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OLLibrary, Journals
- in Plainfield Otsego Co. N. Y. was married at the same
place by Elder Seberis M. Burdick on thursday the 26th of July
A.D. 1838 to Miss Marilla Burdick
- Marilla Burdick was born on Friday the 30th of July A.D.
1807 New Hartford Litchfield Co. Conn.
Marilla Pamelia Phillips was born Tuesday the 24th of September
A. D. 1839 Butler township Columbiana
Waitstill Timothy Phillips was born Monday June 28th 1841 in
township 5 N. 3 E. of Fulton Co. Illinois
Phebe Hannah Phillips was born Wednesday June 14 1843 Fulton
Co. Ill. and died July 13th 1844
Samuel Phillips was born on thursday the 21st of August 1845
Fulton Ill.
Pearly David Phillips was born on thursday the 9th Sept
Compiled by Vera F. Rasmussen, Omaha, Nebr., assisted by Mary
[Continued from Vol XIII, p. 40]
Sumner Barston - Sarah E. Lewis - Dec. 20,
Henry A. Hales - Katey E. Wang - Dec. 24, 1867.
James West - Lucinda N. Ramsey - Dec. 25, 1867.
George McKnight, Fremont, Nebr. - Ellen Talcott,
Omaha, Nebr. - Dec. 27, 1867.
Frederick Dorwald - Augustus [?] Salzwedel - Dec.
28, 1867.
Lewis C. Ducker - Esther Thomas - Dec. 28, 1867.
Louis C. Beindorff - Catherine Fahrenbach - Dec. 30,
James Hunt, Fremont, Nebr. - Rebecca Jane Fulton,
Fremont, Nebr.Jan. 4, 1868.
John Dougherty - Grace Garvey - Jan. 7, 1868.
George C. Wallace - Inez C. Belden - Jan. 8, 1868.
Frank J. Necker - Anna M. Williamson - Jan. 8, 1868.
John B. Wellingham - Catherine Schroeder - Jan. 10,
William Mercer - Martha Coy - Jan. 10, 1868.
Charles H. Hall - Hattie E. Smith - Jan. 13, 1868.
Charles Flemy - Cornelice Demarest - Jan. 13, 1868.
John D. Moffat(a) - Mrs. Myra Hill - Jan.
14, 1868.
William M. Jones - Sarah A. Ross - Jan. 14, 1868.
William W. Frisbie - Irena Bingham - Jan. 18, 1868.
John E. Henderson, Callaway, Mo. - K. A. Baurret,
Omaha, Nebr. - Jan. 20, 1868.
James J. Brown, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Mary M. Ryan,
Council Bluffs, Ia.Jan. 20, 1868.
M. J. Shields, Sarpy Co., Nebr. - Mrs. Catherine
McIntire, Sarpy Co., Nebr. - Jan. 21, 1868.
Jasper Kaetford - May Jane Coy - Jan. 30, 1868.
Ralph J. Milburn, St. Joseph, Mo. - Margaret
Goodman, Omaha, Nebr.Jan. 31, 1868.
T. C. Hunter - Mary A. Fort - Feb. 1, 1868.
Otto Bauman - Lena Zeff - Feb. 3, 1868.
Levi M. Buggs - Elizabeth Wells - Feb. 6, 1868.
Celestine Thiebaut - Maggie Dorland - Feb. 10, 1868.
Andrew Wall - Rose Small - Jan. 28, 1867 [8?].
John Muller - Melissa A. Graham - Feb. 10, 1868.
Harmann Stark, Fontenelle, Nebr. - Rachel
Hilgenkamp, Fontenelle, Nebr. - Feb. 13, 1868.
(a) D. A. Moffat
[sic] was born, 1827, Syracuse, N. Y., served with General
Walker in Nicaraugua, and came to Omaha in 1868. He was a
machinist. - Andreas, History of Nebraska, p. 786.
William Dalton - Jane Dooley - Feb. 11, 1868.
Edward B. Franklin - Mary J. Paine - Feb. 17, 1868.
Robert B. Williamson - Clara H. Ingham - Feb. 18, 1868.
Josiah A. Halliday - Sarah O'Neil - Feb. 22, 1868.
James Silk - Mary Cummings - Feb. 23, 1868.
Patrick Berckley - Hannah Powers - Feb. 24, 1868.
J. M. Marston(b) - Mrs. Elizabeth
Abercrombie - Feb. 29, 1868.
John Rush(c) - Anna E. Ferry - Mar. 1,
Peter Rousse - Malita Hatch - Mar. 2, 1868.
John Chapman, Washington Co., Nebr. - Martha T.
Wilson, Washington Co., Nebr. - Mar. 3, 1868.
Florence F. Mallery, Omaha, Nebr. - Ella A. Bailey,
St. Louis, Mo. - Mar. 7, 1868.
Adolph Bleick - Margaret Peters - Mar. 7, 1868.
Thomas Clark, Omaha, Nebr. - Christeina Gunter,
Chicago, III. - Mar. 6, 1868.
Charley Doll - Sina Miller - Mar. 9, 1868.
Harrison Jones - Mrs. Mary A. Mathis - Mar. 13, 1868.
Martiand Center - Mauce Morris - Mar. 17, 1868.
James B. Grigory - Hannah Spaeron - Mar. 18, 1868.
Joseph Walsh - Emilie Scholl - Mar. 18, 1868.
William Springer, Douglas Co., - Anna M. Endly, New
Lisbon, O. - Mar. 21, 1868.
Andrew Wiederkehr - A. Elizabeth Renfer - Mar. 22,
William Johnson - Anna Neilson - Mar. 22, 1868.
Charles Olson - Mary Steel - Mar. 23, 1868.
Charles Presser - Caroline Seiffert - Mar. 23, 1868.
Charles A. Phipps - Nora Vandersen - Mar. 27, 1868.
Thomas Lovey - Mariah Banks - Mar. 29, 1868.
Ezekiel R. Rogers, Shelby Co., Ia. - Marshea R.
Gentry, Shelby Co., Ia. Mar. 31, 1868.
William Connor, Evansville, Ind. - Martha E.
Studley, Omaha, Nebr. Apr. 1, 1868.
Stephen M. Douglas, Omaha, Nebr. - Clara B. Printz,
Cincinnati, O. - Apr. 2, 1868.
Marks J. Billiter - Rebecca M. Morris - Apr. 6,
James H. Dennis - Martha M. Miller - Apr. 6, 1868.
Harry Stebbins - Alice Harmon - Apr. 7, 1868.
John Lemke(d) - Margaret Aie - Apr. 8,
Antonio Cruz - Mrs. Catherine McDermot - Apr. 11, 1868.
Andrew G. Dahlstrom - Mary C. Soderberg - Apr. 13,
Lorenzo Hobbs - Adeline Douglas - Apr. 13, 1868.
Frederick Feederle - Mary Reiz - Apr. 13, 1868.
Peter Rank - Mary Khillian - Apr. 14, 1868.
Van M. Mackey, St. Joseph, Mo. - Lizzie Jones,
Omaha, Nebr. - Apr. 15, 1868.
John Miller - Ann Hughes - Apr. 16,1868.
William H. Fell - Mary Aumack - Apr. 17, 1868.
John Chalfant, Cass Co., Nebr. - Lena M. Genet,
Omaha, Nebr - Apr. 18, 1868.
(b) John M. Marston, son
of George H. Marston, was born at Deerfield, N. H., Feb. 13, 1835,
coming to Omaha in Nov. 1855. He married, Mar. 1, 1868, Miss
[sic] Elizabeth Abercrombie, a native of West Virginia. -
Same, p. 783.
(c) John Rush was born in Ireland, Sept. 8,
1843, and came to America in 1865. He was a school teacher and
served four years as County Superintendent of Schools in Douglas
County. In 1881 he was elected County Treasurer. Annie Elizabeth
Perry, his wife, was also a native of Ireland. - Same p. 794.
(d) John Lemke, b. 1842 in Germany, came to
America in 1864 and to Nebraska in 1867, settling at Millard. Mary
Aye, whom he married in 1868 was born in Germany in 1841. - Same,
p. 812.
Thomas Meldrum - Jenny H. P. Fleming - Apr. 20,
William Spencer - Emma V. Davis - Apr. 20,1868.
Austin W. Beales, Ft. Calhoun, Nebr. - Hannah Hall,
Florence Nebr. - Apr. 20, 1868.
Thomas Graham - Josephine Stockmire - Apr. 21, 1868.
Robert P. Sherwood - Mary E. Mason - Apr. 22, 1868.
Alexander J. Benk - Eliza Russell - Apr. 22, 1868.
John Flinn - Martha Ann Knight - Apr. 25, 1868.
Harrs Sorenson - Catherine Rasmussen - Apr. 29, 1868.
Peter Goos(e) - Lena Lamb - Mar. 31,
Eugene Sullivan - Honor Murphy - May 1, 1868.
Augustus Buchanan - E. Leverriae C. Petts - May 4,
William Lawrence - Kate M. Shull - May 5, 1868.
John Madden, Rockford, Ia. - Bridget Madden,
Rockford, Ia. - May 6, 1868.
Charles Stephenson - Martha Farrai - May 11, 1868.
J. B. Wells, Omaha, Nebr. - Mrs. C. R. Baker,
Columbus, Nebr. - May 12, 1868.
Thomas W. B. Smith - Annie Edmondson - May 18,
William Holliday, North Platte, Nebr. - Mrs. Grace
Gifford, Douglas Co., Nebr. - May 15, 1868.
John H. Witt - Sophia Meeves - May 15, 1868.
Ferdinand Cozzolo - Francis Kellogg - May 17, 1868.
Ephriam Edmonson - Sarah Anna Patterson - May 19, 1868.
Joseph Schmidt - Mrs. Victor Baurnester - May 19, 1868.
Jacob Simanek - Marie Bures - May 19, 1868.
Frederick Berhns - Ella Whalan - May 19, 1868.
Henry Bidings - Mrs. Ginnie Patterson - May 20, 1868.
Joseph Wright - Mrs. Harriet Cones - May 21, 1868.
Henry Jones (colored) - Mathilda Bradford (colored)
- May 21, 1868.
James Gardner - Charlotte Hess - May 21, 1868.
Nathaniel Woods - Mattie Lolles - May 22, 1868.
Michael Gleason - Ellen Brown - May 23, 1868.
Charles M. McDermott - Mary A. Hartnett - May 23, 1868.
Stephen A. Kopp - Flora A. Moon - May 25, 1868.
James Crupper - Mrs. Mary Jane Cutting - May 29, 1868.
Edward G. Ryley - Fredrika C. Kenzel - May 30, 1868.
Willis S. McNeleigh - Mary O'Grady - June 4, 1868.
Patrick C. Morgan - Ellen Mooney - June 4, 1868.
John A. Creighton - Sarah E. Wareham(f) - June
8, 1868.
William Mobing, Belleview, Nebr. - Mrs. Fanny E.
Stephanson, Belleview, Nebr. - June 12, 1868.
Philip Ballard, Crescent, Ia. - Nancy P. Boran,
Crescent, Ia. - June 15, 1868.
A. Y. Chapman - Mrs. Nettle Bird - June 20, 1868.
Joseph W. Major - Mary Gibbins - June 23, 1868.
Owen Keating - Mrs. Sarah E. Adams - June 23, 1868.
Edward Luckey - Mina Klinke - June 26, 1868.
Edward C. Butler - Mary B. Harris - June 27, 1868.
Andrews Anderson - Mary Mathewson - June 27, 1868.
G. W. Ferris, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Josephine
Warner, Council Bluffs, Ia. - June 27, 1868.
Charles Peterson - Lena Schroder - June 29, 1868.
(e) Peter Goos, b. 1838
in Germany, settled at Omaha in 1865. Lena Lamb was born in
Holstein, 1851. - Same, p. 770.
(f) Sarah Emily Wareham was the daughter of
David A. Wareham and was born at Dayton, 0., Oct. 17, 1840. Her
older sister, Mary Lucretia Wareham, had married Edward Creighton.
Creighton University was founded by a bequest left by Mrs. Edward
Creighton in 1876. Large gifts by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Creighton
have made Creighton University one of the strong educational
institutions of the west. -Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska,
II, pp. 448-455.
Eugene Kincaid Raymond, Omaha, Nebr. - Julia
Carpenter, New York - June 30, 1868.
William G. Froshle - Anna Sanser - June 30, 1868.
John Ellickson - Becckey Lundvall - July 1, 1868.
George H. Wheeler, Fennimore, Wis. - Emily A.
Murdock, Omaha, Nebr. - July 2, 1868.
Jochim Plambeck - Anna E. Wagemann - July 3, 1868.
William Gasby - Essie Ryan - July 5, 1868.
L. L. Orton, White Cloud, Kan. - Louisa N. Delaware,
Omaha, Nebr. - July 6, 1868.
Nicholas Dornecker - Henrietta Malcer - July 11, 1868.
Wylie Williams - Sarah Pace - July 11, 1868.
Asa Sylvester Huntoon - Columbia Helen Clegg - July 11,
George D. Appel - Ida Wilke - July 14, 1868.
G. H. Springmeyer - Hattie Turner - July 20, 1868.
William Campbell - Mary J. Eayrs - July 20, 1868.
Pompy Allen - Martha Alden - July 22, 1868.
Michael Hirt - Bridget Kirk - July 22, 1868.
Peter Peters - Mary Larson - July 27, 1868.
George Linde(g) - Eliza Lawson - July 31,
Jacob Meyers - Mrs. Mary Miller - Aug. 31, 1868.
Simon Shoaf - Minnie Davis - Aug. 28, 1868.
Joseph Short - Mrs. J. Downs - Aug. 24, 1868.
S. A. Denis - Eliza McLain - Aug. 24, 1868.
Frederick Bohn - Albertence Noelne - Aug. 22, 1868.
Olaf Nelson - Anna Anderson - Aug. 16, 1868.
Albert Phelan - Mary Dolan - Aug. 19, 1868.
John N. Story, Washington Co., Nebr. - Rebecca
Benbaker, Louis Co., Ia. - Aug. 14, 1868.
George W. Reading - Mary E. Kerstotter - Aug. 12, 1868.
George Arnold - Ellen Augusta Taylor - Aug. 12, 1868.
Henry R. Graham - Mary Grant - Aug. 10, 1868.
Charles Engel - Mina Timme - Aug. 8, 1868.
James F. Skinner - May Kenyon - Aug. 4, 1868.
Jacob E. Markel - Henrietta N. Corbin - Aug. 4, 1868.
Nels Swanson - Clara Swanson - Aug. 7, 1868.
Charles E. Parcel - Henrietta Whitford - Aug. 4, 1868.
Edward Stockman - Amanda M. Jones - Aug. 3,1868.
Hiram Jones - Mrs. Sarah Jane Morgan - Aug. 3, 1868.
George T. Howard - Clare King - Sept. 21, 1868.
John Thomas - Jennie M. Hunt - Sept. 21, 1868.
John H. Kilmer, Sarpy Co., Nebr. - Emma Hodson,
Harrison, Co., Ia. - Sept. 19, 1868.
George A. Miller - Mary N. Williamson - Sept. 18, 1868.
George W. West, Omaha, Nebr. - Adelia A. Jarvin,
Great Falls, N. H. - Sept. 19, 1868.
Martin Dunn - Mary Boyle - Sept. 17, 1868.
August Goebel - Carolin Jacobi - Sept. 14, 1868.
Dennis M. Kelloher - Jane McGrath - Sept. 14, 1868.
Hans Olsen - Ellen Larsen - Sept. 9, 1868.
Austo Hartman - Francisco Buncken - Sept. 9, 1868.
I. W. Peters, Sarpy Co., Nebr. - A. E. Gou, Sarpy
Co., Nebr. - Sept. 9, 1868.
Frank M. Kelley, Red Oak, Ia. - Adah H. Johnson,
Omaha, Nebr. - Sept. 8, 1868.
John N. Stiffler - Mary E. Fenk - Sept. 7, 1868.
Nathan C. Stottan - Rebbecca Retz - Sept. 6, 1868.
(g) George Linde, b. in
Russia 1839, came to America in 1864, and to Omaha in 1866. His
wife, Eliza Lewon, was born in Germany. - Andreas, History of
Nebraska, p. 780.
Phillips Family History. By Harry
Phillips, Watertown, Tenn. 1935. 242 pp. and Index. Price,
This volume deals with some of the descendants of
Joseph Phillips, who came from Wales in the 1750's and settled in
Chester County, Pennsylvania, chiefly the descendants of two
grandsons, John and Benjamin Phillips, who settled at Watertown,
Tennessee. Mr. Phillips, a man of legal training, seems to have
done a careful piece of work and has included considerable
material of historical interest. Certain chapters deal with
descendants named Bass, Cassetty, Grandstaff and Oakley. We need a
great many more genealogies dealing with the families of this
Illinois Census Returns, 1810, 1818.
Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol.
XXIV, Statistical Series, Vol. 11. Edited by Margaret Cross
Norton, Springfield, Ill., 1935. 210 pp. and introduction 24 pp.
and index.
Illinois Census Returns, 1820. Collections of
the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. XXVI, Statistical
Series, Vol Ill. Edited by Margaret Cross Norton, Springfield,
Ill., 1934. 360 pp. and Index.
The first volume contains the Federal Census for 1810,
and the Illinois State Census for 1818; the second volume contains
the Illinois State Census for 1820 with comparisons to the Federal
Census of that year. In these records the only names given are
those of heads of families and where two or more related families
were living together, as was often the case in a new country, only
one name, as a rule, was listed as head of the family. In the
later volume there is a comparison of the names in the State
census of 1818 and of 1820 with the names in the Federal Census of
1820. These volumes are fundamental both to the historian and to
the genealogist.
These records, found among a lot of waste
paper, had been removed from the family Bible of Governor David
Butler of Pawnee City, Nebraska. They are now in the custody of
the State Historical Library.
David C Butler was born Dec 16 in the year of our lord 1829
Mary, Paulina, Smith was born Oct. 28 in the year of our lord
Lydia Story was born Nov. 23rd 1837
David C Butler and Mary Paulina Smith was Maried Apri. 22th
David Butler and Lydia Story were married Jan. 25, 1860
Violet Nancy daughter of David and Lidia Butler was born Feb. 2nd.
George Ozias son of David and Lydia Butler was born Dec. 28th.
Violet Eliza-daughter of David and Lydia Butler was born - Dec
10th 1864
Born - Olive and Ozias - twins - children of David and Lydia
Butler June 10th 1867
David Seth Butler. Born May 26th 1869.
Darius Butler was born Feb 1 - 1873
Paul Butler was born Sept 1 - 1878.
Died - George Ozias Butler Son of David and Lydia Butler March 3rd
- 1864
Died Violet Nancy - Daughter of David & Lydia Butler March
13th 1864
Died - Olive Butler twin June 22nd, 1868 Aged 1 year and 12
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Ted & Carole Miller