In the
presidential campaign of the year 1896 Nebraska became a
central figure in the nation's politics. The triumph of
the free silver wing in the national democratic
convention, followed by the nomination of William J.
Bryan for president, and his subsequent nomination by the
peoples party at St. Louis brought about a complete
fusion between the peoples independent and democratic
parties in the state of Nebraska resulting in the
election of an entire state ticket, a majority of both
houses of the legislature, and four out of six members of
congress. Investigation by the incoming officers
disclosed that the outgoing republican state treasurer,
J. S. Bartley, was defaulter in the sum of $553,074.61,
and the outgoing auditor, Eugene Moore, had collected
$28,000 of fees which he had failed to turn into the
state treasury. Prosecution of both of these officials
resulted in Moore's acquittal on a technicality, and
Bartley's conviction and sentence to imprisonment for
twenty years in the penitentiary. Some of the
Farm and Alfalfa Field
more important measures passed by this
legislature were an act to regulate charges in the South
Omaha stockyards, an act to prohibit corporations from
contributing money to election campaigns, a stringent
anti-trust act, an act to prevent the adulteration of
food, an act providing for the initiative and referendum,
an act forbidding further sale of school lands.
Before another
legislature assembled in the spring of 1898 war began
between the United States and Spain. Three regiments of
Nebraska soldiers, in all nearly 4,000 men, were
furnished. The First regiment sailed to the Philippines,
took part in the capture of Manila from the Spaniards,
fired the first shot in the subsequent war with the
Filipinos, took part in half a dozen battles losing its
commander, Colonel Stotsenberg, and returned after a
year's absence. The Second regiment was sent to the great
military camp at Chattanooga, where it remained in camp
until the close of the war. The Third regiment crossed to
Cuba and had part in the military occupation of the