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From the House Bible of Kappa Alpha Theta

Woe unto thee, thou proud one,
Belshazar's spirit is thine;
Thou would'st not look on the lowly,
Thou puttest thyself on a shrine.
So I prithee come down off thy "high horse",
Be human fair vestals of pride,
For on altars of brambles and brickpiles.
Me thinks haughty queens must have died.
In hallways of learning, on highways
Thy ice stare turneth all bleak;
Heed thou the words of the prophets,
"Blest be he whose spirit is meek".
So lower the chins foolish queens,
Haughtiness preceedith a fall,
And destruction reigns in the spirit
O'er which excess pride throws a pall.

So do not barter thy birthright,
The right. to make friends and be nice;
In lieu of a mesh of such rubbish,
For thy pride both turned to a vice.



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