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Guard during the late war. Born a Methodist, he is now a member of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church at Lincoln. In past years he has been a member of various fraternal organizations, but at the present time holds membership only in the Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Sons of the Revolution, the Territorial Pioneers Association, the Nebraskana Society, and the Lincoln Young Men's Christian Association, in which he has a life membership. Residence: Lincoln. (Photograph on Page 151).

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Carl Burton Brande

Carl Burton Brande, editor and publisher of Pierce, Nebraska, was born at Money Creek, Minnesota, January 9, 1873, the son of Alfred Gerry Brande and Mary Caroline (Smith) Brande. His father, who was a clergyman, was born at West Gardner, Maine, August 22, 1840, and died at Pierce, January 10, 1928; he served in the 11th Maine Infantry and the 2nd Maine Cavalry during the Civil War; he was a direct descendant of Rev. John Robinson of the Pilgrims of Holland, and of Revolutionary ancestors. His mother, who was active in the Woman's Club and the Order of Eastern Star, was born at Gilmington, New Hampshire, June 3, 1841, and died at Pierce, November 3, 1929.

Mr. Brande is a member of the Pierce Community Club, the Lions Club, and the Congregational Church. His fraternal organizations are: Masons; Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and the Woodmen of the World. Residence: Pierce.

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Frank Henry Brandes

Frank Henry Brandes, automobile executive, was born at Exeter, Nebraska, May 19, 1882. He is the son of Deadrich August and Katherine (Brandes) Brandes, both natives of Germany. Deadrich Brandes was born at Liferdale, October 20, 1843, and came to Nebraska in 1870, where he engaged in farming until his death at Hastings, on October 12, 1909. As a young man he served in the war with Prussia. Katherine, his wife, was born at Hanover, July 21, 1848, and died at Wilber on February 25, 1885.

Educated in rural schools, Frank Henry Brandes entered the implement business in 1910 under the firm name of Jones and Brandes Company. In 1912 he engaged in the automobile business, and in 1918 went into business for himself. At the present time he is the owner of F. H. Brandes Company; president and general manager of the Brandes Motors, Incorporated, of Mankato, Minnesota.

Mr. Brandes was married to Millie Estelle Hilton at Hastings, Nebraska, November 30, 1905. They have two children, Ethel, born October 21, 1906, who attended college and studied the pipe organ; and Edwin, born August 9, 1908, who received his degree from the University of Nebraska, and is now assistant manager of Brandes Motors at Mankato.

A leader in every civic project, Mr. Brandes is a member of the good roads committee of the Chamber of Commerce at the present time. He has always been a staunch supporter of law and order, and took a leading part in the apprehension of the murderer of Carl Moore, a salesman in his employ in 1924.

Mr. Brandes' religious affiliation is with the Zion Lutheran Church. He is an Elk and a member of the Masons and Shrine, the Red Cross and The Nebraskana Society. His hobby is mechanics. Residence: Hastings.

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Mary Brandfas

Mary Brandfas, who is an educator and civic leader at Burwell, Nebraska, was born at Erina, Nebraska, June 11, 1895, the daughter of John and Hannah (McDonald) Quinn. Her father, who was a pioneer farmer in Nebraska, was born of Irish parents at Prince Edwards, Massachussetts (sic), December 9, 1853, and died at Burwell, February 11, 1928. Her mother, a teacher, was born of Scotch-Irish parentage, at Springfield, Illinois, December 9, 1866.

She was graduated from the Burwell High School in 1915, and attended the Kearney State Teachers College where she was president of the Aespasian Dramatic Club She was a rural teacher for two years, 1915-17, served as grade teacher, 1917-18, and was high school mathematics instructor, 1918-22. She was principal of the high school and normal training instructor at Burwell from 1922 to 1929, was again a rural school teacher for a year, and for the past two years has served as principal of the Kent School.

She served as vice president of the Parent Teachers Association in 1924, is a member of the Nebraska Teachers Association, and holds membership in the Rebecca Lodge and the Royal Neighbors of America. Mrs. Brandfas was president of the Woman's Country Club from 1928 to 1929, and served as secretary-treasurer, 1922-30. She has engaged in teaching for over, 16 years and is vitally interested in her profession.

Her marriage occurred at Smith Center, Kansas October 11, 1923. Residence: Burwell.

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Emelia Hanigsen Brandt

Emelia Hanigsen Brandt, physician and surgeon, was born at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, March 20, 1881, daughter of Henry and Christine (Traeger) Hanigsen.

She received her A. B. and Ph. G. degrees from Fremont College, and her medical degree from the University of Nebraska.

On August 6, 1903, she was married to Henry Frederick Brandt at Fergus Falls.

At the present time Dr. Brandt is specializing in internal medicine. She was admitted to practice in Omaha on June 4, 1918. She is a member of The First Methodist Church, the National Medical Women's Association, the Nebraska Association of Medical Women, the American Medical Association, the Nebraska State Medical Association, the Omaha-Douglas County Medical Society, and the Omaha Women's Medical Society. Residence: Omaha.

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Joseph Michael Brannan

Joseph M. Brannan, a lifetime resident of Nebraska, was born at St. John, Dakota County, Nebraska, June 8, 1858, the son of Joseph and Margaret (O'Brien) Brannan. His father, who was a merchant, was born at Dublin, Ireland, January 2, 1827, and died at Jackson, Nebraska, August 10, 1901; he came to this country in 1829. His mother was born at New Palace, County Limerick, Ireland, November 3, 1832, and died at Jackson, April 10, 1920.

Mr. Brannan has been a farmer at Jackson, most of his life, and is now retired. He is a member of the, board of education at Jackson, is affiliated with St. Patrick Catholic Church, holds membership in the Nebraskana Society, and is a Democrat.

His marriage to Mittie Maher was solemnized at Jackson, September 5, 1889; she was born at Galena, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, June 4, 1870, of Irish and English parentage, and died at Jackson, January 8, 1895. Two children were born to this marriage: Margaret, born February 2, 1891; Sylvester, born September 6, 1892. Of Mr. Brannan's marriage to Nellie Frummell, one child was born : Mary Josephine, born October 8, 1908. Residence: Jackson.

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Hjalmer Benard Branting

Hjalmer Benard Branting was born at Osecola, Nebraska, May 23, 1898, the son of Otto Frederick and Hilma Amelia (Jones) Branting. His father, a farmer, business man and county commissioner, was born in Sweden, June 19, 1869. His mother, who came with her

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