The regents of the University have also
entrusted to their charge the United States Experiment
Courses in University Extension, including
Farmers' Institutes.
There is also affiliated with the
University a School of Music and one of Art, in which,
pending the opening of the College of Fine Arts, instruction
is given in every grade of instrumental and vocal music, and
in drawing, painting, wood carving, modeling, etching, and
the history of art.
Pending the establishment of a geological
and natural history survey and the development of other
boards by the state, members of the University faculty are,
by appointment of the governor and the legislature, acting
state botanist, acting state chemist, acting state
entomologist, acting state geologist, acting state
THE GRADUATE SCHOOL.--In each of the
colleges there are advanced courses of study leading to
second degrees; These courses are open to graduates of any
college upon the presentation of their diplomas, provided
the administering council of the school is satisfied that
they are prepared to enter upon work.
THE ARTS contains the classical, English, literary, and
philosophical groups of studies, leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Arts. Ordinarily a student would need to be in
residence for four years.
The INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE, embracing the
Colleges of Agriculture, Practical Science, Civil
Engineering, and the Mechanic Arts, contains the
agricultural, biological, chemical, physical, civil
engineering, electrical and steam engineering, general
scientific, and mathematical-physi-