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the time what he was doing. He is not to be censured. Money is much alike all over the U. S. Even, in Boston, in the shadow of historic Harvard, where Lincoln is unknown and Chicago is a half mythological region on the outer rim of original chaos, a fan-tailed gold eagle with thirteen arrows in one talon and a Latin motto in the other attracts quite as much attention as it does here at home. No, there was nothing to distinguish Mr. Halligan's money from anybody's else but there was much to distinguish Mr. Halligan from anybody else. He was captain of the Ninteen (sic) Fourteen Cornhuskers.

     Some pseudo-philosophers who love to find proofs of their pet theories in historical coincidences point out that Halligan appeared just one hundred years after Napoleon and on the same ground which the great Frenchman sold to us (spelled U. S.), but, personally, I do not think that had anything to do with Halligan's greatness. Be that as it may, as soon as he had pried

Photograph or Sketch

"Nothing Doing", South Dakota Game

himself loose from his summer's earnings and ascertained that Mr. Dales had given him the correct change, he held an earnest consultation with Coach Jumbo
Photograph or Sketch

Chamberlain Getting Away, Kansas Game

Stiehm, according to the current press dispatches of that date, and the next time he appeared was in war togs with a fighting machine behind him that never belied the name his parents gave him.

     Ichabod Washburn, a wealthy philanthropist of Topeka, Kansas, endowed the school that contributed to Nebraska's first victory. Late in the afternoon of October 3, news was borne into Topeka on a telegraph wire that Beale, a blonde young Kansan, got away for a fifty-yard dash and a touchdown and would have won the game if Nebraska had not made two very similar touchdowns in the same game and caused the score to read, Washburn 7; Nebraska 14.

     Now South Dakota, as I said at the beginning, had been pointing herself at Nebraska ever since the Fourth of July. After a six weeks' visit in Wisconsin, the lads came home to Vermillion and registered for the sixth or seventh time in as many years to prevent unfavorable comment from other




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