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He was united in marriage with Julia Fair at Dakota City, Nebraska, July 21, 1880. Mrs. Bressler was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, January 14, 1859. Six children were born to this union, of whom five are living: Maud, born November 9, 1881, who married O. A. Harker, Jr.; Ruth, born August 13, 1886, who married Amos T. Claycomb; Kate, born May 15, 1888, who married W. E. Von Seggern; John T. Jr., born May 15, 1894, who married Helen Main; Dorothy, born May 17, 1897; and George, born February, 1884, who died September 15, 1885. John T. Jr., is president of the First National Bank at Wayne. Residence: Wayne.

Miles John Breuer

Miles J. Breuer, noted Nebraska physician, was born in Chicago, January 3, 1889. His father, Charles Hugh Breuer, was a physician and surgeon, who wrote a great deal of popular medical material in the Czech language for the Czechoslovak press in America. He was born at Pardubice, Czechoslovakia, and is descended from a family of mechanics, founders, and glass blowers. He is now retired. Barbara (Hulla) Breuer, mother of Miles J. Breuer, was born at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia. Her ancestors were carpenters and cabinet makers.

Dr. Breuer was graduated from the high school at Crete, Nebraska, in 1906. He was granted his A. B. and A. M. degrees at the University of Texas, in 1911, and was awarded his M. D. at Rush Medical College, University of Chicago, in 1915. He was a student at the University of Chicago during the summer terms of 1909 and 1910. He was valedictorian and class prophet at Crete High School, and class poet at the University of Texas. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Phi Gamma Mu.

Admitted to the practice of medicine at Lincoln, June 1915, he engaged in general practice until 1927. Since 1927 he has been a specialist in diagnosis and internal medicine. He is attendant in Internal Medicine on the staff of the Bryan Memorial Hospital and the Lincoln General Hospital at Lincoln. He holds the position of chairman of the Pathology Department at Bryan Memorial Hospital, and at the Lincoln General Hospital. He is the author of various technical medical articles; numerous short stories; a novel published serially in a magazine; and a volume Index of Physiotherapy Technic. He is associate editor of Social Science.

He was united in marriage with Julia Etta Strejc at Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, January 3, 1916. Mrs. Breuer, whose ancestry is Czechoslovakian, was born at Table Rock, Pawnee County, Nebraska, April 13, 1891. They have three children: Rosalie Eva, born September 12, 1917; Stanley Marcel, born September 6, 1921; and Mildred Renee, born November 18, 1926. Rosalie shows tendencies toward creative art; Stanley will probably enter business, and Mildred is musically inclined.

Dr. Breuer served as first lieutenant in the medical corps with Nebraska Base Hospital Number 49 in France, during the World War. He is a member of the executive committee of the Nebraska State Tuberculosis Association, and was formerly a member of the board of directors of the Social Welfare Society of Lincoln. He holds a fellowship in the following: American Medical Association; American Public Health Association; and the American College of Physicians.

He is a member of the International Optimist Club, serving as secretary, 1921-27, and president since 1929. He is a 30th degree Mason. From 1915 to 1927 he was Scoutmaster in Lincoln, and in 1927, was the organizer of Wolf-Cub, a junior scout movement in Lincoln. He is now a member of the executive committee of this organization. His favorite sport is hiking. His hobbies include: amateur photography; short-story writing; and mechanical shop work. He is affiliated with the Elm Park Methodist Church of Lincoln. Residence: Lincoln.

George Herkimer Brewer

Born at Norwich, New York, March 20, 1856, George H. Brewer has been a resident of Nebraska fourty-three years. He is the son of Herkimer Willis and Emily (Day Brewer, both natives of New York State. Herkimer Brewer was born at Plymouth, New York, July 20, 1831 and died at Norwich, in April, 1896. He was a farmer. His wife, Emily, was born at Norwich, November 27 1835, and died there in May, 1911.

George H. Brewer was educated in the public schools and at Norwich Academy. He began his business career as a member of the firm of Brewer and Sullivan, furniture dealers and undertakers in 1888. In 1892, he became head of the firm of Brewer, Sloane and Company which continued until 1898. This firm conducted both a furniture and undertaking business. Upon dissolution of the partnership, Mr. Brewer continued in the funeral directing business until July, 1928, when a consolidation of the Brewer Funeral Home with Korisko Brothers was effected under the firm name of Brewer-Korisko Funeral Home. Mr. Brewer assumed the presidency of the organization.

Mr. Brewer has been active in funeral work for forty-three years a record established by few men. For fourteen years he was a member of the state board of examiners for embalming. He was married to Julia Etta Young at Minden, Nebraska, on February 20, 1890. Mrs. Brewer was born at Manhattan, Illinois, April 1, 1871, They have one daughter, Edith.

A Republican, Mr. Brewer has always been active in the affairs of South Omaha, and is regarded as a leading citizen. During the World War he was a participant in loan and other drives, and is a member of the Red Cross, the Chamber of Cemmerce (sic), Kiwanis Club, Elks, Modern Woodmen of America, the Odd Fellows, and all Masonic bodies. Residence: Omaha. (Photograph in Album).

Wilbur Millard Brewer

Wilbur Millard Brewer was born in Verdon, Richardson County, Nebraska, April 20, 1902. He is the son of Willard and Cora Ellen (Hart) Brewer, the former a minister. He attended elementary school at York, Cario, Hastings, Alma, and Thayer, Nebraska, High School at Thayer, Deshler and Edgar, Nebraska, graduating in 1921, and from Hastings Business College in 1923. He took part in athletics when in high school at Deshler and Edgar.

Wilbur Brewer was united in marriage to Mildred Erma Nisely on January 7, 1924, at Mankato, Kansas. She was born at Edgar, Nebraska, August 3, 1904. They are the parents of two sons, Robert, born October 10, 1924; and Buddy Monroe, born December 13, 1926.

Mr. Brewer started as a clerk with the Twidale Shoe Company at Hastings and was promoted to manager of the Twidale Shoe Company at Fairbury, in January, 1925.

He is a Republican and a member of the Presbyterian Church of Fairbury, Nebraska. He is also a member of The Nebraskana Society, Red Cross, the Fairbury Junior and Senior Chamber of Commerce, being secretary of the junior organization in 1929 and 1930, the Modern Woodmen of America, the Parent Teachers Association of which he has been elected vice president of Central Ward for the present year, Young Men's Christian Association, and the Fairbury Country Club. Golf is his favorite sport and reading is his hobby. Residence: Fairbury.

Jesse Sylvester Brice

Jesse Sylvester Brice, ranchman and secretary of the Antioch Telephone Company, was born at Grant City, Missouri, July 18, 1883, son of William Hugh and Mary (Van Metre) Brice.

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The father, who was descended from early English settlers in Virginia, died at Antioch, September 3, 1910. His wife, Mary, was born in Sweedona, Illinois, May 2, 1857, of Scotch and German ancestry.

Mr. Brice attended the public schools at Kearney, and since been a rancher and active in community and civic affairs. He is a Republican, and has served as precinct assessor and director of the school board. He has resided in Nebraska since 1888.

On April 26, 1905, he was married to Mary Alpha Clack, at Edgar. She was born at Verdun, Illinois, September is, 1884. To them were born four children, Bernard, December 25, 1907; Clifford, April 29, 1910; Edna Elizabeth, October 18, 1920; and Byron, on March 14, 1923. Clifford is married to Gretel Dentler of Alliance, their marriage having been solemnized September 3, 1931.

Mr. Brice is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Nebraskana Society, and the Masons, of which he is a 32nd degree member. At the present time, he is master of Alliance Lodge No. 183. Residence: Antioch.

Samuel Aughey Bridenbaugh

Samuel A. Bridenbaugh, retired farmer, was born at Homer, Pennsylvania, December 26, 1860, and has been a resident of Nebraska sixty-six years. His father, John Bridenbaugh, was born at Huntington, Pennsylvania, a millwright and farmer. He served in the Civil War, and was an early settler in Nebraska; his death occurred at Dakota City, December 25, 1897. Margaret Ellen Wertz, wife of John Bridenbaugh, was also born in Huntington, and died at Dakota City, December 29, 1892.

Educated in the common schools of Nebraska, Samuel A. Bridenbaugh farmed for many years, and has always been an outstanding citizen of his community. He was treasurer of the school board from 1903-12, and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Masons. His hobby is stockraising. He is a Republican and a member of the First Lutheran Church.

He was married to Tina Irene Owens at Dakota City, on February 11, 1891, and to their union four children were born. Samuel Hal, born November 26, 1891, married Ruth Vivian Kline; Elda Lorraine, born October 9, 1892, married George W. Zentmire; Jessie Margaret, born February 21, 1896, married Kenneth C. Fonts; and Lloyd Donald, born April 1, 1898, married Harriet Anderson. Mrs. Bridenbaugh, who was born at Sioux City, Iowa, February 14, 1871, is the daughter of William N. and Elizabeth C. Owens. Residence: South Sioux City.

(email of 24 Nov 2006 - His wife's first name was Tine ... his daughter Jessie Margaret married K. C. Fouts.

Margaret Doris < > great granddaughter of Samuel & Tine Bridenbaugh)

Willson Orton Bridges

Willson Orton Bridges, physician and surgeon, was born at Cotcan Landing, Canada, April 30, 1856, son of Banjamin Willson and Mary Elizabeth (Pease) Bridges.

He received his medical degree from the University of New York in 1879, and the Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Nebraska in 1917. He is a member of Alpha Omega and Phi Rho Sigma. Dr. Bridges has served as professor of medicine at the University of Nebraska, and is now a professor emeritus. He is a member of the Omaha, Missouri Valley and Nebraska State Medical Associations, the Chamber of Commerce, Ak-Sar-Ben of which he was king in 1928, and is a member of the Omaha Country Club and the Century Club, Residence: Omaha.

Clark Briggs

The son of Nebraska's earliest settlers, Clark Briggs was born at Hooper, Nebraska, January 3, 1871, and for many years has been engaged in the newspaper business. His father, Asa Briggs a stockman and farmer, came to Nebraska in 1858 and settled in Dodge County; he was born Kalamazoo Michigan, January 25, 1845, of English ancestry, and died at Springview, Nebraska, in August, 1921. Ottie (Clark) Briggs, his mother, whose parents came to Nebraska in 1859 and were prominent in the early history of the state, was born in Illinois, January 26, 1851, of English parentage. She died at Springview, February 11, 1924.

Mr. Briggs attended the public schools of Fullerton and Alliance, Nebraska, and at the age of 15 entered the newspaper field as an apprentice on a pioneer newspaper at Box Butte, Nebraska. He is editor of the Springview Herald and the Primrose Record, and resides at Springview where he is a member of the Red Cross. His hobbies are reading and traveling.

On February 24, 1897, he was married at Scribner, Nebraska, to Eva Jane Rich, who was born there of English parents August 14, 1876. Their two children are: Hulda Mae, born May 30, 1904, who married George A. Hallock; and James Buren, born June 16, 1908. Residence: Springview.

Fred Henry Brigham

For nearly 60 years Fred Henry Brigham has lived in Nebraska where he has engaged in farming. He was born in Jones County, Iowa, March 4, 1870, the son of Milan Henry and Phoebe (White) Brigham. His father, who was a farmer, was born in New York, April 9, 1819, of English ancestry, and died at Osceola, Nebraska, April 11, 1894. His mother, who was a tailoress, was born in Wisconsin, May 3, 1830, and died at Osceola, April 24, 1879.

Mr. Brigham, who is a retired farmer, attended a country school near Shelby, Nebraska. He was in partnership with the Brigham Brothers Hardware Company 1913-1914. He then returned to the farm and now resides in Shelby. His father came to Nebraska in 1872, and homesteaded on the farm which Mr. Brigham owns and which his son manages.

He was united in marriage with Mattie Eva Vanderbilt, February 16, 1898, at Shelby. Mrs. Brigham, who was born at Hastings, Nebraska, September 24, 1876, is of Irish and Dutch descent. To this union two children were born: Jean, born May 11, 1899, who is director of a nursery school in Pittsburgh; and Rex, born June 4, 1901, who married Blanch Ingalls, and who is a farmer and stockman.

Mr. Brigham holds membership in the Nebraskana Society, and the Royal Highlanders, and has been a member of the board of education of Shelby, for the past four years. Residence: Shelby.

John T. Brinegar

John T. Brinegar was born at Murry, Sangamon County, Illinois, May 20, 1878, the son of John and Nancy Ann (Johnson) Brinegar. His father was born in Bath County, Kentucky, October 5, 1841, and died at Belvidere, Thayer County, Nebraska, December 23, 1908. His ancestors came to America before the Revolutionary War. He was a farmer, carpenter, and an unusually clever machinist.

His mother was born at Bath County, Kentucky, March 31, 1841, and died at Belvedere, Nebraska, May 20, 1915. Her ancestors also came to the United States before the Revolutionary War.

Mr. Brinegar attended high school at Hebron, Nebraska. On September 20, 1908, he married Sarah Jane Bowen, who was born at St. Joseph, DeCoIb County, Missouri, June 3, 1880. They have two children: Joyce, born June 15, 1913, and Marjorie, born October 7, 1915. Joyce attends Hebron College at Hebron, and Marjorie is a junior at the Belvidere High School.

John Brinegar lived in Nebraska fifty-one years, and during most of that time has been a farmer. He is a Democrat and holds membership in the following organizations: the Red Cross, Independent Order of Odd

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Fellows and the Nebraskana Society, and is past president and secretary of the school board at Belvidere.

During the World War Mr. Brinegar served in the Nebraska Home Guards and assisted in giving instructions to men who were going to the training camps. Reading is his favorite recreation. Residence: Belvidere. (Photograph in Album).

Fred A. Brink

Fred A. Brink, druggist, was born at Fremont, Nebraska, April 28, 1888, son of Earl C. and Millie A. (Herforth) Brink. The father, who was born in Illinois, October 10, 1858, is a musician and a registered and graduate pharmacist, of Holland-Dutch ancestry. His wife, Millie, was born in Wisconsin, in September, 1862, of German descent.

In 1909, Mr. Brink was graduated in pharmacy from Creighton University, and from that time until 1918, was an employee in drug stores. Since 1918 he has had a store of his own at Hershey. He is a member of the Masons and the Presbyterian Church.

His marriage to Alice M. Stuart was solemnized at Omaha, December 20, 1914. She was born at North Platte, Nebraska, September 13, 1892, Her mother, Clara (Owens) Stuart was born on June 13, 1868, at Chatfield, Minnesota. There are two children, Frederick, born August 11, 1918; and Charles, born December 1, 1920. Both children were born at Hershey. Residence: Hershey.

James Washington Brink

Born at Mankato, Minnesota, December 3, 1878, James Brink is the son of William Augustus and Isabelle (Moore) Brink. His father, who was a farmer, was born at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, September 19, 1839. He served four years and eleven months in the Civil War, and died at Lyons, Nebraska, June 2, 1914. He was of New York Dutch descent. Isabelle, wife of William A. Brink, was born in County Cork, Ireland, February 12, 1843, and died at Lyons, November 15, 1913. She came to America with her parents at the age of seven.

Mr. Brink attended Lyons public and high schools, but did not graduate from the latter. His career has been chiefly in the editorial and publishing field, and he has served as editor of the following: The Bentley Argus, one year, Dixon County World and Dixon Herald two years, and the Rosalie Rip-Saw for the past twenty-three years.

On April 1, 1901, he was united in marriage to Besse Mae Taylor at Lyons. Mrs. Brink, who is a printer, was born at Blair, January 20, 1883. They have six children: Don T., born May 4, 1902, who married Irma Jennewein; Enid M., born May 16, 1904, who married L. V. Morgan; Winona, born May 3, 1906, who married O. B. Oxford; Natalie, born October 3, 1908, who married P. R. Salisbury; Ciona, born October 3, 1911, and Roberta, born August 1, 1914.

Mr. Brink was a member of Company E, Third Nebraska Volunteers in the Spanish-American War, and is a member of the United Spanish War Veterans. During the World War he was a member of the local draft board. He is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is a member of the Red Cross and the Nebraska State Historical Society. His sport is hunting, and his hobby is the propagation of wild water fowl. Residence: Rosalie.

Otto Herman Brinkman

Otto H. Brinkman, a lifetime resident of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, was born there October 6, 1892, the son of Fredrick and Johanna (Radatz) Brinkman. His father, who was born in Germany and died at Lincoln, in 1926, was a railroad man for 36 years. His mother was born in Germany.

From 1906-17, he was connected with the Woodruff Printing Co.; from 1917-19, was manager of the Terminal Printing Co.; 1919-1920, was with the Beacon Press, and in 1920 organized the Wekesser-Brinkman Co. Mr. Brinkman is still a member of the Wekesser-Brinkman Company. He is also secretary-treasurer of the Wekesser-Brinkman-Robinson Insurance Savings Plan, organized in 1931. He is a member of the Young Men's Christian Association; is a Mason, a member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine; and holds membership in the Nebraskana Society, and the Lincoln Auto Club. For the Past 11 years he has been engaged in Boy Scout work at Lincoln, holding the positions of scoutmaster, district commissioner, and at present, commissioner. He is affiliated with St. Paul's Evangelical Church at Lincoln; and is a member of the Republican Party.

His marriage to Mary Elizabeth Helrich was solemnized at Mason City, Iowa, August 26, 1920. Mrs. Brinkman was born at Valparaiso, Nebraska, November 26, 1891. Their three children are: Allen, born February 5, 1919; Betty, born May 25, 1925; and Donnald, born October 12, 1929. Residence: Lincoln. (Photograph in Album).

Clarence Leslie Brittain

A lifetime resident of this state Clarence Leslie Brittain was born at Tilden, Nebraska, December 24, 1894 the son of William Benjamin Brittain and Mabel Laura Heckman. His father, who was born in Champaign County, Illinois, December 28, 1870, of German and English parentage, is a farmer. His mother, whose ancestry is Scotch and Irish, was born at Tama, Iowa, April 29, 1872.

Mr. Brittain was a carpenter employed by the firm Lytle & Thornton at Neligh, Nebraska, from 1912 to 1914, was employed by the Miller Brothers Contracting Company at Norfolk, 1914-15, and worked for L. C. Peterson at Tilden, Nebraska, 1915-16. Since 1926 he has been the owner of a cabinet and millwork business at Norfolk, Nebraska.

He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, The Nebraskana Society, and the First Methodist Church at Norfolk; he is a Mason. From March, 1918, to January, 1919, he served as a sergeant in the United States Army overseas, stationed in France from March 4, 1918-January 19, 1919, with active service in the St. Mihiel and Argonne sectors. He is now a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of the Foreign Wars. His favorite sport is golfing, and his hobby is reading.

His marriage to Emma Evelyn Allison occurred at Chadron, Nebraska, June 25, 1919. Mrs. Brittan was born of Swedish parents at Crawford, Nebraska, February 8, 1898. Their children are: Dwan, born April 10, 1920; and Robert, born March 29, 1928. Residence: Norfolk.

James E. Brittain

James E. Brittain was born at Wayne, Wayne County, Nebraska, December 11, 1893, the son of James I. and Mary L. (Roberts) Brittain. His father, a pioneer in Nebraska in 1876, was a distinguished lawyer, judge, and statesman in Wayne County, born in Lee County, Illinois, January 9, 1853, and died at Wayne, January 25, 1918; he served as a member of the legislature, 1881, was district attorney, 1884-86, was mayor of Wayne for several terms, and served as county judge of Wayne county, 1909-18. Members of the Brittain family were in America as early as 1660; Zeboeth Brittain served in the Revolution.

His mother was born at Red Bank, New Jersey, February 21, 1851. She is the granddaughter of Joseph Roberts of Monmouth County, New Jersey, 1782-1804, who was of Scotch descent.

Mr. Brittain was graduated from the Wayne High School in 1910. He was a student at the State Normal School for a time, and holds the following degrees from the University Nebraska: A. B., 1914; LL. B., 1916;


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