NEGenWeb Project
Resource Center
OLLibrary, Journals
Vol. XV
No. 3-4
Edited by RAYMOND E.
Nebraska Historical Library, Lincoln, Nebraska
This enumeration was signed, under oath,
October 10, 1855; by Jas. C. Dellett.
[p. 1] Anselon Arnold(a),
b. in Vt., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 f. 16 up.; 2 f.
und. 16.
G. W. Nevell, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f.
16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Chas. D. Davis, b. in 0., farmer; 7 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Wm. Moore(a), b. in Va., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 4 f. und.
E. J. Humphries(b), b. in England,
farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; not declared
James Craig, b in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Wm. Shipley, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.;
1 m. 16 up.; 5 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 14.
----- Bone, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Thos. Lowe, b. in England, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Wm. Conner(a), b. in Ireland,
farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Jno. Root & others, b. in Ia., farmer; 4 m. 21
Adam Biglet, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Jos. Blackwood, b. in S. C., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
(a) Listed in the
1854 Census for the Sixth District. - Nebraska and Midwest
Genealogical Record, Vol. XIII, pp. 34-36.
(b) Edmund Humphries, b. Feb. 4,
1820, Somerset, England, m. 1849, Anna Gordon, Devonshire,
England. He came to America in 1854 and to Nebraska the next year.
Andreas, History of Nebraska, p. 1473.
[p. 1] E. S. Mecham, b. in Germany,
farmer; 4 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16;
not declared intention.
Geo. Martyn, b. in 0., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
C. Cachlin, b. in France, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Jesse T. Davis(c), b. in Va., farmer; 2 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
H. Crits, b. in Pa., landlord; 5 m. 21 up., 1 a German who
has not declared intention; 1 m. und. 16;
1 f. 16 up.
Stephen Cass, b. in N. Y., Judge of Probate; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Z. Jackson (d), b. in Pa., laborer; 2 m. 21 up.;
1 f. 16 up.
Robt. Roe, b. in Ireland, laborer; 1 m. 21 up.
P. C. Sullivan(e), b. in N. Y., attorney; 1 m.
21 up.; 3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
E. H. Sullivan, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
A. Phinney(a), b. in N. Y., M. D.; 3 m. 21 up.;
2 m. 16 up.
Coon Hawes, b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 4 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Benj. Bliss, b. in 0., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
E. P. Stout & others - - - - - -; 4 m. 21 up.
West & Harper; - - - - - -; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16;
2 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
[p.2] John P. Williams, b. in Va - - - - - - ; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
J. W. Damon, b. in 0., artist; 1 m. 21 up.
Orrin Rhodes, b. in Va., farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.;
1 f. und. 16.
Thos. Allan, b. in Va., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16;
2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Danl Sawyer, b. in 0., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1
f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
[p. 2] Jno. Thorp, [not legible]; 2 m.
21 up.
C. M. Hamilton, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
P. G. Cooper, b. in Canada, Judge of Probate; 1 m. 21 up.;
2 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.;
3 f. und. 16.
Josiah Boyes, [not legible], farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1
m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 3 f. und. 16.
Thos. Hungate, b. in 0., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.
L. Greenman, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. und. 16.
H. D. Rose, b. In Conn., farmer; 2 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.;
3 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Wm. Pate, 2m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
(c) Jesse T. Davis, b. in Marion
Co., (W.) Va., located at Omaha in 1854, and settled at De Soto in
1855. He later removed to Blair. - Ibid, pp. 1468, 1473.
(d) Z. Jackson, established the De Soto Enquirer
in 1858. - Ibid, p. 1473.
(e) Porter Charles Sullivan, b. July 4, 1823,
Syracuse, N. Y., married Rhoda Ann Wilson in Mich. In 1855 he
settled in Nebraska being one of the founders of De Soto.
He was Speaker of the Second Territorial Assembly. In 1858 he
established the Washington County Sun and a few months later moved
to Wyoming. - Watkins, History of Nebraska, I, pp.
This enumeration was signed, under oath,
October 11, 1855, by John W. Pattison.
[p. 1] William H. Davis(a)(b), b. in
Pa., merchant; 2 m. 21 up.; 2 m. 16 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 3 f. 16
4 f. und. 16.
John Batie, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m.
16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 5 f. und. 16.
John H. Francis, b. in Ala., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. und.
16; 1 f. 16 up.
Christian H. Lieser(c), b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.
James Poff, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
J. W. Richardson (a) (c), b. In N. Y., Judge
Probate Court; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16 up.
Michael J. McDonald, b. in Ireland, sailmaker; 1 m. 21
Isaac Underwood(d), b. In N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Harlow I. Carpenter(d), b. in N. Y., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
Walter W. Keep(a)(c), b. in N. Y., printer; 1 m.
21 up.
Theodore F. Keep, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Richard Williams, b. in N. C., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Gabriel P. Lawson, b. in Ky., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Francis W. Fox, b. in R. I., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Samuel A. Whittier(a)(b), b. in Me., farmer; 2
m. 21 up.; 3 f. 16 up.
Erastus A. McNeely(a)(e), b. in 0., brick
moulder; 1 m. 21 up.
John R. Cramer(a)(d), b. in Pa., carpenter; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
John H. Sprick(a)(f), b. in Germany, farmer; 1
m. 21 up.
Helmon H. Horner, b. in Germany, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
William M. Kline(a), b. in Pa., farmer; 1 m. 21
Willis Carr, b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Albert T. Chapin(b), b. in N. Y., surveyor; 1 m.
21 up.
Samuel A. Francis(a)(g), b. in Ala., farmer; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Silas J. Francis(g), b. In Ky., clergyman; 1 m.
21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Henry L. Bancroft, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Samuel Lemaree, b. in Pa., farmer; 3 m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16
Thomas Gibson(a)(b)(h), b. in England, editor; 1
m. 21 up.; 6 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Robert Humphrey, b. in Va., teacher; 1 m. 21 up.
Samuel M. V. Gurnsey, b. in N. Y., laborer; 1 m. 21 up.
[p. 2] Samuel Strickland, b. in Conn., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Charles Walker, b. in Vt., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Rufus Beall(a), b. in N. Y., farmer; 1 m. 21
John Evans(b)(i), b. in Md., merchant; 1
m. 21 up.; 2 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.;
(a) Drew 160 acres of land and 2
town lots in drawing held at Fontenelle, May 3, 1855. - Verne C.
Fuhlrodt, Pioneer History of Fontenelle, Nebr., a master's
thesis, pp. 143-4.
(b) Thomas Gibson, William H. Davis, A. T.
Chapin, J. Evans, Samuel Whittier and L. R. Cambell put up the
first flour mill early in 1856. - Ibid, p. 64.
(c) Listed in the 1854 Census as living at
Fontenelle. - Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record,
Vol. XIII, pp. 32-33.
(d) Harlow Carpenter, John Cramer and Isaac
Underwood had the first brick yard in 1855. - Fuhlrodt, p. 62.
(e) Erastus G. McNeely soon removed to Omaha. -
Morton-Watkins, History of Nebraska, Vol. I, p. 259.
(f) Henry Sprick, b. Mar. 1, 1826, in
Westphalia, Germany, came to America in 1853 and to Fontenelle in
1855. He married, Mar. 1858, Sophia, dau. of Henry Wilkening of
Quincy, Ill. - Ibid, Vol. I, p. 755. He was primarily responsible
for making Fontenelle a German settlement. - Fuhlrodt, pp.
(g) Silas and Samuel Francis, brothers, built
the first saw mill at Fontenelle early in 1856, in which Henry C.
Lemon was the engineer. - Fuhlrodt, p. 59.
(h) Thomas Gibson, b. 1819, Derby, England, came
to America in 1839. He m. Sarah Wehldale in 1839. - Watkins, Vol.
I, p. 277. In 1859 Thomas Gibson removed to Denver and established
the Rocky Mountain News. - Andreas, History of Nebraska, p.
(i) John Evans, b. Mar. 31, 1822, Baltimore,
Md., son of Joseph Evans, came to Fontenelle in 1855, where he was
a lawyer, physician, and surveyor. - Watkins, Vol. 1, pp.
3 f. und. 16.
J. Henry Peters(a), b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 2 m. und. 16; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. und. 16.
Edward Charlis, b. in England, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16
Rufus Brown, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 2 f. 16 up.
Eli R. Doyle (a), b. in S. C., U. S. marshall; 1
m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 2 f. and. 16.
H. C. Lemon(g), b. in Ky., engineer; 1 m. 21
up.; 2 m. und. 16.
Thomas Davis, b. in Ill., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 m. 16 up.;
1 m. und. 16; 2 f. 16 up.
John W. Pattison (a), b. in Conn., deputy U. S.
marshall; 1 m. 21 up.
James Bradley(j), b. in Pa., district judge; 1
m. 21 up.
[p. 2] Henry Wright, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21
J. Scott, b. in 0., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
Samuel N. Fifield(k), b. in N. H., farmer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.
James Ellis, b. in Mo., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Augustus Buckston, b. in Mass., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Washington De Kay, b. in Mass., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
William A. Jones, b. in Va., farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
Granville M. Dodge(k), b. in Vt., engineer; 1 m.
21 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Sylvanus Dodge(k), b. in Vt., farmer; 1 m. 21
up.; 1 m. 16 up.; 1 f. 16 up.; 1 f. und. 16.
Charles Nibblins, b. in Sweden, painter; 1 m. 21 up.
George M. Mayfield, farmer; 1 m. 21 up.
George S. Eayre, hunter and trapper; 1 m. 21 up.
The abstract of the Census of 1855 shows that
Burt County had 89 inhabitants, Dakota County 86 inhabitants and
the Half Breed Tract 157 inhabitants. The manuscripts for these
areas have not been found.
(j) James Bradley, b. Aug. 19,
1810, Chester Co., Pa., m. Mar. 24, 1842, Anna Maria Reid. He came
to Nebr. in 1854, but probably did not bring his family as they
are not included here. - Ibid, Vol. 1, pp. 170-1.
(k) Sylvanus Dodge, b. Nov. 25, 1801, Rowley,
Mass., m. Nov. 25, 1827, Julia T. Phillips of the same town. He
visited Nebraska in 1854 and his son Grenville secured claims in
the fall of that year. Sylvanus Dodge settled in Nebr. in Apr.
1855. S. N. Fifield, on an adjoining claim operated the ferry
across the Elkhorn. - Ibid, Vol. I, pp. 638-40.
Compiled by Vera F. Rasmussen, Omaha, Nebr., assisted by
Mary Clark.
[Continued from Vol. XIV, p. 23.]
Stephen F. McIntyre - Mary C. Whipp - Sept. 5,
Trueman W. Wilcox - Mrs. Amanda Luellin - Sept. 5,
Henry S. Stitt - Mrs. Mariah L. Kerns - Sept. 4, 1868.
Alfred M. Beck - Minie C. Dudley - Sept. 2, 1868.
J. H. Pleasent, Williamstown, Mo. - Ettle Markel,
Williamstown, Mo. -Sept. 2, 1868.
Samuel S. Pollock - Emma Knight - Sept. 2, 1868.
William Johnson, Council Bluffs, Ia., - A. Le Gee,
Council Bluffs, Ia. -Sept. 1, 1868.
Daniel Gilmore - Elizabeth Leadbetter Beckwith - Sept. 1,
H. P. C. Frederickson Rockger - Betty Swanson - Oct. 1,
Abram L. Sheppard - Mary A. Ryan - Oct. 1, 1868.
Charles A. Jackson - Ennie Nolan - Oct. 1, 1868.
Henry Eggers - Caroline Boess - Oct. 2, 1868.
Michael I. Kenney - Stella Bailey - Oct. 2, 1868.
David W. Gillespie - Mary E. Dyer - Oct. 3,
John Leibut - Francis Neidermier - Oct. 7, 1868.
Solomen A. Snow - Anna R. Harned - Oct. 8, 1868.
Francis J. Schub - Levince Petts - Oct. 6, 1868.
James H. Rosell - Anna Antony - Oct. 8, 1868.
Ashton Clemins(a) - Philicia J. Pickerd -
Oct. 10, 1868.
Edward E. Balch - Lizzey Stewart - Oct. 12, 1868.
William R. Cross - Sarah Jane Church - Oct. 16, 1868.
George Herzog - Hedwig Laski - Oct. 17, 1868.
Edward J. Dellone - Odile Sanvier - Oct. 18, 1868.
Paul Baitch - Dorette Gesiger - Oct. 19, 1868.
John Frenzer - Mary O'Connor - Oct. 19, 1868.
John S. Fuller - Elizabeth H. Day - Oct. 19, 1868.
Joseph T. Rice - Abbie Brown - Oct. 22, 1868.
Milow Strong - Annie Rose - Oct. 24, 1868.
Peter Anderson - Christena Anderson - Oct. 26, 1868.
J. Lemuel Foster, Yankton Co., Dak. - Nancy C.
Randall, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Oct. 26, 1868.
George Lanpher - Luchia Lanning - Oct. 28, 1868.
J. W. Rodebank - Emma M. Springer - Oct. 28, 1868.
David Armstrong, Sarpy Co., Nebr. - Mrs. Loiza
Putman, Omaha, Nebr. - Oct. 29, 1868.
Jeremiah O'Connor - Mary Kelly - Nov. 2, 1868.
Samuel Holman - Angie H. Boquet - Nov. 2, 1868.
George Patterson - Mrs. Kate Smith - Nov. 3, 1868.
Christian P. Dueholm - Magdaline Holst - Nov. 6, 1868.
Albert S. Flood - Lizzie H. Evans - Nov. 7, 1868.
Jan Patersen - Mrs. Albertina Danilson - Nov. 7, 1868.
John Lindsay - Ellen Kearney - Nov. 7, 1868.
Jacob Frank - Coelestine Seeman - Nov. 9, 1868.
Jerimiah Heitman - Anna Kaclikova - Nov. 9, 1868.
Nelse G. Ryberg - Johanna Anderson - Nov. 10, 1868.
Adam Bauman - Barbara Boss - Nov. 10, 1868.
Augustus S. Wright - Mrs. Helen C. Doering - Nov. 11,
R. H. Dwone, Hamburg, Ia. - Anna S. Streeter, Omaha,
Nebr. - Nov. 10, 1868.
E. Johnson - L. B. Rowe - Nov. 11, 1868.
Arthur C. Bartholomew - Charlotte Flockie - Nov. 13,
Charles Howard - Mary A. Durkin - Nov. 17, 1868.
John Lewis - Mrs. Charity Turner - Nov. 19, 1868.
William Andre - Doratha Hansen - Nov. 19, 1868.
William Coulter - Catherine Gross - Nov. 20, 1868.
J. T. Grover, Elkhorn, Nebr. - Mary E. Leach,
Elkhorn, Nebr. - Nov. 20, 1868.
Lawrence Manning - Sarah Kelley - Nov. 21, 1868.
Nicholas Maack - Helen Gergenson - Nov. 23, 1868.
Thomas Swobe - Alzina Scott - Nov. 25, 1868.
Seith T. Cole(b) - Justine C. Majo - Nov.
21, 1868.
John A. Lucas - Rachael A. Turner - Nov. 28, 1868.
Edward Burk - Julia N. Burke - Nov. 30, 1868.
Jacob Lendaimer - Mrs. Mary Hoffman - Dec. 1, 1868.
Charles Gay - Annie Palmer - Dec. 2, 1868.
Patrick O'Donnel - Eliza Thompson - Dec. 4, 1868.
Henry Siert - Anna Satoius - Dec. 5, 1868.
Henry Smith - Mary Frank - Dec. 7, 1868.
(a) Ashton Clemens, b. in
Penna., came to Nebr. in 1859. He married Miss Philicia J.
Pickard, who was b. in Ind., reared in Nebr. - Andreas, History
of Nebraska, p. 808.
(b) Seth T. Cole, b. in New York City, Apr, 22,
1843, settled in Omaha, 1868, and married the same year Miss
Justin C. Majo, from Milwaukee, Wis. - Ibid, p. 761.
J. E. Holland - Mary D. Grace - Dec. 7, 1868.
Chas, H. Lightner - Eva Bruce - Dec. 11, 1868.
Nicholas Reichern - Catherine Teitgen - Dec. 14, 1868.
W. R. Bowen(c) - Lila M. Storrs - Dec.
14, 1868.
Earl A. Hodges, Mills Co., Ia. - Minnie L. Stroud,
Mills Co., Ia. - Dec. 16, 1868.
Charles Sellick - Mary Louisa Pashly - Dec. 17, 1868.
Burchard Whitcomb, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Melissa M.
Johnson, Council Bluffs, Ia. - Dec. 17, 1868.
Preston Bolan - Adaline Connell - Dec. 17, 1868.
Charles Peacock - Martha Wood - Dec. 21, 1868.
Oliver C. Ludlow, Omaha, Nebr. - Mrs. Mary J. Chase,
Independence, Ia. Dec. 21, 1868.
William Helms, St. Louis, Mo. - Mrs. Henrietta
Deynike, Omaha, Nebr. Dec. 23, 1868.
Winslow A. Greene, Onawa, Nebr. - Julia A. Sanford,
Omaha, Nebr. - Dec. 23, 1868.
George T. Hall - Sarah Ford - Dec. 23, 1868.
Frank Walter - Louisa Jungstrom - Dec. 24, 1868.
James M. Knapp - Renhanna McCrea - Dec. 24, 1868.
Edwin M. Searle(d), Alkali, Nebr. -
Eliza J. Gifford, Alkali, Nebr. - Dec. 24, 1868.
John Peter Martis - Therissa Dish - Dec. 28, 1868.
Anton Jansen - Anna Namaseh - Dec. 30, 1868.
James Pollard - Fanny Hay - Dec. 31, 1868.
Charles Gankle - Mary Fousek - Dec. 31, 1868.
[End of Book 1.]
(c) William Roberts Bowen, b.
Coatesville, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 4, 1836, son of hn Stevenson
and Annette (McWilliams) Bowen, came to Washington Co., Nebr., in
ay, 1857, and married Lila Storrs in 1868. - Morton-Watkins,
History of Nebraska, II, 396.
(d) Edwin M. Searle, b. in New York State, was
telegraph operator on the Union Pacific Railway at Alkali (now
Paxton), Nebr.
Contributed by Mrs. Nelson C. Phillips, Freeport,
These records are from a Bible inscribed,
"Willet Gardner's Book." It has an engraved frontispiece of the
Virgin Mary and the Child and these words: "Engraved for Collins's
Quarto Bible, Fourth Edition, 1816." On the opposite page is
found: "Collins's Stereotyped Edition. Stereotyped by B. & J.
Collins, New York New York: Printed and Sold by Collins & Co.
1816" The records are copied page by page though they do not
always follow chronologically. The first three records are on the
half page below the last verses of Malachi.
[Page 1.]
Joseph Gardner Was Born the 7th of September
1747(a). Departed this Life December the 15 day 1816 in
the 70th year of his age.
Benjamin Gardner Was Born the 7th of September 1747(a).
Departed this Life August the 12th 1825 Aged 77 years.
Lydia Gardner Was Born the 13th of December 17 (torn] Departed
this life July the 18th 1834
(a) In the case of both these twins, 1748 was
first written and then changed to 1747.
[Page 2.](b) Grand children
Otis G. C. Parker [?] Born the 29 of April 1827
Clementine E. Alle [? ]
Augusta Parker Born June 1839
Lidia M. Sanford Born 25 Day of November, 1839
Clementine S. Allee was born 1867
Harrison S. Gardner
Ophelia [ ? ] 1843
Lillie E. Gardner born May 16 1865
[ ? ] Z. Gardner born Sept. 7,
Harrison Sanford Gardiner Son of Alonzo & Sally Gardner Born
September 13th 1840
Harrison S. Gardner and Ophelia C. Norris were married May 11th
Above's child Lillie E. was born May 16, 1865
Lemiz [?] Zelma Gardner was Born Sept. 7, 1872
On the margin of a page whereon is found a tiny
bunch of pressed flowers, there is this record:
Frances Zelma Dee(c) was born in Cedar Springs March
31, 1892.
[Page 3.] Marriages
Willet & Abigail Gardner married December the 15th 1796
Their Children
Benjamin and Anne Eliza was Married March 16th 1819
William Park[er ?] and Deborah was Married 23 December
1835 [Third numeral not certain.]
Benjamin Allee and Miss Minarva P. Gardner Married August the 31
day 1836
Daniel W. Gardner and Mary [?] yon was marid the 9th day
of February 1837
Willet Alonzo Harington. [?] Gardner and Sally was Married
the 8 day of March 1839
Cyrenus Sanford & Louisa A. Gardner was Married 8 of March
Harrison G. 0. Gardner & Elizabeth F. was Married July 17th
Nicholas S. and Sarah C. Gardner was Married July the 4 1842
Sallie S. Gardner died Jany. 1870
Lucy A. Gardner died Feby. 3, 1893.
Harrison Sanford Gardner died Aug. 21, 1893
[Page 4.]
Nicholas Gardiner Esq. Born Mar. 2, 1738. Departed this life
June the 6th, 1815
Deborah Gardnier his Wife Born March the 15th 1740. Departed this
life May the 23d 1813.
The Above's Children(d)
Honour Gardinier Born January 3, 1763. Departed this life May
the 17th [torn]
Vincent Gardner Born December 9th, 1764
Elizabeth Gardner Born April 10, 1767
Nicholas Gardner, Born August 11, 1769 Departed this life Dec 27,
Beriah Gardner, Born Nouvember 16, 1771
Willet Gardner, Born February 13th, 1774. Died Feb. 17, 1856, aged
82 years.
Elizabeth Gardner the 2nd, Born the 6th of October, 1776
Benjamin C. Gardner, Born April the 27th, 1779
[Page 5.]
Daniel Gardner Born February 18th, 1746. Departed this life
November the 28th, 1807 aged 61 years.
(b) The records on this page were written in
pencil and are mostly illegible.
(c) She was the child of Lena Gardner and Frank
(d) See Vital Records, Exeter, R. I.
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Ted & Carole Miller