the legislature shall direct, and it shall have power to tax peddlers, auctioneers, brokers, hawkers, commission merchants, showmen, jugglers, inn-keepers, liquor-dealers, toll-bridges, ferries, insurance, telegraph and express interests, or business, venders of patents, in such manner as it shall direct by general law, uniform as to the. class upon which it operates.




property. Taxes, other than property taxes, may be authorized by law. Existing revenue laws shall continue in effect until changed by the legislature.

     Sec. 2.53 The. property of the state and its governmental subdivisions shall be exempt from taxation. The legislature by general law may exempt property owned by and used exclusively for agricultural and horticultural societies, and property owned and used exclusively for educational, religious, charitable or cemetery purposes, when such property is not owned or used for financial gain or profit to either the owner or user. Household goods of the value of two hundred ($200.00) dollars to each family shall be exempt from taxation. The legislature by general law may provide that the increased value of land by reason of shade and ornamental trees planted along the highway shall not be taken into account in the assessment of such land. No property shall be exempt from taxation except as provide in this section.

     Sec. 3. The right of redemption from all sales of real estate for the non-payment of taxes or special assessments of any character whatever, shall exist in favor of owners and persons interested in such real estate, for a period of not less than two years from such sales thereof. Provided, that occupants shall, in all cases be served with personal notice before the time of redemption expires.

     Sec. 4. The legislature shall have no power to release or discharge. any county, city, township, town or district whatever, or the inhabitants thereof, or any corporation, or the property therein, from their or its proportionate share of taxes to be levied for state purposes, or due any municipal corporation, nor shall commutation for such taxes be authorized in any form whatever.

     Sec. 5.54 County authorities shall never assess taxes the aggregate of which shall exceed fifty cents per one hundred dollars actual valuation as determined by the, assessment rolls, except for the payment of indebtedness existing at the adoption hereof, unless authorized by a vote of 'the people of the county.

     Sec. 6. The legislature may vest the corporate authorities of cities, towns and villages, with power to make local improvements by special assessments, or by special taxation of property benefited. For all other corporate purposes, all municipal corporations may be vested

     53 1926 constitutional convention rewrote this section. (Proposal. No. 27). In the 1875 constitution it read as follows:
         "Sec. 2. The property of the state, counties, and municipal corporations, both real and personal shall be exempt from taxation, and such other property as may he used exclusively for agricultural and horticultural societies, for school, religious, cemetery and charitable purposes, may be exempted from taxation, but such exemptions shall be only by general law. in the assessment of real estate incumbered (sic) by public easement, any depreciation occasioned by such easement may be deducted In the valuation of such property, The legislature may provide that the increased value of lands, by reason of live fences, fruit and forest trees grown and cultivated thereon shall not be taken into account in the assessment thereof."
     54 1920 constitutional convention rewrote this section. (Proposal No. 28). in the 1875 constitution, it read as follows:
         "Sec. 5. County authorities shall never assess taxes the aggregate of which shall exceed one and a half dollars per one hundred dollars valuation. except for the Payment of indebtedness existing at the adoption of this constitution, unless authorized by a vote of the people of the county."




with authority to assess and collect taxes, but such taxes shall be uniform in respect to persons and property within the jurisdiction of the body imposing the same.

     Sec. 7. Private property shall not be liable to be taken or sold for the payment of the corporate debts of municipal corporations. The legislature shall not impose taxes upon municipal corporations, or the inhabitants or property thereof, for corporate purposes.

     Sec. 8. The legislature at its first session shall provide by law for the funding of all outstanding warrants, and other indebtedness of the state, at a rate of interest not exceeding eight per cent per annum.

     Sec. 9. The legislature shall provide by law that all claims upon the treasury, shall be examined and adjusted by the auditor and approved by the secretary of state, before any warrant for the amount allowed shall be drawn. Provided, that a party aggrieved by the decision of the auditor and secretary of state may appeal to the district court.


     Section 1. No new county shall be formed or established by the legislature which will reduce the county or counties, or either of them to less area than four hundred square miles, nor shall any county be formed of a less area.

     Sec. 2.55 No county shall be divided nor any part of the territory of any county be stricken therefrom, nor shall any county or part of the territory of any county be added to an adjoining county without submitting the question to the qualified electors of each county affected thereby, nor unless approved by a majority of the qualified electors of each county voting thereon; provided, that when county boundaries divide sections, or overlap, or fail to meet, or are in doubt, the legislature may by law provide for their adjustment, but in all cases the new boundary shall follow the nearest section line or the thread of the main channel of a boundary stream.

     Sec. 3.56 When a county shall be added to another, all prior indebtedness of each county shall remain a charge on the taxable property within the territory of each county as it existed prior to consolidation. When any part of a county is stricken off and attached to another county the part stricken off shall be holden for its proportion of all then existing liabilities of the county from which it is taken, but shall not be holden for any then existing liabilities of the county to which it is attached.

     55 1920 constitutional convention recast this section, adding matter in black face and making slight changes. (Proposal 29),
     56 1920 constitutional convention rewrote, this section. (Proposal No. 29). in the 1875 constitution it read as follows:
         "Sec. 3. There shall be no territory stricken from any organized county unless a majority of the voters living in such territory shall petition for such division, and no territory shall be added to any organized county without the consent of the majority of the voters of the county to which it is proposed to, be added; but the portion so stricken off and added to another county, or formed in whole or in part into a new county, shall beholden for and obliged to pay its Proportion of the indebtedness of the counties from which it has been taken."




     Sec. 4. The legislature shall provide by law for the election of such county and township officers as may be necessary.

     Sec. 5. The legislature shall provide by general law for township organization, under which any county may organize whenever a majority of the legal voters of such county voting at any general election shall so determine; and in any county that shall have adopted a township organization the question of continuing the same may be submitted to a vote of the electors of such county at a general election in the manner that shall be provided by law.


     Section 1. 57 Every public utility corporation or common carrier organized or doing business in this state shall report, under oath, to, the railway commission, when required by law or the order of said commission. The reports so made shall include such matter as may be required by law or the order of said commission.

     Sec. 2. The rolling stock and all other movable property belonging to any railroad company or corporation in this state shall be liable to execution and sale in the same manner as the personal property of individuals, and the legislature shall pass no law exempting any such property from execution and, sale.

     Sec. 3. 58 No public utility corporation or common carrier shall consolidate its stock, property, franchise, or earnings in whole or in part with any other public utility corporation or common carrier owning a parallel or competing property without permission of the railway commission; and in no case shall any consolidation take place except upon public notice of at least sixty days to all stockholders,. in such manner as may be provided by law. The legislature may by law require all public utilities and common carriers to exchange business through physical connection, joint use, connected service, or otherwise.

     Sec. 4. Railways heretofore constructed, or that may hereafter be constructed, in-this state are hereby declared public highways, and shall be free, to all persons for the transportation of their persons and property thereon, under such regulations as may be prescribed by law. And the legislature may from time to time pass laws establishing reasonable maximum rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freight on the different railroads in this state. The liability of railroad corporations as common carriers shall never be limited.

     Sec. 5. 59 The capital stock of public utility corporations or common carriers shall not be increased for any purpose, except after

     57 1920 constitutional convention rewrote and condensed this section. The important change made was changing the words "railroad corporation" to "public utility corporation, or common carrier." (Proposal No. 30).
     58 1920 constitutional convention added words in black face. (Proposal No. 81).
     59 1920 constitutional convention rewrote this section. (Proposal No. 82). in 1875 constitution it read as follows:
         "Sec. 6. No railroad corporation shall issue any stock or bonds, except for money, labor, or property actually received and applied to the purposes for which such corporation was created; and all stock dividends, and other fictitious increase of the capital stock or indebtedness of any such corporation shall be void. The capital stock of railroad corporations shall not be increased for any purpose, except after public notice for sixty days, in such manner as may be provided by law."




public notice for sixty days, and in such manner as may be provided by law. No dividend shall be declared or distributed except out of net earnings after paying all operating expenses including a depreciation reserve sufficient to keep the investment intact.

     Sec. 6. The exercise of the power and the right of eminent domain shall never be so construed or abridged as to prevent the taking by the legislature of the property and franchises of incorporated companies already organized, or hereafter to be organized and subjecting them to the public necessity the same as of individuals.

     Sec. 7. The legislature shall pass laws to correct abuses and prevent unjust discrimination and extortion in all charges of express, telegraph and railroad companies in this state and enforce such laws by adequate penalties to the extent, if necessary-for that purpose, of forfeiture of their property and franchises.

     Sec. 8. No railroad corporation organized under the laws of any other state, or of the United States and doing business in this state shall be entitled to exercise the right of eminent domain or have power to acquire the right-of-way, or real estate for depot or other uses, until it shall have become a body corporate pursuant to and in accordance with the laws of this state.


     Section 1. No city county, town, precinct, municipality, or other subdivision of the state, shall ever become a subscriber to the capital stock, or owner of such stock, or any portion or interest therein of any railroad, or private corporation, or association.

     Sec. 2. 60 Any city having a population of more than five thousand (5,000) inhabitants may frame a charter for its own government, consistent with and subject to the constitution and laws of this state, by causing a convention of fifteen freeholders, who shall have been for at least five years qualified electors thereof, to be elected by the qualified voters of said city at any general or special election, whose duty it shall be within four months after such election, to prepare and propose a charter for such city which charter, when completed, with a prefatory synopsis, shall be signed by the officers and members of the convention, or a majority thereof, and delivered to the clerk of said city, who shall publish the same in full, with his official certification in the official paper of said city, if there be one, and if there be no official paper, then in at least one newspaper published and in general circulation in said city, three times, and a week apart, and 'within not less than thirty days after such publication it shall be submitted to the qualified electors of said city at a general or special election, and if a majority of such qualified voters, voting thereon, shall ratify the same, it shall at the end of sixty days thereafter become the charter of said city, and supersede any existing charter and all amendments thereof. A duplicate certificate shall be Made, setting forth the charter proposed and its ratification (together with

     60 1912 home rule charter provision adopted. Vote for 164,579; against, 32,041.




the vote for and against) and duly certified by the city clerk, and authenticated by the corporate seal of said city and one copy thereof shall be filed with the secretary of state and the other deposited among the archives of the city, and shall thereupon become and be the charter of said city, and all amendments of such charter, shall be authenticated,, in the same manner, and filed with the secretary of state and deposited;' in the archives of the city.

     Sec. 3. But if said charter be rejected, then within six months,. thereafter, the mayor and council or governing authorities of said city may call a special election at which fifteen members of a new charter convention shall be elected to be called and held as above in such city, and they shall proceed as above to frame a charter which shall in like manner and to the like end be published and submitted to a vote of said voters for their approval or rejection. If again rejected, the procedure herein designated may be repeated until a charter is finally approved by a majority of those voting thereon, and certified (together with the vote for and against) to the secretary of state as aforesaid, and a copy thereof deposited in the archives of the city, whereupon it shall become the charter of said city. Members of each, of said charter conventions shall be elected at large; and they shall complete their labors within sixty days after their respective election. The charter shall make proper provision for continuing, amending or repealing the ordinances of the city.

     Sec. 4. Such charter so ratified and adopted may be amended, or a charter convention called, by a proposal therefor made by the law-making body of such city or by the qualified, electors in number not less than five per cent of the next preceding gubernatorial vote in such city, by petition filed with the council or governing authorities. The council or governing authorities shall submit the same to a vote of the qualified electors at the, next general or special election not held within thirty days after such petition is filed. In submitting any such charter or charter amendments, any alternative article or section may be presented for the choice of the voters and may be' voted on separately without prejudice to others. Whenever the question of a charter convention is carried by a majority of those voting thereon, a charter convention shall be called through a special election ordinance, and the same shall be constituted and held and the proposed charter submitted to a vote of the qualified electors, approved, or rejected, as provided in Section 2 hereof. The city clerk of said'. city shall publish with his official certification, for three times, a week apart in the official paper of said city, if there be one, and if there be no official paper, then in at least one newspaper, published and in general circulation in said city, the full text of any charter or charter amendment to be voted on at any general or special election.

     No charter or charter amendment adopted under the provisions of this amendment shall be amended or repealed except by electoral vote. And no such charter or charter amendment shall diminish the





tax rate for state purposes fixed by act of the legislature, or interfere in any wise with the collection of state taxes.

     Sec. 5. 61 The charter of any city having a population of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants may be adopted as the home rule charter of such city by a majority vote of the qualified electors of such city voting upon the question, and when so adopted may thereafter be changed or amended as provided in Section 4 of this article, subject to the constitution and laws of the state.


     Section 1. 62 The legislature shall provide by general law for the organization, regulation, supervision and general control of all corporations, and for the organization, supervision and general control of mutual and cooperative companies and associations, and by such legislation shall insure the mutuality and co-operative features and functions thereof. Foreign corporations transacting or seeking to transact business in this state shall be subject, under general law, to regulation, supervision and general control, and shall not be given greater rights or privileges than are given domestic corporations of a similar character. No corporations shall be created by special law, nor their charters be extended, changed or amended, except those corporations organized for charitable, educational, penal or reformatory purposes, which are to be and remain under the patronage and control of the state. All general laws passed pursuant to this section may be altered from time to time, or repealed.

     Sec. 2. No such general law shall be passed by the legislature granting the right to construct and operate a street railroad within -any city, town, or incorporated village without first requiring the consent of a majority of the electors thereof.

     Sec. 3. All corporations may sue and be sued in like cases as natural persons.

     Sec. 4. In all cases of claims against corporations and joint stock associations, the exact amount justly due shall be first ascertained, and after the corporate property shall have been exhausted the original subscribers thereof shall be individually liable to the extent of their unpaid subscription, and the liability for the unpaid subscription shall follow the stock.

     Sec. 5. 63 The legislature shall provide by law that in all elections for directors or managers of incorporated companies every stockholder shall have the right to vote in person or proxy for the number

     61 1920 constitutional convention added this section. (Proposal No. 33).
     62 1920 constitutional convention rewrote -this section. (Proposal No. 34). In 1875 constitution it read as follows:
         "Sec. 1. No corporation shall be created by special law, nor its charter, extended, changed, or amended, except those for charitable, educational, penal, or reformatory purposes, which are to be and remain under the patronage and control of the state, but the legislature shall provide by general laws for the organization of all corporations hereafter to be created. All general laws passed pursuant to this section may be altered from time to time or repealed."
      63 1920 constitutional convention added matter in black face. (Proposal No. 34).




of shares owned by him, for as many persons as there are directors or managers to be elected or to cumulate said shares and give one candidate as many votes as the number of directors multiplied by the number of his shares shall equal, or to distribute them upon the same principle among as many candidates as be shall think fit, and such directors or managers shall not be elected in any other manner; except that any mutual or co-operative company or association may, irk its articles of incorporation, limit the number of shares of stock any stockholder may own, the transfer of said stock, and the right of each stockholder or member to one vote only in the meeting of such company or association.

     Sec. 6. 64 No corporation shall be permitted to issue stock or bonds except for an equivalent in money paid or labor done, or property actually received and applied to the purpose for which such corporation was created, and neither labor nor property shall be received in payment of stock or bonds at a greater value than the actual value at the time said labor was done or property' delivered, and all fictitious increase of stock or indebtedness shall be void; all stock shall have a face par value; and sill stock in the same corporation shall be of equal par value.

     Sec. 7. Every stockholder in a banking corporation or institution shall be individually responsible and liable to its creditors over and above the amount of stock by him held to an amount equal to his respective stock or shares so held, for all its liabilities accruing while he remains such stockholder, and all banking corporations shall publish quarterly statements under oath of their assets and liabilities.



     Section 1. The state may, to meet casual deficits, or failures in the revenues, contract debts never to exceed in the aggregate one hundred thousand dollars, and no greater indebtedness shall be incurred except for the purpose of repelling invasion, suppressing insurrection, or defending the state in war, and provision shall be made for the payment of the interest annually, as it shall accrue, by a tax levied for the purpose, or from other sources of revenue, which law providing for the payment of such interest by such tax shall be irrepealable until such debt is paid.

     Sec. 2. No city, county, town, precinct, municipality, or other subdivision of the state, shall ever make donations to any railroad, or other works of internal improvement, unless a proposition so to do

     64 1920 constitutional convention rewrote this section. (Proposal No. 34). In 1875 constitution it read as follows:
         "Sec. 6. All existing charters or grants of special or exclusive privileges, under which organization shall not have taken place, or which shall not be in operation within sixty days from the time this constitution takes effect, shall thereafter have no validity or effect whatever."




shall have been first submitted to the qualified electors thereof, at an election by authority of law. Provided, that such donations of a county with the donations of such subdivisions in the aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent of the assessed valuaton (sic) of such county. Provided further, that any city or county may, by a two-thirds vote increase such indebtedness five per cent in addition to such ten per cent; and no bonds or evidences of indebtedness so issued shall be valid, unless the same shall have endorsed thereon A certificate signed by the secretary and auditor of state, showing that the same is issued pursuant to law.

     Sec. 3. The credit of the state shall never be given or loaned in aid of any individual, association, or corporation.


     Section 1. The legislature shall determine what persons shall constitute the militia of the state, and may provide for organizing and disciplining the same.


     Section 1. Executive and judicial officers and members of the legislature, before they enter upon their official duties shall take and subscribe the following oath, or affirmation: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, and will faithfully discharge the duties of according to the best of my ability, and that at the election at which I was chosen to fill said office, I have not improperly influenced in any way the-vote of any elector, and have not accepted, nor will I accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing from any corporation, company or person, or any promise of office, for any official act or influence (for any vote I may give or withhold on any bill, resolution, or appropriation)." Any such officer or member of the legislature who shall refuse to take the oath herein prescribed, shall forfeit his office, and any person who shall be convicted of having sworn falsely to, or of violating his said oath shall forfeit his office, and thereafter be disqualified from holding any office of profit or trust in this state unless he shall have been restored to civil rights.

     Sec. 2. Any person who is in default as collector and custodian of public money or property shall not be eligible to any office of trust or profit under the constitution or laws of this state; nor shall any person convicted of felony be eligible to office unless he shall have been restored to civil rights.

     Sec. 3. Drunkeness (sic) shall be a cause of impeachment and removal from office.

     Sec. 4. 65 The necessity of water for domestic use and for irrigation purposes in the State of Nebraska is hereby declared to be a natural want.





     Sec. 5. 65 The use of the water of every natural stream within the State of Nebraska is hereby dedicated to the people of the state for beneficial purposes, subject to the provisions of the following section.

     Sec. 6. 65 The right to divert unappropriated waters of every natural stream for beneficial use shall never be denied except when such denial is demanded by the public interest. Priority of appropriation shall give the better right as between those using the water for the same purpose, but when the waters of any natural stream are not sufficient for the use of all those desiring to use the same, those using the water for domestic purposes shall have preference over those claiming it for any other purpose, and those using the water for agricultural purposes shall have the preference over those using the same for manufacturing purposes. Provided, no inferior right to the use of the waters of this state shall be acquired by a superior right without just compensation therefor to the interior user.

     Sec. 7. 65 The use of waters of the state for power purposes shall be deemed a public use and shall never be alienated, but may be released or otherwise developed as by law prescribed.

     Sec. 8. 65 Laws may be enacted regulating the hours and conditions of employment of women and children, and securing to such employees a proper minimum wage.

     Sec. 9. 65 Laws may be enacted providing for the investigation, submission and determination of controversies between employers and employees in any business or vocation affected with a public interest, and for the prevention of unfair business practices and unconscionable gains in any business or vocation affecting the public welfare. An Industrial Commission may be created for the purpose of administering such laws, and appeals shall be to the Supreme Court from the final orders and judgments of such commission.

     Sec. 10. 66 On and after May 1, 1917, the manufacture, the sale, the keeping for sale or barter, the sale or barter, under any pretext, of malt, spirituous, vinous or other intoxicating liquors, are forever prohibited in this state, except for medicinal, scientific, or mechanical, or sacramental purposes.

     Sec. 11. The legislature may provide that, at the general election immediately preceding the expiration of the term of a United States Senator from this state, the electors may by ballot express their preference for some person for the office of United States Senator. The votes cast for such candidates shall be canvassed and returned in the same manner as for state officers.

     Sec. 12. The seat of government of the state shall not be removed or relocated without the assent of a majority of the electors

     65 1920 consitutional (sic) convention added sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Proposal No. 35 included sections 4, 5 and 6. Proposal No. 36 included section 7. Proposal No. 87 included section 2. Proposal No. 3 included: section 9.
     66 1916 adopted. Vote 146,574 for; 117,532 against. Submitted by initiative petition.




of the state voting thereupon, at a general election or elections, under such rules and regulations as to the number of elections and manner of voting and places to be voted for, as may be prescribed by law. Provided the question of removal may be submitted at such other general elections as may be provided by law,


     Section 1. 67 Either branch of the legislature may propose amendments to this constitution, and if the same be agreed to by three fifths of the members elected to each house, such proposed, amendments shall be entered on the journals, with the yeas and nays, and published once each week for four weeks, in at least one newspaper in each county, where a newspaper is published, immediately preceding the next election of members of the Legislature. At such election said amendments shall be submitted to the electors for approval or rejection upon a ballot separate from that upon which the names of candidates appear. If a majority of the electors voting on any such amendment adopt the same, it shall become a part of this constitution, provided the votes cast in favor of such amendment shall not be less than thirty-five per cent of the total votes cast at such election. When two or more amendments are submitted, at the same election, they shall be so submitted as to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately.

     Sec. 2. When three-fifths of the members elected to each branch of the legislature deem it necessary to call a convention to revise, amend, or change this constitution, they shall recommend to the electors to vote at the next election of members of the legislature, for or against a convention, and if a majority voting at said election vote for a convention, the legislature shall, at its next session, provide by law for calling the same. The convention shall consist of as many members as the house of representatives, who shall be chosen in the same manner, and shall meet within three months after their election, for the purpose aforesaid. No amendment or change of this constitution, agreed upon by such convention, shall take effect until the same has been submitted to the electors of the state, and adopted by a majority of those voting for and against the same.


     Section 1. 68 The several amendments passed and submitted by this convention when adopted at the election shall take effect 'on the first day of January, 1921, except as otherwise specifically provided by schedule attached to any of said amendments. 1 Provided that the proposed amendment Number 18, relative to equal suffrage shall take effect, if adopted, immediately upon proclamation by the governor.

     67 1920 constitutional convention added matter in black face, striking out 1875 provision for publication three months and in lieu thereof inserting "four weeks." (Proposal No. 39).
     68 1920 constitutional convention rewrote sections I and 2, striking out the detailed schedule sections of 1875 constitution. (Proposal No. 41).




All laws then in force, not inconsistent with -the constitution as amended by such proposals as may be adopted at such election, shall continue in force until amended or repealed. If any of the amendments passed and submitted by this convention and adopted by the electors be inconsistent With any provisions of the present constitution, such amendments shall be held to prevail.

     Sec. 2. 68 That Sections, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 71 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 27 of Article XVI be repealed and eliminated therefrom.

     Sec. 3. 69 Until otherwise provided by law the following salaries shall be paid:

     Chief justice, judges of the supreme court and governor, each $7,500 per annum; judges of the district court, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, commissioner of public lands and buildings, treasurer, attorney general, superintendent of public instruction and members of the state railway commission, each $5,000 per annum. The lieutenant governor shall receive twice the compensation of a state senator.

     Sec. 4. 70 The general election of this state shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November in, the year 1914 and every two years thereafter. All state, district, county, precinct and township officers, by the constitution or laws made elective by the people, except school district officers, and municipal officers in cities, villages and towns, shall be elected at a general election to be held, as aforesaid. Judges of the supreme, district and county courts, all elective county and precinct officers, and all other elective officers, the time for the election of whom is not herein otherwise provided for, and which are not included in the above exception, shall be elected on the Tuesday succeeding the first, Monday in November, 1913, and thereafter at the general election next preceding the time of the termination of their respective term of office. Provided, that no office

     68 1920 constitutional convention rewrote sections 1 and 2, striking out the detailed schedule sections of 187 5 constitution. (Proposal No. 41).
     69 1920 constitutional convention, added this new section. (Proposal No. 40). See also Art. IV, Sec. 25, for 1920 amendment permitting legislature to change these salaries not oftener than once in eight years. The following table shown constitutional salary list of 1875 -intervening years when changes were made -- and 1920.










Justice Supreme Court





Judge District Court















Secretary of State





Land Commissioner





Attorney General





Superintendent of Public Instruction





Railway commissioner





(fixed by law)

      Lieutenant governor receives twice the compensation of a senator: 1876, $6 per day; 1887, $10 per day; 1913, $1,200 per session; 1921, $1,600 per session.
      70 1912 amended by changing annual to biennial general elections. Vote for, 174,161; against, 25,048.
      1920 constitutional convention rewrote this section and changed its number from section 13 to section 14.





shall be vacated thereby, but the incumbent thereof shall hold over until his successor is duly elected and qualified.

     Sec. 5. The terms of office of all state and county officers, of judges of the supreme, district and county courts, and regents of the University, shall begin on the first Thursday-after the first Tuesday in January next succeeding their election, the present state and county officers, members of the legislature, and regents of the University shall continue in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified.

     Sec. 6. The legislature shall pass all laws necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this constitution.

     Sec. 7. The auditor shall draw the warrants of the state quarterly for the payment of the salaries of all officers under this constitution, whose compensation is not otherwise provided, for, which shall be paid out of any funds not otherwise appropriated.

     Sec. 8. Until otherwise provided by law, the judges of district courts shall fix the time of holding courts in their respective districts.

     Sec. 9. This constitution shall be enrolled and deposited in the office of the secretary of state, and printed copies therof (sic) shall be prefixed to the books containing the laws of the state, and all future: editions thereof.


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