having been pushed into the background for many years
girls' athletics have forged ahead in the last two years
until now it forms a prominent part of school activities.
Under the able tutelage of the Misses Park, Beghtol and
Gittings, the girls have developed into able athletes and
are making the stronger sex strive hard to keep their
records from being out-done by the feminine hopefuls.
The girls' athletic
season opens with hockey practice, and after much hitting
of shins and disastrous collisions a game is evolved
which, though the least developed of all the sports,
provides an interesting contest and much healthful
exercise for the girls. Last fall the Freshmen succeeded
in carrying off the prize.
Next comes basketball,
and here the chief interest of the girls is centered.
Months of daily practice and then the all-exciting night
of the inter-class contest. The Armory is always packed
for this exhibition, and every class has its loyal band
of supporters. For two years the present Junior class had
won the championship, but this year the fates decreed a
change, and the Sophomores walked off with the
championship. The first game-between the Seniors and the
Juniors-was a closely fought contest ending in a score of
10 to 8 in favor of the Seniors. The game between the two
lower classes resulted in a victory for the Sophomores by
a score of 12 to 7. The final game was a walkaway for the
Sophomores who won by a score of 38 to 16.
As soon as basketball
ceases there comes a spring fever period after which the
girls get down to work once more. When Coach Reed is
rounding his track men into shape, the girls catch the
fever and sprint along with the speed of a Reese, or top
the bar with the grace of a Ross. A host of broken globes
herald the beginning of baseball practice. Every day
enthusiastic fans flock to the side lines and Mathewson
or King Cole never drew forth such energetic yells of
delight from the feminine element as do some of
Nebraska's "twirlers". Whenever the athletic field can be
wrested from the masculine aspirants, the girls spend
their energy in out-door training until the eventful day
of the field meet.