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Centennial Committee
     Tony Hiller, John Selzer, Gussie Wilson and Bob Bell, Jr.

   The following committees were responsible for making the Centennial a success. Many other people were also involved in helping each group during the three day celebration.

History Committee:
Robert M. Bell, Chairman, Viola Stack, Edna Hiller, Gussie Wilson, Rhoda Cook, Wilber Napier, Fay Smith.

Antique Committee:
Caroline Scholz, Chairman, Bette Hiller, Mary Pat Romshek.

Publicity and Advertising Committee:
Barbara Trofholz and Claryce Selzer, Co-chairmen Joyce Navrkal, Susan Romshek, Lori Hiller, Janet Hiller: Christie Trofholz.

Food and Concession Committee:
Janelle Schmale, Chairman, Marjorie Kimble, Minnie Smith.

Beautification and Grounds Committee:
Jack Selzer, Chairman, Jerry Hiller, Gary McDonald, Don Peters, Ron Trofholz, Al Hanus, Tony Hiller, Darold Napier, Gerald McDonald, Sr., Gerald McDonald, Jr., Todd Scholz, Brian Wilson.

Beard Contest Committee:
Joe Wilson, Chairman, Gary Navrkal, Tom McCawley.

Horseshoe Tournament Committee:
Adolph Navrkal, Chairman, Joe Stastny, Ray Dickey.

Square Dance Committee:
Fred Brases' and Gerald Reeders'.

Flea Market Committee:
Gayle Forney, Chairman, Deb Dolezal, Terri McDonald, Jan Hough.

Finance Committee:
John Selzer, Tony Hiller.

Barbecue Committee:
Gene Napier, Chairman, Ray Hough, Jack Romshek, Darold Napier, Al Hanus, Ralph Romshek, Don Semin, Barbara Trofholz.

Parade Committee:
Dan Hilger, Chairman, Roger Schmale, Marty Sauberzweig, Bellwood Jaycees.

Guest Invitation Committee:
     Edna Hiller, Chairman, Doreen Bell, Viola Stack.

10,000 Meter Run and Run Run Committee:
     Father Robert Roh, Chairman, Amy Romshek.

Threshing Bee Committee:
     Ben Forney, Chairman, Ron Dolezal, Dennis Dostal, Chris Brandenburgh, Gary McDonald.

Muddy Pig Contest Committee:
     Glenda and Dick Cole, Chairmen, Mrs. Jaycees.

Box Social Committee:
     Don and Mary Ann Romshek, Chairmen, Leo and Laura Janicek, Bob and Joyce Bell, Audrey and Delores Kreizinger.

Parking and Law Enforcement Committee:
     Charles Oborny, Chairman, Don Romshek, Co-chairman, Louis Mick, Gerald McDonald, Harry Lee Wilson, Ken Schmid.

Kiddie Events Committee:
     Lorene Kallenbach, Chairman, Dorothy Oborny, Mary Ann Romshek, Diane Beringer, Elaine Kylander.

Teen Dance Committee:
     Amy Romshek, Cindy Beringer, Mary Beth Romshek, LuAnn Didier.

Class Reunion Committee:
     Delores McCawley, Chairman, Mrs. Ralph Romshek, Merna Didier, Ethel Reba.

Railroad Entry Committee:
Bob Bell, Jr., Ray Wilson, Gerald McDonald, Jim Reisdorff.

Centennial Float Committee:
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Romshek, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoshor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schmit, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ebel, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Romshek.

Style Show Committee:
Mary Jane Hilger, Chairman, Joyce Napier, Shirley McDonald, Mrs. Jaycees.

Old Timers Ball Game Committee:
Jerry Hiller, Chairman, Joe Wilson.

Tug Of War Committee:
Roger Schmale, Chairman, Mr. Jaycees.

Water Fight Committee:
Gary Navrkal, Joe Romshek.

Fund Raising Committee:
Tony and Bette Hiller, Chairmen, Ralph and Betty Romshek, Jack and Betty Romshek, Tiny and Caroline Scholz, Joe and Mary Romshek, Jerry and Mel Hiller, Don and Joan Semin, Lorene Kallenbach, Dorothy Moyer, Delores Podraza, Gussie Wilson, Gene Napier.

Booster Trips Committee:
Tony and Bette Hiller, Chairmen, Jack and Claryce Selzer, Gene Napier.

Plans For The Future

   A time capsule will be constructed and various commemorative items place in it. Although the time and place of the special ceremonies marking this event have not been established, the capsule will remain sealed until the year before the village of Bellwood celebrates its 150th birthday in the year 2030.


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Stag And Stagette

   The Centennial Committee sponsored a Stag and Stagette at the Bellwood Fire Hall on March 29, 1980. Its purpose was to raise funds for the expenses of the coming celebration.
   Three hundred and fifty tickets were sold to the roast beef dinner, with Mrs. Ralph Romshek and Gene Napier having the honor of selling the most tickets. Chances were also sold on ten $100.00 bonds. The winners are to be drawn on July 13th at the final program of the Centennial.
   A record crowd attended the affair in spite of bad weather. Bingo and other games provided the entertainment for all ages.
   Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hiller and their committee did themselves proud with a 'job well done.'

Box Social

   An old fashioned box social was held as an introduction to the community's centennial observance. The Box Social was held on April 22, which is the actual date when the town was established. Approximately 75 people attended, and there were three age groups that vied for 1st and 2nd places. The highest price paid for a decorated box was $27.00.
   The entertainment program included viewing the colored motion pictures of the 1967 Nebraska state centennial celebration held in Bellwood shown by Francis Besch. The evening was climaxed by the lighting of 100 candles on the Bellwood birthday cake.
   Mr. and Mrs. Don Romshek and their committee were in charge of the box social.


Interfaith Service


     A tree was planted at the United Methodist Church as part of the Inter-faith religious service.


     Inter-faith religious services were conducted as part of the opening ceremony. A tree was planted at St. Peter's Catholic Church during the services.

Train Entry


     Symbolizing the start of the second century for the railroad in the Bellwood community, the Burlington Northern engine "breaks through" a banner (1880-1980) erected across the tracks. This was part of the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the railroad's arrival in Bellwood and the 100th birthday of the community.


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Style Show


     The Charles Oborny family was cited as the "best dressed Centennial family" taking part in the Bellwood Centennial celebration. The family's wearing apparel had been prepared by Mrs. Oborny for the 100th anniversary observance.


   The Kyander sisters, Tracy and Marilee, were named the winners of the preschool age Centennial costume contest.


   The winner of the grade school age Centennial costume was Michelle Hilger.


   In the Centennial costume contest, Tammy Navrkal was cited for having the best Indian costume and Dorothy Moyer was cited for having the best individual adult costume.

Bellwood High School Reunion

   The High School reunion was held on Friday, July 11, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. of the town's centennial celebration. The former students and their guests numbered 350.
   Due to the heat, the event was held outside on the school grounds. Organ dinner music was furnished by Fritz Besch. Master of Ceremonies was Robert Wilson, current principal of the grade school. Johnnie's Steak House of Schuyler catered the lunch.
   Pictures of the graduating classes were on display in the gym, along with trophies and pictures of the sporting years of Bellwood High.
   The oldest graduates attending were Frank Harris, Portland, Oregon, class of 1905, Sadie Robinson Kelly of Columbus and Walter Hager of Bethesday, Maryland, class of 1911.
   The largest graduating class, 1953, had 15 of its 16 members present at the gathering.
   After lunch, a social time was held at the Community Hall.



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© 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by Ted & Carole Miller and Carolyn Wilkerson