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He is a farmer and purebred stock breeder, dealing in shorthorn cattle and Percheron horses.

He was married to Edith Koso, at Falls City, May 20, 1902. Mrs. Buchholz was born at Falls City, August 28, 1883. To their union four children were born, three of whom are living. They are: Arthur J., born July 2, 1903, who married Anna Halbert; Nelson M., born June 20, 1905, who died August 26, 1911; Henry Clay, born August 19, 1908, who married Lois Wileman; and Bernice, born January 20, 1913.

Mr. Buchholz has no church affiliation, but is a firm believer in the practice of the golden rule. His hobby is reading. Residence: Falls City.

John Buchta

John Buchta was born at Edwardsville, Illinois, December 26, 1860, the son of John and Sophia Henrietta (Kaiser) Buchta. John Buchta was born at Jesen, Bavaria, Germany, May 6, 1821, and died at Osceola, Nebraska, November 16, 1909. He was a farmer. He was a member of Captain Seed's Company, crossing the plains to California in 1849, and returning in 1852 to Illinois by way of Panama and New York. Sophia H. Buchta was born at Mark Selbitz, Bavaria, Germany, January 8, 1829, and died at Osceola, Nebraska, May 31, 1910.

Mr. Buchta received his elementary education from a country school near Edwardsville, Illinois.

His marriage to Sevilla Heitzman was solemnized at Osceola, March 21, 1893. She is a native of Urban, Pennsylvania, and was born October 31, 1861. They have three children: J. William, born September 18, 1895, who is married to Viola L. Koerner; Verna Ruth, born December 7, 1896, who is married to LeRoy Rhodes; and Alverto Henrietta, born October 9, 1899, who is married to Walter W. Herrmann. All three children are graduates of the University of Nebraska.

Mr. Buchta has been a resident of Nebraska for forty-eight years, and is now a retired farmer. He holds membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Nebraskana Society. Residence: Osceola.

Charles Henry Buck

Charles Henry Buck, automobile dealer, was born at Crete, Saline County, Nebraska, October 11, 1883. He is the son of Jess M. and Mina Buck. Jess M. Buck was a farmer, for many years prior to his death which occurred at Buffalo, Montana.

Mr. Buch attended public school and was a high school student. At the present time he is engaged in automobile business at Davenport.

He was married to Mary A. Keim on December 18, 1914, at Davenport, Nebraska. Mrs. Buck was born at Rockwood, Pennsylvania, December 16, 1888. Residence: Davenport.

Charles Wallace Buck

For over 62 years Charles W. Buck has lived in Saline County, Nebraska, where he has been prominent in business and civic affairs. He was born at DeWitt, February 18, 1869, the son of Charles Harvey and Ophelia Henrietta (Knox) Buck. His father, who was a farmer, was born at Barrington, Cook County, Illinois, October 26, 1843, and died at DeWitt, August 29, 1928. He served for many years as a member of the board of education; was a Democrat; and held membership in the Grand Army of the Republic, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He was of English descent.

His mother, whose ancestry was Scotch, was born of Quaker parentage at Elgin, Illinois, August 16, 1845, and died at DeWitt, April 9, 1914. She was a teacher and was active in the work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

Mr. Buck attended grade school in Saline County, but received most of his education through, his own experience and personal application. He has been a farmer for many years and has held various positions in farmers' organizations, among them secretary of the Farmers Elevator Company, 16 years; president of the Saline County Livestock Breeders Association; secretary of the DeWitt Duroc Breeders Association; secretary of the DeWitt Poultry Show; and director of the County Farm Bureau.

He is proprietor of the Cloverdale Stock Farm near DeWitt; is a stockholder in the Farmers and Merchants Bank; director and manager of the DeWitt Sales Pavilion Association, of which he has been president; and for 29 years has been an agent for the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. Mr. Buck is the editor of a weekly column in the DeWitt Times News, and is the author of Early History of the Community.

His marriage to Emma Beckner was solemnized at DeWitt, February 26, 1896. Mrs. Buck was born at Conn, Grey County, Province of Ontario, Canada, April 26, 1871; she is of German descent. Their three children are: Emma Luella, born April 18, 1898, who married Arthur W. Farrall; Charles Wallace, born January 6, 1903, who married Katherine Lanore Heckart, a home economies teacher; and Glenn Augustus, born May 21, 1905, who married Sylvia Hernie Lewis, a French teacher. Luella is a home economies teacher; Charles Wallace is interested in vocational agriculture; Glenn specialized in agricultural journalism; and Arthur W. Farrall was an instructor in the University of California for six years and is now research engineer in Chicago.

Mr. Buck took an active part in Red Cross and Liberty Loan drives, and Council of Defense work during the World War. He is a member of the Red Cross; Near East Relief; Civic Service Club; Parent Teachers' Association; and the Nebraskana Society. He is an officer and member of the Municipal Band; has been a member of the board of education for 26 years, serving consecutively as president, treasurer, and secretary; and is a member of the Saline County Redistricting Board.

Mr. Buck is a member of the official board of the Methodist Episcopal Church of DeWitt, and takes a prominent part in religious activities. His hobbies are reading, writing, and educational work of all kinds. He is a football enthusiast. Politically, he is an Independent. Residence: DeWitt.

Ralph Joseph Buck

Ralph Joseph Buck, retired lumberman of Sutton, Nebraska, has lived in the state for 28 years. He was born at Monica, Illinois, October 7, 1878, the son of John Mortimer and Susie Zadee (Clute) Buck. His father, who was born in Cayuga County, New York, January 25, 1847, and died at Sutton, September 19, 1925, was a farmer and a veteran of the Civil War; he was a member of the Congregational Church and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampment. His mother, who was born at Monica, August 25, 1857, is a member of the Congregational Church, the Rebekah Lodge, Degree of Honor, and the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Mr. Buck attended school in Illinois and Nebraska and in 1898 was graduated from the Sutton High School. He received the B. S. Degree at the University of Nebraska in 1903; he served as president of the senior class both in high school and at the university. For several years Mr. Buck was engaged in educational work, and later was connected with a retail lumber firm in Idaho. He is now retired.

A Republican, he has served as a member of the Nebraska legislature, was a member of the school board for nine years, acting as president for three years, and was town treasurer for three years, in Idaho. He holds membership in the Sutton Community Club, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Masons, and The Nebraskana Society. He is affiliated with the Congre-

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gational Church of Sutton. His hobbies are checkers and chess.

He was married to Mabel Louise Hoerger at Sutton, November 29, 1905. Mrs. Buck, whose grandfather served in the Civil War, was born at Sutton, September 18, 1879. They have one daughter, Kathryn Louise, born June 12, 1913.

During the World War Mr. Buck served as a member of local committees in relief and loan activities. Residence: Sutton.

Roscoe Buck

Roscoe Buck was born in Buckfield, Maine, September 18, 1880, the son of King Romanzo and Isabella (Farrar) Buck. His father, who was a farmer and served in the Civil War, was born at Buckfield, in 1847, and died at Boston, Massachusetts, in October, 1914; he was a descendant of Abija Buck who settled at Salem in 1635 having come to this country from England on the Increase. His mother, who was also descended from early settlers in America, was born at Hartford, Maine, November 25, 1849.

Mr. Buck attended the high school at Wellesley Hills, Massachussetts, until 1896, and on May 14, 1898 joined the United Slates Marine Corps, serving five years in Cuba, the Philippines and China. He was connected with the Zeno Manufacturing Company in Chicago from 1905 to 1909, and in 1909 homesteaded in Tripp County, South Dakota. The following year he moved to Nebraska, where he engaged in farming until 1912 when he became connected with the Stockman Bank at Springview as assistant cashier. Since 1915 he has served as postmaster at Springview where he is active in civic and welfare affairs.

He has been secretary-treasurer of the American Red Cross in Keya Paha County for the past 13 years. Mr. Buck served as a private in the United States Marine Corps for five years, participating in the Boxer Rebellion, U. S. S. Machais, Cuba and the Philippines, and was wounded in the battle of Tient-Sin, China, in 1900. He served as county chairman of the Citizens Military Training Camp in Keya Paha County, for the past four years, and is Past Commander of the Post No. 926 of Veterans of Foreign Wars, at Springview.

His chief past-time are reading and the radio. On February 27, 1906, he was married to Estelle Marie Burns at Chicago. Mrs. Buck, who is assistant postmaster at Springview, was born of French parents at Windsor, Canada, March 12, 1883.

William Ernest Buckendorf

For the past 25 years William Ernest Buckendorf has been editor and publisher of the Rock County Leader.

He was born at South Bend, Indiana, May 4, 1882, son of Louis August and Joanna (Stemwell) Buckendorf.

His father, born in Hanover, Germany, March 31, 1847, died at Norfolk, December 25, 1919. He was a florist and landscape gardener. He planned and landscaped the Studebaker estate at South Bend, Indiana, the Norfolk Insane Hospital and the Harvey Estate in Otoe County. He came to the United States at the age of 19, following the completion of his education in which he specialized in flori-horticulture and landscaping. His wife, Joanna, was born in LaPorte, Indiana, April 29, 1859 She is a floriculturist.

Mr. Buckendorf attended the Norfolk public schools, private school, and business college. He is a Republican and served as state representative 1929-30, 1931-32, from the 78th district. He has served as city clerk at various times and is a member of the city council. For two terms he was a member of the local school board and he has been chairman of the Republican central committee

On May 31, 1907, he was married to Mallie Opal Stockwell at Bassett. Mrs. Buckendorf was born at Bassett and traces her ancestry to Nathan Hale on her father's side.

He took active part in all war time drives, Red Cross, bond sales and food conservation. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Buckendorf has always been active in civic affairs, is a member of the executive committee of the Rock County Red Cross, a member of the board of directors and of the executive committee of the Lions Club, past noble grand and past district deputy grand master of Bassett Lodge No. 242 of the Odd Fellows. He enjoys hunting and fishing while his hobbies are reading, mechanics, gardening and growing flowers. Residence: Bassett.

Frederick Watson Buckley

Frederick Watson Buckley, physician and surgeon since 1907, was born in Fulton County, Pennsylvania, January 16, 1881. The son of Jacob Lawrence and Emma Grace (Benedict) Buckley, his father was born in Fulton County, October 5, 1844. A farmer, he was a corporal with the 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry from 1864-65, and settled in Iowa in its early days. He was of Irish and Dutch extraction, his paternal grandfather having come from Ireland about 1770. His death occurred at Beatrice, November 5, 1925. Emma Grace Benedict was born in Fulton County March 23, 1854, and now resides at Shelby, Iowa. She is descended from Welch and German settlers in Colonial times.

Dr. Buckley was graduated from the Shelby, Iowa, high school in 1899, and attended the University of Iowa 1900-03, completing two years pre-medical and two years medical work. He received his M. D. from Northwestern University in 1907, later attending the New York Post Graduate Medical School, Ad taking work at Vienna, Austria. While at the University of Iowa he was a member of the sophomore debate team in 1902, was elected to Phi Rho Sigma and was a letterman in football 1901, 1902, 1903.

Since his graduation Dr. Buckley has been actively engaged in practice. He has been a resident of the state for the past twenty years, and is one of the leading professional men in his locality. During the World War he held the rank of first lieutenant in the Medical Corps, and was stationed at Base Hospital No. 49, American Expeditionary Forces. Dr. Buckley's professional memberships include the American, Nebraska State and Gage County Medical Societies, and he is also a member of the American Legion, the Red Cross, Chamber of Commerce (director), Kiwanis Club (president 1927) the Elks, Masons and Young Men's Christian Association (director).

His religious affiliation is with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and his political preference is that of the Republican party. He is a member of the Beatrice Country Club, and is fond of golf and hiking.

On May 23, 1917, he was united in marriage to Louise Emaline Sabin, at Beatrice. Mrs. Buckley, who is of English descent, was born at Beatrice, August 23, 1885. There are three children: Frederick, born April 13, 1918; Lawrence, born August 17, 1920; and Barbara, born September 21, 1924.

Orville Edson Buckley

A leading business man and public spirited citizen, Orville Edson Buckley is a life resident of Nebraska. Born at Lyons, on August 1, 1877, he is the son of Edward Forknal and Ann Jane (Clements) Buckley. His father, born in England, March 17, 1848, came to Nebraska as a young man, and engaged in farming until his death at Lyons on March 10, 1887. His mother was born in Lodi, Wisconsin, August 21, 1864, and is still living.

Mr. Buckley attended the Lyons public school and for a time attended Fremont Normal School. During

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1898-99 he attended the Nebraska Agricultural School and during 1900-03 the University of Nebraska.

Since 1910 he has been the owner of a hardware and implement business at Winnebago, and operates a farm nearby. A Republican, he was a member of the county central committee in 1920, and has been delegate to state conventions and census enumerator for Logan township.

His marriage to Frances Marie Reed was solemnized at Bancroft, Nebraska, June 24, 1908. Mrs. Buckley was born at Wyoming, Iowa, September 21, 1880, and was a school teacher prior to her marriage. They have three children, Dorothy, born December 6, 1910, a graduate of Wayne State Teachers College, who teaches in the schools of South Sioux City; Lois, born July 29, 1913, and Frances, born July 31, 1915, attending high school.

Mr. Buckley is active in fraternal circles, and is a 32nd degree member of Sioux City Consistory, of Scottish Rite Masons; a charter member of Winnebago Lodge No. 309, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, in which he has held the offices of treasurer, secretary, junior warden and worshipful master. Besides nine years service on the School Board of District No. 17, he has been chairman of the village board four years, and member six years. He is a director of the local Boy Scout work, and leader and teacher of the Ready Helpers Sunday School Class, of the Winnebago Presbyterian Church, vice president of the Red Cross, and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He enjoys reading and the theatre, but his hobby is really boys' activities.

During the World War he was a member of the Home Guard and committeeman on loan drives. Residence; Winnebago.

Arthur Eugene Bucklin

Arthur Eugene Bucklin, merchant at Atkinson for a number of years, was born at Aurora, Nebraska, May 22, 1877, the son of David Emanuel and Hattie Jane (Hawkins) Bucklin. His father was born at Kankakee, Illinois, and died in North Dakota, in May, 1925. He was a real estate dealer. His wife, Hattie, was born at Kankakee, November 19, 1852.

Upon the completion of his public school education, Mr. Bucklin entered the mercantile business. On November 16, 1898, he was married to Anna Lorretta Eaton at Marquettc, Nebraska. Mrs. Bucklin was born at Pitsford, Michigan, July 6, 1878. Their only child, Harold, born January 10, 1901, died December 23, 1902.

Mr. Bucklin is a Republican. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Red Cross, the Lions Club and the Odd Fellows. He is also a member of the Atkinson Country Club. His favorite sport is golf. Residence: Atkinson.

Charles Rhine Bucy

Born at Staplehurst, Nebraska, June 27, 1886, Charles Rhine Bucy has for many years been a prominent farmer. He is the son of Hezekiah and Lydia Anna (Renner) Bucy, pioneer Nebraskans. Hezekiah Bucy was born in Coschocton County, Ohio, June 6, 1858, and came to Nebraska in 1880. He died at Wolbach, on February 27, 1927. His wife was born at Vermont, Illinois, April 6, 1852, the daughter of William Renner. She died at Cushing, Nebraska, August 8, 1930.

Charles Rhine Bucy attended rural schools in district 91 of Seward County and district 34 of Howard County, until 1904. In 1907 he entered the York College Academy, being graduated in 1911. In 1909 he was graduated from York College with the degree of Bachelor of Accounts.

On August 5, 1914, Mr. Bucy was married to Blanche Iona Gilmore, at Blue Valley. Mrs. Bucy was born at Blue Valley, December 26, 1890, her father having been a pioneer settler in Nebraska in 1866. Their infant son died at birth. Sebastian Gilmore is a homesteader, living on the place originally settled. His father built the first frame house in York County which is still standing.

Mr. Bucy held a teaching position in rural school one year, and since that time has engaged in farming. A Democrat, he is township chairman of the county central committee at the present time. During the World War he was active in all civilian relief drives, was assistant chairman of war saving stamp drives, and was chairman of the Armenian relief drive. His religious affiliation is with the First Church of Christ, Scientist, at York.

From 1907 to 1911, Mr. Bucy was a member of the Young Men's Christian Association, and during the years 1930-31 has served as moderator of School District No. 7. He was a member of the Red Cross 1915, 16, and 17, and is a former member of the Modern Woodmen of America. His hobby is reading. Residence: York.

A. F. Buechler

A. F. Buechler, editor of The Daily Independent at Grand Island was born at Stanton, Illinois, January 20, 1869, son of Christian and Hanna Louise (Niehaus) Buechler.

The father, a clergyman, was born near Mannheim, Germany, and came to the United States in 1865. He died in 1920. His wife, Hanna Louise, was born in Germany and came to the United States with her parents as a child. Her death occurred in 1908.

A. F. Buechler attended public school, and received the Bachelor of Arts degree from Capital University at Columbus, Ohio. Starting in the newspaper game as office boy, he became reporter, partner, and later editor. He has been a director of the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce for the past twenty-six years, and is now serving as its president.

He is editor and vice president of the Independent Publishing Company, and is the editor-in-chief of the History of Hall County (1917). An independent Republican, he was postmaster from 1911-15, and has served as secretary of the county committee and as a member of the state executive committee.

On November 26, 1891, Mr. Buechler was married to Lydia Leonore Boehm at Grand Island. Mrs. Buechler is a native of Omaha. They have four children: Theodore Earl, a graduate of West Point in 1917, is a captain in the United States Army and is married to Mary Elizabeth Taylor. Ethel Hanna married A. A. Roeser, an insurance man. Walter Edward, who is city editor of The Daily Independent, held the rank of corporal in the army, serving overseas. He volunteered for service and did not reach the age of 21 until after the war. Catherine Louise, married Harold Buenz, who is in the mercantile business.

During the World War Mr. Buechler was secretary of the Hall County war activities committee, a director of the Hall County Red Cross, and a member of the county food committee, He is secretary of the Hall County Historical Society, a director of the Nebraska State Historical Society and a life member of he Nebraskana Society. He has been director of the Red Cross and the Salvation Army, and is a member of the St. Paul's English Lutheran Church, and of the Young Men's Christian Association Building Association. His club is the University.

An organizer of the present Chamber of Commerce in 1906, he was secretary the first five years, served as president in 1931, and vice president 1932. He has always been a director of the organization. Residence: Grand Island. (Photograph in Album).

Dexter Clark Buell

Dexter C. Buell, educator and railroad man at Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, was born at Chicago, September 13, 1881. George Cook Buell, his father, who was a lawyer, was born at Burlington, Des Moines County,

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Iowa, July 22, 1853, and died at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 28, 1911. His Holland Dutch ancestors came to America more than 300 years ago. to Katherine Dexter (Clark) Buell, his mother, was born at Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois, December 28, 1861. She was formerly active in club affairs and musical work. She is a descendent of Stephen Hopkins who came to America in the Mayflower; she holds membership in the daughters of the American Revolution.

Mr. Buell was graduated from the Chicago Manual Training School in 1897. He was awarded the following degrees at Purdue University: B. S. in mechanical engineering, 1899; and M. E., 1902. He was secretary of his class and was a member of Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity.

He has been engaged in many branches of railroad work, and is now owner and director of the Railway Educational Bureau, at Omaha. He is the author of numerous texts, and railroad papers written for engineering societies. He has lived in Nebraska for the past 26 years.

On January 17, 1911, he was united in marriage with Elsie Cleaver at Chicago. Mrs. Buell, who was born at Chicago, May 23, 1886, and died at Omaha, August 15, 1913, was a direct descendant of John and Priscilla Alden of Mayflower fame. Two children were born to this marriage: Elaine Clark, born December 18, 1911; and Richard Cleaver, born July 31, 1913.

His marriage to Elma Jane Milliken was solemnized at Fremont, Nebraska, October 2, 1915; she was born at Pleasant Valley, Dodge County, Nebraska, July 25, 1887. They have three children: Robert Landis, born August 30, 1916; Dexter Clark, Jr., born April 6, 1918; and John Barrett, born January 4, 1925.

During the World War, Mr. Buell was a commander in the United States Naval Reserve, and was in charge of building and erection of naval railway guns in France. He is now commander of the Naval Reserve Force of Nebraska. He is an honorary member of the Pittsburgh Railway Club; is past president of the International Railway Fuel Association; and is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

He is a director of the Family Welfare Association; is a member of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. He is a Mason. His social clubs include: University Club; Happy Hollow Club; and Phi Gamma Delta Club of New York. His hobbies are books and philately. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Omaha. He is a Republican. Residence: Omaha.

Carl Henry Buethe

Carl Buethe was born at Hessen, Germany, May 15, 1850, son of Carl and Wilhelmine (Bueltemeier) Buethe. His father, who was born in Germany and died at Elk Creek, Johnson County, Nebraska, February 9, 1899, was an early settler in Nebraska. He came to America from Germany in 1858. Wilhelmine Buethe, a native of Hessen, Germany, came to America with her family, in the middle 1800's. She died at Elk Creek, September 29, 1874.

On July 30, 1876, Mr. Buethe was married to Louisa S. Sodman, at Elk Creek. Mrs. Buethe was born of German parents at Dubuque, Iowa, September 4, 1859, and died August 27, 1923. There were eleven children, ten of whom are still living. They are as follows: Sophie, born November 3, 1877, who married Diedrich Schrader; Minnie, born July 20, 1879, who married John H. Johnson; Chris, born September 17, 1881, who married Lydia Buethe; Carl, born September is, 1883, who married Beatrice Morris; Christine, born September 27, 1885, who married Emil Stutheit; Dick, born October 26, 1887; Gotlieb, born January 22, 1890, died October 31, 1891; Walter, born February 11, 1892, who married Lottie Shafer; Herbert, born March 14, 1896; Stella, born September 25, 1898, who married Walter Tiede; and Henry, born April 3, 1903, who married Ada Sodman.

Educated in the country schools of Johnson County, Mr. Buethe early entered the political field. From January 1, 1884, to January 1, 1887, and from January 1, 1890, to January 1, 1893, he served as county commissioner of Johnson County. Elected in 1901 by the Republican party as member of the Nebraska State Legislature, he served one term.

After more than fifty years of active life as a farmer, he is now retired. He still maintains, however, directorship in the State Bank of Elk Creek. He is affiliated with the Lutheran Church, and holds membership in St. Peter's Church at Elk Creek. He is a member of the Lutheran Layman's League. During the World War he was active in the various drives and was a member of the Nebraska Council of Defense. He has been guardian for children more than 30 years. Residence: Elk Creek.

James C. Buffington

James C. Buffington, executive, was born in Louisa County, Iowa, July 14, 1866, son of David Sleeth and Nancy Ann (Getts) Buffington.

David Sleeth Buffington was born in Ohio, in 1844, and died in Louisa County, Iowa, in May, 1914. He was of Scotch-Irish ancestry. His wife, Ann Getts, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1845, and died at Chariton, Iowa, on January 27, 1902. She was a mother of twelve children.

Mr. Buffington was educated in public schools, and on October 31, 1899, was married to May Griffis at Des Moines, Iowa. They have two children, Ruth, who was graduated from LaSell Seminary; and James, seventeen, who was graduated from the Missouri Military Academy.

Mr. Buffington has been engaged in insurance work for many years, and for about 30 years has been president of the Guarantee Fund Life Association.

He is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Elks. His clubs are the Happy Hollow Country Club and the Omaha Athletic Club. Residence: Omaha.

Edna Dean Bullock

Edna Dean Bullock, director of the Nebraska Legislative Reference Bureau, was born at North Lewisburg, Ohio, April 26, 1869, daughter of Charles Goodrich and Miriam Daniels (Sweet) Bullock. Her father, a native of Chautauqua County, New York, was born on October 4, 1839. He was at the time of his death at Lincoln, February 14, 1925, a retired contractor and builder, whose ancestors came to Plymouth from England, in 1643, settling at Rehoboth, Massachusetts and Swansea, Rhode Island, migrating to Dutchess County, New York, prior to the Revolution.

Miriam (Sweet) Bullock was born at West Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, August 10, 1844, and died at Lincoln, September 7, 1928. She was descended from the Sweet family which migrated from western Pennsylvania to Ohio, just after the Revolution, and from the Guyton family, Huguenot settlers in Baltimore County, Maryland.

After completing her elementary work in the Lincoln public schools, Miss Bullock attended the preparatory department of the University of Nebraska, and entering the University received her B. L. in 1889. She is a member of the Palladian Society. In 1895, she received her B. L. S. from the New York State Library School. She has engaged in library and bibliographical work in twelve states. From 1901 to 1906, she was first secretary of the Nebraska Public Library Commission. From 1909-10, she was on the editorial staff of the H. W. Wilson Publishing Company. During 1894 and 1897-98, she was cataloger at the University of Nebraska Library; and since 1911 she has held positions with the Nebraska Legislative Reference Bureau, until 1921, as librarian, and since that time as director.

During the World War she had two months service

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in the foreign information department of the American Red Cross Headquarters at Washington, and now assists in Red Cross work through the Community Chest. She is a member of All Soul's Unitarian Church, the Nebraska League of Women Voters, the American and the Nebraska Library Associations. Her club is the University. Her hobby is gardening. Residence: Lincoln.

Motier Carlos Bullock

The Reverend Motier Carlos Bullock was born at Elba, Michigan, March 26, 1877, son of Carlos Alonzo and Nellie Elizabeth (Litle) Bullock.

His father, born at Elba, September 3, 1855, was a farmer of early American descent. He died at Goodrich, Michigan, March 4, 1931. Mary Elizabeth Litle was born at Chili, New York, March 31, 1856, she is also descended from early settlers in America.

Mr. Bullock attended district school in Elba Township, Michigan, and was graduated from high school at Hadley, Michigan, in 1893. In 1902 he received his Bachelor of Divinity degree from the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology at Oberlin, Ohio. He was ordained to the ministry June 22, 1906, and has held various pastorates in Michigan, Ohio, New York, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma and Nebraska for the Congregational Church. At the present time he is pastor of the First Congregational Church of McCook, Nebraska.

On June 25, 1902, he was married to Myrtle DeWitt at Blanchard, Michigan. Mrs. Bullock was born at New Hope, New York, August 12, 1877. There are three children, Doris, born August 3, 1903, who married C. Wesley Israel; Carlos, born September 21, 1907; and Mark, born August 20, 1911. Carlos is a graduate architect, while Mark is a student at the University of Nebraska.

Mr. Bullock is an independent Democrat. During the World War he served for one year as secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association while in England and France with the American Expeditionary Forces. At the present time he is a member of the Southwestern Association of Congregational Churches and Ministers, an honorary member of the McCook Chamber of Commerce, vice president of the McCook Rotary Club, and is active in the Young Men's Christian Association work. He holds membership in the Masons, the Knights Templar, the Eastern Star, and is eminent commander of St. John Commandery No. 16. His favorite sports are tennis and volley-ball, and his hobby is bird study. Residence: McCook.

Wardie Elmo Bullock

Born at Franklin, Nebraska, May 17, 1897, Wardie Elmo Bullock is the son of Guy Bernard and Mary Elizabeth (Chelf) Bullock. His father, who is engaged in the hardware business, and was county commissioner for eight years at Madrid, Nebraska, was born at Keithsburg, Illinois, August 19, 1874; he served as chairman of the town board for four years. His mother, whose ancestry is traced to Daniel Boone in Kentucky, was born at Bradfordsville, Kentucky, February 1, 1874.

Mr. Bullock was a student in the public schools of Madrid until 1916 when he studied principles of business at Kearney State Normal College. He is manager of the firm of Bullock & Bullock at Madrid, and formerly engaged in the automobile and insurance business there. He has served as precinct assessor and a member of the town board. Mr. Bullock is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

His marriage to Ruby Florence Mann occurred at Louisville, Kentucky, April 11, 1921. Mrs. Bullock, who is descended from an old southern family, was born at Bradfordsville, September 18, 1901. She is president of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, is bookkeeper for her husband's firm, and is treasurer of the Madrid Consolidated School. Their three children are: Audrey Marilyn, July 4, 1922; Joyce Gay, born December 16, 1924; and Mary Jean, born October 20, 1929. Residence: Madrid.

Fred John Buntemeyer

Fred J. Buntemeyer, grain and lumber dealer, was born at Oshholt, Oldenburg, Germany, May 5, 1882. His parents, Gerhard Buntemeyer and, Elizabeth Louisa (Bollmnn) Buntemeyer, were born at Oldenburg, Germany; his father on May 20, 1829, and his mother on November 15, 1837. Gerhard Buntemeyer died at Zwischenahn, Oldenburg, August, 1911, and his wife in February, 1911, at the same town.

Mr. Buntemeyer was graduated from public school in May, 1896. He married Alvina Louisa Mundt at Crete, on April 21, 1910. She was born at Crete, Nebraska, on February 21, 1888. Their three children are: Carl, born March 18, 1911; Dorothy, born March 3, 1913; and Irma, born April 18, 1916.

Mr. Buntemeyer has resided in Nebraska for twenty-seven years, was associated with the Crete Telephone Company during the years 1906 and 1907, and is now manager and part owner of the elevator and lumberyard at Deshler, Nebraska.

He is affiliated with the American Lutheran Church, is a member of the Red Cross, the Commercial Club, and the Nebraskana Society. His favorite sport is golf. Residence: Deshler.

Byron George Burbank

Byron George Burbank was born near Northfield, Minnesota, August 26, 1860, and for the past forty-six years has been a resident of Omaha. He is the son of Edy Mulcahie and Sarah Richardson, the former a school teacher and farmer, and a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. He served four years, and took part in Sherman's march to the sea. He was born in the North of Ireland, about 1835, and died near Platte City, Missouri, in June, 1884. His mother died when he was 8 months of age, and he was raised by her sister, Mary Burbank, and took that family name.

Sarah Richardson was born in Michigan, about 1837, and died near Northfield, Minnesota, in 1861. She was a direct descendant of Amos Richardson who settled in Boston in 1634. He was prominent in colonial life and one of the first lawyers in America.

Byron G. Burbank received his early education in a country school, and was graduated from Elgin Academy in June, 1880, and later attended Heidelberg University. From 1880 to 1883 he was principal of the Bryon, Illinois, High School, and from 1883-84 was principal of the Mount Morris High School. He holds a life teacher's certificate in that state. In 1885, he was admitted to the bar at Chicago, and for forty-three years was engaged in practice in all the state and federal courts of Omaha and nearby states. He retired from active practice on June 1, 1928.

He was married November 26, 1881. There are two children of this marriage, Byron M., born September 15, 1886, and Wayne, born July 20, 1897. On June 6, 1906, Mr. Burbank was married to Jane Breckenridge Brown of the Breckenridge family of Omaha. They have one son, Forrest B., born June 7, 1909, who is a senior at Harvard.

Mr. Burbank is a Republican. He has been a candidate for congress, chairman of the fourth judicial central committee, chairman of the Douglas County Republican central committee, and member of the executive committee of the Republican state central committee. He is a member of the American, Nebraska State, and Omaha Douglas County Bar Associations. A Mason, he belongs to the Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, Knights Templar, Scot-

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