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Geistlinger Hess Bauer Kuncl Schoepel Clarke Wohlford
Chapman Pound Kidwell M. Frederickson Freeman Hermanek A. Frederickson Wheeler
Hymer Lohmeier Whelpley Schuebel Soukup Kellenbarger West Baseball
ITH Louise Branstad as leader, the 1925 baseball season was a great success. Practices for indoor baseball were begun in the armory, but as soon as the weather permitted, the diamond back of the Social Science building was put into use. Some sixty women came out for the sport, the Freshman team winning the championship. The members of the Freshman team were Victoria Kuncl, Irma Otten, Helen Schlytern, Lucile Bauer, Wilma Bell, Blossom Benz, Grace Modlin, Lucille Schoepel, Helen Lohmeier, Geraldine Dunlap, Helen Clarke and Marie Kunkler.The spring of 1925 saw the beginning of league baseball for the Nebraska Co-eds. The entirely new equipment attracted many to its use. The hardness of the ball and the speed the pitchers put back of it brought worried looks to the faces of many for whom the game was new. There were not enough women completing their practices for a class tournament, so color teams were chosen, the gold team carrying away the honors.
Hit and Run
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