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Farmers' Directory of Salt Creek Precinct
Abbreviations: Sec., section; ac., acres; Wf., wife; ch., children; ( ), years in county; O., owner; R., renter.
Bailey, W. P. Ch. Jennie, W. P. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., see. 25. (35.) Baldwin, W. F. Wf. Sylda; ch. Harvey, Lola, Floyd, Willie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 17. (3.) Owner, Hugo Wighorn. Barrow, J. \V. Wf. Maude; ch. Hattie M. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 24, and 40 ac., sec. 23. (27.) Bauers, Carl F. Wf. Juliana; ch. Wilhelma, Ida, William, Alvin, Carl, August, Annie, Albert, Helma, Ed. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 35. (34.) Owner, B. H. Schroder. Baurs, William. Wf. Augusta; ch. Amanda, Herman, Anna, Emma, Hattie, Harold, Henry. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. R. 120 ac., sec. 36. (24.) Owner, Henry Gakemier. Boiler, Herman. Wf. Gertrude; ch. Oliver, Ashley. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (2.) Bricker, Harry. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 120 ac., sec. 22, and 120 ac., sec. 14. (10.) Owners, D. C. Craig and J. J. Roberts. Cann, C. C. Wf. Edna. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 140 ac., sec. 33. (28.) Owner, Olaf Olsen. Cann, Edwin. Wf. Bessie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2 R. 1. ac., sec. 35, and 160 ac., sec. 11, in Greenwood Prec. (30.) Owner, Mrs. V. D. Cann. Clymer, ;J-. C. Wf. Lulu; ch. Clark. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 70 ac., sec. 32. (32.) Clymer, R. E. Wf. Edna; ch. John, Louis. P. O. Greenwood. O. 80 ac., sec. 33, and 5.85 ac., sec. 20. (33.) Coleman, J. L. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 120 ac., sec. 29, and 40 ac., sec. 32. (49.) Creamer, Lee. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 27. (22.) Owner, Olaf Olsen. Dean, Whitney. Wf. Mary; ch. Arley, Mable, Edith, Stella, Albert, Katherine, Drusila, Ernest, Alton, Pearl. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 14. (16.) Duerr, P. F. Wf. Anna; ch. John, Stella. P. O. South Bend, R.. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 13. (44.) Etheredge, Fred. Wf. Daisy; ch. Mable, Helen. P. O. Greenwood. O. 1 ac., sec. 32, and R. 65 ac., sec. 32. (57.) Owner, Clymer Est. Fulmer, C. D. Wf. Mary; ch. Dalton, Woodrow. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 100 ac., sec. 33. (28.) Geary, Will. Wf. Ellen; ch. Emma, Alice, Ed. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., see. 32. (11.) Owner, Kittie Jeary. Goodlellow, F. H. Wf. Ida B.; ch. Sidney, Helen. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., see. 26, and 80 ac., sec. 25. (16.) Gray, S. H. Wf. Eva; ch. Leto, Martin. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 33. (16.) Owner, Mrs. Coleman. Harmstrong, E. Wf. Esther; ch. Dorothy. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. R. 235 ac., see. 31. (27.) Owner, Will Armstrong. Harris, V. D. Wf. Neal; ch. Nina, Bessie, Ellen, Everett. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. O. 80 ac., see. 13. (45.) Highshoe, Earl. Wf. Lena; ch. Archie, Elsie, Raymond. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 21. (28.) Owner, O. F. Peters.
Hillman, R. E. Wf. Alta; ch. Lloyd. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (1/2.) Hohenshell, A. H. Wf. Anna; ch. Nellie, May. P. O. Ashland, Box 425. O. 320 ac., sec. 23. (50.) - Jeffery, Arthur. Wf. Lillian; ch. Lola, WIlma. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 14, and 40 ac., sec. 23. (3.) Keller, Gill. Wf. Mary; ch. Ila, Ellen, Clifford Otto. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 120 ac., sec. 23. (28.) Owner, R. A. Johnson. Keller, Roy W. Wf. Frankie. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. R. 200 ac., sec. 24. (28.) Owner, G. W. Keller. Kelley, M. C. Wf. Mary; ch. Ed. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 30, and 80 ac., sec. 19. (30.) Kelley, P. D. Wf. Elsie; ch. Irene, Lucile. P. O. Ureenwood, R. 2. R. 120 ac., sec. 20. (21.) Owner, Dan Kelley. Kellouge, Arthur. Wf. Lucy; ch. Clara, Marian, Alice, Jay. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 25, and 80 ac., sec. 36. (42.) Owner, H. F. Reed. Kirker, John. Wf. Hattie; ch. Violet, Nellie, Irene, Ernest, Lizzie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 77.50 ac., sec. 15. (53.) Kyle, G. H. Wf. Ida; ch. Raymond. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. R. 200 ac., sec. 30. (8.) Owner, Boston Inv. Co. Lambert, John. Wf. Mable; ch. Raymond, Willis, Wilson. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 114.10 ac., sec. 28, and 108 ac., sec. 29, and 40 ac., sec. 33. (1,4.) Landon, Eminet A. Wf. Lula; ch. Wayne. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. O. 200 ac., sec. 18. (39.) Laughlin, John W. Wf. Mabel; ch. Sedrich. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 118.88 ac., sec. 15, and O. 40 ac., sec. 15, in Greenwood Prec. (36.) Owners, Clinton and Oscar C. Laughlin. Laughlin, Louis. Wf. Illiff; ch. Margaret, Annie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 22. (29.) |
Laughlin, W. F. Wf. Nellie; ch. Ernest. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 115 ac., sec. 22. (31.) Lemon, ,J. C. Wf. Helen; ch. Lorenzo, Leona, Francis, Harold. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 26, and 80 ac., sec. 27, and 40 ac., sec. 36 (40.) Livingston, John. Wf. Harriet; ch. Earl, Glenn, Francis. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 154 ac., sec. 15. (42.) Loder, Hulda. Ch. Guy, Glenn, Maggie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. O. 40 ac., sec. 32, and 80 ac., sec. 31, and 40 ac., sec. 20. (65.) Marshall, Grauville. Wf. Ella; ch. Ethel, Susie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., see. 21. (30.) Owner, L. V. Sheffer. Mathis, C. A. Wf. Margaret; ch. Marvin, Frank, Lucile, Fanny, Susie, Edna, Cora, Elmer. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (52.) McClelland, W. J-. P. O. Greenwood, H. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 13. (34.) McCreight, A. J. Wf. Alice; ch. Florence, Ethel. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 25. (20.) McDawell, N. Ch. Emery, Ethel, Elton, Alice, Harry, Ralph. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 26, and 80 ac., sec. 23. (8.) Meinsen, Henry W. Wf. Minnie; ch. Lorenz, Blanche. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 15. (26.) Meyers, Henry. Wf. Teddy; ch. John, William, George, Louis, Henry, Blanche, Roy, Ralph. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 17, and 160 ac., sec. 29. (26.) Miller, H. Wf. Josephine; ch. Lela, John, William, George, Chase. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 26. (s.) Mowrey, L. M. Wf. Addie; ch. Opal. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (36.) Nichols, Geo. Wf. Fanny; ch. Ross, Bernice, Edith, Bessie, Harold. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 34, and 160 ac., sec. 35. (35.) Nichols, John. Wf. Leona; ch. Clinton, Earl, John, Sarah, Elsie, Harry, Isa, Florence, Viola. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 26, and 120 ac., sec. 27, and 40 ac., sec. 22. (17.) Nichols, Ross. Wf. Fanny; ch. Thelma, Helen, Anna. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 35. (31.) Owner, Geo. Nichols. Pailing, W. E. Wf. Maggie; ch. Orm, Sterling, Maro, Arthur, Gerald, Walter, Anna. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 32. (57.) Parks, F. C. Wf. Florence; ch. Lulu, Addie, Grace, Carl, Pearl, Sedwick, Daisy, Mattie. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 24. (47.) Parks, S. R. Wf. Gladys; ch. Neil, John. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 14, and O. 40 ac., sec. 13. (24.) Owner, A. Laverty. Parsell, Harry. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 120 ac., sec. 22. (33.) Peters, O. F. Wf. Elsie; ch. Bernice, Marie, Rex, Leo, Harriet, Grant, Glenn, Norman. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 320 ac., sec. 17, and 160 ac., sec. 20. (2.) Pollard, Chas. Wf. Frances; ch. Lucile. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. 0 80 ac., see. 19. (16.) Reece, Arthur. Wf. Mabel; ch. Everett, Lucile. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 120 ac., sec. 27. (29.) Owner, E. K. Reece. Reed, II. F. Wf. Martha; ch. Luch. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 25, and 80 ac., sec. 36. (39.) Roberts, Clifford. Wf. Esther; ch. Dorothy. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 21. (2.) Owner, J. W. Stewart. Rouse, Urbin. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 28, and 40 ac., sec. 3. (28.) Owner, George Pearson. Sake, Adam. Wf. Sarah; ch. Andrew, Stava, Ada, John, Joe, Bill. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 19. (1.) Sayles, Oliver. Wf. Bell; ch. Ohla. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. R. 280 ac., sec. 19. (37.) Owner, Boston Inv. Co. Schuster, G. W. Wf. Myrtle; ch. George, John. P. O. Greenwood, R. 1. R. 320 ac., sec. 18. (8.) Owner, John Pollard. Sherman, Clem. Wf. Bertha; ch. Merle. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 14, and 65 ac., sec. 15. (1/2.) Sherman, O. P. Wf. Emila. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 21, and 79 ac., sec. 22. (1/2.) Owner, H. D. Coleman. Stander, Chas. Wf. Mary; ch. Paul, Lena, Carl, Agnes, Fred, Lucy, Isabelle, Robert, William, Peter, Leo. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 400 ac., sec. 16. (27.) Strate, Paul. Wf. Mary. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 28, and 80 ac., sec. 27. (35.) Streeter, G. M. Ch. George. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 34. (10.) Owner, G. Johnson. Swansen, Ben. Wf. Ellen; ch. Alleta, Pearl, Rose. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 28. (9.) Owner, N. O. Coleman. Waitzel, Gustav. Wf. Selma; ch. Greta. P. O. Greenwood, H. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (30.) Ward, V. C. Wf. Mabel; ch. Doris. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 27. (1/2.) Owner, Earland Nichols. Welder, W. Wf. Willa; ch. Nellie, Fern, Maybelle. P. O. Greenwood, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 13. (40.) Willis, G. S. Wf. Cora M. P. O. South Bend, R. 1. R. 200 ac., sec. 24. (22.) Owner, E. E. Thayer. |
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