NEGenWeb Project
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OLLibrary, Journals
- Joseph Ross Birdsall at Canborough* U. C. on thursday the
20th October 1814 at 11 0. ck P.M.
- John Birdsall at Canborough on Tuesday the Sixteenth day of
April 1816 at 12 O. ck Mn
- Elizabeth [Betsy written In] Birdsall at Canh. on
thursday the 16th day of January 1818 at 8 0 c k P.M.
- Martha Birdsall at Canboh on thursday the 26th day of
August 1819 at 1 O. ck P.M.
- Benjamin Canby Birdsall at Canbor. on Tuesday the 3rd of
April 1821 - at 9 O ck P.M.
- Andrew Melick Birdsall at Canborough on Friday the 15th day
of August 1823 - at 10 0. c k P.M.
- Whitson Canby Birdsall at Canboh on Friday the 18th day of
March 1825 at 1 0. ck P. M.
- Samuel Darling Birdsall at Canborough on thursday the 15th
day of February 1827 - at 11 0. c k P. M.
- Peter Melick Birdsall at Canborough on Monday the 23rd
February A. D. 1829 at 2 0. C. K. P.M.
- Henry Canby Birdsall at Canborough on friday the 25th
February at half past 3 0. Clock A.M. Anno
- Domini 1831
- Eli Winchester Birdsall at Canborough on Saturday the 13th
april 1833 at 10 0 ck A. M.
Births Grand Children
- Samuel Son of Whitson & Catherine Birdsall born on the
11 [torn] 1847
- Samuel Edsel Son of Andrew M. & Betsy Birdsall born
18th day of May 1849
- Samuel Wilber Son of Benjn C. & Sally Ann Birdsall born
29th Oct. 1847
- Elgin Birdsall Son of Whitson C. & Catherine Birdsall
born 6th August A. D. 1850
- Ardelbert B [?] son of Benjn C. & Sally Ann
Birdsall born 8th May 1849
- Osger Birdsall Son of Joseph Ross and Mary Ann Birdsall
born the 21st May 1854 & died the 7th September
- the Same year
- Elizabeth Catherine Daughter of Whitson C. & Catherine
Birdsall born the 5th day of January 1849
- Wealthy Ann Daughter of Benjamin and Sally Ann Birdsall
born 6th July 1852.
- Elira [?] Jane Daughter of Peter & Catherine
Birdsall born Oct. 7th 1849
- Henry Edwin Son of Peter & Catherine Birdsall born
April 9th 1857
- ElizaÝ Daughter of Benjn C. & Sally
Ann Birdsall born 29th March 1856.
- Eliza Grace daughter of Henry C. & Harriet M. Birdsall
born on the 7th March 1860. died February
- [blank] 1861
- Frances Alice Daughter of Henry C. & Harriett M.
Birdsall born on Friday the 25th October 1861.
- Amos Bradshaw born Buckinham Township Buccks County
Pensylvania the 26th March 1791 & Died on
- Sunday the 13th August at 2 0 ck A.M. 1854
- Peter Turck Senior Imigrated from New Jersey in the spring
of 1800 from Greenwich Township aged 30 years,
- was with Peter Melick the first settler [torn]
oneers in Canborough then a Wilderness, he died at his sons
Peter Turck Junior tuesday Morning the let day of July 1856
aged 86 years.
*Canboro, Upper Canada (now Ontario), is located in Haldimand
County, midway between Lake Erie and the western end of Lake
ÝSee Census, Mill Township, Lancaster County, Nebraska,
Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record, IX, p.
- Births of Relatives &
- [Torn]er Melick Born in New Jersey on the Ist day
of January 1763.
- Elizabeth Melick Born in St. New Jersey on the 29th day
[sic] of february A.D. 1769.
- Jacob Birdsall my grand father born 1720
- Elizabeth Birdsall his wife 1727
- Saml. Birdsall my Father born 7th Fehr. 1751
- Aunty Anna Taylor born 4th March 1764
- Aunty Sarah Pettet born 25th October 1744 died about the
Middle of July 1804 she and her Husband Wm
- Pettet died within 2 hours & 58 min of each other and
interred in one grave in Pensylvania
- Martha Birdsall Shotwell born the 16th day of July 1787 -
died 2nd day of april - 1855 aged 63 [faded] mo
- 16 days.
- Eliz [illegible] Shotwell born 14th Aug 1783 died
[illegible] 29th [illegible] 1867 aged
- Rachel Wington born the 28th August 1852.
- Dod. [?] S. H. Goss born 27th May 1783 died January
2 1862 aged 78 yr. 7 mo. & 6 days
- Jacob Birdsall died about middle of March 1855 aged
[illegible] 74 years
- Benjamin Birdsall died [illegible] 1856 aged about
72 yrs
- Henry Park Birdsall son of John & Sarah Birdsall born
the 20th May died 21st Decemr. 1855. aged 7 mo.
- & 1 day
- Martha Eliza Daughter of Samuel D. & Jane Birdsall born
the 30th December about 11 Oc A.M. 1856
- Henry Folger Birdsall Son of J. Ross & Mary Ann
Birdsall born the 21st June 1856 him and his Mother Mary
- Ann left for Nebraska 4th June 1860
- John Birdsall Son of Samuel & Jane born 7 September
- Sarah Elizabeth Daughter of Samuel & Jane Birdsall born
the 29 March 1863
- Frances Alice Florence Birdsall born 13th July 1871
- Mildred Althea Birdsall born Aug. 19th 1873
- Mable Annie Munn (Morrison) Birdsall adopted child of E W
& C V. Birdsall born Nov 8 1895
- Andrews Children - Samuel John & Hamilton Julia Agnes
& Sarah Elizabeth
- Henrys & Harriets Eliza Grace
- Johns Martha Jane Emma & James
- Ross's Emily & Henry Folger
"Charles Canby came to see us on tuesday the 19th May
1835 in the evening .............. untill Saturday Morning about
10. 0 Clock when the fated ............. hour arrived for him to
bid adiew to this world of sorrows forever . he was buried
on Sunday in the after noon of the twenty fourth in Melicks Burial
Ground ................ to the Memory of my poor unfortunate
Cousin ................"
Contributed by Mrs. W. S. Whitten, Lincoln,
Be it remembered that William Elliot of
Brandywine Hundred In the County of New Castle on Delaware yeoman
being of reasonably mind and memory blessed be the Lord for all
his mercies and calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal
life have thought proper to make and ordain this my last will and
testament In manner following that is to say it is my mind and
desire that all my just debts (except such as relates to my lands
which is to be paid [out of my personal estate within
convenient times after my decease by my Executers hereinafter
named]* by the person to whom the land shall belong) and
funeral charges be paid out of my personal estate within
convenient time after my decease by my Executors hereinafter
named-Item I give devise and bequeath unto my son William his
heirs and assigns forever all that my present dwelling plantation
situate and being in the Hundred and County afs" and bounded by
land that I purchased from my deceas'd Son John Land of Peter
Vandever Brandywine Creek, Allipocas Run land late of Thomas
Allmond deed and Andrew McKee &c be the contents more or less,
under and subject to the roads that I have heretofore laid out to
accommodate my sons Mark Benjamin and Josephs lands forever, and
also [of]Ý all the debts chargeable on
this part of my said land-Item I give
[devise]Ý and bequeath unto my sons Mark
and Benjamin their heirs and assigns forever all that part of my
land which I purchased from my son John and situate in the hundred
and County afsd and bounded by the land given to my son William
and lands of Andrew McKee and Peter Vandever be the contents more
or less, with the road laid out as afsd to accommodate the same
& subject to the debts thereon as above mentioned all which
land & [Pump]* premises is to be equally divided
between them part and share alike Item I gove devise and bequeath
unto my granddaughter Mary (daughter of my deed son Joseph her
heirs & assigns forever all that part of my land where my said
Son Joseph formerly dwelt being bounded by Brandywine Creek land
of Thomas Bird James Huston deed and that part of my devised
to my son William be the contents more or
less with the road laid out as afsd to accommodate the same &
subject to the debts thereon as afsd Item I give devise and
bequeath unto my three Sons William Mark and Benjamin their heirs
and assigns forever all that my lot or piece of Marsh Meadow
situate In the hundred and County afsd and adjoining on Shelpot
Creek and the Marsh road being part of Cherry Island Marsh and
containing ten Acres more or less to be equally divided between
them parts share alike according to the discretion of my Trustee
hereinafter named if they cannot agree amongst themselves under
& subject to the Marsh Laws and debts afsd Item my mind and
will further is that if my granddaughter the above named Mary
shall happen to die before she shall attain to the age of twenty
one years [of age]Ý and without lawful
issue that then the above mentioned tract of land given to her
shall go to my grandson Edward (son of my son John decd) and to
his heirs and assigns forever I also give to all the children of
my deed son John the sum of fifteen pounds money of this
government and of the date of the first January [177]* An
Dom 1776 to be paid to my Trustee for their use part and share
alike within one year after my decease, provided that my sons
Executor Adms &c doth not bring or recover any debt against my
estate as I apprehend that I fully paid him my son John for every
thing that I [had]* ever had from him-Item I give to the
Children of ray deed daughter Elenor the sum of five pounds money
as afsd to be equally divided between them and paid to my Trustees
for their uses within one year
*The words thus enclosed are crossed out in the
original will.
ÝWords marked thus are interpolated in the original
after my decease - Item I give to the children of my decd
daughter Jane Huston the like sum of five pounds money afsd and
equally to be divided between them and payable as afsd - Item I
give to my granddaughters Isable and Elizabeth Clendenin the sum
of five pounds each money of this government as above mentioned
and to be paid to them within one year after my decease - Item I
give devise and bequeath unto my three Sons William Mark and
Benjamin their heirs and assigns forever all the rest and residue
of my Estate after payment of all my just Debts as afsd
[Legacies]_ & funeral charges to be equally divided
between them part and share alike and I do constitute and appoint
them my said three sons Executors of this my last will and
Testament and my esteemed friend John Stapler Trustee to see the
same duly performed, and I also appoint him the said John Stapler
and my son Benjamin [Trustees]* Guardians of my above
named granddaughter Mary and grandson Edward and I do hereby make
null and void all and every other will or wills by me at any time
heretofore made either in word or writing and desire this and none
other to be taken for my last will and Testament. In Witness
Whereof I William Elliot the Testator hath hereunto put my hand
& Seal dated the twentieth day of April in the year of our
Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight
Sign'd sealed published & Pronounced
by "
the above named William Elliot the
Testor "
as for his last Will & Testament in
the "
presence of us who sign'd our names
as "
witnesses at his request in his presence and
" his
In the presence of each other
" William
x Elliot (Seal)
Council "
Be It remembered that I the within named William Elliot at this
day taking this my will into my further consideration have thought
proper to make an alteration therein by the following Codicil that
is to say my mind and will now is and I do hereby give and devise
unto my three sons within named William Mark and Benjamin their
heirs and assigns forever all that the within mentioned tract of
land and premises which I before intended for and had given to my
within named granddaughter Mary the daughter of my deceased Son
Joseph to be equally divided them part and share alike they paying
out of the same the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds current
lawful money of this government in manner following that is to say
the sum of eighty three pounds six shillings and eight pence part
thereof [unto my grandson Edward son of my dec'd son
John]Ý [unto po my grandson]* at the
expiration of one year after my decease to whom I now give the
same and I give and bequeath to my granddaughter the above named
Mary the remainder thereof being one hundred and sixty six pounds
thirteen shillings and four pence to be .paid to here when she
shall attain to twenty one years of age and my mind and will
further is that in case my said granddaughter Mary shall happen to
die before [she shall attain] Ý twenty
one years of age and without lawful issue then and in that case my
will is that the said sum of one hundred and sixty six pounds
thirteen shillings and four pence be equally divided among all my
children and grand children [then
living]Ý part and share alike only my
grandson the above named Edward son of my dec'd son John above
named to have two shares [thereof]Ý and
payable at the time my said granddaughter would have been of age
as afs'd and that the parents of such of my grandchildren that
shall be then under age to receive such their childrens part
thereof and my mind and will further is that my friends John
Stapler Joseph Shallcross and Joseph Stidham [or the survivors
or survivor]Ý of them to allot and divide
the above mentioned land to and amongst my said sons their
and assigns if they cant agree amongst themselves to
divide the same & If the same should not be so done in my
lifetime In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal
& dated this 17th day of May 1783
Signed Sealed & delivered
the above named William Elliot
as "
a codicil to the within will in
the "
presence of
Nicholas Robinson
" his
" William
x Elliot (Seal)
John Stapler
" mark
The Flanders Family, from Europe to America.
Compiled from original records by Edith Flanders Dunbar,
Manchester, Vt. Published by Tuttle Publishing Company, Rutland,
Vt., 1935. Price, $15.00.
This volume contains, Descendants of Steven
Flanders of Salisbury, Massachusetts, 791 pages; Flanders of
Undetermined Descent, 76 pages; Variations in Name, 45 pages;
Foreign Research, 30 pages; Historical Background, 7 pages;
Bibliography, 21 pages; Index, 82 pages. Here is a genealogy that
is the result of painstaking and scholarly research and will at
once take its place as the authority on this numerous family. Not
only is this an exhaustive work, but the style is pleasing, even
to those who have no connection with the family. While listing the
honors that have been carried by those of the Flanders name, the
weaknesses of others of this clan have not been spared. Heartily
recommended to genealogical libraries.
Mrs. C. A. Reynolds
First Vice President
Mrs. W. J. Byer
Second Vice President
Mrs. W. S. Whitten
Recording Secretary
Mrs. A. D. Eigenbroadt
Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. 0. W. Olsen
Mrs. N. H. Barnes
Mrs. C. S. Paine
Mrs. T. S. Allen
Mrs. C. H. Jenkins, 1938
Gilbert H. Doane, 1938
Mrs. C. A. Reynolds, 1937
Mrs. Newell H. Barnes, 1937
Mrs. Lila Woodruff, 1937
Mr. Carl Gray
Mrs. Lila Woodruff
Mrs. W. S. Whitten
Mrs. T. S. Allen
Mrs. N. H. Barnes
Mrs. C. H. Jenkins
Miss Ida Robbins
For Court House, Cemetery and all local
records in Madison County Kentucky, and adjoining
J. B. NOLAND, Richmond, Kentucky
© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 for NEGenWeb Project by
Ted & Carole Miller