1925 football coaching staff was one of the most
complete in the history of Nebraska football. Coach E.
E. Bearg had charge of his first season at Nebraska
and was ably assisted by a staff of old Nebraska
players, including Owen Frank, Leo Scherer, Raymond
Weller, and William (Bill) Day. The record of
defeating the Illinois and Notre Dame elevens, and
holding the Washington University team to a 6 to 6 tie
is adequate proof of the proficiency of the Husker
Dick Newman, former
Husker football letter man, had charge of the Freshman
The coaching staff
for football next year as tentatively announced
includes besides Bearg as head coach, Owen Frank and
Charles Black, backfield coaches; Charles Oakes, a
newcomer at Nebraska, as head line coach, with Ed
Weir, a Nebraska All-American tackle, as his
assistant: Leo Scherer, end coach; and John (Choppy)
Rhodes, freshmen coach.
1926 Line Coach
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