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later he came to Nebraska. He is a graduate of the Rome, New York, high school and was married to Miss Dora Fuller in 1876. His father served in the 117th New York Infantry, Company H, and was killed at Fortress Monroe. Mr. Hall is affiliated with the Republican party and has served the county three times in the capacity of County Clerk.

      JOHN C. GAMMILL is a. native of Ohio, having been born in Columbiana County, February 6, 1842, whence he removed to Iowa when a boy. He was educated in the common schools and served through the Civil War, rising to the rank of Captain. After the War he married Miss May Phillips and they have eight children. Since 1874 he has lived in Nebraska excepting four years in Iowa. He was a County Treasurer in Iowa and has been Clerk of Frontier County and is now serving his second term as Clerk of the District Court, being a member of the Republican party.

      J. S. PERKINS was born in Alleghany County, Maryland, September 9, 1847, whence his parents removed to Virginia, when he was six years of age. There he was educated and entered the Sixth West Virginia Infantry and served through two years of the Civil War. October 10, 1867 he married Miss Mary Sayre, to whom was born one son. He is a staunch Republican, having voted the ticket when in the army at the age of seventeen. He was County Assessor in West Virginia for eight years and is now Sheriff of Frontier County.

      HANS C. ROGERS is a native of Denmark and was born February 2, 1847. He graduated from the Civil Engineering course of a government college of Denmark and served in the Danish Army in the War of 1863 and 1864 as Second Lieutenant. He came to New York in 1870 and settled in Muskegon County, Michigan, removing from there to Frontier County, Nebraska in 1879. Mr. Rogers was Postmaster at Orafino, Nebraska, from 1880 to 1886. He is a member of the Republican party and has twice been elected Surveyor of Frontier County. He is also a school moderator and Justice of the Peace.

      GEORGE J. DOLD was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, January 4, 1869, and his parents came to Otoe County, Nebraska, when he was two years old. He was educated there and came to Frontier County in 1888, where he has since lived. He is of German parentage, his father and mother having come from Germany when young people. Mr. Dold is a Populist and is Chairman of the County Commissioners of Frontier County.

      JACOB SCHERER, a native of Iowa, was born in Clay County, May 14, 1851. He resided there until his twenty-seventh year, when he came to Nebraska and has since made this state his home. In 1876 he married Miss Elzina Jessup and they have five children. He has followed the occupation of farming and is serving his first term as County Commissioner.

      J. B. RICE was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1847, removing to Ohio in his seventh year, and in 1882 settled in Nebraska. He has been engaged in farming and stock raising. He received a common school education in Ohio and during a four years residence in Illinois. In 1889 he was married to Miss Louella Lydic and they have four children. He was County Commissioner from 1888 to 1891 and has been re-elected to that office on the Republican ticket.


      The pioneer settler of Furnas County was Benjamin Burton, a ranchman who established himself at the mouth of Deer Creek about six miles above Arapahoe. His nearest neighbor lived about 100 miles distant. He found a fine grazing land and an ample supply of water for his stock. A territory in the southern part of the state 24 miles from north to south and 30 miles from east to west was organized as Furnas County in 1873. The principal water power is found in the Republican River. Sappa, Beaver, Elk and Muddy are the names of the principal creeks. On the uplands the wells vary from 60 to 150 feet deep and in the lowlands from 10 to 40 feet. The soil is dark, sandy and very fertile. Land for alfalfa raising is in good demand. Apples, peach, plum, cherry and apricot trees flourish here. The timber along the waterways cannot be utilized for lumber to any extent, but it makes a valuable source of fuel supply. A Plattsmouth town company laid out the first



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town and christened it Arapahoe. Here the first postoffice was established in 1872 with Geo. W. Love as Postmaster. As the sod had to be broken up in 1872, there were of course no crops until the succeeding year. During this time, supplies had to be hauled with great difficulty from towns 100 to 150 miles distant. The first birth recorded in the new county was that of a child of Frank Griffith. The nearest postoffice was at Alma in the next county twenty-five miles away, and the mail was brought weekly by voluntary carriers. A political war was waged for many years between the north and south, Arapahoe and Beaver City being the contending factions. The latter is now the capital city with a population of 911. The county was named in honor of Robert W. Furnas, then Governor of Nebraska. Land has increased one-third in value in the last five years, and farms are in good demand, 12,373 people now inhabiting the county, and there are 3,921 children of school age.

     R. H. ROHR is a native of Indiana, born in Wells County, October 13, 1841. When fourteen he went to Iowa with his parents and came to Nebraska in 1874. During the Civil War he served in the Tenth Iowa Infantry, being wounded at the battle of Champion Hills and at the storming of Vicksburg. After the war he married Miss Sarah Newbrough and they have three children. He was a member

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@ 2002 for the NEGenWeb Project by Pam Rietsch, Ted & Carole Miller