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Genealogical Material Wanted
FOR PUBLICATION THE NEBRASKA GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY will be glad to consider for publication in the Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record
FIRST. Manuscript genealogical records of family lines including record of the original settler in America and the first five succeeding generations of his descendants, provided such material has not been completely published elsewhere, or where such material is a correction of matter previously published. References to printed authorities, giving volume and page should when possible accompany such material
SECOND. Manuscript genealogical records of the last four or five generations, accompanied by a transcription of Bible records or tombstone inscriptions to substantiate the dates of birth, death and marriage.
THIRD. Verified church records including vital records of births, marriages, deaths and burials.
FOURTH. Verified transcriptions of old burying ground inscriptions.
FIFTH. Verified transcriptions of old wills, provided they have not been previously published elsewhere.
SIXTH. Transcriptions of Bible records of single families prior to 1850.
The regular meetings of the Nebraska Genealogical Society are held the fourth Friday in January, April, July and October.
The April 1923 meeting will be held, April 27th at two thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. S. Whitten, 1624 So. 23rd St.
SUSTAINING MEMBERS. Mrs. C. R. Peterson, University Place, Nebr.
Miss Roxy V. Ammerman, Fairmont, Nebr.
Mrs. B. G. Miller, Crete, Nebr.
Mrs. R. J. Kilpatrick, Beatrice, Nebr.
Mrs. S. D. Kilpatrick, Beatrice, Nebr.
Mrs. R. C. Hoyt, Omaha, Nebr.
Mrs. David Hill, Salina, Kas.
Mr. John J. Reimers, Genoa, Nebr.
Mrs. William Rogers, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. M. W. Perris, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. H. K. White, Wahoo, Nebr.
Mrs. Walter L. Anderson, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. D. O. Cleghorn, Chadron, Nebr.
Dr. David C. Hilton, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. Ada Delano, Lincoln, Nebr.
Mrs. Keith Neville, North Platte, Nebr.
Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey, Independence, Kas.
Mrs. R. S. Merrell, Fairbury, Nebr.
Published by the Nebraska Genealogical Society; issued in quarterly numbers at two dollars a year; single copies seventy-five cents.
The Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record is a magazine of History and Genealogy. Manuscripts, data and queries upon these subjects are solicited and will be given careful consideration.
Contributors should attach to their manuscripts their full names together with the authority for the statements made therein. Address all correspondence to the managing editor.
Note: The original publication had no table of contents.
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1715 SO 20th St., Lincoln, Nebr.MRS. J. J. STUBBS, '26
Omaha, Nebr.MRS. DAVID HILL, '25
Salina, Kas.MRS. S. D. KILPATRICK, '26
Bronxville, N. Y .MRS. H. B. MARSHALL, '25
Lincoln, Nebr.MRS. R. M. JONES, '24
Omaha, Nebr.MRS. C. H. JENKINS, '24
Lincoln, Nebr.MRS. L. BELLE YOUNG, '24
Superior, Nebr.
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The first annual meeting of the Nebraska Genealogical Society was held January twenty-sixth at the home of Mrs. Samuel Avery, at Lincoln, Nebraska.
The following officers and chairmen of standing committees were re-elected to serve another year:President, Mrs. C. R. Peterson, University Place, Nebr.
Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. Rogers, Lincoln, Nebr.
Treasurer, Mrs. C. C. Waldo, Lincoln, Nebr.
Secretary, Miss Mabel Lindly, Lincoln, Nebr.
Librarian, Mrs. C. S. Paine, Lincoln, Nebr.
Finance Committee, Mrs. B. G. Miller, Crete, Nebr.
Membership Committee, Mrs. Caroline P. Whitcomb, Lincoln, Nebr.
Research Committee, Mrs. C. C. Waldo, Lincoln, Nebr.
The Secretary reported that the membership had increased from the original eighteen members to one hundred thirty-five members scattered through the states of Alabama; California, Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont arid Wisconsin.
The Treasurer reported $250.00 in the Savings Bank and $35.60 in the checking fund.
Mrs. C. S. Paine spoke on "The Necessity of Preserving State National Archives." The Society passed resolutions favoring the erection of a public archives building in Washington, D. C.
A Family Records Bureau has been established for the purpose of aiding those who are endeavoring to trace their lineage. The Bureau charges only a nominal fee for its services.
The next quarterly meeting will be held in Lincoln, Nebr., Friday, April twenty-seventh at two thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. S. Whitten, 1624 SO. 23rd St.
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The name of this organization shall be "The Nebraska Genealogical Society."ARTICLE II. OBJECT.
The object of this Society shall be:
FIRST, To collect and to preserve all available genealogical material.
SECONDLY, To assist in preparing and completing family lines, to be filed for future reference.
THIRDLY, To gather by degrees a library, for the use of the Society, composed of all obtainable books, monographs, pamphlets, manuscripts, etc. relating to genealogy.
Any person may become a member by paying the annual dues.
Section I. The officers of the Society shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, whose duties shall be such as usually pertain to these offices, and such other duties as may be stated in the By-Laws.
Section 2. There shall be an Executive Board composed of the officers of the Society, and in addition, such other members as may be elected at the annual meeting of the Society, which transacts all business necessary to the interests of the Society including the filling of vacancies caused by the death or by the resignation of any officers Of this Society, the accepting or rejecting of applications for membership and the appointing of the editorial staff of The Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record.
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board.
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Section 1. There shall be three Standing Committees, as
FIRST, Research Committee.
SECOND, Finance Committee.
THIRD, Membership Committee.
Sec. 2. The chairmen of these committees shall be elected each year at the annual meeting in January.
Section I. The annual meeting shall be held on the fourth Friday in January, at which time the officers of the Society shall be elected by ballot and shall hold office for one year and until their successors elected. The duties of these officers shall begin at the of the January meeting.
Sec. 2. The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the fourth Friday in January, in April, in July and in October.
A majority of the members present at any regular meeting shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE VII. This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present, notice of amendment having been given at a previous regular meeting.
BY-LAWS. I. The annual dues shall be $2 payable in advance on or before fourth Friday in January of each year. The first annual dues of members joining the Society between July first and the fourth Friday in January shall be $1.
II. Any member being delinquent for one year shall be dropped from the roll.
III. The Executive Board shall meet at such times and places be designated by the President, or at the call of at least three of the Executive Board.
IV. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board and shall present to the Society any
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plans for extending or for improving the work of the Society. She shall sign. all warrants authorizing the payment of the Society funds. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside or if the Vice-President be not present, any member of the Executive Board may be chosen to act pro tempore.V. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep an accurate record of all the proceedings of the Society, to sign all warrants authorizing the payment of the Society funds, to keep a list of members and their addresses, to notify members when dues are payable and at the annual meeting to report the number of members in good standing.
VI. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all dues, fees and other moneys beolnging (sic) to the Society, to pay out money upon a warrant signed by the President and the Secretary, to keep an account of receipts and disbursements, to report at each meeting of the Society all money received and expended by her and to give a complete report at the annual meeting.
VII. The Librarian shall have charge of all papers, records and books belonging to the Society, the same to be available to the members of the Society under such regulations as may be adopted by the Executive Board.
VIII. The Research Committee shall encourage genealogical work and shall urge the filling out of lineal charts.
IX. The Finance Committee shall have charge of all plans for securing financial support, aside from the membership dues.
X. The Membership Committee shall endeavor to arouse public interest in the objects of the Society and thus increase the membership.
XI. The Executive Board shall appoint an editorial staff for The Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record, consisting of nine members, one of whom shall be the Managing Editor. These nine members shall be divided into three classes of three members each, so that this number (three) may be appointed annually to serve for three years. The Managing Editor shall be a member of the Executive Board.
XII. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present, notice Of proposed amendment having been given at a previous regular meeting.
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RUDD FAMILY RECORD. Taken from a Bible printed in 1816 and presented in 1917 by Hilen Rudd to his mother. The Bible is now owned by Mrs. Herbert Du Bois Lent (Julia Merritt Lent), Sagamore Road, Tuckahoe, N. Y.
Bezaleel Rudd to Ruth Brush.
1823 Dec. 23
Caleb Congdon to Olivia Rudd.
RECORD or BIRTHS. 1717 Aug. 5
Zebulon Rudd.
1719 Mch.
Jerusha Bruster.
1751 Jul 24
Bezaleel Rudd.
1759? May 18
Ruth Brush.
1778 Jul 13
Theron Rudd.
1780 May 22
Reuben B. Rudd.
1782 June 17
Bezaleel Rudd.
1783 July 19
Polly S. Rudd.
1787 Apr. 5
Bezaleel W. Rudd.
1789 Sept 18
Semanthe Rudd.
1792 Sept. 12
Hilen Rudd.
1796 July 21
John Rudd.
1798 Aug. 10
Olivia Rudd.
1801 Oct. 26
Harriet Rudd.
1822 Jany. 13
Semanthe Rudd.
1824 Dec. 21
Elizabeth Rudd Congdon, at Providence, R. I.
RECORD OF DEATHS. 1786? Oct. 25
Bezaleel Rudd, aged 4 yrs.
1795? Sept. 22
Jerusha Rudd, aged 76 yrs.
1799? Sept. 21
John Rudd, aged 3 yrs.
1802 Feby. 9
Zebulon Rudd, aged 85 yrs.
1803 June 7
Harriet Rudd, aged I Yr., 7 mos.
1817 Sept. 27
Annis Rudd, aged 32 yrs.
1819 Dec. 6
Hilen Rudd, aged 27 yrs., 2 mos., 24 days.
1830 July 10
Ruth Rudd, aged 71 yrs., 1 mo., 23 days.
1846? Aug. 25
Bazeleel Rudd, aged 95 yrs.
1847 Nov.
Theron Rudd, aged 70 yrs.
1866? Feby. 24
Semanthe Jacacks, aged 76 yrs.
1870 Jany. 10
Olivia Rudd Smith, aged 72 yrs.
-Contributed by Mrs. Theodore Westermann.
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TALBOTT FAMILY RECORD. Family record taken from a Bible printed in 1815, owned by May C. Whiting Westermann (Mrs. Theodore), Bronxville, N. Y. It originally belonged to Mary Ann F. Talbott, sister of Mrs. Westermann's maternal grandmother, Drucilla J. Talbott (Mrs. Hezekiah Frederick Cole). In the back of the book is the following clipping dated July 19, 1858, noting the death of her mother's parents:
"On the 24th of June Mrs. DRUCILLA FAIRALL in the 78th year of her age, consort of Stephen Fairall; and on the 11th instant, STEPHEN FAIRALL, in the 80th year of his age, of Anne Arundel County, both formerly of Prince George County, Md. (Upper Marlboro Gazette and Advocate please copy.)"
RECORD or BIRTHS. 1811 July
Henrietta Talbott.
1813 Jany. I
Maryann F. Talbott.
1814 Oct. 23
Edward A. Talbott.
1815 Oct. 16
Richard Talbott.
1817 Jany. 12
Jainrebecca Talbott.
1818 Mch. 5
Edward A. Talbott.
1820 May 6
Stephen F. Talbott.
1822 Mch. 6
Sarah Talbott.
1824 Jany. 8
Drucilla J. Talbott.
1826 June 4
Providence Talbott.
RECORDS or DEATH. 1816 Sept. 6
Richard Talbott.
1816 Sept. 8
Edward A. Talbott.
1817 Mch. 11
Jainrebecca Talbott.
1826 Aug. 10
Providence Talbott.
The plot for the first cemetery near Fairmont, Nebr., was donated by Poly Roe, about 1872. It is located on the northwest quarter of section 6, three and one-half miles north of Fairmont.
The earliest burials were here; later the bodies were removed to the Fairmont Cemetery; eight or nine graves remain, only two being marked with shattered stones.
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MATHEWS, Charlie (son of W. and Miranda J. Mathews) d. July 17, 1879, ae. 2 yrs., 3 mos., 2 days.
ROE, Libby (daughter of Thomas Roe) d. Sept. 19, 1872, ae. 72 yrs., 3 mos.Cemetery not fenced; all traces will soon be obliterated.
The plot for this cemetery was donated by Timothy Fitzpatrick and was platted by John D. Jenkins in 1876-1877. It is located on the northwest quarter of section 29, one-half mile east of Fairmont, Nebr. Approximately 30 graves are marked. Among those interred here are:
CONRY , John B. b. 1803, Ireland, d. Sept. 4, 1883, aged 80 yrs., 2 mos., 11 days
COLMAN, John b. 1832, Ireland, d. 1902.
FITZPATRICK, Timothy b. June 8, 1840, Ireland, d. May 9, 1915.
JENKINS, John D. b. Nov. 15, 1846, England, d. May 14, 1897.
LYNCH, Andrew b. Feby. 2, 1825, Ireland, d. Oct. 27, 1887.Cemetery fenced; well preserved.
-Contributed by Roxy V. Ammermann.
Mayflower passenger and founder
of Plymouth Colony.
The first three generations may be
found in Mayflower Descendents, vol. I, pp. 7, 71, 74, 75,
168; Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New
England by James Savage, Vol. 1, pp. 244-245; The
Brewster Book.
(Grace Brewster, Jonathan, William) b. Oct. 7, 1668, New
London, Ct., d. Aug.
22, 1711, New London,, Ct., m. 1st.
--- Harris, m. 2nd, 1694, New London, Ct., George Denison
b. Mch. 28, 1671, Stonington., Ct.
d. Jany. 22, 1720. New London, Ct. (Mayflower Descendants,
vol. 1, pp. 74-75;
Denison Genealogy).
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SARA DENISON (Mary Denison, Grace Brewster, Jonathan, William) b. June 20, 1709, d. May 12,
1796, New London, Ct., m. Mch. 4, 1730, New London, Ct., William Douglas b. Jany. 1, 1708,
d. Nov. 27, 1787, New London., Ct. (Colonial Families of the United States, vol. 6, p. 194;
Douglas Genealogy).WILLIAM DOUGLAS (Sara Denison, Mary, Grace Brewster, Jonathan, William) b. Feby. 7, 1731, New
London, Ct., d. Oct. 1, 1805, m. May 31, 1752, New London, Ct., Mary Lucas b. 1727, d. Jany. 31,
1810, New London, Ct. (New London Vital Records, Vol. 2; Douglas Geneaolgy).IVORY DOUGLAS (William Douglas, Sara Denison, Mary, Grace Brewster, Jonathan, William). b.
1761, New London, Ct., d. 1825, New London,, Ct., m. 1789, Groton, Ct., Phebe Smith
b. Aug. 11, 1765, at Groton, Ct. d. 1850-3, Chelsea, Vt. (Denison Genealogy, pp. 6-60).CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS (Ivory Douglas, William, Sara Denison, Mary, Grace Brewster, Jonathan,
William) b. 1791, Chelsea, Vt., d. June 6, 1878, "Valley Rest," Florence, Nebr., m. Nov. 15,
1811, Louisville, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., Jared C. Smith b. 1786 near Richmond Vt.,
d. Apr. 10, 1843, Williamsville, Canada West. (Douglas Genealogy; Widow's Certificate, Mch.
1812, Pension Papers, Dept. of Interior..)JOHN KEYSOR SMITH (Charlotte Douglas, Ivory, William, Sara Denison, Mary, Grace Brewster,
Jonathan, William) b. Feby. 15, 1818, Louisville, N. Y., d. May 5, 1975, "Valley Rest,"
Florence, m. June 11, 1848, Rockport, Ill., Mary Ann Shearer, b. Mch. 12, 1825, Lycoming
County, Pa., d. May 1, 1893, Omaha, Nebr. (Family Bible Record; Mary A. Smith Pension
Papers, Civil War Record No. 216003.)ANGELINE LEONORA SM1TH (John Keysor Smith, Charlotte Douglas, Ivory, william, Sara Denison,
Mary, Grace Brewster, Jonathan, William) b. Feby. 23, 1869, "Valley Rest," Florence, Nebr.,
m. 1st. Oct. 25, 1887, Florence, Nebr., Benjamin Ellsworth Pickering, b. Sept. 7, 1866, Canton,
Ill., d. June 6, 1916, El Paso, Texas, bu. Steele City, Nebr.; m. 2nd Feby. 26, 1918, Arkansas
City, Kas., George F. Crane, b. Feby. 25, 1859, Mommouth, Ill. The children are all by the first
husband.1. BETHEL LEONORA PICKERING b. Feby. 18, 1889, Steele City, Nebr, d. May 1,
1920, Lincoln, Nebr., m. Apr. 18, 1911, Lincoln Nebr., Othel C. Brown, b. Feby.
24, 1889 Lincoln, Nebr.
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2. DOANE TURNER PICKERING b. Dec. 27, 1892, Steele City Nebr., m. Nov. 29, 1916, Lincoln, Nebr., Roma Ailene Rush, Apr. 14, 1895, Lincoln, Nebr.
3. AVERY BENJAMIN PICKERING b. Mch. 22, 1898, Omaha, Nebr., m. Oct. 20, 1921, Florine Adele Reed, b. Dec. 5, 1899, Lincoln, Nebr.-Contributed by Mrs. George F. Crane.
COLUMBUS PATTON, 94, whose father was aide-de-camp to General Washington during the Revolutionary War died Monday, January 1923 at Omaha, Nebr. Mr. Patton's father, Tristam Patton did not marry until he was fifty years old, and Columbus was next to the youngest son of fourteen children, which accounts for his ability to trace his ancestry to the Revolutionary War by going back only one generation. Funeral services and burial were in Woodbine, Iowa World Herald, Jany. 11, 1923.
Turner Cemetery is located two and three-fourths miles South of Penokee, Kansas. In the early seventies the graves in a cemetery known as Mile Brook Cemetery were removed to a piece of ground given for that purpose by a Mr. Turner, and the place was known as Turner's Cemetery. The oldest graves were those of two cowboys, one of them probably the Frank Simmon named below. Many of the markers were of limestone and have crumbled away until almost undecipherable at present. Among those buried in Turner's Cemetery were:
BIDDLE, Nettie O., wife of E. E. Biddle, d. May 24, 1988, aged 21 yrs., 11 mos., 5 days.
BOSSLER, Mary, wife of S. A. Bossler, b. July 31, 1832, d. July 20, 1879, aged 63 yrs., 11 mos., 20 days.
KNOUF, N. A. d. May 14, 1888 aged 64 yrs., 25 days.
SIMMON, Frank d. Aug. 26, 1881.
TURNER, Grace E. dau. of S. E. and S. C. Turner, d. Apr. 5, 1879, aged 18 yrs., 3 mos., 21 days.
TURNER, S. C. Co. G, 10th N. Y. H. A.
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TURNER, Sarah E., wife of S. C. Turner, d. Jany. 16, 1879, aged 54 yrs, 7 mos., 3 days.
TURNER, Essie, dau. of W. H. and M. V. Turner. d. Nov. 13, 1885, aged 6 yrs., 9 mos.
TURNER, Grace, dau. of W. H. and M. V. Turner, d. June 15, 1882, aged 1 yr., 4 mos, 9 days.
TURNER, Willia, son of W. H. and M. V. Turner, d. Apr. 12, 1880, aged 2 yrs., 8 mos., 7 days.-contributed by Mrs. C. H. Best.
Indiana County, Pa.
Will dated July 14, 1829, filed
September 29, 1829.
wife Mary (second wife.)
son, William,
daughter, Jane, wife of James
daughter, Ann, wife of David
son, Samuel.
son, Fergus.
JAMES, Hannah
Westtown, Pa.
Will dated December 12, 1799.
daughter, Ann, wife of -------
daughter, Susanna, wife of ------
daughter, Esther, wife of
ORR, John
Rostraver Township, Westmoreland
County, Pa.
Will dated September 20, 1843, filed
December 1, 1843.
sons, William, Samuel, Lowry, and
daughter, Martha, wife of Isaac Van
daughter, Mary, wife of John
grandchildren, Margaret Wilson,
Eliza Jane, Martha Louiza
and John, children of Lowry Orr and
wife Rachel.
Bucks County, Pa.
Will dated 1706, filed September 28,
wife, Mary.
daughter, Mary wife of Daniel
daughter, Margery, wife of Thomas
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Edgmont, Pa.
Will dated March 7, 1725-6, filed March 8, 1727-8.
wife, Mary.
sons, Robert, John, Daniel, Thomas, and Joseph.
daughter, Margaret, wife of ------- Thompson.
daughter, Abigail, wife of ------ Yarnall.
daughter, Mary, wife of Myrick Davis.WILLIAMSON, Dunk
Bucks County, Pa.
Will dated Feby. 18, 1697-8, filed Mch. 6, 1710.
wife, Wallery
sons, William and John.
daughter, Hannah, wife of John Gound.
daughter, Margaret, wife of John Johnson.WILLIAMSON, Hannah
Willistown, Pa.
Will dated Sept. 24, 1771, filed Jany. 8, 1772.
daughter, Margaret, wife of Thomas Bishop.
daughter, Abigail, wife of ---- Lewis.
daughter, Hannah, wife of Richard Harris.
granddaughters, Hannah and Jane Harris.WILLIAMSON, James
Londongrove, Pa.
Will dated December 21, 1808, filed August 2, 1816.
wife, Elizabeth.
daughter, Jane, wife of ------- Williamson.
grandson, Robert, son of Jane.
daughter, Margaret, wife of ------- Williamson.
grandson, James, son of Margaret.WILLIAMSON, John
Bensalem, Pa.
Will dated February 29, 1760, filed September 21, 1761.
wife, Elizabeth.
sons, John, Abraham, Jesse, William. Joseph, David, Jeremiah and Benjamin
daughter, Elizabeth, wife of ------- Vendegrift.
daughter, Katherine, wife of ------- Walton.