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of two years, has been County Judge of Kimball County since 1895. He has been sub-assistant on the Nebraska State Board of Irrigation and also Justice of the Peace. He was born December 28, 1842, at Brattleboro, Vermont. At nineteen he enlisted as private in Company C, Second Vermont Regiment, and served through the Civil War, being discharged July 28, 1865, as Senior Captain of the regiment. After the war he returned to Vermont for two years. He then removed to Massachusetts and in 1886 to Kimball, Nebraska. He is a Democrat, and March 16, 1867, was married to Miss Julia Hurley.

      P. MAGINNIS was born January 6, 1867, in Ireland, where he was educated. In 1880 he located in Brown County, Illinois, after which he moved to Aurora, Nebraska, and after some travel to Kimball County. He is a blacksmith by trade, and is sole proprietor and owner of the Maginnis Flume Manufacturing Company of Kimball. For four years he was Sheriff and is now serving his second term as County Treasurer, his politics being Democratic. He was married to Maggie A. Marshall in 1888 and he has five sons and one daughter.

      A. H. AMOS was born May 31, 1842, in Birmingham, England, when he came to the United States in 1848 and located with his parents at Racine, Wisconsin. He next removed to Kearney, Nebraska, where he lived for two years before coming to Kimball County in 1887. He was educated in the public schools and Beloit College of Wisconsin. He is in his first term as County Commissioner and is an independent voter. He was a soldier in the Civil War and served both in Company A, First Battalion of Illinois Sharpshooters, and in the First Wisconsin Heavy Artillery. His ranching interests consist of 320 acres of land, stocked with cattle and horses. In 1871 he married Julia McCumber.

      ROBERT GUNDERSON is a ranch and cattleman and is in business with his father and brother. His father is one of the earliest settlers, having come here in 1869. He lives at Potter, Nebraska, where he was born, September 15, 1876. At present he is a Commissioner of Kimball County and was married to Miss Lizzie Asche on the 6th of April, 1904.

      HENRY VOGLER is a merchant at Kimball, Nebraska, to which town he came in the fall of 1895. He was born in Germany, October 8, 1864. After his arrival in this country in 1882 he located in Cass County, Nebraska. After working three years at Lincoln, he moved to Kimball County. He was educated in the public and high schools of Germany before coming to the United States. He served three successive terms as County Clerk of Kimball County, beginning with 1895. He is associated with the Democratic party. In July of 1887 he was married to Miss Clementine Neeley. He has a large farm and ranching interests in this county.

      L. W. BICKEL was born at LeClair, Iowa on the 14th of November, 1860. At the age of nineteen he came to Nebraska with his parents, and located at Exeter, Fillmore County. In 1886 he opened up a bank at Kimball and has since been here in the banking business. He acquired his education in Iowa and was graduated in the fall of 1879 from the D. F. Lillibridge Business College at Davenport, Iowa. Mr. Bickel has large ranching interests in this county, which comprise about 3,000 acres of land. He was County Commissioner and served as County Treasurer for eight years. In 1887 he married Miss Jennie Beard.

      GUS LINN is a native of Sweden, born December 2, 1862. At the age of twenty he came to the United States and located in Pennsylvania. In 1882 he moved to Michigan, where he worked two years in the lumber business. After spending another two years in this business at Omaha, he came to Kimball, where he is a dealer in lumber and hardware. He was County Treasurer for two terms and is also ex-County judge. In 1888 he married Anna Willing of Omaha and they have seven sons. He is affiliated with the Republican party.

      ALFRED HANSEN is ex-County Sheriff of Kimball County, which office he held for six years. He was County Commissioner for three years, and was also County Coroner. He was born September 8, 1864, in Denmark, whence he came to the United States in 1881 and located at Denver, Colorado. After a year in the mountains, he moved to Kimball County, Nebraska, where he has since lived. He is affiliated with the Republican party. In 1889 he married Miss Sophia Anderson. Her death occurred July 8, 1900, and she left a son and daughter.

      W. D. ATKINS has lived in Kimball County since 1887, the first twenty years of his life being spent in Iowa and Missouri. His birth occurred in Davis County, Iowa, Septem-



ber 2, 1867. His vocation is that of a ranchman, although he is serving his second term as Mayor of Kimball. In 1890 he was married to Elizabeth Pywell and they have two sons and three daughters. He is allied with the Democratic party.


      Previous to 1857 Knox County was occupied by Omahas and Poncas. In 1864 the soldiers sent to Niobrara to furnish protection from the Indians proved to be a far greater nuisance than the red men themselves, so that all but one settler left the county. Organization took place in 1857, by which the county was granted an area of 1,121 square miles. The surface is composed of level and rolling prairie land, together with the bluffs, valleys and bottom land along the waterways. The valley land comprises 10 per cent of the entire surface. Many large boulders are found here. A thick strata of chalk rock lies under the surface and also a good quality of clay, which furnishes material for three brick yards. The soil is rich and fertile, only 25 per cent of it being untillable. Quite an amount of native timber grows on the borders of the Niobrara, Missouri and other streams which water the county. Land has increased 35 per cent in the last five years, and now the best land is selling for over $40 an acre. The principal farm products are the cereals, hay, alfalfa, potatoes, sugar beets and vegetables. Plums, cherries, apples and small fruits thrive here. Farm land comprises 545,176 acres, and 313.706 acres of this is improved land, which makes Knox one of the first counties in this respect. Corn and oats cover the greater part of the cultivated land, the acreage of corn being 60,000 and that of oats 40,000. Of live stock, the market of hogs is the largest. In 1900 the entire live stock was valued at $2.436.916. There are six flour and grist mills. The county population is 14,343, of which 5.894 is made up of school children. There are 22 districts whose school term lasts nine months or more, and sixty-seven districts whose term is from six to nine months. There are six graded schools, for which twenty-nine teachers are employed. Center is the present county seat.

      F. C. MARSHALL is a native Nebraskan. having been born June 25, 1880, in Knox County, where he has always resided. He is a graduate of both the Niobrara High School and the Nebraska College at Wayne, Nebraska. Mr. Marshall was Principal of Schools at Verdigre, Nebraska, for two and a half years, having spent seven years as a teacher. He is associated with the Republican party and has been elected County Superintendent of Knox County.

      W. D. FUNK was born in Iowa City, Iowa, September 18, 1858. In 1870 he removed with his parents to Benton County, remaining there until 1892, when he came to Bloomfield, Nebraska, where he has made his home. He graduated from the Law Department of the University of Iowa in 1886 and has been City Attorney of Bloomfield for many years. Mr. Funk is a member of the Republican party and has been nominated for a second term as County Attorney. In 1883 he married Miss Cora King and they have two sons and two daughters.

      A. C. LOGAN was born in Wood County, Ohio. February 10, 1835. His parents removed to Indiana the same year and he lived there until 1862, when he enlisted in Company H, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers, serving three years. When mustered out he was in command of his company and received his commission as Captain soon after. In 1865 he went to Illinois and remained there seventeen years, when he settled in Knox County. Mr. Logan has served two terms as County Judge 2nd was appointed as Assistant Sergeant at Arms of. the Republican National Convention in Chicago.

      J. H. STODDARD was born in Connecticut, March 20. 1856. In 1879 he came to Creighton, where he has since resided. He was educated in the Connecticut public schools, is a member of the Republican party and is serving his second term as County Treasurer. In 1876 he married Miss Julia A. Pilpenny and they have five children.

      B. N. SAUNDERS was born in Ledyard, Connecticut, September 16, 1870. Two years later he came with his parents to Nebraska, where they settled in Knox County in 1873. He was educated at Gates College and the Omaha Business College. In 1889 he married



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Miss May Hamilton and has one son. As a member of the Democratic party he has been Clerk of the District Court since 1899.

      CHARLES RUDEN was born on the present site of Crofton, Nebraska, March 16, 1871. In 1885 he removed with his parents to Hartington, in 1889 to Omaha, in 1891 to Bloomfield and in 1899 settled at Crofton, where he has been engaged in farming and dealing in implements. In 1897 he married Miss Anna Buhrow and has three children. He is a member of the Republican party and has been called to serve his second term as County Clerk.

      A. A. BAKER was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, June 22, 1860. In 1885 he came to Knox County, where he has since resided. He obtained his education in the Greenville, Pennsylvania, High School and the State Normal at Edinburgh. He taught two years in Pennsylvania and twenty-four years in Knox county, receiving a life certificate in both States.. In 1891 he married Miss Nellie Agnes and they have two children. Mr. Baker was elected County Assessor on the Republican ticket.

     O. A. DANIELSON was born in Sweden. January 5, 1872. When a boy of nine years his parents came to America and located at Red Oak, Iowa. The family afterwards moved to Dixon County, Nebraska, and in 1900 settled in Knox County, engaging in farming. In the Iowa and Nebraska public schools he received an education, and having been identified with the Republican party, has been appointed Deputy Treasurer of Knox County.

      PHIL B. CLARK was born in Scott County, Iowa, January 21, 1868, and five years later removed with his parents to Kansas, later to Iowa, and in 1880 settled in Knox County. He gained his education in the Nebraska public schools and the Commercial School of Omaha, and is an abstracter. He held the office of Deputy County Clerk from 1893 to 1895 and County Clerk from 1897 to 1901, and was elected on the Populist ticket. In 1894 he married Miss Rosa Stein and has three children.

     R. S. COOK was born in Granville, New York, October 9, 1873. In 1886 he came to Nebraska with his parents and has spent his

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@ 2002 for the NEGenWeb Project by Pam Rietsch, Ted & Carole Miller