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Bibliography Larned's History for Ready Reference, 6 vols.
Harper's Encyclopædia of United States
Channing and Hart's Guide to the Study of
History, 10 vols.
American History (1492-1865)
Mace's Method in History
Adams' Manual of Historical Literature
Richardson's Messages, etc., of the Presi-
References in Winsor's Narrative and Criti-
dents (1789-,901), 10 vols.
cal History of America, 8 vols.
Hart's Source Book of American History
Foster's References to United States His-
Hart's American History told by Contem-
poraries, 4 vols.
Lamed's Literature of American History
Stevenson's Poems of American History
Lane and Hill's American History in Liter-
Historical Geography, Territorial Expan- ature
sion, Physiography, and Maps Appleton's Annual Cyclopædia (1876-1902)
Hart's Epoch Maps of the United States
Poole's Index to Reviews
(no text)
Index to Congressional Documents
Scribner's Statistical Atlas of the United
The American Historical Review
States (1880)
The Magazine of American History
MacCoun's Historical Geography of the
The Magazine of Western History
United States (revised edition)
Harper's First Century of the Republic
Gannett's Boundaries of the States (no
The North American Review for 1876 (First
Century of the Republic)
Shaler's United States, 2 vols.
Appleton's Cyclopædia of American Biog-
Semple's American History and its Geo-
raphy, 6 vols.
graphic Conditions
The National Cyclopædia of American Bi-
Hitchcock's Louisiana Purchase
ography, 12 vols.
Austin's Steps in the Expansion of our
Sparks' American Biography, 25 vols.
*Morse's American Statesmen, 25 vols.
Hulbert's Historic Highways (Roads and
*Scudder's American Commonwealths, 13
Waterways), 16 vols.
*Howe's The Beacon Biographies of Emi-
Works of Reference nent Americans, 15 vols.
*Oberholtzer's American Crisis Biographies,
Macdonald's Select Charters of American
25 vols.
History (1606-I775)
McMaster's With the Fathers
Macdonald's Select Documents of United
Bishop's American Manufactures, 2 vols.
States History (1776-1861)
Boone's Education in the United States
Macdonald's Select Statutes of United States
Dexter's Education in the United States
History (1861-1898)
Richardson's American Literature, 2 vols.
Macdonald's Documentary Source Book of
Wright's Industrial Evolution of the United
American History (1606-1898)1
Lalor's Cyclopædic of United States History,
Coman's Industrial History of the United
3 vols.
1 This is a selection of Documents from Macdonald's first three volumes.
* Books so marked are in progress
Bryce's American Commonwealth, 2 vols.
Wilson's The State
(revised edition)
Scott's Constitutional Liberty
Niles' Register (1811-1849), 76 vols.
Wilson's Rise and Fall of the Slave Power,
*The Statesman's Year-Book for 1909
3 vols.
Smith's Political History of Slavery, 2 vols.
Constitutional and Political History Curtis' History of the Republican Party,
and Diplomacy 2 vols.
Smith's Liberty and Free-Soil Parties in the
Thorpe's Short Constitutional History of
the United States
Macdonald's Charters of American History
Thorpe's Constitutional History of the
American People, 2 vols.
Macdonald's Select Documents of United
Von Holst's Constitutional History of the
States History (1776-1861)
United States (to 1861), 9 vols.
Macdonald's Select Statutes of United States
Curtis' Constitutional History of the United
History (1861-1898)
States, 2 vols.
Macy's Political Parties (1846-1861)
Macy's Our Government
McMaster's Acquisition of Rights
Boynton's Civics
Stanwood's The Presidency
Carson's Hundredth Anniversary of the Con-
McKee's National Conventions and Plat-
stitution, 2 vols.
Bryce's American Commonwealth, 2 vols.
Johnston's American Politics
(revised edition)
Woodburn's Political Parties
Elliot's Debates in the Constitutional Con-
Merriam's American Political Theories
vention, 3 vols.
Ford's Political History of the United States
Foster's Commentaries on the Constitution,
Gordy's Political History of the United
2 vols.
States (1787-1828), 2 vols.
Landon's Constitutional History
McPherson's Political History of the Re-
Poore's State Charters and Constitutions,
2 vols.
McPherson's Political History of Recon-
Benton's Abridgment of Congressional
Debates (1789-1850), 16 vols.
McPherson's Handbook of Politics (from
Wheeler's History of Congress, 2 vols.
1870), 13 double vols.
Moore's History of Congress
The Collected Words of Franklin, Washing-
Hazard's State Papers (1492-1767), 2 vols.
ton, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay, Rufus King,
Force's American Archives (1774-1783),
John Adams, Madison, Morris, Clay,
9 vols.
Calhoun, Webster, Lincoln, Seward, and
The Federalist
Williams' Statesman's Manual (1789-1847),
Memoirs of J. Q. Adams (1795-1848), 12 vols.
2 vols.
Ingersoll's Recollections (1792-1803), 2 vols.
Carson's History of the United States
Benton's Thirty Years in the Senate (1820-
Supreme Court
1850), 2 vols.
Boutwell's The Constitution at the End
Wise's Seven Decades (1790-1862)
of the Century (U. S. Supreme Court
Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress (661-
1881), 2 vols.
*United States Statutes (and Treaties) at
Sargent's Public Men and Events (18170
Large, 34 vols.
1895), 2 vols.
Taussig's Tariff History
Julian's Political Recollections (1840-1872)
Mason's History of the Veto Power
McCulloch's Men and Measures of Half a
*Mead's Old South Leaflets, 75 nos,
Century (1833-1883)
*Hart and Charming's American History
Cox's Three Decades (1855-1885)
Leaflets, 24 nos.
Chittenden's Personal Reminiscences (1840-
Cooper's American Politics
* Books so marked are in progress.
Sherman's Recollections (1855-1895), 2 vols.
Tucker's United States (1607-1841), 3 vols.
Thompson's Recollections of Sixteen Presi-
*McMaster's United States (1784-1861), 6
dents (1789-1865), 2 vols.
McClure's Recollections
Adams' United States (1801-1817), 9 vols.
Hoar's Autobiography, 2 vols,
Rhodes' United States (185o-i877), 6 vols.
Snow's American Diplomacy (1783-1893)
Hart's American History told by Contem-
Schuyler's American Diplomacy
poraries (1492-1900), 4 vols.
Foster's Century of American Diplomacy
*Channing's United States (1492- ), 8 vols.
Hart's Foreign Policy of the United States
1. PERIOD OF DISCOVERY (1492-1521) §Major's Select Letters of Columbus
Financial History §Hakluytls Divers Voyages
Dewey's Financial History of the United
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
poraries, Vol. I
White's Money and Banking
Winsor's Columbus
Sumner's American Currency
Markham's Columbus
Bolles' Financial History of the United
Harrisse's Discovery of America
States, 2 vols.
Fiske's Discovery of North America, 2 vols.
Winsor's America, Vols. I-III
Histories of the United States in Channing's United States, Vol. I
General II. PERIOD OF EXPLORATION AND Hart's History of the American Nation
SPANISH COLONIZATION OF (1492-1907), 27 vols.
AMERICA (1509-1587) *Chancellor and Hewes' United States (1607-
1909), 10 vols.
Irving's Companions of Columbus, 2 vols.
Garner and Lodge's United States (1492-
H. H. Bancroft's Pacific States, 34 vols.
1905), 4 vols.
§De Sotos Conquest of Florida (Hakluyt)
Sparks' United States (1492-1904), 2 vols.
*Channing's United States, Vol. I
Elson's United States (1492-1905), 5 vols.
Parkman's France in the New World
*Avery's United States (1492- ), 16 vols.
Cooke's Virginia
Andrews' United States (1492-1902), 5 vols.
§Hakluyt's Voyages (Goldsmid), Vol. XIII,
Wilson's History of the American People
pp. 169-276 (reasons for colonization)
(1492-1900), 5 vols.
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
poraries, Vol. I
Scribner's United States (Bryant and Gay,
Winsor's America, Vols. II-III
revised) (1492-1896), 5 vols.
Edward's Sir Walter Raleigh
Hart's Epochs of American History (1492-
Ellis' The Red Man and the White
1889), 3 vols.
Schoolcraft's Indian Tribes, 6 vols.
Scribner's American History Series (1492-
Morgan's League of the Iroquois
1889), 7 vols.
Colden's Five Nations
Higginson's Larger History of the United
Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac (ch. 1)
States (1492-1837)
Goldwin Smith's United States (1492-1871)
III. PERIOD OF PERMANENT ENG- Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of
LISH AND FRENCH America (1000-1850), 8 vols.
SETTLEMENTS (1607-1763) Schouler's United States (1783-1865), 6 vols.
Bancroft's United States (1492-1789), 6 vols.
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
H. H. Bancroft's Pacific States, 34 vols.
poraries, Vols. I-II
Hildreth's United States (1492-1821), 6 vols.
Schribner's United States, 5 vols.
Johnston's United States (reprinted with
Winsor's America, 8 vols.
additions from the Encyclopaedia Britan-
Doyle's The English in America, 3 vols.
nica) (1492-1889)
Channing's United States, Vols. I-II
* Books so marked are in progress.
§ Contemporaneous or Early History.
Osgood's American Colonies, 2 vols.
Barry's Massachusetts, 3 vols.
Parkman's Pioneers of France in the New
§Lowell Lectures (1869) on Early Massa.
Eggleston's The Beginners of a Nation
§Young's Chronicles of Massachusetts Bay
Eggleston's The Transit of Civilization
Ellis' Puritan Age in Massachusetts
Eggleston's Articles in the Century, Vols.
§Hutchinson's Massachusetts, 3 vols.
Oliver's Puritan Commonwealth
Earle's Home Life in Colonial Days
Thornton's Reply to Oliver
Thwaite's Colonies
Adams' Emancipation of Massachusetts
Fisher's Colonial Period
Adams' Three Episodes in the History of
Lodge's English Colonies
Massachusetts, 2 vols.
Parkman's Frontenac
§Mather's Magnalia
Parkman's Old Régime in Canada
§Sewall's Diary (1674-,729), 3 vols.
Parkman's Jesuits in North America
Winsor's Memorial History of Boston, 4 vols.
Parkman's Half Century of Conflict, 2 vols.
Arnold's Rhode Island, 2 vols.
Parkman's Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 vols.
Greene's Rhode Island
Wood's Fight for Canada
Trumbull's Connecticut, 2 vols.
Winsor's Mississippi Basin
Johnston's Connecticut
§Force's North American Colonies, 4 vols.
Sanborn's New Hampshire
Seeley's Expansion of England
Belknap's New Hampshire, 2 vols.
Lecky's England, 18th Century, 8 vols.
Browne's Maryland
Chalmer's Annals of the Colonies
Scharf's Maryland, 3 vols.
Chalmer's Revolt of the Colonies, 2 vols.
§Proud's Pennsylvania (16S1-I742), 2 vols.
Goldwin Smith's American Colonies
Fisher's Making of Pennsylvania
§Captain John Smith's Works (Arber's
Fisher's Colony and Commonwealth of Penn-
§Brown's Genesis of the United States
Scharf and Westcott's Philadelphia
(1607-1616), 2 vols.
*The Pennsylvania Magazine
§Beverly's Virginia (1584-1720)
Scharf's Delaware, 2 vols.
§Stith's Virginia (1607-1747)
Roper's North Carolina
§Jefferson's Notes on Virginia
Williamson's North Carolina
§Neill's Virginia Company
Moore's North Carolina, 2 vols.
§Neill's Virginia vetusta
McCrady's South Carolina, 2 vols.
§Neill's Virginia Carolorum
Simm's South Carolina
§Hening's Statutes of Virginia (16lq-1792),
Raum's New Jersey, 2 vols.
13 vols.
Jones' Georgia, 2 vols.
Bruce's Economic History of Virginia, 2 vols.
Baird's Huguenot Emigration to America
Cooke's Virginia
Roosevelt's Winning of the West, 3 vols.
*The Virginia Magazine of History, etc.
Hinsdale's Old Northwest
§Brodhead's New York (1664-i6qi), 2 vols.
Tyler's Colonial Literature
Roberts' New York, 2 vols.
Biography. See Sparks' American Biogra-
Wilson's City of New York, 4 vols.
phy for Lives of Nathaniel Bacon, Daniel
Lamb's City of New York, 2 vols.
Boone, Lord Baltimore (Calvert), Jona-
Palfrey's New England, 5 vols.
than Edwards, John Eliot, Patrick Henry,
§Winthrop's New England, 2 vols.
Anne Hutchinson, John Ledyard, Cotton
Fiske's Beginnings of New England
Mather, Governor Oglethorpe, James Otis,
Weeden's Economic History of New Eng-
Sir W. Phips, William Penn, Count Rum-
land, 2 vols.
ford (Benjamin Thompson), Captain John
§Bradford's History, of Plymouth
Smith, Roger Williams, Governor Win-
§Arber's Story of the Pilgrims
throp; Bigelow's Benjamin Franklin, 3
§Young's Chronicle of the Pilgrims
vols., Montgomery's Franklin (Ginn and
Goodwin's Pilgrim Republic
§ Contemporaneous on Early History.
* Books so marked are in progress.
IV. THE REVOLUTION AND THE Kasson's Evolution of the Constitution of
CONSTITUTION (1763-1789) the United States
§The Federalist
Winsor's America, Vol. VI
§Elliot's Debates on the Constitution, 3
Scribner's United States, Vols. III-IV
Frothingham's Rise of the Republic
Wilson's The State
Reid's The Greatest Fact in Modem His-
Foster's Commentaries on the Constitution,
tory (the rise of the United States)
2 vols.
Lecky's England (18th century), 8 vols.
Curtis' History of the Constitution, 2 vols.
Bancroft's United States, 6 vols.
Fiske's Critical Period in United States
Hildreth's United States, Vols. I-III
Hart's Formation of the Union (1750-1929)
Biography. Parker's Historic Americans,
Sloane's French War and Revolution
Bigelow's Franklin 3 vols., Hosmer's
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
Samuel Adams,1 Morse's John Adams,1
poraries, Vol. II
Greene's General Greene, 2 vols, Lodge's
Greene's American Revolution
Washington, 2 vols.,1 Fiske's Irving's
Ludlow's War of Independence
Washington and his Country (Ginn and
Winsor's Handbook of the Revolution
Company), Sparks' American Biography,
Trevelyan's American Revolution, 4 vols.
Lodge's Hamilton,1 Gay's Madison,l Roose
Fisher's True History of the American Revo-
velt's Gouverneur Morris 1
Fisher's struggle for American Independ-
V. THE UNION -NATIONAL DE- ence, 2 vols.
VELOPMENT (1789-1861) Smith's Arnold's March to Quebec
Smith's Our Struggle for the 14th Colony
Schouler's United States, 5 vols
(Canada), 2 vols.
Schribner's United States, 5 vols.
Rand's Economic History since 1763 (re-
Hildreth's United States, Vols. IV-VI
vised edition)
Wilson's Division and Reunion (1829-1889)
§Stedman's American War (British account)
Bryce's American Commonwealth, 2 vols.
§Almon's "Prior Documents" (1764-1775)
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
§Almon's Remembrancer (1775-1784), 17
poraries, Vols. III-IV
Walker's The Making of the Nation
Hosmer's Life of Governor Hutchinson
Winsor's America, Vol. VII
§Moore's Diary of the Revolution, 2 vols.
*McMaster's United States (1784-1861), 6
§Thacher's Military Journal
§Baroness Riedesel's Memoirs
Tucker's United States (16o7-1841), 4 vols.
§Galloway's Rise of the Rebellion (Tory)
Adams' United States (1801-1817), 9 vols.
Sabine's Loyalists
H. H. Bancroft's Pacific States, 34 vols.
Carrington's Battles of the Revolution
Rhodes' United States (1850-1877), 7 vols.
Abbott's Revolutionary Times
Roosevelt's Naval War of 1812
Scudder's America 100 Years Ago
Lossing's Field Book of the War of 1812
Jefferson's Arras (in his Works) Vol. IX
Cooper's Naval History
Gouverneur Morris' Diary (1775-1815), 2
Maclay's History of the Navy, 2 vols.
Wilson's Slave Power, 3 vols.
Tyler's Literature of the Revolution, 2 vols.
Page's The Old South
Lossing's Field Book of the Revolution,
Ingle's Southern Lights
2 vols.
Ripley's War with Mexico
Von Holst's Constitutional History, Vol. I
Jay's Mexican War
McMaster's United States, Vol. I
Richardson's American Literature, 2 vols.
Landon's Constitutional History of The
Stedman and Hutchinson's American Liter-
United States
ature, 10 vols.
1 In Morse's American Statesmen Series.
§ Contemporaneous or Early History.
* Books so marked are in progress.
Buckingham's Newspaper Literature, 2 vols.
Greeley's American Conflict, 2 vols.
Thomas' History of Printing, 2 vols.
Draper's Civil War, 3 vols.
Bishop's American Manufactures, 2 vols.
The Comte de Paris' Civil War, 4 vols.
Johnston's American Politics
Scribner's Campaigns of the War, 13 vols.
Stanwood's Presidential Elections
Scbouler's Civil War
§Dwight's Travels (1796-1821), 4 vols.
Johnson's Short History of the War
§Lewis and Clark's Expedition (1804-1806),
Dodge's Bird's-Eye View of the Civil War
2 vols. (Coues' edition)
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
§Martineau's Society in America (1834-1836),
poraries, Vol. IV
4 vols.
Ropes' Civil War
Johnston's American Orations, 4 vols.
The Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
Tuckerman's American Art
(Century Company), 4 vols.
Webster's Great Orations (Whipple)
Nichols' Story of the Great March
Hubert's Lives of Inventors
Conyngham's Sherman's March
§Nile's Register (1811-1849), 76 vols.
McPherson's Political History of the Re-
*Scudder's American Commonwealth Series,
13 vols.
Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress, 2 vols.
Breck's Recollections (1771-1862)
Swinton's Decisive Battles of the War
Fred. Douglass' Autobiography
Haskell's Battle of Gettysburg
Lyman Beecher's Autobiography (1775-
Abbot's Battle-Fields of '61
1857), 2 vols.
Abbot's Blue-jackets of 161
Curtis' Buchanan, 2 vols.
Coffin's Four Years of Fighting
Greeley's Recollections (1811-1860)
Coffin's Drum-Beat of the Nation
Dolly Madison's Memoirs
Coffin's Marching to Victory
Quincy's Figures of the Past
Coffin's Redeeming the Republic
Goodrich's Recollections (1797-1854), 2 vols.
Coffin's Freedom Triumphant
S. J. May's Autobiography
Thayer's Youth's History of the Civil War
S. J. May's Antislavery Days
Gilmore's Lincoln and the Civil War
J. F. Clarke's Antislavery Days
Livermore's Numbers and Losses in the
Biography. See in Morse's American States-
Civil War
men Series (Houghton Mifflin & Co.),
Billings' Hard Tack and Coffee
the lives of John Adams, J. Q. Adams,
Wilkeson's Recollections of a Private (Union)
Benton, Calhoun, Clay, Jackson, Jeffer-
son, Madison, Monroe, Morris, Randolph,
Pinkerton's The Spy of the Rebellion
Washington, and Webster; in Sparks'
The Century Company's Famous Adventures
American Biography, the Lives of Fulton
and Prison Escapes of the Civil War
and Rumford; Sanborn's John Brown,
Mrs. Livermore's My Story of the War
Johnson's Garrison, Garrison's Life by his
(Hospital Life)
Children, 4 vols., Prime's Morse, Rice's
Abbott's Prison Life in the South
Morton, Abbott's Kit Carson, Upham's
Watson's Life in the Confederate Army
Frémont, Parton's Famous Americans,
Watson's The Adventures of a Blockade
Mrs. Stowe's Men of Our Times, Hunt's
American Merchants
Pollard's Lost Cause (Confederate)
Davis' Rise and Fall of the Confederate
VI. THE PERIOD OF THE CIVIL Government (Confederate), 2 vols.
WAR (1861-1865) Cooke's Wearing of the Gray (Confederate)
Johnston's Narrative of the War (Confed-
Rhodes' United States, Vols. II-V
Scribner's United States, Vols. IV-V
Gordon's Reminiscences of the Civil War
Wilson's Division and Reunion (1829-1889)
Burgess' Civil War, 2 vols.
Stephens' War between the States (Con-
Curtis' Life of Buchanan, 2 vols.
federate), 2 vols.
§ Contemporaneous or Early History.
* Books so marked are in progress.
Longstreet's From Manassas to Appomat-
Burgess' Reconstruction
tox (Confederate)
McPherson's Political History of Recon-
*Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
(with atlas), 16o vols.
Barnes' History of the 39th Congress
Harper's Pictorial History of the Rebellion
Chadsey's Struggle between President
Biography. Nicolay and Hay's Abraham
Johnson and Congress (Columbia Uni-
Lincoln, Holland's Lincoln, Herndon's
versity Studies, 1896)
Lincoln, 3 vols., Carpenter's Six Months
Scott's Reconstruction
in the White House, Morse's Lincoln,
Bryce's American Commonwealth, 2 vols.
2 vols., McClure's Lincoln, McClellan's
Life and works of Henry W. Grady
Own Story, Roman's Beauregard, 2 vols.,
Blaine's Twenty Years of Congress, 2
Badeau's U. S. Grant, 3 vols., Grant's
Personal Memoirs, 2 vols., Sherman's
Hoar's Autobiography
Memoirs, 2 vols., Sheridan's Memoirs,
Johnston's American Politics
2 vols., Farragut's Life of Farragut,
Pike's Prostrate State (South Carolina)
Schuckers' Life of S. P. Chase, Cooke's
McPherson's Political Handbooks (1870-
Robert E. Lee, Cooke's "Stonewall"
Jackson, Johnston and Browne's Life of
Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia (1876-19O2)
Alexander H. Stephens, Sherman's Let-
Bancroft's Pacific States, 34 vols.
ters; the Lives of Generals Scott, Han-
Thayer's New West
cock, Thomas, J. E. Johnston, Lee, and
McClure's The South
Admirals Farragut and Porter, in the
Washington's Up from Slavery
Great Commander Series
Williams' Negro Race in America, 2 vols.
Whitney's United States
VII. RECONSTRUCTION, -- THE NEW Shaler's United States, 2 vols.
NATION (1865 TO THE PRESENT King's The New South
TIME)1 Curry's The South
Badeau's Grant in Peace
Rhodes' United States (1865-1877), Vols.
Stoddard's Life of Garfield
Wilson's Presidents (1789-1893)
Hart's American Nation (1865-1907), vols.
Andrews' The United States in Our Time
Whittle's Life of Cleveland
§Hart's American History told by Contem-
Harper's War with Spain, 3 vols.
poraries, Vol. IV
McKinley's Messages to Congress
Garner and Lodge's United States, Vol. IV
Roosevelt's Messages to Congress
Scribner's United States, Vol. V
Latané's America as a World Power
Wilson's Division and Reunion
Coolidge's United States as a World Power
Brown's The United States since the Civil
Taft's Messages to Congress
War, 2 vols.
Wilson's Historic Addresses (1917)
Coman's Industrial United States
March's History of the World War
* Books so marked are in progress.
§ Contemporaneous or Early History.
1 Many valuable articles relating to this period may be found in The Century, The Atlantic, Scribner's Magazine, McClure's Magazine, Harper's Magazine, The Outlook, The American Review of Reviews, The World's Work, and The Nation. For a general index to these articles consult Poole's Index.
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