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Picture/sketch or labelHiking and Winter Sports

LetterEBRASKA University witnessed a new activity this winter when the Women's Athletic Association had a skating rink and toboggan slide built on the sport field east of Social Sciences building. Winter sports were an innovation, and many University men and women took part in them. Several toboggans were purchased, and used by those who did not wish to skate. A pair of skiis was purchased and while the snow lasted, one section of the toboggan slide was used for skiing. Those who could skate enjoyed skating. The sport was shortened by the warm weather but in another year the winter sports will prove more popular.

     Hiking is a popular sport among the women at Nebraska. Those women who are unable to take part in the more strenuous sports, can easily hike. Twenty miles in seven consecutive days is the most that W. A. A. allows a person. A pedometer was purchased this year, and many new routes were taken. The vicinity of Lincoln within a radius of twenty miles is used for hikes by lovers of this sport. The manager, Helen Clarke, fostered a hare and hound chase this spring, which, being new, met with much enthusiasm.


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