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   A.                                                     Armstrong, Elizabeth U., born Nov. 27, 1854,  
Abbott, Major, trouble about Pawnee Indian frauds,        Armstrong, George, 254, 263, 281, 313, 342.  
   130. Samuel V. Niles attorney for, 130. Sends             Biographical sketch of, 161. Divorced, 176.  
   James F. Legate to Washington, 148.                       Married the widow Barnett, 193. Appointed on  
Abolitionists, Methodist, 360.                               the deputation to the Senecas, 191. 
Abston, 253.                                              Armstrong. Hannah, daughter of Robert Armstrong,  
Albany, 8.                                                   died at Wyandot Mission, 161. 
Adams, Hon. F. G., vi.                                    Armstrong, John McIntyre, son of Robert  
Adams, John Quincy, death of, 233.                           Armstrong, 161, 176, 193, 224, 263, 281, 313,  
Ainsworth, Miss Elizabeth, birth and marriages, 102.         318, 330, 346, 351. Biographical sketch of;  
Allen, Senator, acts for Wyandot Chiefs, 166.                children of, 261. Maintains that slavery is foreign  
Anderson, Benjamin N. C., 26.                                to Wyandot institutions, 47. Appointed a  
Andrews, Bishop, visits the "Wyandot Purchase,"              commission. 228. 
   266.                                                   Armstrong, Mrs. Lucy B., v, 14, 17, 267. Writes a  
Andrews, Captain Hugh, born August 31, 1764;                 letter to N. Y. Tribune, opposing organization of  
   married Ann Speer; his children; married to Miss          Indian Terr., 136 Replied to by Abelard Guthrie,  
   Elizabeth Ainswortb; moved to Dayton, O.;                 137. 
   children by second marriage. 102.                      Armstrong, McIntyre, born July 15, 1852, 308. 
Andrews, James, married Mary Cornelia Van Cleve,          Armstrong, Minarrh C., born July 12, 1846, 308. 
   102. Informs Abelard Guthrie about their step-         Armstrong, Naomi, born August 10, 1861, 308. 
   mother, 125.                                           Armstrong, Robert, founder of the Armstrong family  
Andrews, John Van Cleve, married Mary E. Hill.               in the Wyandot Nation: captured by Wyandots  
   102. Banker in Kansas City, Kansas, uncle of              and Senecas on the Alleghany River in 1783;  
   Abelard Guthrie, 101.                                     account of in Finley's Life Among the Indians,  
Andrews, John, from Londonderry, North Ireland,              and Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio;  
   to Pennsylvania, 1737; married  Miss Jane                 adopted by the Wyandots, marriage and divorce,  
   Strain; his children, 101.                                160. Children of; 161. 180. Married Sarah Zane;  
Andrews, O., 336.                                            children of, 160, 180. Born August 19, 1835:  
Annals of Kansas, Wilder's, 13, 83.                          drowned in the Kansas River, July 15, 1858,  
Arapahoes, 336.                                              308. 
Arkansas, Territory. created from territory taken         Armstrong, Mr. Russel B., vi. 
   from the Territory of Missouri, 20. State, part of     Armstrong, Sarah (Zane), 307. 
   Indian Territory annexed to, 21.                       Armstrong, Silas, son of Robert Armstrong, vi, 18,  
Arms, John, 313, 330, 344, 353.                              25, 34, 161, 193, 220, 229, 240, 256, 260,  
Armstrong, Antoinette, born February 15, 1858;               262, 265, 277, 330, 344 n. 1, 354 n. 1, 355,  
   married T. B. Barnes; died October 2, 1882,               363. Biographical sketch of, 307. Appointed  
   308.                                                      boundary commissioner, 196. Merchant in  
Armstrong, Caroline, born December, 1837, 308.               Wyondot City, 222. Marshal at funeral of H.  
Armstrong, Catherine. daughter of Robert                     Jacquis, 225. 
Armstrong, 161. Born July 15, 1843: married               Armstrong, Silas W., 275, 308. 
   ----- Shaffenberg, 308.                                Armstrong, Miss Tabitha, born February 6, 1834;  
Armstrong, Duncin, born January 23, 1849: died               Married E. T. Vedder, August 5, 1856; married  
   February  22, 1850, 308.                                  Seymour Thomas in 1879, 307.



Armstrong, Winfield Scott, born December 1, 1840,         Bartley, Gov. T. W., 324, 325. Fee of, for services  
   308.                                                      to Wyandots, 175. Governor of Ohio in 1844,  
Armstrong, Mrs. Z., 335, 372.                                176. 
Ashby,Thomas, 380.                                        Basure, Battiste, 53. 
Atchison, Senator David R., 29, 32. Rev. Thomas           Bates, Frederick, 20. 
   Johnson put forward in the interest of, 83.            Bearskin, John S., 330, 353, 355. 
   Introduced bill to confirm "Wyandot Purchase,"         Bearskin, Peter, 327. 
   243. Opinion on slavery in Nebraska Territory;         Bearskin, William. vi. 
   opposed to organization of Nebraska Territory,         Bellevue, or Traders' Point, precinct, election in  
   77.                                                       1853, 84. 
Atkinson, William (Dayton, O.), 126.                      Bellmont County, Ohio, 342. 
Ayres, Jennie, married Joel Walker Garrett; daughter      Bennett, Hiram P., 85. 
   Nina lives in Kansas City, Kansas, 40.                 Benton, Senator Thomas H., political relations with  
                                                             Abelard Guthrie, 36, 37, 77, 83, 112. Had  
   B.                                                        "Platte Purchase" annexed to Missouri in 1836,  
                                                             20. Relation to Pacific R. R. idea, 31, 45, 88.  
Babbitt, A. W., delegate from Utah, 68.                      Predicted the future greatness of Kansas City,  
Backus, Rev. C. W., vi.                                      32, 114. In favor of organization of Nebraska  
Bay, Georgian, 1.                                            Territory, 28, 32. 45, 59. Memorialized by the  
Baker, Isaac, 26, 348.                                       Wyandots, 166. Fight upon, in Missouri, by  
Ballanger, Peter, 163, 204, 236, 296.                        William Cecil Price, of Springfield, 28. 
Banks, General, 150.                                      Benvist, Leonard, 329. 
Barker, Rev., 346, 354, 361.                              Berry, Richard, 366. 
Burr, Aaron, 235.                                         Berryman, J. C., 195. 
Barrey, 343.                                              Beryman, Mrs., funeral sermon of, 191. 
Barnett, Eliza, married Matthias Splitlog, 194.           Betton, Cora Estelle, born Aug. 18, 1868, 17. 
Barnett, Henry J., married Mary C. Passmore; son          Betton, Ernest L., born July 13, 1881. 17. 
   of, 194.                                               Betton, Florence, born Sept. 8, 1862, vi. 17. 
Barnett, Izette, married Oliver P. De Honde, 194.         Betton, Hon. Frank H., 234. Biographical sketch of,  
Barnett, James, 324, 371. Married Jane Tullis;               17. 
   children of, 194.                                      Betton, Frank Holyoke, Jr., born Nov 17, 1865, 17. 
Barnett, John, 18. Married Hannah Charloe; children       Betton, Mrs. Frank H., vi. 
   of, 194.                                               Betton, Matthew Thornton, vi. Born July 12, 1870,  
Barnett, Joseph, married a Shawnee; lived near               17. 
   mouth of Kansas River, 225.                            Betton, Silas, 1861-1873, 17. 
Barnett, Martha _,M., married William Priestly, 194.      Bettor, Susanah W. J., born Dec. 5, 1841, 17. 
Barnett, Matthew, 330.                                    Between-the-Logs, 373 n.1. 
Barnett, Serena, married Alfred Welsh, 194.               Big-Arms, Martin, 368. 
Barnett, Mrs., married George Armstrong, 198.             Bigelow, Miss Lucy, daughter of Rev. Russel  
Barrett, Mrs. Evelina J., widow of Hugh Barrett;             Bigelow; sketch of; children of; married John  
   married Governor Walker, April 6, 1865, 12,               McIntyre Armstrong, 261. 
   226, 405.                                              Bigelow, Rev. Russel, 261. 
Barrett, Miss Hannah. a student at the Mission            Big-Legs, Capt., Miami precinct, 53. 
   School at Upper Sandusky, Ohio; married                Big-River, W. M., death and burial of, 254. 
   William Walker; died Dec. 7, 1863, 12, 373.            Big Sandy River, Wyandots ascended in an  
Barrett, H., 175, 227, 246, 255, 266, 283.                   excursion South, 234. 
Barrow, candidate against Guthrie at election, Ft.        Big-Sinew John, 276, 278, 302, 317, 349. 
   Leavenworth, 27, 28.                                   Big-Sinew: Samuel, 302. 
Barstow, B. F., 237, 245.                                 Big-Snake, Tyson, 327. 
Bartleson, Mrs. Mary, married C. Graham, 253.             Bigtown, 325. 



Big-Tree, James, 918; United States stole the horse       Brown, Philip, 290, 371, 387. 
   of, 304.                                               Browne, O. H., 389-90. Letter to Governor Walker,  
Big-Tree, Joseph, judgment against, 190.                     55. Letter from Governor Walker; came to  
Bill, Senate, organizing Nebr. Ter., 376.                    Kansas. 56. 
Birney, William P., of Delaware, 35, 383.                 Browne, Kenneth L., vi. 
Blackwell, Miss, 257.                                     Brunette, steamboat, 362. 
Blair, Frank P., Jr., one of leaders of Benton            Buchan, Hon. W. J., 17. 
   Democracy of Missouri, 28.                             Back, Peter, 263, 343. Fined, 88. Death, 344. 
Blake, 143.                                               Bull-Head, Captain, delegate, 35. Biographical  
Blue-Jacket, Charles, Head Chief of the Shawnees,            sketch of, 302. 
   2. Biographical sketch of, 18.                         Burke, Edmund, works of, referred to, 128. 
Blue-Jackets, Delegates, 35.                              Burr, Aaron, character of, 236, 237. 
"Bogus Laws", 39.                                         Butler, M., 323. 
Bolt, Winnifred, 340.                                     Butterfield. C. W., vii, 19. 
Boon, Albert G., 338.                                     Butterfield, General, 16. 
Boulwane, John B., Old Fort Kearney, 60.                   
Bowen, 193.                                                  C. 
Bowman, 286.                                               
Bowring, 216, 217, 221.                                   Caldwell, Prof. H. W., viii. 
Bowers, William, 181, 190, 260, 290.                      Caldwell, Captain of steamboat, "United States,"  
Bowyer, 286.                                                 108. 
Boyd, 237, 335.                                           Calhoun, Gov., 353. 
Boyd, G. W., 323.                                         California, emigration, etc., 31, 68, 111. 
Boye, Bazie, Miami precinct, 63.                          Caloway, 284. 
Boys, Jack, Miami precinct, 53.                           Calumet, 339. 
Bradford, Hon. A. A., speaks in favor of Nebraska,        Campbell, Chairman Ho. Com. on R. R., 144. 
   85.                                                    Camp-meetings, 189, 357. 
Brant, Joseph, 253.                                       Cavaignac, Gen., 256. 
Brevidore House, 340.                                     Carondawana, "Big Tree," married Madame  
Briscoe, John W. sells Dorcas, a slave, to Governor          Montour, 8. 
   Walker, 194.                                           Carpenter, Miss Clarissa, married to Samuel Big- 
Briscoe, Colonel, Louisiana Volunteers, 109.                 Sinew, 302. 
Brown, family among the Wyandotts, founded by an          Carter, Dr., 359. 
   adopted white, 3.                                      Caskie, J. S., Virginia Congressman. 55. 
Brown, Adam, 11, 47, 210, 230, 235, 273, 303,             Cass, Gen. Lewis, 16, 120, 259, 270. 
   315, 327, 345, 352, 352 n.1. Chief of                  Cassady, Jefferson P., 84. 
   Wyandots, at Detroit, 6. Captured in Greenbrier        Catholics, the, voted in a body at Quindaro, 118. 
   Co., Virginia, in Dunmore's war, 6. Meets              Cecil, 367, n-1. 
   William Walker, Sr., and ransoms him from              Cemetery, Oak Grove, 16. 
   Delawares, 6, 7.                                       Certificate of election of Hadley D. Johnson, 84. 
Brown, Eldredge H., vi, 18, 172.                          Chaffee, Joseph, 291. 
Brown, Isaac, 26, 316, 330, 354, 355.                     Chaffee, Judge, 290. 
Brown, John, believed the Free-State movement in          Champlain, Lake, 8. 
   Kansas temporary, 113.                                 Chapin,-, of the Quindaro Co., 121. 
Brown, J. D., 254, 258, 260, 296, 312, 330, 344,          Charloe, Eliza, married Mathias Splitlog, 34. 
   353, 355, 360, 362, 368, 372.                          Charloe, Lucy, daughter of James T. Charloe;  
Brown, Matthew, 290.                                         married John Winney, 193. 
Brown, Miss Quindaro Nancy, a Wvandot-Shawnee             Charloe, Hannah, married John Barnett; children of,  
   girl; born in Canada; of the Big Turtle clan of           194. 
   Wyandots; of Turtle clan of Shawnees;                  Charloe, Jacob, 26, 293, 294, 316, 317, 341, 344.  
   granddaughter of Chief Adam Brown; married                Death of, 359. 
   Abelard Guthrie; their children; died in the           Charloe, J. T., 227, 293, 312, 336, 354. Married  
   Cherokee country, April 13, 1886; Buried at               Amelia Peacock, 193. 
   Chetopal Kansas, 103.                                  Charloe, Jane, married John Pipe, 194. 



Charloe, John, 249. Children, 194.                           Elected Secretary of Nebraska Territory, 36.  
Charloe, Margaret, sister of H. Jacquis; Married -----       Poll-books to be addressed to, 49. Nominated  
   Charloe; their children, 193. Married, 1st,               for the Council, 189. Appointed a commissioner,  
   Thomas Pipe, 2d, John Sarrahas, 194. Sister of            228. Illness. 282. Address of, as Principal  
   H. Jacquis, 225.                                          Chief, 314. 
Charloe, widow, 193. Sues the estate of H. Jacquis,       Clark, Harriett W., daughter of George I. Clark, 48. 
   246.                                                   Clark, Lewis, 309. 
Chase, Bishop, 15.                                        Clark, Miss Margaret, married H. M. Northrup,  
Cheauteau, Mrs., 329.                                        303. 
Chenault, Col., 335.                                      Clark, Mary J., daughter of George I. Clark, 48. 
Chenault, James, Miami precinct, 52.                      Clark, Miss Matilda, 331. 
Cherokee, Bob., 295.                                      Clark, Munson H., Judge of election, 84. Received  
Cherokee Boy, 221, 234. Biographical sketch of,              250 votes for provisional Secretary, 85. 
   195.                                                   Clark, Peter D., 27, 265, 315, 361, 363, 389. 
Cherokees, warfare against, by Wyandots, 234.             Clark, Thomas, father of Mrs. H. M. Northrup,  
Cheyennes, 336.                                              303. 
Chick, Col., 199-200.                                     Clark, R. W., 17. Son of George I. Clark, 48. 
Chick, Miss Matilda, 298.                                 Clark, William 178, 352. 
Chick, Mrs., 287.                                         Clark, Mrs. William, 352. 
Chick, W. H., 284.                                        Clement, 388. 
Chick, W. M., 252. Died April 7, 1847, 198.               Clements, D. V., 378. 
Chick, William S., 252.                                   Clipper, Dr., 367. 
Chief Principal. 353.                                     Cloud, Peter, voted at Miami precinct, 52. 
Childs, Mr., lost in the "Wyandot Purchase," 244.         Cobb, S. A., an applicant for a position in the army;  
   Chindowan, the newspaper edited at Quindaro by               Mrs. Dole in favor of; Lane to give him a place in  
   Walden, 116.                                              his army of 50,000 Negroes, 152. 
Chippewa, one of the tribes of the North-                 Coffman, Mr., 329. 
   western Confederacy, 62.                               Coffman, L., 281. 
Chivington, J. M.,  25.                                   Coffman, Lot, Justice of the Peace. 251. 
Cholera, the Asiatic, in Kansas City, 286, 289, 292,      Coke, George, 303. Accused of the murder of Dan  
   295, 311, 312, 325, 328, 348, 352. In St.                 Punch, 277. 
   Joseph, 1850, 306. Day of fasting and prayer on        Coke, Tom, 379. 
   account of, 1849, 295.                                 Commissioner of Indians, 347. 
Chop-tlie-Logs, Russia, 321, 323.                         Committee, Legislative, of the Wyandot Nation,  
Chouteau, Edmond F., 373.                                    Statement of, 62. 
Church, M. E., division of, 260, 269, 278.                Confedederacy, the Northwestern, of Indian tribes;  
   Chronicles of Border Warfare, Withers's, 179.                opposed settlement of the territory northwest of  
Cincinnati, 29.                                              the Ohio River by white people, 24. Its age;  
Cist's Adveitiser, 352, 371.                                 tribes composing; Wyandot tribe the head of and  
Civil Government, brought to Nebraska by                     keeper of the Council fire, 62. Council fire of,  
   Wyandots, 3.                                              how brought West; rekindled in 1848; Wyandots  
Claiborne, Mr., Governor of Mississippi Ty.;                 confirmed in their position, 63.  
   represented the Government of the U. S. in             Confederacy, the Huron, 1. 
   receiving Louisiana from France, Dec. 20, 1863, 19.    Congress of Indian Tribes, held near Fort  
Clark & Hall, swindled Shawnees, 180.                        Leavenworth, in Oct., 1848, 4. 
Clark, George I., 25, 26, 254, 258, 260, 296, 303,        "Connecticutt, Old", 27. 
   312, 313, 315, 317, 323, 353, 383, 385.                Connelley's Addition to Kansas City, Kansas,  
   Biographical sketch of, 47. Elected to fill H.            formerly the home of Mathais Splitlog, 35. 
   Jacquis' place; one of the Admrs. of, 227. Native      Constitution, 339. 
   of Canada, W. Delegate to Convention, 34.              "Convent of the Sacred Heart", at 



   St. Charles, Mo.; the manner in which children were    Council House, the Wyandot, Territorial  
   educated at, 124.                                         Council met in to canvass the votes, 39. 
Convention, the, which formed the Provisional             Councilors, 355. 
   Government of Nebraska Territory, 59.                  Cowan, Mrs.. aunt of William Walker Sr., captured  
   Described by Russell Garrett, 33 Number of                by the Delaware., at the same time, 5. Final  
   Delegates; how Delegates were summoned; Kind              separation from her nephew William Walker,  
   of day on which held, 34. Only written account            Sr., 6. 
   of, contained in Governor Walker's Journal,            Crawford County, Ohio, 340. 
   35.Hand-bills containing a record of the               Cromwell, 262. 
   proceedings of, printed and distributed and            Crows (Indians), 336. 
   copied into newspapers, 36.                            Cubans, do not thank America for their interference,  
Convention, National Democratic, 1852, 351.                  332. 
Convention, National, of Wyandots, 1851, 339.             Cummins, Major, Indian Agent, 193, 291, 292.  
Convention, Railroad, 383.                                   Addresses the Wyandot Council, 229. 
Convention Whig, National, 1852, 353.                     Curley-Head, John B., 331, 344. 
Conway, M. F., called upon by Abelard Guthrie             Curry, A. P., 202. 
   132. Action on Lane's absence from the Senate.         Curry, A. R., 213. 
   133. Voted against law to make U. S. notes             Curtis, Col. Samuel H., speaks in favor of  
   legal tender, 135.                                        Nebraska, 85. 
Corn, one of the principal articles of food of the        Cusick, David, 263. 
   Wyandots, 158.                                         Cusick, James. 263. 
Coon, Aaron, 3.                                           Cusick, Nicholas, 263. 
Coon, John, 369, 371.                                      
Coop., John, Jr., 279, 368. Killed by Bob                 D. 
   Cherokee, 295.                                          
Coon, J. S., 398.                                         Dameron, G. B., 315. 
Coon, Robert 349.                                         Da on quot, 373 n.1. 
Coon, Mrs. R., death of, 349.                             Dagnett, Lucian, married Sarah (Driver) Payne, 203. 
Coon-Cripple, John, 277.                                  Dagnett, Mrs Sarah. vi. 18. Description of the  
Coon-Hawk, Thomas, 26, 319, 330, 343, 354.                   Wyandot Council House, 32. 
Copperfield, David, the younger, 329.                     Dale, Alfred, 362. 
Cornbury, Lord, 8.                                        Darlington, William M., 10. 
Cotter, Mr., sold tallow, 223.                            Davis, 212, 231. 
Cotter, Francis, 26.                                      Davis, M. L., author of Memoirs of Aaron Burr,  
Cotter, F., 361. Had possession of the plat of               235. 
   Wyandott City, 219.                                    Daws, Mr., of the House, opposed to Guthrie's  
Cotter, John, 246, 249.                                      claim for mileage and per diem as delegate from  
Cotter, Nicholas, 26, 369.                                   Nebraska, 128. 
Cotters, the, vi.                                         Dawson, J. S., 361.  
Council, 353.                                             De Honde, Oliver P., married Izette Barnett, 194. 
Council, Territorial, 387. Composition of, 57.            Delegate, 384, 389. 
Council Bluffs,  urged as the initial point of the        Delegate to congress from Nebraska Territory, 363,  
   Pacific Railroad, 31.                                     365, 187. Proclamation for election of, issued by  
Council Bluffs, citizens of, invade Nebraska                 Governor Walker Aug. 1, 1853; Price-Atchison  
   Territory for purpose of holding a fraudulent             Democracy determine to participate in election of;  
   election, 84.                                             Benton and Guthrie hoped no opposition to the  
Council fire, 392.                                           regular nominee would develop, 37.  
Council fire, the great, of the Northwestern                 Election, 388. Proclamation for election of  
Confederacy of Indiana, rekindled at Fort                    issued. 59. 
   Leavenworth in Oct., 1848, 24.                         Delegation, Wyandot, in Washington, 350. 
Council House, the Wyandot, its exact location, 32.       Delaware Chiefs, meet the Wyandot Chiefs, 193. 



"Delaware Crossing," location of, 84.                        337, 338, 347, 350, 352, 353, 356, 357, 360,  
Delaware, Sam, Miami precinct, 53. Triparty treaty           361. Biographical sketch of, 317, 
   between Government and Wyandots, 228. At the           Dofflemeyer, Mrs., 337, 341. 
   Great Indian Congress of 1848, 265, Installment        Dog-Skinning, incident of, 267. 
   due from the Wyandots for 1850, 316. Annuity, 325.     Dole, Win. P., of Kansas, 143. 
Democratic National Convention, 1852, 351.                Dole, Mrs., solicits a position from Lane for S. A.  
Democratic party of Missouri, divided into two               Cobb, 152. 
   factions, one in favor of organizing Nebraska          Donnelly, Father, a priest in Kansas City, 240. 
   Territory--the other opposed to that measure, 28       Doolittle, Senator, Chairman Committee on Indian  
   Divided by the fight upon Senator Benton, 28.             Affairs; asked to have Pomeroy of Kansas put on  
Delawares, one of the tribes of the Northwestern             the Committee in place of Lane, absent, 133.  
   Confederacy, 23, 34, 62, 347. Sold the land in            Conceives a prejudice against Guthrie, 148. 
   the fork of the Missouri and Kansas Rivers to the      Dorcas, the slave of Governor Walker; bill of sale of,  
   Wyandots for $46,080.00; William Walker. Sr,              194. 
   purchased from, 47. The pay-house of, used by          Douglas, Senator, introduces bills providing for  
   Governor Walker as a home, 66. Efforts to have            Territorial Government for Nebraska Territory,  
   them assist in building a bridge over the Kansas          22. Chairman Senate Committee on Territories;  
   River at Chillicothe, 117. Enter into treaty with         reported the bill for the organization of Nebraska  
   other tribes, 200. Commissioners appointed to             Territory Feb. 17, 1853, 30. Bill for organizing  
   treat with 223. Factions of, determined to secure         Nebraska Territory, 60. To blame for failure of  
   delegate to Congress to be elected in Nebraska            the Bill 1853, 61. Efforts to organize Nebraska  
   Territory, 36. Price-Atchison faction of, believed        Territory, 72. Chairman Committee on  
   they could prevent recognition of the Provisional         Territories 86. Represented by Hadley D.  
   Government of Nebraska Territory, determine,              Johnson as leaving the location of the line  
   nevertheless, to participate in the election for          between Nebraska and Kansas to him, 88. 
   Delegate to Congress, 37.                              Dover, Doctor, lost, in the "Wyandot Purchase,"  
Dennis, 204, 211, 222, 226, 227.                             244. 
Dequine, Lewis, Miami precinct. 53.                       Downs, H. P., Clerk of Election held in Old Fort  
Detroit, 1.                                                  Kearney; notice of, from "Outposts of Zion," 50.  
De Shane. David, 18.                                         Received 283 votes for Treasurer, 8.5. 
Deshler, D. W., written to for Certificate, 171.          Downs, ----, speaks in favor of Nebraska, 85. 
Dews, I. M., speaks in favor of Nebraska, 85.             Downing, Major J., quoted by Governor Walker,  
Dickinson, Hannah, married Isaac Lane; children of,          231. 
   180.                                                   Doyle, Dr., 332, 334, 341. 
Dickson, 313.                                             Draper, Lyman C., 363. Editor of Withers's  
Dickson, George, 242.248, 251. Called upon                  Chronicles of Border Warfare, 179. 
   Governor Walker, 164. Writes to Governor               Driver Family, general sketch of, 202. 
   Walker, 192.                                           Driver, Caroline, married, 1st, Edward Kirkbride;  
Dickson, Mrs., 268.                                          2d, Louis Lofland: children of, 203. 
Diondadies (Petuns, or Wyandots), 8, 10.                  Driver Francis, sketch of, 202. 
District Court, U. S., of Missouri, 21.                   Driver, Mrs. Matilda, character of: married Francis  
Dodge. Hon. A. C., introduces Hadley D. Johnson              A. Hicks, 189, 202. 
   to Senator Douglas, 87. Speaks in favor of             Driver, Sarah, married, 1st, Dr. W. A. Payne; 2d  
   Nebraska, 85.                                             Lucian Dagnett; lives at Seneca, Mo., 203. 
Dodge, General Henry, led Manuel Lisa's exploring         Driver, Mrs., buried March 3, 1848. 232. 
   party, 93.                                             Driver, William, died unmarried, 203. 
Dofflemeyer, Catharine Ann, 401.                          Duncan, Rev. Mr, a Cherokee, preached in Wyandot  
Dofflemeyer, Rev. Daniel, 319, 320, 329, 332, 336,           Nation, 184. 



Dunwoodie, James, had a slave Governor Walker             Finley, Marshall, Judge of Election, 84. 
   wished to buy 195.                                     Fire, Council, 392. 
Dyer, W. F., Delegate to Convention, remarks              Fish, Dr., 335. 
   concerning, 34.                                        Fish. Mr., married Hetty -----, 217. 
Dyke, Mr., the wit at celebration of Washington's         Fish, Mrs. Hester, 347. 
   birthday, 1848, 231.                                   Fitz-Patrick, Major, 336. 
Drummond, Samuel, 324, 325, 342, 344.                     Flemming, William, 363. 
                                                          Flint, Mr., a Shawnee preacher, 287. 
E.                                                        Folkes, Wm. C., voted at Old Fort Kearney, 50. 
                                                          Forsyth, James H., 315. 
Edgerton, Mr., presents memorial of Abelard               Fort La Motte, 8. 
   Guthrie for mileage and per diem. 70.                  Fort Leavenworth, second election for Delegate to  
Edgington, D., employed by Governor Walker, 199.             Nebraska held there, 27. 
Edmonson, John, sells a farm for $600.00 to               Foxes, the tribe, 63, 265. 
   Governor Walker, 192.                                  France, to interfere in our civil war, 135. 
Egle, William Henry, M. D., A. M., author of              Free Masonry, introduction of, into Kansas, 25. 
   "Pennsylvania Genealogies," 101.                       Fremont, Gen., one of the Generals of the Army of  
Election, Certificate of, to Thomas Johnson, 54,             the Potomac, 150. 
Elections Committee, Report of, on application of         French half-breeds, had a settlement in the bottoms  
   Abelard Guthrie for mileage and per diem, 67.             between the Missouri and Kansas Rivers, 163,  
Election of Delegate to Congress, rules for, 48.             290. 
   Form of Poll-book for, 49.                             French. Mr., 301. 
Election, the Presidential, in 1848; vote of the States   Frost, Dr., 252. 
   in, 282.                                               Frost, Michael, 260, 266, 289, 330. 
Ellington, P., 318.                                       Funk,  353. 
Ellington, Miss Virginia T., married Rev. Daniel          Fulton, Dr., 312. 
   Dofflemeyer, 318.                                      Furnas, Ex-Governor Robert W., viii. 
Elliott, Charles, biographical sketch of, 325.             
Elwell, 351.                                              G. 
Elvira, steamboat, 350.                                    
Emigrants, more than one hundred thousand passed          Garrett, Amanda, 341. 
   through Nebraska in 1849 and 1850, 68.                 Garrett, Byron, 341. 
English, Wm. G., speaks in favor of Nebraska, 85.         Garrett, Charles B., 25, 26, 34, 181, 213, 248,  
Erie, Lake, 2, 9.                                            323, 333, 340, 341, 377, 390. Delegate to  
Estes, 221.                                                  Convention, 34. Indicted for forcible use of ferry  
Eutau Springs, the, 312.                                     boat, 187. Fined $5.00 for taking ferry boat,  
Ewing, Judge, 316.                                           188. Member of the Wyandot Mining Company,  
                                                             290. Biography, 340. 
F.                                                        Garrett, Cyrus, 25, 26, 341, 376. 
                                                          Garrett, E., 378. 
Fauntleroy, Colonel, 27. Commanding officer of            Garrett, George, brother of Charles B. Garrett;  
   Fort Leavenworth; threatens arrest of Guthrie,            married Nancy Walker, sister to Gov. Walker,  
   79.                                                       40. Letter to, 163. Death of, Feb. 17, 1846, aged  
Ferries, 380.                                                46, 170. 
Fillmore, Millard, 251.                                   Garrett, Harriet P., 341. 
Fifer, Edward, 27.                                        Garrett, Henry, 26, 333, 341, 378. 
Finances, 397.                                            Garrett, Jane, 341. 
Findlay, James, 338, 383. Delegate to Convention;         Garrett, J. B.,  vi, 
   biographical sketch of, 34.                            Garrett, Joel W., 25, 26, 241, 357, 389. Delegate to  
Finley, Rev. J. B., sent a communication to the              Convention, 34. Deputy Secretary of State;  
   Wyandots, 227. Called the Arch Bishop of the              biographical sketch of, 40. Signature to  
   Ohio State Prison; sketch of and Indian name of,          certificate of election, 54. Written to by Governor  
   239; memorial sent to, 244.                               Walker, 219. Portrait, 48. 



Garrett, Mrs. Maria, 253, 331.                            Government, Provisional, 383. 
Garrett, Mrs. Mary Ann, 369.                              Graham, C., 161, 190, 207, 214, 219, 222, 228,  
Garrett, Mary, 372.                                          233. 235, 236. 237, 246, 289, 319, 323, 350.  
Garrett, Mrs. Nancy, 248, 308, 359.                          Agency blacksmith for the Wyandots, 191.  
Garrett, Mrs., 356.                                          Delivers $705.00 to sheriff to pay for house  
Garrett, Rebecca, 331.                                       bought by Governor Walker, 197. Removed  
Garrett, Russell, 16, 25, 26, 31, 321, 324, 331,             from position of Agency blacksmith; Wyandots  
   339, 340, 341. Recollections of the Convention            resent it, 207. Council convened to consider his  
   that formed the Provisional Covernment; lives in          removal, 208. Restored to his position of Agency- 
   Ventura, California; the only Delegate to the             blacksmith, 209. Very sick, 215. Married Mrs.  
   Convention known to be living at this time (Dec.,         Mary Bartleson, 253. Died of cholera. 327.  
   1898), 33, 34. Mined in California, 112.               Graham, Mrs. Mary very sick, 211, Death of, 212.  
   Member of the Wyandot Mining Company, 290.                Obituary notice of, written by Governer Walker  
Garrett, Miss R.,  323.                                      for the Expositor, 214. 
Garrett, Theo. F., member of the Wyandot Mining           Graham, Mrs., 342. 
   Company, 290.                                          Graham, William A., 353. 
Garrett, William, 340, 341. Married Mary Ann              Graham, W. C.,  298. 
   Long, 171. Death of, 211.                              Grasshopper River. Military Crossing of, 34. 
Garrett, Wesley, 341, 366.                                Graves, Charles, married Abalura Guthrie, 103. 
Garretts, the, slave owners, 77.                          Gray, Alfred, meeting ill interest of Quindaro at  
Gallatin, Albert, article of, upon the Mexican war,          office of, 119. 
   228.                                                   Gray, Peter, employed to build smoke house for  
   Gazette, Wyandotte, Guthrie's address, taken from.           Governor Walker, 163. 
   79.                                                    Gray, R. M., 18.  
Geboe, Elie, Miami precinct, 53.                          Gray-Eyes, Doctor, 254. 
Gemundt, Dr., 346, 349, 350, 356, 359. Death of,          Gray-Eyes, Squire, 227, 254, 260, 303, 330. His  
   377.                                                      preaching, 223. 
Georgians, engaged in a battle in the Mexican war,        Gray-Eyes, John W., 18, 25, 258, 263, 312, 313,  
   109.                                                      314, 317, 325, 330, 355. Delegate to  
Geyer, Senator Henry S. (Missouri), 29. Opposed to           Convention, 35. Chief by inheritance, 173.  
   Nebraska Ter., 77.                                        Appointed Supervisor, 196. Information  
Gibson, James S., vi.                                        concerning Indian Congress, 201. Death of his  
Gibson, John, 354. Appointed Supervisor, 196.                wife; biographical sketch of, 254. Portrait, 256. 
Gibson, Wm., 26, 263, 355.                                Gray-Eyes, Robert, buried February 25, 1847, 195.  
Gilmore, Mr., 285, 291, 292, 313, 333, 339, 357,             Administrator's sale of effects of, 197. 
   362. Married Martha R. Walker, 298.                    Greer, John, 235. 
Gilmore, Mrs., 256.                                       Greer, -----, Knox County, O., purchased Gov.  
Gilpin, Wm., Delegate to Convention; remarks                 Walker's lands, 213. 
   concerning; afterwards Governor of Colorado,           Green Corn Feast of the Wyandots, 385. Aug. 9,  
   34.                                                       1853, 30. 
Gilstrap, A. L., 387.                                     Green. Rev. Thomas A., 238, 301. 
Gipson, John, deceased; administrators of, sell           Greenbrier Co., W. V., 340. 
   Dorcas, a slave, to Governor Walker, 194.              Greeley, Horace, written to by Guthrie about the first  
Gist, Christopher, 10.                                       delegate from Nebraska, 149. 
Givens, Mr., 255.                                         Greenwood, Judge, speaks in favor of Nebraska,  
Gere, Hon. C. H., viii.                                      85. 
Goodin, John, employed as attorney by Governor            Griffin, -----, 320. 
   Walker, 167. Writes to Governor Walker, 190.           Grinter, John C., 17. 
   Transacted business for Wyandots, 219.                 Grinter, W. H. H., 17. 
Goodin, John R., Judge and Member of Congress             Grist mills. 405. 
   from Kansas, 177.                                      Grover, -----, Delegate to Convention; biographical  
Goodin, John, 252, 257, 365.                                 sketch of, 34. 

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