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many years and has been a delegate to various county and state conventions of the Republican Party during his residence in Nebraska.

His marriage to Ethelyn Josephine Bignell was solemnized at Lincoln, June 8, 1904. Mrs. Matson was born at Lincoln, July 8, 1883; her ancestry is English and French. Her father, Edward Bignell, was for more than 25 years division superintendent of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad at Lincoln.

Mr. Matson served as chairman of the Liberty loan committee for Nebraska District 14; he was a four minute speaker during the World War.

He is a member of the American Bar Association; the Nebraska State Bar Association; and the Lancaster County Bar Association. He holds membership in the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce; the Hiram Club; University Club; and the Lincoln Country Club. He is a Mason; Scottish Rite; 32nd degree; Knight Commander of Court of Honor; and Shrine. He is a member of the Nebraskana Society and the Nebraska State Historical Society.

His favorite sport is golf. His hobby is the study of the history of federal government and the federal constitution. He is affiliated with St. Matthew's Mission Episcopal Church at Lincoln. He is a member of the Sons of Veterans. Residence: Lincoln.

Richard A. Matteson

Richard A. Matteson has been a farmer and executive in farm organizations in Fillmore County for over half a century and today is retired at Geneva, Nebraska. He was born at Campbellsport, Wisconsin, November 10, 1853, the son of Caroline (Harrington) and Isaiah Matteson. His father, who was born at Shaftsbury, Vermont, March 19, 1823, and died at Fairmont, Nebraska, October 10, 1900, was a farmer whose Welsh ancestors came to America in the early settlement of Rhode Island.

His mother was born at Shaftsbury, Vermont, August 15, 1833, and died at Geneva, December 2, 1915. She was of English and Scotch descent; her grandfather and six uncles served in the Revolution.

Mr. Matteson served as secretary of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company for 22 years and is now president of this organization. A Republican, he has taken an active and important part in the political history of Fillmore County, holding the following positions: deputy clerk, 1888-92; county clerk, 1892-96; chairman of the county board, 1910-20; member of the constitutional convention, 1919-20; substitute county judge, 1927-29; and chairman of the Republican County Committee, for fifteen years.

He is a Knight Templer and 32nd degree Mason, holds membership in the Nebraskana Society, and is affiliated with the First Congregational Church of Geneva. He served as chairman of loan drives and Red Cross committees at Geneva five times during the World War. His marriage to Anna Mary Straley, occurred at Fairmont, February 10, 1884; she was born at New Enterprise, Pennsylvania, October 12, 1860, of German parentage. They have one child, Rosell Collis, born October 11, 1884, who is an electrical engineer. He was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1922; at present time is taking post graduate work at the University of Minnesota. Residence: Geneva.

Ivan H. Mattson

Ivan H. Mattson, photographer, was born at Goteborg, Sweden, January 7, 1895, son of Herman and Ida (Person) Mattson. The father, an interior decorator, was born in Anneberg, Sweden, January 1, 1872, and arrived in America in 1904. His wife, Ida, was born in Goteborg, April 1, 1874. Her father, Peter Person, who lives in Sweden, is an old shipbuilder who in years past worked on many of the ships of the Swedish Navy.

Educated in public school until 1914, Ivan H. Mattson attended Kearney State Teachers College 1914-15. He served his apprenticeship as a photographer with the Anderson Studio in Kearney, from 1909-1920, the last five years as head of the printing department. In June, 1920, he started in business for himself under the name of Mattson Studio.

On August 21, 1929, Mr. Mattson was united in marriage to Ebba June Olsson at Kearney. Mrs. Mattson, who was born at Ord, June 17, 1908, is of Swedish parentage, her mother a teacher in the schools of Sweden.

A Democrat, Mr. Mattson was elected to the city council of Kearney in 1928 and is still serving. He is staff sergeant, Medical Detachment, 35th Division Train, in the Nebraska National Guard. For the past five years he has been a member of the Nebraska National Guard.

Mr. Mattson is a member of the First Lutheran Church, the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, the Nebraskana Society, and since 1930 has been treasurer of the Nebraska Photographers Society. His club is the Kearney Country Club, his favorite sport is golf and his hobby is dramatics. Residence: Kearney.

Christ Matzen

Chris Matzen was born at Creston, Nebraska, March 29, 1876, the son of Theodore Konrad Matzen and Bertha Marie (Sverson) Matzen. His father, who was a sailor, miner, and farmer, was born at Tyn, Denmark, May 28, 1835, and is now retired; he homesteaded in Platte County in 1873. His mother was born at Veile, Denmark, May 3, 1851.

Mr. Matzen, who is a successful farmer in Boone County, Nebraska, attended rural school and Fremont Normal School. He is a member of the Parent Teachers Association at St. Edward, Nebraska, has been moderator of the school board for 14 years, is director and secretary of the Farmers Union Co-operative Association, and is an active member of the local Red Cross. He is affiliated with the First Presbyterian Church of St. Edward and is clerk of Woodville Township.

His marriage to Laura Marie Cartensen occurred at Leigh, Nebraska, June 10, 1908. Five children were born to their marriage: Maurice, May 4, 1909; Gordon, June 9, 1911; Kenneth, March 7, 1913; Stanley, February 15, 1917; and Steward, February 15, 1917, who died February 26, 1917. Maurice and Gordon are farmers, Kenneth is a student at Hastings College, and Stanley is a student at St. Edward High School. Residence: St. Edward.

John M. Matzen

John M. Matzen, assistant professor, school administration, of the University of Nebraska, was born at Moline, Illinois, son of Hans Christian and Albertina Fredericka (Mathiason) Matzen. The father was born in Denmark, November 27, 1839 and died at Hooper February 7, 1896. His wife, Albertina, was born in Sweden, August 20, 1838 and died at Hooper April 1, 1912.

In 1913 Mr. Matzen received the Bachelor of Science degree from Fremont College, and in 1927 and 1928 respectively received the Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from the University of Nebraska. In 1931 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Columbia University.

A Republican he was county superintendent of Dodge County schools 1906-20, and from 1920 until 1927 was state superintendent of public instruction. He is a Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner, a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Nebraska State Bar Association, the National Education Association and the Department of Superintendence of the the later (sic). Residence: Lincoln.

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August Ferdinand Matzke

August Ferdinand Matzke, retired farmer, was born at Juda, Green County, Wisconsin, November 30, 1859, son of William Frederick and Hanna Louisa (Henning) Matzke. His father was born at Doelitz, Germany, June 5, 1838, and died at Juda, September 25, 1904. He came to America in 1856. Hanna, wife of William, was born at Doelitz, August 16, 1885, and died at Juda, in May, 1907.

Mr. Matzke received his education in the rural schools of Wisconsin, and in 1891, came to Nebraska, where he engaged in farming and stock raising on an extensive scale until his retirement. He was married to Wilhelmina Augusta Ziettlow, at Juda, Wisconsin, January 24, 1884. Mrs. Matzke was born at Juda, September 13, 1868, and died at Western, March 17, 1918. To their union ten children were born, one of whom, Adella, born June 10, 1885, died July 31, 1887. Those living are: Jasper F., born December 12, 1886. He is a farmer and is married to Ada R. Schultz. Stella May, born December 8, 1888, is active in the work of the W. C. T. U. She married Samuel Lange. Nettle Marie, born October 3, 1890, was graduated from Western High School, and taught seven years, in rural schools. Anna Sylvia, born October 3, 1890, was graduated from Western High School, and taught 8 years in rural schools. She married John W. Dallas. Lawrence L., born December 16, 1894, finished high school at Western, and is a farmer. He married Ruby A. Dallas; Flossie W., born December 8, 1897, completed the course at Western High School, attended teachers training school, and taught in city and rural schools five years. She married Dewey Hibbert. Letha C., born June 14, 1900, attended Peru and Kearney Normal School and taught in city and rural schools seven years. She married Harvey Johnston. Edna Clara, born March 22, 1908, completed the course in the Kearney State Teachers College and taught in the high schools of Nebraska five years. Mabel M., born October 26, 1906, was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1928, taught in a mission school at Beverly, Kentucky, one year, in Nebraska high schools one year, and is now engaged in religious educational work in the Methodist Episcopal Church. She is married to Nathaniel B. Burke. Laurence, the second son, served two years with the American Expeditionary Forces during the World War. All the children are interested in community and religious activities.

Mr. Matzke is a Republican. He is a member of the Evangelical Church, the Nebraskana Society, and during the World War participated in Liberty bond drives and Red Cross and Salvation Army work. He was a member of rural school boards for the years 1896-1912, and city schools 1920-23. For thirty years he was superintendent of Sunday School and for a like period was a trustee of his church. He enjoys reading, music and carpentry. Residence: Western. (Photograph in Album).

Murl M. Maupin

Murl M. Maupin, lawyer, was born at Stanberry, Missouri, February 21, 1901, son of Charles and Minnie (Shattuck) Maupin.

He attended Washington Grade School at North Platte, Nebraska until May, 1915 and was graduated from North Platte High School in 1919. In 1923 he received a Bachelor of Laws degree in the University of Nebraska, where he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He was admitted to the bar at Lincoln on June 5, 1923 and from 1927-1931 was county attorney of Keith County, elected on the Republican ticket. He is now a member of the board of education of Ogallala. He is a member of the Nebraska State and American Bar Association, the Rotary Club, and the Masons.

He was married to Viola Blonde at Ewing, Nebraska, February 24, 1925. In 1924 she received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Nebraska. Residence: Ogallala.

Will Major Maupin

A noted newspaper man and editor of Nebraska, Will Major Maupin is the son of William Taylor and Sarah Ann (Miller) Maupin. He was born at Taylorville, Illinois, August 31, 1863, and for the past forty-six years has been a resident of Nebraska. William Taylor Maupin, who was born in Callaway County, Missouri, August 30, 1832, was a minister of the Disciples of Christ Church, and a veteran of the Civil War. His forbears came from France to Virginia in 1707. He died at Hennessey, Oklahoma, in March, 1911. Sarah Ann, his wife, was also born in Callaway County, on March 16, 1832. She died at North Bend in October, 1894.

Mr. Maupin attended the common schools of Missouri, leaving at the age of fifteen to be apprenticed to the printing trade. This he has always followed, and during the past fifty years has been editor of various newspapers. At the present time he is staff correspondent for the Omaha World-Herald. In addition to his newspaper editorial work, Mr. Maupin is the author of several volumes of verse and sketches, the last one being Sunny Side Up.

A Democrat, Mr. Maupin has always been active in the politics of his party, and during 1909-10 served as commissioner of Labor for Nebraska, and during 1917-18 was state director of the Bureau of Publicity. He has made an intimate study of Nebraska history, its resources and possibilities, and during the World War period was cited by President Wilson for meritorious work in connection with the National Council of Defense.

Mr. Maupin was married to Lettie Clifford Armstead at North Bend, Nebraska, on October 13, 1894, and to this union eight children were born, Louis of Salt Lake City; Lorena Elizabeth Lewellyn of Omaha; Dorothy Katherine Beindorff; Richard Metcalfe; Margaret Blanche; Charlotte May; Jack Robins; and Dan Whitmer. There are seven grandchildren at the present time. Mrs. Maupin, who was born at Columbus, Ohio, August 16, 1875, is of Pennsylvania Dutch and early New England ancestry.

Affiliated with the Disciples of Christ Church, Mr. Maupin is also a member of the Masons, the Knights of Pythias, the Lions Club and the Nebraskana Society. He devotes much of his leisure time to fishing, while his hobby is rare books and manuscripts. Residence: Hastings.

Irving Clayton Maust

At Myersdale, Pennsylvania, Irving C. Maust was born May 15, 1868. His father, Elias Abraham Maust, who was born in Somerset County, March 23, 1839, and died at Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska, July 21, 1925; was a pioneer grain dealer in Falls City, and served as a corporal in the Civil War. Savilla (Miller) Maust, his mother, who was born at Myersdale, July 27, 1849, and died at Falls City, April 8, 1921, was a diligent church worker.

Mr. Maust, who has lived in Nebraska for sixty years, was educated in the public schools of Falls City. Since 1890 he has been continuously in the grain, livestock and coal business; in 1920 he became interested in the oil business and has carried on all of these enterprises since that date. He is vice president of the Hotel Realty Company.

On May 18, 1892, his marriage to Sara Blanche Norris was solemnized at Falls City. Mrs. Maust, a prominent clubwoman, is of English ancestry, descended from Sir William Norreys, and was born at Falls City, January 27, 1872. There are two children: June, born June 4, 1910, who is a graduate of the Christian College at Columbia, Missouri, and is now attending the University of Nebraska where she is a member of Pi Phi sorority; and Irving C., born August 18, 1914.

Mr. Maust is a Republican, a member of the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce, the Parent-Teachers' Associa-

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tion, and the Nebraskana Society. He is an Elk, a Mason, an Odd Fellow, and a Knight of Pythias. His dub is the Falls City Country Club. Hunting and fishing are his hobbies. Residence: Falls City.

David Edward Maxwell

A prominent dentist in Nebraska for twenty-four years, David Edward Maxwell was born at Cedar Rapids, September 26, 1883, son of John and Anna (Dobson) Maxwell.

John Maxwell, born in Belfast, Ireland, March 10, 1847, married there and about 1866 left his wife and two children to come to America. A hard working, thrifty farmer, he afterward brought his family in 1869 to the United States, living near and in Cedar Rapids until 1925, then settling in Albion where he resided until his death. He, together with his brothers-in-law William Dobson and Hubert Reed, were the first settlers in Cedar Valley where they homesteaded in 1872, and when he died on May 18, 1928, he had amassed a comfortable fortune.

Anna Dobson was born in Belfast, and died at Cedar Rapids, January 9, 1924. She came to Boone County in the spring of 1872, with a team of oxen and a covered wagon, in which the family lived all summer. She reared a family of eight children, five of whom were born in a sod house in Cedar Rapids, which house is still standing at the present time. She was a devoted wife, mother, and a true pioneer.

Educated in public school, David Edward Maxwell was graduated from Cedar Rapids High School in 1904, and in 1908 received his degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Nebraska. There he played baseball, and as he says "as a class of dentists we had a pretty good team."

He was married on March 12, 1909 to Grace Morris at Belgrade, who died at Cedar Rapids, July 9, 1909. His second marriage was to Lucy Elizabeth Farley, and was solemnized June 26, 1912 at Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Maxwell was born July 16, 1889. They have one daughter, Helen Lucile, born January 24, 1916. She is in high school.

Dr. Maxwell practiced nine and half years at Cedar Rapids, eight and half years at Albion and for the past six years has been at Columbus. In all three places he has enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. He is an extensive land and property owner in addition.

His fraternal organizations include the Modern Woodmen of America, the Masons, Eastern Star and Knights of Pythias. His religious affiliation is with the First Methodist Church of Columbus. He is a contributor to welfare organizations, is a member of the national, state and district dental associations, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Wayside Country Club. His favorite sport is golf and his hobby is his profession. He is also extensively interested in building both residents and business buildings, and at the present time is part owner of the Maxwell-Bratt building, on which extensive improvements are contemplated in the near future. Residence: Columbus.

Allan Daniel May

An editor and writer for more than thirty years, Allan D. May, was born at Mound City, Missouri, January 26, 1876. He is the son of Leonidas McKelvie and Martha Ellen (Hanna) May. His father was born at Findlay, Ohio, May 24, 1848, and was a railway postal clerk and editor. He served in the Civil War and was of Irish descent. Martha Ellen Hanna, his wife, was born at Hagerstown, Maryland, September 8. 1842. She was of Scotch descent, an earnest worker in the Presbyterian Church, whose main interest in life was the rearing of her family. She died at Falls City, May 27, 1918.

Allan D. May was graduated from the Falls City High School on May 18, 1893, and studied at the University of Nebraska two years. In the newspaper business since leaving school, his first connection was with the Falls City Journal in 1896, which continued about seven years.

In 1907 Mr. May came to Auburn where he was connected with the Auburn Republican for several years, later becoming editor of the Nemaha County Herald in 1911. He is the author of considerable verse published in magazines at various times, and of newspaper articles, etc.

His marriage to Maude Alice Wylie was solemnized at Falls City, October 22, 1902. Mrs. May was born at Rome, New York, June 12, 1878, and is of English descent. They have one son, Edgar Wylie, born April 25, 1904, who married Mary Yvonne Sellers. Their son, Thomas Wylie, is now three years of age.

A Republican, Mr. May served as deputy county clerk 10 years. During the war he was active in various war drives. Affiliated with the Protestant Episcopal Church, he attends the Church of the Ascension at Auburn.

He is a member of the Nebraska Writers' Guild, the Nebraska State Historical Society and The Nebraskana Society. He is also a member of the Red Cross, the Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Highlanders. He is interested in sports, especially football. His hobbies, however, are reading, growing flowers and gardening. Residence: Auburn.

Clara Edith May

For the past 38 years Clara Edith May has lived in Nebraska, and is active in women's affairs at York. She was born at Buda, Illinois, December 4, 1881, the daughter of Joel Hulbert and Rebecca (Barnet) Foster. Her father, who was a farmer, was born in Onandaga County, New York, September 18, 1834, of Holland Dutch parentage, and died at York, Nebraska, April 8, 1916. Her mother, whose ancestry was English, was born at Lysander, New York, March 27, 1835, and died at York, September 30, 1910.

Mrs. May attended rural school in Illinois, and later was graduated from the York High School. She was a student at York College for a time. She is a member of the Young Men's Christian Association Auxiliary, the Eastern Star, Does, Pythian Sisters, Highlanders, and the First Presbyterian Church of York. She served as chairman of the York Hi-Y committee in 1930, and is now a member of the York Country Club. Her only business affiliation is with the York Floral Company.

She was married to Lemuel Elmer Dean at York, June 5, 1907. Mr. Dean, who was an electrician and farmer, was born at Blue Vale, Nebraska, January 24, 1879, and died at York, August 8, 1909. His ancestry was Pennsylvania Dutch. One child was born to this marriage: Helen Clarissa Dean, born June 25, 1909. On January 9, 1913, she was united in marriage with Grover C. May at York. Their two children are: Howard Bernhardt, born December 23, 1913; and Robert Foster, born January 30, 1916. Helen was graduated from York High School in 1927, was a student at Stephens College in 1929, and was graduated from the University of Nebraska, in June, 1931. She is a member of Alpha Phi at Lincoln. Howard was graduated from York High School in 1931. Residence: York.

Grover Cleveland May

Grover Cleveland May, a resident of Nebraska for the past forty-six years, was born in Richmond, Indiana, March 12, 1885, the son of August Henry and Augusta Fredericka (Bernhardt) May. His father, who was an iron moulder, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, April 14. 1848, and died at York, Nebraska, November 18, 1913. He was of German descent. His mother was born in Steiake, Germany, March 1, 1856.

Mr. May received his early education at Staplehurst, Nebraska, afterward attending York High School from

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which he was graduated in 1903. From 1906 until 1917 he was in the Railway Mail Service, resigning in 1917 to purchase the York Floral Company of which he is sole owner. For three years Mr. May served as secretary-treasurer of the Nebraska State Florists' Association; since 1928 he has been a director of the York County Commercial Club, and from 1927-29 was a director of the Young Men's Christian Association.

Several years ago Mr. May was a member of the York Rotary Club; and at the present time he holds the following memberships: Red Cross, Parent Teachers Association, Nebraskana Society, Masons (commandery and chapter), Knights of Pythias and the First Presbyterian Church of York. He is independent politically and is a member of the York Country Club.

On January 9, 1913, he was married to Clara Edith Foster at York. Mrs. May, who was born at Buda, Illinois, December 4, 1881, is of English descent. She has one child by a former marriage, Helen C. Dean, born June 25, 1909. Of their marriage two children were born, Howard B., on December 23, 1913, and Robert Foster, born January 30. 1916. Howard was graduated from York High School in 1931 and is now a student at York College. Residence: York.

Carl Burton McAndrew

Carl Burton McAndrew was born at Ainsworth, Nebraska, February 3, 1895, the son of William Davie McAndrew and Emily Dowding. His father, who was a rancher and farmer, was born at Glasgow, Scotland, June 16, 1843, and died at Ainsworth, December 11, 1919, having served as one of General Sherman's body guards during the Civil War; he was wounded twice and was cited for unusual bravery during that engagement.

William McAndrew came to America in 1849 where he acquired large land interests, most of which he gave to charity before his death. His wife, who was a faithful worker in the Congregational Church and who was a woman of high character and attainments, was born in England, October 8, 1851, and died at Ainsworth, February 20, 1908.

Mr. McAndrew was graduated from the Ainsworth High School in 1914, attended the University of Iowa in 1916, was a student at the University of Nebraska in 1917, and in 1922 studied at the Adcox School of Electricity. He owned and operated a dairy farm from 1920 to 1929, serving at the same time as a clerk in the Ainsworth Post Office. Since 1929 he has been city letter carrier in that community where he holds membership in the Commercial Club, the Red Cross, and the First Congregational Church.

He is a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers, the Nebraska Association of Letter Carriers, the Nebraskana Society, and the Masons. During the World War he served as corporal and sergeant in the United States Army and at this time is a member of the American Legion. He is interested in mechanics and is fond of fishing and hunting.

His marriage to Alberta Gail White was solemnized at O'Neill, Nebraska, September 9, 1919. Mrs. McAndrew, who is a talented organist, was born at Bassett, Nebraska, February 16, 1898. She is the daughter of Dr. H. J. White whose great-great-grandfather was killed by the Indians in New York in the early history of America. They have two children: Jean Harriet, born June 14, 1920; and William Davie, born January 2, 1928. Residence: Ainsworth.

Elizabeth May McBeth

Elizabeth May McBeth, for the past 43 years a resident of Nebraska, was born at Pilot Mound, Iowa, October 13, 1858. She is the daughter of William Marion and Sarah Collins (Scott) Petty, early pioneers.

William M. Petty was born in Miami County, Indiana, August 1, 1838, and held the rank of sergeant in the Civil War. A farmer in earlier life, he later entered the real estate and loan business, continuing until his death at Hebron. He was a member of the Petty family which came to the United States not later than 1700, and was descended from Sir William Petty, historian. His maternal grandfather, Peter Runyan, was an officer in the Black Hawk War.

Sarah Collins Scott was born in Virginia, June 21, 1836, and died at Hebron, in 1917. Her family came from the British Isles, her father a doctor, and her grandfather a minister.

On February 5, 1880, Elizabeth May Petty was united in marriage to James McBeth at Pilot Mound. He was born in Pennsylvania, May 25, 1856, and died at Hebron, May 1, 1903. There are two children, Pearl, born November 26, 1880, who married Henry Henning; and William, born August 6, 1893, who married Elizabeth Bowen.

A teacher in the public schools of Iowa in earlier life, Mrs. McBeth has been active in welfare, civic and social work for many years. For a number of years she has been city librarian, and since its organization has been secretary and treasurer of civilian relief. She is chairman of welfare work for the Hebron Woman's Club, and during the World War was especially active. She devotes much of her time to the attention of the sick and needy.

She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, the P. E. O. Sisterhood, and the Rebekahs, and is a member of The Nebraskana Society. Residence: Hebron.

Benjamin Franklin McBride

Benjamin Franklin McBride was one of the outstanding pioneers of Nebraska, and was recognized as the leader of the little band of settlers who came to Boone County in the spring of 1873. He was born in Noble County, Ohio, June 15, 1845, and during his boyhood moved with his parents to Iowa. At the age of 18 years he enlisted in Company B of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry and served throughout the duration of the Civil War.

In May, 1873, Mr. McBride left his native state of Iowa and with his wife and small children began the hazardous and difficult trip which was to establish him in the middlewest. He was the leader of a small band of pioneers who made the slow journey in the covered wagons of that era, fording the various streams they encountered and killing game for food.

He arrived in Boone County June 15, 1873, established his property claims, and made his homestead entry. Almost immediately the settlers began to build their temporary sod homes and to break the soil for their first crop of corn. Through the following years of grasshopper-destruction, drouth, and discouraging circumstances Mr. McBride continued to be the outstanding man in his little community, and is largely responsible for the fact that most of the settlers remained in the new country.

His youngest son, now a man of nearly 50 years, resides on the original homestead in Boone County, and it is a matter of pride among the McBride family that there has never been a mortgage attached to the farm. Mr. McBride died at Albion, Nebraska, November 23, 1915. Residence: Albion.

Edgar McBride

A banker most of his life, Edgar McBride was born at Blue Hill, August 6, 1892, son of Edward Joseph and Margaret (Uerling) McBride. His father, born in Lake County, Illinois, May 8, 1854, is president of the Commercial Bank of Blue Hill, treasurer of the Farmers Grain and Stock Company, director of the Glcnwood Telephone Company, and was the originator of the Blue Hill Butter and Cheese Company, operating five cream-

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eries. His mother was born in Thiensville, Wisconsin, June 9, 1862. She is of German descent.

Edgar McBride attended Blue Hill High School and graduated from St. Marys College, academic course, at St. Marys, Kansas, in 1911 and took a post-graduate course in 1911-12. From 1912-17 he was assistant cashier of the Commercial Bank of Blue Hill and since that time has been cushier. He is also a director of the bank.

On February 14, 1925, he was married to Eva Theresa Conniff at Louisville, Kentucky. Mrs. McBride was born at Hawesville, Kentucky, April 1, 1902, the daughter of Thomas Edward and Margaret (Jarboe) Coniff. The former was a railroad contractor. The mother died when her daughter was seven years of age, and the father died in 1915, after which Mrs. McBride attended Immaculate Conception Academy of Hastings, where she graduated. There are three children, Edgar, born December 8, 1925; James, born September 17, 1928; and Margaret, born April 7, 1930.

Mr. McBride is a Democrat. He held the ranks of first class private to acting officer sergeant in Replacement Group, Headquarters Company, Camp Greenleaf, Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, during the World War, is past commander and present finance officer and member of the executive committee of the American Legion.

He is a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Community Chest, Chamber of Commerce (treasurer), the Elks, Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Columbus.

He has been a member of the city council eleven years, mayor six years, and still holds that office, and is vice president of the Nebraska Progress Association. He is a life member of the Nebraskana Society. Residence: Blue Hill.

Lewis Cass McBride

Lewis Cass McBride, who has lived in this state for the past 55 years, was born at Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio, May 25, 1847. He is the son of Andrew and Mary Kelley McBride. His father, who was a brick mason and a contractor, was born in Champaign County, and died at Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa, in 1895; he was of Scotch-Irish descent. His mother, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1886, was of Pennsylvania Dutch descent.

Mr. McBride attended the high school at Marengo. During his life he has held the following positions: brick mason; farmer; and business man. He is now retired. He married Mary Elizabeth Stoner July 4, 1868, at Brooklyn, Iowa. Mrs. McBride was born at Tiffin, Ohio, and died at Lincoln, Nebraska, November, 1913. She was the daughter of George W. and Hannah M. Stoner. To this marriage the following children were born: Jason E., born 1870; O. W., born 1876; Effie M., born 1880; and Maud M., born 1889.

During the Civil war Mr. McBride was a private in Company H, 12th Indiana Volunteer. He is a member of the G. A. R. and is the bass drummer in the Drum Corps and a member of quartet in Farragut Post No. 25. For the past sixty years he has been affiliated with the Methodist Church. He is a staunch Republican. Residence: Lincoln.

William Arthur McCain

William A. McCain, executive, was born in Rush, Pennsylvania, April 22, 1882, son of William Wallace and Orpha A. (Granger) McCain. Both were of Scotch-Irish ancestry.

From 1908 until 1926 Mr. McCain was the owner and manager of the Scottsbluff Overland Company, and since 1926 has been manager of the Platte Valley Loan and Investment Company. He is a member of the Community Congregational Church, and is affiliated with the Republican party.

On June 7, 1910, he was married to Leda A. Ross at Scottsbluff, Nebraska. She was born at Palmyra, Illinois, May 9, 1883. They have three children, Ross, born March 5, 1911; Jack, born December 12, 1912; and James, born August 11, 1914.

Mr. McCain's hobbies are fishing and hunting. Residence: Scottsbluff.

Frank Monroe McCarter

Frank Monroe McCarter, contractor, was born at Lexington, Nebraska, June 22, 1882, son of Charles Monroe and Ida F. (Johnson) McCarter. His ancestry is Scotch and Irish for several generations in America.

Mr. MeCarter started in country school at Chimney Rock, and at the age of 21 was in the 6th grade. He finished High School in 1906, and for a short period of 1907 attended the Nebraska Wesleyan University. He later took up a commercial law and completed a business course. For a number of years he has been in the contracting business building highways, irrigation and drainage ditches.

On May 1, 1912, he was married to Ada Adell Smith at Lincoln, Nebraska. She was born at Bennet, Nebraska, December 3, 1887. Mrs. McCarter is a graduate of Lincoln High School and is a registered nurse. Prior to her marriage she was head nurse at the Central Hospital at Lincoln. They have five children, Verna Ilene, born February 9, 1913; Alice May, born October 17, 1915, who married Jonathan Franklin Lane; June, born July 17, 1917; Jacqueline, born March 10, 1919; and Betty Lou, born February 24, 1921.

Mr. McCarter is a Democrat. He is a 32nd degree Mason, a member of the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Methodist Church. During the late war he served in the home guard. Mr. McCarter is a candidate for state senator. His favorite sports are hunting and golf. Residence: Bayard.

Anna Weber McCartney

Anna Weber McCartney, superintendent of schools of Boyd County, was born at Wapello, Iowa, June 10, 1890, daughter of Chris and Ella J. (Peters) Weber. His father, born in Germany, January 10, 1849, was a farmer who came to America in 1851. His wife, Ella, was born in Bard, Iowa, March 14, 1858. She is a milliner.

Mrs. McCartney was graduated from Wapello High School in May, 1905, and received her Bachelor of Science degree from the Arizona State Teachers College. She was a student at Iowa State Teachers College, 1905-06, Missouri Teachers College, 1910-11, and the University of Colorado 1913.

A public school teacher for several years, Mrs. McCartney taught in Butte, Nebraska; Gregory, South Dakota; Winner, South Dakota; Fairfax, South Dakota; and Wapello, Iowa. Since 1923 she has been county superintendent of schools. She is a member of the First Christian Church, Wapello, the Nebraska State Teachers Association, the National Teachers Association and the State County Superintendents Association. She is a member of the Red Cross, Eastern Star, Parent Teachers Association, Young Women's Christian Association and the Nebraskana Society. Her hobbies are china, water color and pastel painting. Residence: Butte.

Fred Warren McCaw

A physician and surgeon in Nebraska since 1907, Fred Warren McCaw was born at Winfield, Iowa, March 23, 1882. He is the son of William Henry and Margaret Matilda (Serviss) McCaw. His father, born in Canada, July 26, 1844, practiced medicine in eastern Iowa almost fifty years, prior to his death. He died at Colon, Nebraska, December 16, 1925. Margaret M. Serviss was born in Michigan, in October, 1845, and died at Colon

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