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ADAIR, WILLIAM, 18.                    Agricultural Hall, 75.  
Adams Act, 68, 98, 119-120.            Agricultural journalism, 133.  
Agricultural botany, election of       Agricultural practice course,  
   Dr. Bessey, 47-48; studies, 54-        128-130.  
   55; evolution of department,        Agricultural Students' Associa-  
   94-95, 133. See also Plant             tion, 73-74.  
   pathology.                          Agriculture, as a subject, 84.  
Agricultural chemistry, early          Agriculture, quotations from, 58-  
   work, 39, 45-46, 54; evolution         59, 72, 87-89, 111, 128-129.  
   of department, 90-91, 133. See      Agronomy, experiments 50, 152;  
   also Sugar beets and Sorghum.          evolution of department, 86-   
Agricultural editor, 133.                 87, 130-131; farm, 152. See  
Agricultural education, evolution         also Alfalfa, Chicory, Corn,  
   of department, 95, 131-132;            Dry land farming, Kherson  
   Shumway Act, 132; Smith-               oats, Rotation and soil methods,  
   Hughes Act, 132.                       Sacaline, Seed testing, Sweet  
Agricultural engineering, evolu-          clover, Winter wheat.  
   tion of department, 94, 134;        Alfalfa, 100-101, 107, 154.  
   first building, 94; irrigation,     Allen, Harold N., 53.  
   105-106, 138,157,159-160; new       Alway, F. J., 91, 115, 117, 133.  
   building, 121, 124; tractor test-   Anderson, A. E., 141, 144.  
   ing, 153.                           Andrews, Chancellor E. Benja-  
Agricultural extension, out-              min, 68-69, 111.  
   growth of farmers' institutes,      Animal diseases, 52-53, 104-105,  
   122, 139; Smith-Lever Act, 122,        156.  
   138; creation of department,        Animal husbandry, in early days,  
   139-140; county agents, 122,           29; cattle feeding, 51, 100-101,  
   139-142, 146-151; farm bu-             154; evolution of department,  
   reau, 139, 149-150; finances,          93-94, 133. See also Dairy hus-  
   140-143, 146, 151; Smith-Lever         bandry, Poultry husbandry,  
   Act, 142-143; organization of          Animal pathology.  
   service, 143-146; extension         Animal pathology, hog cholera,  
   specialists, 144, 146; demon-          52-53, 104, 124, 156; evolution  
   strations, 144-145; home eco-          of department, 92-93, 134;  
   nomics, 145, 146, 151; boys' and       buildings, 92, 105, 124, 156;  
   girls' clubs, 116, 145, 151;           investigations, 100, 104-105,  
   status in 1916, 146; during            156.  
   World War, 146-148; at close        Apple scab, 99.  
   of June, 1921, 151. See also        Arizona, land grant, 8.  
   Farmers' institutes.                Arthur, Joseph C., 55.  



Arts college, 14.                      Boiler house, 124.  
Ashby, Robert C., 93.                  Botany. See Agricultural botany.  
Attendance, first year in Univer-      Bouton, Rosa, 76, 79, 81, 134.  
   sity, 14-15; early years in Col-    Boys' and girls' clubs, 116, 145,  
   lege of Agriculture, 21-22;            151.  
   from 1875-1880, 43; 1882-1889,      Brace, De Witt B., 48, 53, 55.  
   60-61; growth of University,        Brackett, E. E., 126.  
   67-68; School of Agriculture,       Bradford, H. E., 132, 138.  
   71-73, 75, 81, 136-137; Indus-      Brainard, Charles, 22, 43.  
   trial College, 82-83; in 1923,      Brokaw, W. H., 148.  
   121; growth of University in        Broken Bow short course, 116.  
   later years, 122-123; Trades        Brouse, E. M., 160.  
   School, 126; from 1909-10 to        Brown, E. P., 117, 162.  
   1923-24, 126-127; Curtis            Brown, Mary-Ellen, 148.  
   School, 135; School of Irriga-      Bruner, Lawrence, 53, 55, 71, 84,  
   tion, 138.                             91-92, 111, 117, 134.  
Aughey, Samuel, 14, 25, 39, 45,        Bruner, Uriah, 36.  
   46-47, 90, 91.                      Buchanan, President, 4.  
Avery, Chancellor Samuel, 69,          Buildings, University Hall, 12-  
   90, 111, 117, 124, 126.                13, 15-16; stone house and dor-  
                                          mitory, 41; chemistry building  
BABY BEEVES, 154.                         (old), 61; Grant Memorial  
Baer, A. A., 94.                          Hall, 61; Nebraska Hall, 62;  
Bailey, G. E., 45-46.                     dairy (old), 72, 93; home eco-  
Barber, H. G., 91.                        nomics, 76, 81; Experiment  
Barbour, E. H., 96, 106.                  Station Hall, 75; Agricultural  
Barker, Percy B., 86, 130.                Hall, 75; Mechanic Arts, 79;  
Bassett, S. C., quotation from,           horticulture (old), 88; animal  
   102. 162.                              pathology (old), 92, 105; judg-   
Beckhoff A. H., 141.                      ing pavilion, 94; agricultural  
Beet sugar. See Sugar beets.              engineering (old), 94; in 1923,  
Benham, Thomas, 125.                      121; plant industry, 123-124;  
Benton, Allen R., first chancellor,       dairy (new), 121, 124, 154;  
   14, 18-19, 20-21, 35, 36, 43, 46.      agricultural engincering  
Berryhill, Bryan, 125.                    (new), 121, 124; animal path-  
Berryman, Roy B., 125.                    ology (new), 124, 156; hog  
Bessey, Charles E., 47-48, 50-51,         cholera serum plant, 124, 156;  
   53, 55, 56-59, 64, 71, 73, 87,         horse barn, 124; boiler house,  
   95, 106-107.                           124; practice house (home eco-  
Billings, Dr. F. S., 52-53, 55, 92,       nomics), 130.  
   104.                                Bulletins, 50, 51, 53, 55, 105, 106,  
Bishop, E. C., 116.                       108, 110, 133.  
Blackleg vaccination, 100.             Burford, Norris, 125.  
Blish, M. J., 133.                     Burnett, Dean E. A., 64, 85, 93,  
Bliss, Ralph K., 133.                     111, 117, 124, 126, 161.  



Burr, W. W., 109, 117, 131, 161.          first year of University, 15; in  
Bussey, Benjamin, 2.                      agriculture, 30-34, 42-43; dis-  
Butler, Gov. David, 17.                   cussion as to kind, 33, 43; un-  
                                          usual, 43; criticism of, 57; re-  
CALDWELL, HOWARD W., 48.                  organization, 57-61; School of  
Calvin, J. W., 133.                       Agriculture, 74-76, 137; in  
Campus. See Site and Farm.                "agriculture," 84; horticulture,  
Canfield, Chancellor James H., 68.        84, 87-89; entomology, 84, 91-   
Card, F. W., 71, 84, 87-89.               92; four-year course, 85;  
Cattle feeding, 100-101, 154.             agronomy, 86-87, 130-131; for-  
Charter Day, 10.                          estry, 89-90, 127; agricultural  
Chase, Clement, article by, 46.           chemistry, 90-91; animal path-  
Chase, F. W., 117, 162.                   ology, 92; dairy, 92-93; animal  
Chase, L. W., 94, 117, 124, 134.          husbandry, 93-94; agricultural  
Chemistry, building (old), 61.            engineering, 94; agricultural  
   See Agricultural chemistry.            education, 95-96; agricultural  
Chicory, 107.                             economics, 95-96, 130; general  
Chinch bugs, 25, 107-108.                 and technical groups, 96-97;  
Church, George E., 14, 46.                forestry group, 127, 128; agri-  
Civil Administrative Code, 162.           cultural practice group, 128-   
Colcord, Frank, 125.                      130; agricultural science group,  
Colleges, provision for within            128; general agricultural  
   University, 10-11.                     group, 128; co-operative busi-  
Collier, Hiram, 45.                       ness, 129-130; organization in  
Columbia University. See King's           1921, 129-130; Curtis school,  
   College.                               135-136.  
Condra, G. E., 96, 117.                Cover crops, 99.  
Conklin, R. N., 117.                   Cowan, James, 160.  
Coons, G. H., 95.                      Crawford, J. C., Jr., 91.  
Co-operative business course,          Criticism of college farm, 56-57.  
   129-130.                            Culbertson, Harvey, 43, 45, 47,  
Corn, improvement, 99, 112; as             64, 87. 
   fuel, 108; as feed, 100-101, 154.   Culbertson substation, 152, 161.  
Cornell, Ezra, 7.                      Culver, Moses M., 26-27.  
Cornell University, land grant,        Culver, V. S., 140. 
   7-8.                                Curtis School of Agriculture. See  
County agents, movement in Ne-            Nebraska School of Agricul-  
   braska, 122, 139-142; legisla-         ture. 
   tion, 122, 140-141, 149-150; 
   status in 1916, 146; influence      DAIRY BUILDING, old, 72, 93; new,  
   of War, 146-148; definition of         121, 124, 154.  
   work, 150; at close of June,        Dairy husbandry, evolution of  
   1921, 151.                             department, 92-93, 133; prog-  
Coupe, J. F., 141.                        ress in state, 100; cattle rec-  
Courses, provision for, 10-11;            ords, 154-156.  



Dairy School, 70, 82.                  Enrollment. See Attendance.  
Dake, O. C., 14.                       Entomology, early days, 25, 54-   
Dales, J. Stuart, 14, 53, 111.            55; listed in catalog, 84; evolu-  
Daniels, Mabel C., 144, 146.              tion of department, 91-92, 134;  
Davidson, J. B., 94.                      chinch bugs, 107-108.  
Davis, H. P., 133.                     Experiment Station, sugar beets,  
Davisson, A. E., 72, 76, 95, 117,         24-25, 54, 98-99, 101-104;  
   130, 132, 137.                         early work prior to establish-   
Davisson, Mrs. Emma Reed, 144,            ment of station, 23-25, 49-53;  
   148.                                   Hatch Act, 49; animal dis-  
Day, Charles M., 105.                     eases, 52-53, 100, 104-105, 156;  
Dean, Frank C., 133.                      experiments in eighties, 53-55;  
Degrees granted, 83-84.                   early bulletins, 55; Experiment  
Demonstrations, 144-145. See              Station Hall, 75; Adams Act,  
   Agricultural extension.                98; summary of work to 1904,  
Departments, evolution of, 86-96.         98-104; winter wheat, 99, 111  
   See Courses and individual de-         112, 152; Kherson oats, 99;  
   partments.                             corn improvement, 99, 112;  
Dickson, M. E., 131.                      apple scab, 99; cover crops, 99;  
Dormitory (old), 22, 27-28, 30.           mulching experiments, 99-100;  
Dry land farming, 152, 157-161.           forestation, 100; clover and al-  
Dudley, Lieut. E. S., 45-46.              falfa, 100-101, 107, 154; sor-   
Dunman, W. H., 89.                        ghum poisoning, 100; blackleg  
                                          vaccination, 100; dairy prog-  
EARLY AGRICULTURAL INSTRUC-               ress, 100; soil methods and ro-  
   TION, Franciscan monks, 1;             tation, 100; alfalfa as a supple-  
   Pennsylvania, 1; Columbia              ment, 100-101; irrigation, 105-  
   University, 1; Harvard, 2;             106, 138, 157, 159-160; wind-  
   Michigan, 2; Pennsylvania, 2;          mills, 106; sacaline, 106; chic-  
   Maryland, 2.                           ory, 107; chinch bugs, 107-108;  
Early agricultural societies, Phil-       corn as fuel, 108; North Platte  
   adelphia, 2; Massachusetts, 2;         substation, 109, 119, 157; pro-  
   New York, 2.                           fessors made state officers, 110;  
Economics. See Rural economics.           seed testing, 110; letters re-   
Edgren, August H., 48.                    ceived, 110; members of staff,  
Elliott, Andrew E., 117.                  110-111; bleaching flour, 111;  
Elmendorf, C. H., 93.                     Valentine substation, 151, 157-   
Emerson, Harrington, 46.                  160; Scottsbluff substation, 151,  
Emerson, R. A., 87-89, 134.               157-160; fruit farm (Union),  
Enabling Act, 9, 10.                      151, 161; Culbertson substa-  
Engineering, civil, 45; School of         tion, 152, 161; agronomy farm,  
   Mechanic Arts, 71. See Agri-           152, 161; dry land farming,  
   cultural engineering.                  152, 157-161; seed potatoes,  
Enlistments (World War), 124--            152-153; sweet clover, 152;  
   125.                                   tractor testing, 153; rural eco-  



   nomics, 154; cattle feeding,           climax and development into  
   100-101, 154; dairy cattle,            agricultural extension, 139.  
   154-156; poultry investiga-         Fedde, Margaret, 134.  
   tions, 156.                         Federal Land Grant. See Land  
Extension specialists, 144, 146.       Filley, H. C., 131.  
                                       Finances, Morrill Act, 4-8; En-  
FACULTY, early University, 14;            abling Act, 9-10; levy in early  
   Agricultural and Industrial            days, 16-17; tuition, 17; sal-  
   College, 45; dissension, 48-50;        aries, 17; purchase of present  
   growth of in University, 1900-         farm, 26-28; Hatch Act, 49,  
   1908, 68-69; home economics,           53; appropriations, 1885-1888,  
   76-78, 134; agricultural, 84-          61-63; right to funds, 62-63;  
   96, 130-135; School of Agricul-        land funds, 63; restoration of  
   ture, 71, 137-138; in 1923, 121,       mill tax, 67, 117-118; Second  
   127; growth, 127; Curtis               Morrill Act, 67, 119; Nelson  
   School, 136.                           Amendment, 67-68,119; Adams  
Farm bureau, development, 139;            Act, 68, 98, 119-120; for farm-  
   conflict in name, 149-150. See         ers' institutes, 114; designation  
   also Agricultural extension,           of University funds, 118; Su-  
   County agents, Farmers' insti-         preme Court on disbursement  
   tutes.                                 of funds, 118-119; Smith-  
Farm, college, first farm, 22-23;         Lever, 122, 138, 142-143, 146-  
   purchase of present farm, 26-          148; University extension fund,  
   28; description, 29-30, 56-59,         123; Trades School, 125-126;  
   87-89; value of farm in 1922,          Nebraska School of Agricul-  
   162.                                   ture, 135; School of Irrigation,  
Farm demonstrators. See County            138; agricultural extension,  
   agents.                                140-143, 146, 151; status in  
Farm management. See Rural                1922, 162.  
   economics.                          Fontaine, Joseph A., 48.  
Farm mechanics. See Agricul-           Food conservation, 146-147.  
   tural engineering.                  Forbes, Earl, 125.  
Farmers' Fair, 135.                    Forestry, evolution of depart-  
Farmers' institutes, early days,          ment, 89-90, 127-128; foresta-  
   33-37; in the eighties, 64-65;         tion, 100; abandonment of de-  
   Nemaha County, 64; Tecumseh,           partment. 132.  
   64; Broken Bow, 65; periods in      Fort Niobrara Military Reserva  
   development, 65; Organized             tion, 158-159.  
   Agriculture, 113; centralized       Founding, of the University, 9-  
   management, 113-114; legisla-          19; Agricultural College, 20-40.  
   tive appropriation, 114; meet-      Franciscan monks, agricultural  
   ings held, 114; first institute        instruction, 1.  
   short course, 115; boys' and        Frandsen, J. H., 133.  
   girls' work, 116; speakers, 117;    Frisbie, L. I., 148.  



Fruit farm (Union), 121, 151,             76-78; School of Domestic  
   161.                                   Science, 76-81; building, 76,  
Furnas, Robert W., 16, 23, 24, 36,        81; college work, 78; growth,  
   48, 64.                                79-81; School of Agriculture,  
                                          81; courses today, 130; practice  
GAIN, J. H., 92, 105, 117, 134.           house, 130; education, 132; per-  
Geology and geography, 39, 96.            sonnel, 134; extension, 144-   
Gilmour, Judge, 36.                       148, 151.  
Gold Stars, 125.                       Homesteading, 157.  
Gramlich, H. J., 93-94, 133.           Hopt, Erwin, 86, 117.  
Grand Island sugar factory, 102.       Horse barn, 124.  
Grant Memorial Hall, 61.               Horticulture, experiments, 50-51,  
Grasshoppers, 25, 29.                     99-100, 152-153; evolution of  
Green, John, 87.                          department, 84, 87-89, 134;  
Griffith, Thomas, 48.                     building (old), 88; fruit farm  
Gunnels, C. E., 148.                      (Union), 121, 151, 161.  
                                       Howard, George E., 48. 
HAECKER, A. L., 72, 92-93, 117,        Howard, R. F., 89, 134.  
   133, 155.                           Hull, Obadiah, 117.  
Hager, Walter, 125.                    Hunt, Ebenezer W., 48, 117.   
Hagey, J. Clarence, 148.               Hunter, Fred M., 132, 137-138.  
Harvard University, professor-         Hunter, W. D., 84, 91.  
   ship of natural history, 2; will 
   of Benjamin Bussey, 2.              IDAHO, land grant, 8.  
Hatch Act, 49, 53-54. See also         Illinois plan, 3-4.  
   Adams Act.                          Indiana, land grant, 7.  
Hawk, C. S., 141.                      Industrial College, establishment,  
Heald, F. D., 95.                         44-46; making over, 56--61; de-  
Heald, H. C., 84.                         grees granted, 61, 83-84; Dean  
Hebron short course, 116.                 Bessey's report, 82; enrollment,  
Herron, Leonard S., 117.                  82-83; courses, 84-85, 96-97;  
Hessian fly, 25.                          faculty and departments, 84-   
Hicks, Lewis E., 48, 53, 54, 55,          96; abolishment, 122, 126.  
   105.                                Ingersoll, C. L., 85-86, 111.  
Hiltner, M. L., 28.                    Instruction. See Courses.  
Hog cholera, early experiments,        Irrigation, development of, 54,  
   52-53, 104; serum plant, 124;          55, 105-106, 138, 157, 1,59-160.  
   distribution of serum, 156. 
Holden, James A., 160.                 JOHNSON COUNTY FARMERS' IN-   
Holdrege, George W., 162.                 STITUTE, 64.  
Holland, R. E., 148.                   Judging pavilion, 94.  
Holstein cattle, 155. 
Home Demonstration agents, 146-        KANSAS, land grant, 8.  
   147, 151.                           Karen 11, 155.  
Home economics, early courses,         Katy Gerben, 155.  



Kauffman, Myrtle, 115, 117.               propriation for college farm,  
Kelley, Harold, 125.                      28; establishment of Industrial  
Keyser, Alvin, 86-87, 115, 117.           College, 44; acceptance of  
Keyser, Val, 89, 117.                     Hatch Act, 49; appropriations  
Kherson oats, 99.                         in eighties, 62; North Platte  
Kiesselbach, T. A., 131.                  Substation, 109; professors  
King's College, animal hus-               made state officers, 110; pro-  
   bandry course, 1.                      vision for farmers' institutes,  
Kingsley, B. F., 117.                     114; restoration of one-mill tax,  
Kingsley, John S., 47-48, 85.             117-118; designation of Uni-   
Kinkaid Act, 157.                         versity funds, 118; division of  
Kinney, B. F., 36.                        Industrial College, 122; pro-   
Kittie Gerben Lincoln, 155.               vision for Valentine and Mitch-  
Knorr, Fritz, 159, 160.                   ell Substations, 122; provision  
Kuska, Val, 141.                          for Curtis school, 122, 135; pro-  
                                          vision for county agents, 122,  
LA MAY, 155-156.                          140-141, 149-150; appropria-  
Lancaster Agricultural Society,           tion or Trades School, 126;  
   64.                                    provision for School of Irriga  
Land Grant, Federal, 1-8; Illi-           tion, 138; county agent legisla  
   nois plan, 3-4; passage of act,        tion, 140-141, 149-150; accept-  
   4-6; Michigan 6; Massachu-             ance of Smith-Lever funds, 143.  
   setts, 6; Wisconsin, 6; Minne-      Lewis, C. A., 133.  
   sota, 6; Cornell, 7; Idaho, 8;      Lewis, Taylor E., 125.  
   Arizona, 8; Kansas, 8; Iowa, 8;     Library, growth of, 96.  
   Nebraska, 9-10; Act of 1866,        Liebers, O. H., 141.  
   9; petition to Congress, 18;        Lincoln, President, 4.  
   selection of Nebraska lands,        Lincoln, site selected, 10.  
   18; compliance with engineer-       Little, Charles N., 48.  
   ing provisions, 44-45; inter-       Lloyd, Rachel, 48, 53, 90.  
   pretation of, 59-60; funds, how     Loomis, Alice M., 134.  
   handled, 63; withdrawal of          Loughridge, Julia, 138.  
   Nebraska's lands from sale,         Louisiana, land grant, 7.  
   119; status in Nebraska in          Loveland, G. A., 96.  
   1922, 162.                          Lute, H. D., 117.  
Land scrip, 7.                         Lyon, T. L., 71, 84, 86, 90.  
Larson, Edward H., 125. 
Larson, Reuben, 125.                   MacLEAN, CHANCELLOR GEORGE 
Latin school, 14-15.                      E., 68, 73, 111.  
Leavitt sugar factory, 103-104.        Magdanz, A. L., 93.  
Lee, C. B., 93.                        Maine, land grant, 7.  
Legislature, provision for estab-      Manatt, Chancellor Irving J., 46-  
   lishment of University, 10-12;         47.  
   financial provision, 16-17; peti-   Manley, S. H., 14.  
   tion for grant of land, 18; ap-     Marshall, C. G., 117.  



Marshall, W. W., 111.                     136; farm and buildings, 136;  
Martin, Arnold, 117.                      superintendent, 136.  
Maryland Agricultural College, 2.      Nelson Amendment, 67-68,119.  
Massachusetts, Agricultural So-        Nemaha County Farmers' Insti-  
   ciety, 2; Agricultural College,        tute Association, 64.  
   6; Institute of Technology, 6.      New York Agricultural Society,  
Mather, Stella, 148.                      2.  
McBird, J. M., 12.                     New York, State Senate, petition  
McKelvie, Samuel, 162.                    for land grant, 3.  
McKelvie, S. R., 117 .                 New York Tribune, editorial, 4.  
McKenzie, J. M., 36.                   Nicholson, H. H., 46, 48, 53, 54,  
McMillan, Conway, 53, 55, 91.              90, 103, 111.  
Mechanic Arts building, 79.            Noble, Edna C., 96.  
Meteorology, 39, 50, 52, 54, 55, 96.   Norfolk sugar factory, 102, 104.  
Metz, Ivanhoe K., 125.                 North Platte substation, 109, 119,  
Michigan, establishment of agri-       ORGANIZED AGRICULTURE, 113  
   cultural college, 2; petition by 
   Legislature, 3; land grant, 6.      PAWNEE CITY SHORT COURSE, 115.  
Miller, Francis G., 89.                Peltier, G. L., 133.  
Miller, John B., 74.                   Pennsylvania State College, 2.  
Miller, R. A., 117.                    Pennsylvania. University of. See  
Minnesota, land grant, 6.                 Philadelphia Academy.  
Montgomery, E. Gerrard, 74, 86,        Perin, S. W., 53, 111.  
   87, 117, 131.                       Pershing, General John J., 96,  
Morrill Act, 4-8; interpretations,        124.  
   59. See Land Grant, Second          Perso, Ralph F., 125.  
   Morrill Act, and Nelson Amend-      Peters, A. T., 71, 84, 92, 104-105,  
   ment.                                  117.  
Morrill, Charles H., 162.              Peterson, Huldah, 144.  
Morrill, Justin S., 4; his reasons     Philadelphia, agricultural course  
   for land grant, 5-6.                   at Academy, 1; society for pro-  
Morrill, W. J., 132.                      moting agriculture, 2.  
Morse, Charles K., 136.                Philbrick, Annette, 78.  
Moseman, Arthur, 125.                  Phillips, F. J., 89.  
Mulching experiments, 99-100.          Pierce, W. Dwight, 91.  
Mussehl, F. E., 131.                   Plant industry building, 123-124.  
                                       Plant pathology, 95, 133.  
NEBRASKA, admission as state, 10.      Poultry husbandry, evolution of  
Nebraska Hall, 62.                        department, 131; experiments,  
Nebraska School of Agriculture            156.  
   (Curtis), provision for, 135;       Pound, Roscoe, 55.  
   enrollment, 135; courses, 135-      Poynter, W. A., 117.  



Practice house (home economics),       School of Mechanic Arts, 71, 82-  
   130.                                   83.  
Press Bulletins, 51, 108.              Scientific courses, transferred to  
Publications. See Bulletins.              Industrial College, 60.  
Pugsley, Charles W., 87, 93, 115,      Scottsbluff substation, 151, 157-  
   130, 131, 139-140, 144, 148.           160.  
                                       Second Morrill Act, 67, 119. See  
RACE, MARVIN, 125.                        also Nelson Amendment.  
Rail, Ellis, 93.                       Seed corn trains, 145-146.  
Raymond, H. K., 36.                    Seed potatoes, experiments with,  
Raymond, Hugh, 142.                       152-153.  
Reclamation Service, 159.              Seeds and plants, distribution of  
References, 8, 19, 40, 66, 120, 163.      by Congressional appropriation,  
Regents, provision for, 16.               2.  
Root, Anderson, 23.                    Seed testing, 110.  
Rotation and soil methods, 100.        Service flag, 124-125.  
Rowan, Gertrude, 117.                  Sheldon, A. E., 119.  
Rural economics, early days, 95-       Sherman, Lucius A., 48,  
   96; development of department,      Shimek, Bohumil, 48.  
   130-131; investigations, 154.       Short courses (extension), 115,  
Rural sociology, 131.                     139; School of Agriculture, 70,  
                                          74, 75, 135-136.  
SACALINE, 106.                         Shumway Act, 132.  
Salaries, faculty, 17; under Hatch     Silage, 101.  
   Act, 54.                            Silver & Son, 12-13.  
Saline lands, 11-12, 27.               Site, for University, 10-12; for  
Savage, E. P., 47.                        Agricultural College, 11-12;  
Schoenbeck, W. O., 125.                   first college farm, 22-23; pur-  
School lands, university lands            chase of present farm, 26-28;  
   merged with, 18; provision for         description of farm, 56-59, 87-  
   18; withdrawal from                    89; University removal agita-  
   sale, 119.                             tion, 123.  
School of Agriculture, reasons for     Sjogren, O. W., 94, 134.  
   establishment, 69-71; establish-    Skinner, L. T., 148.  
   ment, 71; attendance, 71-73,        Sloan, Frank B., 125.  
   75, 81, 136-137; faculty, 71,       Smith, Cora Frances, 95.  
   137-138; Agricultural Stu-          Smith, H. R., 93, 117, 133.
   dents ' Association, 73-74          Smith-Hughes Act, 132
   courses of study, 74-76, 135-       Smith, Jared G., 53, 55.  
   137; School of Domestic Sci-        Smith-Lever Act, 122, 138, 142-  
   ence, 76-81. See also Nebraska         143, 146-148.  
   School of Agriculture (Curtis)      Smith, William, prospectus for  
   and School of Irrigation.              college, 1.  
School of Irrigation (Scottsbluff),    Snell, W. H., 14.  
   138.                                Snyder, W. P., 109, 117.  



Sociology. See Rural sociology.        University removal, agitation,  
Sorghum, prussic acid, 100.               123; vote, 123.  
Sovereign, C. L., 103.                 Unruh, George O., 141-142.  
Standard Beet Sugar Co., 103.          Upson, F. W., 133.  
State Board of Agriculture, criti- 
   cism of college farm, 56-57.        VALENTINE SUBSTATION, 151, 157-   
   Farm, name, 135.                       160.  
Stirk, Edward W., 125.                 Van Es, L., 134.  
Stone house and dormitory, 41.         Vasey, Harvey E., 125.  
Stone, R. E., 95.                      Vocational education, 132. See  
Stouffer, David F., 75.                   Agricultural education and  
Stout, O. V. P., 105.                     Home economics.  
Street car line, construction of,      Vocational training, veterans',  
   97.                                    125-126.  
Sturdevant, L. B., 92.                 Von Forell, E., 73.  
Substations. See North Platte, 
   Valentine, Scottsbluff, and         WADE, SENATOR, 4. 
   Culbertson.                         Walker, C. H., 105.  
Sudbeck, August, 125.                  Walker, Dean C., 125. 
Sugar beets, 24-25, 54, 98-99,         Wambeam, Floyd, 125, 133.  
   101-104.                            Warner, Amos G., 48.  
Sugar School, 82-83, 102-103.          Warner, Esther, 146.  
Supreme Court, on disbursement         Washington, President, 2.  
   of University funds, 118-119.       Watson, C. W., 148.  
Sweet clover, 152.                     Webber, Herbert J., 55.  
Swenk, Myron H., 92, 117, 134.         Westgate, V. V., 89.  
Swezey, G. D., 71, 96.                 White, A. K., 36.  
TAYLOR, F. W., 65, 87, 113, 117.       White, Raymond, 125.  
Tennessee, land grant, 7.              Whitmore, William Gunn, 162.  
Thatcher, R. W., 91.                   Wiggans, C. C., 134.  
Thompson, C. Y., 74.                   Wilcox, E. Mead, 95, 133.  
Thompson, S. R., 20, 21, 24-26,        Wilcox, Lemuel, 125.  
   28-30, 35, 37-39, 45, 47, 50, 64,   Williams, Cyrus V., 136.  
   121.                                Williams, Robert, 125.  
Tractor testing, 153.                  Wilson, Albert J., 74.  
Trades School, 125-126.                Wilson, Maud, 146, 148.  
Tuition, 17; student labor and         Windhusen, J. H., 74.  
   board, 42.                          Windmills, bulletin on, 106.  
Turner, Prof. J. B., Illinois plan,    Wing, Henry H., 47, 53, 55, 65.  
   3-4.                                Winter wheat, 99, 111-112, 152.  
UNIVERSITY EXTENSION, 146. See         Wisconsin, land grant, 6.  
   Agricultural extension.             Wolfe, Harry K., 48.  
University Farm, name, 135.            Wolford, Lulu S., 116, 117.  
University Hall, 12-13, 15-16.         Woodberry, George E., 46.  



Woods, Albert F., 55.                     Agriculture, 137; on agricul-  
Woods, Col. F. M., 162.                   tural extension, 138, 146-148;  
World War, influence on. college,         food conservation, 146-147.  
   124-126; enlistments, 124-125;      Wortman, Mrs. O. J., 117.  
   Gold Stars, 125; Trades School,     Wright, Charles R., 125.  
   125-126; influence on School of     ZIMMER, MARY VIRGINIA, 138.  

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