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UNL, 1912 Yearbook

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Feb. 1. Verne Bates begins to save his nickels for a valentine,
Feb. 2. "What's the matter with the water?" Nebraska defeats Ames in basketball.
Feb. 3. Iron Sphinx formal. Sphinx swear there was no "stick" in the punch.
   (It was a bridge timber.) Nebraska takes another from Ames.
Feb. 6. Dinsmore publishes pictures of Buck and Hascall in the advertising
   columns of the "Rag."
Feb. 7. "Awgwan," said Samuel to Sam.
Feb. 8. No more moonlight dances. Somebody is jealous.
Feb. 9. "Infants in arms admitted." (Sign over door at Fresh Hop.)
Feb. 10. Sig Alphs win Interfrat basketball pennant. Thousands hit the "Trail."
Feb. 11. Woman Suffrage to the fore. Marie Douglas decides to run for Soph.
Feb. 12. Marie decides not to run. (Coises from Mrs. Pankhurst.)
Feb. 13.***----*---*-----***-----***????????
Feb. 14. Your money or your life. "Rag" Tag Day. Archie gets a pink valentine.
Feb. 15. Charter day. Mid-Year Commencement. Tony graduates. Shonka takes
   his degree. "Curt" also departs.
Feb. 16. Frat Freshmen take up the weary journey over the Rocky Road to
   Dublin. Barrel staves at a premium.
Feb. is. Sorority pledge day. "You owe me Five on Bess, and I owe you on
Feb. 19. Engineers tie love-knot guaranteed to withstand divorce laws, using the
   "Structural Steel" ceremonial.
Feb. 20. Gus Lofgren mounts the throne of 1912.
Feb. 21. Frat jewelers declare they like Nebraska (co-eds) best.
Feb. 22. Washington birthday for some, but not for the educated. School goes on
   just the same. Junior convocation. Same as always.
Feb. 23. Junior play. Fred McConnel in "Each inch a King."
Feb. 24. McConnel receives offers for presentation of play in New York, Omaha,
   Chicago, and Burnham. Imported Peaches on exhibition at the Lincoln.    (Junior Prom.)
Feb. 25. Nine feet of snow more or less. P. B. K. Joe cuts his finger on a
Feb. 27. J. Forbes elected J. President.
Feb. 26. Beth Hyde says 'tain't so that nobody loves a fat man.
Feb. 29. Bargain day in slightly shop-worn men. No casualties reported.


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Mar. 1. M. V. Championship cinched. A Real count at convocation -- appearances
   are deceiving. Phi Gams break the Iron Sphinx ring, and elect a president.
Mar. 2. M. V. Championship brought home. Ivy Day Websters come to life. Rex
   Davies does the "bear" at University night. One spectator falls from the
   chandelier, but escapes injury by falling on the heads of those below.
Mar. 5. Sylvia Shonka passes the cigars. "Rag" offers Orpheum tickets. Jean
   Hargraves looks for his name. Engineers begin week of activities outside of
   the classroom.
Mar. 7. Museum damaged by fire. Two icthiorsorous and one rhinopodianders
   perish. Engineers submit eighteen volumes of copy for their issue of the "Rag".
Mar. 8. High school basketball tournament starts. Fraternities entertain (???) the
   teams. Registrar slips one over on the grafters. Many special delivery letters
   from home. Bushnell gains notoriety.
Mar. 10. Farley excited by announcement that from 22 to 38 are to receive the
Mar. 12. Temple cafeteria opened. Houck and the Boston lunch complain. Oyster
   stew 7 cents -- no wonder. Phi Delts overcome by election of McCullough think
   that there has been a mistake.
Mar. 15. Lincoln's elite attend Bullard's in dress suits and party gowns -- some
   eclat. Daring "Rag" reporter declares that he has discovered a blade of green
Mar. 17. Male students overjoyed at prospect of Gym exhibition -- Miss Ensign
   shocked. Uni members of State militia suddenly taken ill -- too bad it has to
    happen just when there are convicts to capture.
Mar. 19. "Rag" reporter hanged for spreading the rumor of the green grass. All those
   who can leave town for home, sleep, more clothes, and real food. P. B. K.
   announcements -- Betas unfortunate in being left out, but console themselves by
   the fact of their numerous school honors.
Mar. 28. Prodigal sons return -- fattened physically and financially. Only sixteen
   feet of snow now remains on the ground.
Mar. 29. "Beany" McGowan to leave school. Doc. Lees convinces the fraternity
   alumni of the benefits of the Sophomore pledging rule. Decides that the boys are
   not old enough to run their own finances -- maybe they aren't, that is, with the
   exception of the D. Us.
Mar. 30. Freshman Laws infest the Orpheum. Excitement over the Gym Exhibition at
   fever heat. Journal, under the leadership of Frederick, roasts the fraternities for
   their meagre representation in the P. B. K. list.
Mar. 31. "Beany" McGowan to stay -- pays his advertising bill at the "Rag" office.
   Embryos Mathewsons and McGraws cavort about the field. "Peanut" Hill shot
   by bloodthirsty burglar and becomes the hero of the hour -- and the D. G. house.


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Apr. 1. "Jugo" Sherwood, at the instigation of the Kappa Sigs, is held up for $15
   Quo Vadis club organized -- generally considered a rather "bum" organization.

Apr. 3. Ballah injured in baseball practice; frequent reports from the D. G. house are
   encouraging and hope is held out for his recovery. "Sprig, Geddle Sprig."

Apr. 4. Sigma Nus hold formal, roofing shingles used for programs. Track
   candidates scamper about the cinder track -- Pomerene shows up well.

Apr. 8. Every one boasts that he was at church last Sunday; boast proves hollow
   for the Phi Psis and D. Us. were detected playing baseball.

Apr. 13. D. G. formal overrun with Phi Gams. Zack Taylor realizes the dream of a
Apr. 16. Terrible reaction as result of Lent. Confectioners run low on candy,
   Orpheum sale of tickets immense.

Apr. 19. C
ORNHUSKER nearing completion, VanDusen's hair and temper ruffled.
   Prof. Scott in similar condition at Kosmet Klub rehearsals.

Apr. 22. Not a sign on the Silo in front of administration building -- perhaps this
   ornament was failure. Calling at the Sorority house a thing of the past -- all the
   bids are out.

Apr. 27. Phi Gam formal. Tony Blish takes a Theta. Guernsey Jones inspects the
   new law building.

Apr. 28. Sunday -- this day should have been omitted.

Apr. 30. Kosmet Klub troupe hold final rehearsal. Judge Troup forgets his lines.


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May 1. Bright and Fair. Sig Alphs hold May-pole dance in front yard.

May 5. Student suffocated in the Chem Lab, owing to the crowd. Fellow workers
   continue without even noticing the event, for the "unknowns" must be in on time.

May 8. Dog Eager detected riding with three Chi Omegas. Nicolls, on the same day,
   seen entering the Theta house.

May 12. Juniors worried over the Innocent announcements. Walking to the State
   Farm becomes the popular pastime.

May 14. City merchants begin their annual search for student debtors. First straw hat
   seen on the campus -- that is, the first one on a man.

May 17. Kansas disputes the Track meet. It seems to be a habit with the Jayhawkers.

May 20. Extra supply of fraternity pins ordered in preparation for the Pan-Hell dance.
   Co-eds all in a flutter.

May 21. Reports from Camp tell of bloody adventures. Cadets spend most of their
   time preparing for the coming exams.

May. 22. Ivy Day functions. Thirteen Juniors write home to Dad, and clip pieces
   from the local newspapers. Usual scrap for the bunting on the May--pole --
   no one injured in this annual spring celebration.

May 24. Cadets returned from camp awake from 48 hours sleep, to plug for exams,

May 29. "Duke" Enfield springs a surprise in the hop line. Tomorrow is Decoration
   Day. White gloves washed for Compet.

May 30. Decoration Day. Compet witnessed by enthusiastic audience; betting on the
   outcome prevalent. Picnics the order of the day.

May 31. Shirt-tail parade -- Riggs offers the usual contribution. Oliver has an
   untimely visit. Natives shocked at the display of nightwear.



June 1. "Peanut" Hill observes that dollars are even scarcer
   than days in June.

June 2. Dean Davis has his canvas shoes half-soled. A rumor
   of escaped convicts proves to be only a crowd of students
    picnicking in the Pen woods.

June 3. The prospect of parting encourages an atmosphere of
    sentimentalism. Porch swings and rural scenery become
    immensely popular.

June 4. Ensign omnibus company hires an extra force of men;
    landladies visit collection agencies, and soda fountains
   invent new and expensive drinks.

June 7. Railway officials annoyed by fond farewells at the
   station. The exodus in full sway.

June 8. SHE promises to write once a week.

June 9. Seniors have impressed upon them the seriousness of
   life. Baccalaureate sermon a revelation to many.

June 11. Board of Regents hold an indignation meeting over
   the enormous sum appropriated to the University at the
   last session.

June 12. Alumni Day. Class reunions, dinners, flies,
   mosquitoes, and much handshaking. Old Guard caper
   about at the Alumni cotillion.

June 13. Forty-first commencement. One student refuses to
   accept his diploma on the thirteenth. The world looks
   pretty big to the wearers of the cap and gown.

June 14. Lincoln relapses into its usual dormant state. Sam
   Buck declares that he will not attend another class.


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