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Figuring this on a price basis (Lincoln prices for December 1, 1917), 1 qt. of milk at 14 cents a quart is worth as much as 27 cents worth of eggs; 48 cents worth of chicken; 23 cents worth of sirloin steak; 24 cents worth of English walnuts; 22 cents worth of cabbage; $1.22 worth of asparagus; 82 cents worth of tomatoes; 23 cents worth of fish; 83 cents worth of oysters; 15 cents worth of bananas; 23 cents worth of oranges.
ONE POUND OF BUTTER--on energy basis equals--
3 loaves wheat bread |
34.3 lbs. tomatoes |
11.6 lbs. (16 av. size) potatoes |
34.3 lbs. asparagus |
40 lbs. lettuce |
3 1/2 doz. eggs |
4 lbs. sirloin steak |
8 qts. oysters |