scores of season: Nebraska 2; Opponents 4.
In "bringing home the bacon," our
debating teams were not this year so successful as
some former teams have been, yet the above syllabus
is in some respects misleading.
In our controversy with IOWA,
which took place in Lincoln on December 7, we
attempted to float a ship subsidy proposition, but
it foundered within two hours after being launched.
Mr. Goldstein christened the hulk, "Mike Garrett,"
fired a passing salute, and Raymond made a few very
timely and well-chosen remarks directly bearing on
the occasion. Dr. Maxey and the Governor were of
great assistance in keeping order among the crowd,
for which service the management wishes to extend
thanks. The audience was only with difficulty
persuaded that but one of the judges, apparently,
was susceptible to reason. Following the debate. a
number of the rooters flocked to the Music Room of
the Temple, where the band played dance music with
the usual result.
At Minneapolis we locked horns
with MINNESOTA on the same problem, endeavoring to
storm their subsidy rampart, but with unfortunate
results. Mr. Rein led our advance with his usual
eloquence, Harold Prince made a sally at the navy
auxiliary outpost, and then Jean Hargrave, almost
distracted because of two months of interrupted
"fussing," came up with a gatling gun attack.
Professor Fogg, who had escorted the boys on their
trip, applauded vigorously at the end of each and
every act. As at Lincoln, two of the judges were
almost persuaded.
Aside from the decisions, our
last debating season was very successful. A great
quantity of material, including several hundred
Consular Reports, was thoroughly investigated, and
a great deal of hard honest work was done by the
squad. The silent partners in the fray, Ben
Harrison and C. L. Clark, were on the job
practically night and day. Prospects for next year
are bright, as the enthusiasts are to start work in
the spring, instead of waiting until fall.