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(Please use Table of Contents to select page)

     Accountants, Public, Board of examiners of                   215
     Adjutant general                                             214
     Agricultural economics                                       300
     Agricultural experiment station                         230, 296
     Agricultural extension                                  230, 296
     Agricultural statistics, Division of                    202, 300
     Agriculture                                                  385
          Board of. State                                         239
          Department of
      	    State                                              199
               United States                                      296
     Aliens                                                       127
     Amendments, Constitutional. See Constitutional amendments
     Animal industry, Bureau of                              201, 297
     Animals                             390, 392. 396, 398, 422, 433
     Apportionment, Judicial                                 143, 486
     Apportionment. Legislative                         130, 335, 484
     Appropriations                                134, 135, 137, 482
     Area                                                         381
     Assembly and petition, Right of                              127
     Assessment                                         348, 394, 481
     Assessments, Special                                         151
     Athletics, Division of                                       212
     Attainder                                                    127
     Attorney General                                          25,190
     Attorneys, District                                       22, 33
     Auditor, State                                  24, 32, 135, 185
     Auditor, Territorial                                          21
     Bail                                                         126
     Bank commissioner                                            204
     Bank deposits, Guarantee of                                  348
     Banking                                                      347
     Banking, Bureau of                                           204
     Banner, State                                                 20
     Barber, Board of examiners of                                211
     Basic Sciences, Board of examiners of                        209
     Bill of rights                                               125
     Bills                                                   131, 132
     Biographies                                                  261
     Biological Survey, Bureau of                                 299
     Bird, State                                                   20
     Bird preserves                                               432
     Birds                                                   299, 430
     Blind, School for the                                        251
     Blue Sky department, See Securities, Bureau of     
     Bonds of state officers                                      141
     Bonds of cities, towns, villages, counties, etc              157
     Boundaries, County                                           313
     Brick and tile                                               408
     Budget                                                  137, 182
     Building and loan associations                               349
     Business organizations, State                                352
     Canvassers, Board of                                         218
     Capital, Removal of                                          159
     Capitol                                                       16
     Cement                                                       408
     Chadron teachers' college                                    226
     Charitable institutions, Private                             378
     Child labor     
          Constitutional provision                                158
     Child welfare, Bureau of                                     211
     Children, Neglected, Cars of                            149, 378
     Chiropody, Board of                                          210
     Chiropractic, Board of                                       210
     Cities                                                       332
          Constitutional provisions                     131, 153, 154
          Home rule                                               153
          Officials                                               333
          Population                                              332
     Citizens                                                     146
     Civil administrative code                                    199
     Clay                                                         407
     Climate                                                 297, 437




(Please use Table of Contents to select page)

     Coal                                                         134
     Code commission                                              238
     Colleges                                                448, 449
          Delegates to                                             22
          Enabling act                                            117
          Representatives and senators in                     33, 280
               Biographical sketches                              261
     Congressional districts                                 290, 484
     Conservation and survey division,                            231
     Constitution, State     
          History                                                 122
          Text                                                    125
          Votes on constitutions and amendments              168, 172
     Constitution, U. S.                                           94
     Constitutional amendments                               104, 159
          Number and cost                                         174
     Constitutional conventions     
          Constitutional provisions.                              159
          Cost                                                    174
          List of members                                         162
     Consuls                                                      291
     Control, Board of, See State institutions. Board of control     
     Co-operative companies     
          Constitutional provisions                               156
     Corn improvers' association, See Crop growers' association     
     Constitutional provisions                               152, 155
     Cosmetology, Board of                                        210
          Area and population                                     381
          Constitutional limit of taxes,                          151
          Constitutional provisions                               151
          Township organization,                                  152
     County boundaries                                            313
     County government                                            308
     County officers                                    133, 152, 315
     Court, Supreme     
          Biographical sketches                                   264
          Clerk and reporter                              22, 27, 143
          Commissioners                                            26
          Constitutional provisions                          141, 160
          Copyright of reports                                    144
          Election of judges                                      142
          Historical roster                                    21, 25
          History, duties, etc                                    192
          Appeal, Right of                                        127
          Constitutional provisions                     127, 133, 141
          Procedure                                          133, 143
     Courts, County     
          Appeals                                                 145
          Constitutional provisions                               144
     Courts, District     
          Appeals                                                 145
          Assistance to supreme court by judges                   144
          History, duties, etc                                    194
          Judges                                                   27
          Jurisdiction and powers                                 144
     Courts, U. S.                                                294
     Criminal prosecutions                                        126
     Crop growers' association                                    242
     Customs service .'                                           293
     Dairy products                                               392
     Dairymen's association                                       241
     Deaf, School for the                                         250
     Debt                                                    380, 384
     Debt, Imprisonment for                                       127
     Debts, Public     
          Constitutional provisions                               157
     Declaration of independence                                   90
     Defectives, Board of examiners of                            197
     Dentistry, Board of                                          210		
     Dependent children, Home for                                 255
     Depository bonds board                                       215
     District attorneys                                        22, 32                                                




(Please use Table of Contents to select page)

     District courts, See Courts, District     
     Divorces                                                     133
     Drainage, See Irrigation, water power and drainage     
     Drugs                                                        201
     Education                                                    443
          Constitutional provisions                               147
     Educational lands and funds. Board of                        214
          Constitutional provisions                               147
          Canvassing returns                                      136
          Constitutional provisions                127, 131, 136, 146
          Statistics                                              488
     Electors                                                     146
     Embalmers, Board of                                          210
     Eminent domain     
          Constitutional provisions                               153
     Employment service                                           301
     Enabling act of congress                                     117
     English language                                             128
     Equalization and assessment, Board of                        215
     Error, Writ of                                               127
     Ex post facto laws                                           127
     Examining boards, Bureau of                                  208
     Experiment station, Agricultural                        230, 296
     Failures, Business                                           351
     Farm property                                      384, 391, 394
     Farmers' institutes                                          230
     Federal government in Nebraska                               289
     Feeble-minded, Institution for                               251
     Fees, Deposited in state treasury                            141
     Finance, Department of. See Tax commissioner     
     Fire Prevention, Division of                                 206
     Fish                                                    134, 428
     Flag, State                                                   20
     Flower, State                                                 20
     Foods, drugs and oils, Bureau of                             201
     Forest resources                                        424, 426
     Forest service                                               299
     Forestation                                                  219
     Fossils                                                      410
     Fruits                                                       427
     For-bearing animals                                          432
     Game                                          124, 219, 422, 430
     Game, forestation and parks commission                  219, 430
          History                                                 219
     Game preserves                                               432
     Gas                                                     342, 405		
     Gasoline tax                                                 186
          Appointments and removals                          137, 140
          Appointments to fill vacancies                          137
          Disability, absence, e                                  139
          Duties and powers                                       136
          Eligibility                                             116
          Historical roster                                    21, 22
          History of executive office                             182
          Impeachment                                             139
          Veto                                                    139
     Grand Army of the Republic                                   244
     Grasses                                                      423
     Gravel                                                       407
     Guarantee of bank deposits                                   348
     Habeas corpus                                                126
     Health, Bureau of                                            207
     Health, Public                                               462
     Historical sketch of Nebraska                                 11
     Historical society                                           243
     Hog cholera and other animal diseases                        232
     Holidays, Legal                                               20
     Home economics association                                   242
     Horticultural society, State                                 241
     Hospitals                                               248, 466
     Immigrant education                                          188
     Immigration service, U. S                                    300
     Impeachment                              126, 132, 136, 139, 158
     Improved live stock breeders' association                    242
     Independence, Declaration of                                  90




(Please use Table of Contents to select page)

     Indian service, U. S.                                        296
     Industrial court                                             158
     Industrial disputes                                          158
     Industrial home, Milford                                     253
     Industrial schools                                           252
     Industries                                                   399
     Initiative, See Referendum     
     Insane, Hospitals for                                        248
     Institutions, State                                          245
          Board of control                                   139, 196
     Insurance, Bureau of                                         205
     Insurance companies                                          350
     Interest, Legal rate                                    133, 350
     Interior department                                          296
     Internal revenue service                                     293
          Constitutional provision                                158
     Irrigation association                                       243
     Irrigation, water power and drainage, Bureau of              213
          Biographical sketches                                   264
          Historical mater                                     25, 27
          Salaries                                           144, 160
          Vacancies in office                                     145
     Judges, County                                               144
     Judicial districts, State                                    486
          Constitutional provisions                               141
          Federal                                                 294
     Jury, Grand                                             126, 133
     Jury, Trial by                                          126, 133
     Justice, Department of                                       190
     Justices of the peace                                   133, 145
     Kearney teachers' college                                    225
				 Labor, Department of     
          State                                                   203
          United States                                           300
     Labor and industrial statistics, Bureau of                   206
     Lakes                                                   412, 434
     Land office. U. S.                                           296
     Land sales                                                   394
     Lands, Public     
          Alienation of mineral resources                         134
     Language, Official                                           128
          Date of taking effect                                   135
          Unconstitutionality                                     142
     Legislation, Local and special                               133
     Legislative reference bureau                                 232
          Adjournment                                             137
          Apportionment                                 130, 135, 484
          Bills                                              131, 132
          Biographical sketches, 1929                             266
          Constitutional powers                                   128
          Election contests                                       136
          History                                                 175
          Journal                                                 131
          List of members                                          41
          List of members, 1931                                     9
          Members, Liability for action                           135
          Members, Privileges and restrictions                    132
          Membership, term and salaries                           130
          Sessions                                                131
          Special sessions                                        137
          Statistics                                              178
     Legislature, Territorial                                 35, 178
     Libel                                                        126
     Librarian, State                                         27, 143
     Librarian, Territorial                                        21
     Libraries                                                    457
     Library, State                                               143
          History                                                 222
     Library commission, Public                                   222




Lieutenant governor
     Duties                                                   139
     Historical roster                                         23
     History                                                  184
Liquors, intoxicating                                         182
     Constitutional provisions                                159
Live stock                                          390, 392, 395
Live stock sanitary board                                     201
Lotteries                                                     135
Mayors, See Cities
Meat inspection                                               297
Medical examiners, Board of                                   210
Medicine, Practice of                                    462, 465
Men's reformatory                                             254
Military history                                              284
Military posts                                                293
       Constitutional provisions                          138, 157
       See also National guard
Mineral resources                                        134, 405
Minimum wages                                                 158
Minors, Property of                                           134
Money Public
      Disposition of fees, interest, etc., by state officers  141
Motors                                                        395
Municipalities, See Cities
Murder                                                        126
Names of persons or places                                    133
National guard                                           214, 288
Naturalization service                                        300
Navy department                                               295
Newspapers                                                    365
Normal schools
      Constitutional provisions                               149
Normal schools, State board of education of                   149
     History                                                  223
Nurses, Board of                                              210
Officers, County                                    133, 152, 315
Officers, Public
      Eligibility                                        160, 161
      Extra compensation                                      135
      Impeachment                              126, 132, 136, 139
      Terms of office                                         161
Officers, State
      Accounts and reports                                    140
      Biographical sketches                                   263
      Bonds                                                   141
      Constitutional provisions                               115
      Executive officers, 1931-32                               8
      Historical roster                                        22
      Oath of office                                          157
      Salaries                                           141, 160
      Vacancies in office                                     137
Officers, Territorial                                          21
Offices, Public 
     Vacancies in                                        137, 140
Offices, State 
     Creation of new offices                                  141
     Discontinued                                             259
Oil                                                 134, 201, 405
Optometry, Board of                                           211
Organic law                                                   109
Organization, Business and welfare                            352
Orthopedic hospital                                           255
Osteopathy, Board of                                          211
Pardons and paroles                                           247
Pardons, Board of                                        138, 197
Parks, State                                                  220
Parks, U. S.                                                  296
Penalties for offenses                                        127
Penitentiary                                                  245
Penitentiary medical board                                    218
Peru teachers' college                                        224
Petition, Right of                                            127
Pharmacy. Board of                                            211
Plant industry. Bureau of                                     298
Political party organization                                  469




     Political platforms                                     469, 475
     Population                                              332, 380
     Post Offices, U. S.                                     295, 302 
     Potash resources                                             410
     Potato improvement association                               242
     Poultry association                                          242
     Press, Freedom of                                            126
     Printer, State                                               217
     Prohibition                                             159, 182
     Property. Ownership of                                       127
     Property taken for public purposes                           127
     Public instruction, Department of     
          Historical roster                                        25
          History                                                 188
     Public instruction, Superintendent of     
          Membership in board governing normal schools            150
     Public lands and buildings, Commissioner of              24, 189
     Public service corporations     
          Constitutional provisions                          152, 153
     Public welfare, Department of                                206
     Public works, Department of                                  212
     Purchase and supplies, Division of                           217
     Racing commission, State                                     212
          Constitutional provisions                               153
          Municipal subscriptions to capital stock                153
     Railway commission
          Constitutional provisions                          140, 152
          History, duties, etc                                    195
          Public service corporation reports                      152
     Rainfall                                                     439
     Reclamation service, U. S.                                   296
     Referendum                                                   128
     Vote                                                         174
     Reformatories, State .                             149, 253, 254
     Sectarian instruction                                        149
     Religious right                                              125
     Representatives in congress                                   33
     Revenue, See Taxation     
     Rivers                                                       413
     Roads                                         133, 299, 400, 407
     Saline lands                                                 134
     Salt                                                         410
     Sand                                                         407
     Sandhill lakes, Wild life of                                 434
     School fund, State     
          Constitutional provisions                               147
     School funds     
          Licenses, fines, etc                                    147
     School lands, Sale of                                        148
     Schools                                            133, 443, 450
          English language                                        128
     Reform                                             149, 254, 255
     Sectarian instruction                                        149
     Seal, State                                               18, 19
          Constitutional provisions                               140
     Seal, Territorial                                         18, 19
     Search and seizure                                           126
     Secretary, Territorial                                        21
     Securities. Bureau of                                        206
     Senatorial districts                                         485
     Senators. U. S.                                 33, 159,261, 289
     Separators                                                   395
     Serum plant                                             232, 298
     Sheriff, State                                               182
     Silos                                                        395
     Slavery                                                      125
     Snowfall                                                     440
     Soil                                                    404, 423
     Soldiers and sailors                                         127
          Exercise of suffrage                                    146
          Relief fund                                             289
     Soldiers' and sailors' homes                                 254
     Speech, Freedom of                                           126
     Springs                                                      413
     State, Department of                                 23, 135,184




     State, Department of, U. S.                                  291
     State government
          List of departments, boards, institutions, etc          257
          Vote on statehood                                       167
     State Institutions, Board of control of            139, 196, 245
     State, Suits against                                         146
     Statutes, Revision of                                        238
     Stockyards                                              297, 397
     Stone                                                        405
     Street railways     
          Constitutional provisions                               156
     Suits by and against the state                               146
     Constitutional provisions                                    146
     Supreme court, See Court, Supreme
     Tax Commissioner     
          Constitutional provisions                               141
          History and duties                                 216, 341
     Taxation and revenue                                         341
          Constitutional provisions                               150
     Territorial legislature                                       35
     Territorial officers                                          21
     Territorial seal                                          18, 19
     Township organization                                   133, 152
     Trade and commerce. Department of                            204
     Transportation                                               400
     Treason                                                 126, 127
     Treasurer, State
          Eligibility                                             136
          Historical roster                                        24
          History, duties, etc                               135, 186
     Treasury. U. S. Department of                                293
     Trees                                                        424
     Tuberculosis in animals                                 201, 392
     Tuberculous, Hospital for                                    256
     Uniform state laws, Commissioners on                         221
     United States
          Representatives and senators                   33, 261, 289
     United States government                                     289
     University of Nebraska
          Election of regents                                     148
          Constitutional provisions                               148
               Colleges, schools, departments                     233
               Enrollment                                         235
          History                                                 228
     Veterinary medicine, Board of                                211
     Veto                                                         139
     Vocational education board                              231, 237
     Volcanic ash                                                 409
     War department                                               293
     Water power                                             158, 413
          See also, irrigation, water power and drainage
     Water resource                                               411
     Wayne teachers' college                                      227
     Wealth                                                  380, 391
     Weather                                                 297. 487
     Welfare organizations, State                                 356
     Wells, Artesian                                              412
     Wild life resources                                     422, 434
     Women, Employment of                                         158
     Women's reformatory                                          253

Every Name Index (not in original book)


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© 2002 for the NEGenWeb Project by Pam Rietsch, Ted & Carole Miller