HUNTINGTON, Falls City, Neb. Chi Omega, Y. W. C.
A., Teachers.
EDWARD HUWALDT, Randolph, Neb.
Der Geselige Verein, Palladian, Der Verein
Germania, Der Dramatische Klub, First Sergeant of
Company M, Arts and Sciences.
EDWARD L. HYDE, Lincoln, Neb.
Iron Sphinx, Phi Delta Phi, Freshman Law President
1911, Junior Football Captain, Cheer Leader,
RUTH HYDER, Lincoln, Neb. Arts
and Sciences. Teachers.
BURTON S. HILL, Lincoln, Neb.
Alpha Tau Omega, Iron Sphinx, Kosmet Klub,
Regimental Commissary Sergeant, Lieutenant and
Commissary, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of
Cornhusker, Associate Editor of Daily Nebraskan,
Chairman of Sophomore Hop.
LULU MAY JANES, Lincoln, Neb.
Arts and Sciences.
PERCY M. JANES, Lincoln, Neb.
Palladian, Glee Club, Arts and Sciences.
Iowa. Alpha Omicron Pi, Agriculture.