Sowing grass for new park
addition in 1978.
Park Chairman, Bob Bell, Shelli McDonald
and Jaycee president, Gary McDonald.
left to right: Larry Navrkal, Jeff Modde, Dan Hilger.
Middle row: Dennis Dostal, Frank
Fichtl, Dwaine Dunn, Richard Cole, Gary McDonald.
Back row: Ben Forney, Mat Forney,
Marty Sauberzweig, Chris Brandenburgh, Ron
Mrs. Jaycee Chapter.
Front row: left to right: Deb
Dolezal, Sharon Navrkal, Lori Sauberzweig, Bea Dunn.
Middle row: Jolene Fichtl, Terry
McDonald, Jolene Brandenburgh, Shirley McDonald.
Back row: Joyce Napier, Mary Jane
Hilger, Sally Hans, Janelle Schmale, Verlene Rinke, Glenda
Planting a Cottonless
Cottonwood for Bellwood Centennial, April 22, 1980.
Back row, left to right: Richard
Cole, Ben Forney, Gayle Forney, Shirley McDonald with
Melissa, Glenda Cole, Mary Jane Hilger, Dan Hilger.
Front row: ShelIi McDonald, Brad
Rebekah Lodge No.
Bellwood Rebekah Lodge, Number 367 was
instituted on Jan. 11, 1922, by the officers of the Rebekah
Assembly of Nebraska, namely: Alice Coy, President; Elsie A.
Buchta, Past President; and Emma L. Talbot, Secretary. The
degree staff of Mary's Lodge No. 18 of David City
exemplified the Rebekah Degree in initiating the
The Charter Members were Adeline Smith,
Ora Brandenburgh, Rose Burk, Emma Taylor, Dayton Smith,
Mabel Judevine, Allen H. Whitney, Walter Meinyer, Chester
Burch, A. C. Burk, E. H. Sink, Glen Meinyer, H. A. Taylor,
Gertrude Swan, Osto Heath, George McGaffin, Henry Whitney,
Millie Whitney, J. P. Meinyer, Emma Meinyer, Martha
Brandenburgh, A. R. Brandenburgh, Sr., A. R. Brandenburgh,
Jr., Jennie Cooper, Mary Smith, Lottie Dawson, Edna M.
Whitney, Ruby Challstrom, E. E. Swan, G. A. Wilson, Millie
Kamenske and Laura Curtis.
Edna Whitney is the only Charter Member
who is still a member of the Bellwood Lodge.
The purpose of Rebekahs is to work for the
betterment of all mankind in friendship, love, and truth.
The members visit the sick, bury the dead, educate the
orphans, and assist anyone in need. They contribute to
worthy causes such as: The Eye Bank Project, Educational
Foundation, Hunger and Disaster Fund, and The Rose Parade
Float Fund.
On April 14, 1947, the Bellwood Rebekahs
sponsored and organized a Theta Rho Club in Bellwood. Twelve
girls and me Rebekahs joined and the club has been active
for 33 years. Many of these young ladies have expressed
their appreciation for the training they get in conducting a
meeting properly and in learning to consider others as well
as themselves.
Twelve young people from the Bellwood
community have been sponsored by the Rebekahs on the United
Nations Pilgrimage for Youth, a trip never to be forgotten.
A Christmas party is enjoyed each year by the Odd Fellows,
Theta Rho Girls, Rebekahs, and their families, with a
covered dish dinner, program, Santa Claus, and gifts and
treats for all.
The elderly and shut-ins are remembered
with cookie plates at Christmas time. Members are remembered