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esty he has gained the confidence and respect of the community in which he lives.
Mr. Wolf was united in marriage to Miss Ada Sine in Lodge Pole, Cheyenne county, Nebraska, August 15, 1900. She is a daughter of Eugene and Mary (Myers) Sine, natives of Iowa and old settlers of Cheyenne county. To this union two children have been born, namely: Blanche, aged six years, and Helen, aged three.
Mr. Wolf is a Republican in political matters. He has always been prominently identified in matters of local interest, ever ready to lend a helping hand where needed, and has gained the respect and esteem of the community in which he resides, both socially and in business.
He is a member of Golden Fleece Lodge, No.
205, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, at Chappell, Nebraska,
joining in March, 1900. A portrait of Mr. Wolf will be found on
another page of this volume.
Mr. Barkhurst was born in Harrison county, Ohio, in 1835. His father was of German descent and his mother of Welsh stock. During the boyhood of our subject the family lived in two different counties in Ohio, the father following farming all his life. Joseph was reared and educated in his native state, assisting in carrying on the home farm, and as a boy was well accustomed to doing all kinds of hard farm work, which served him in good stead during his later struggles as a pioneer in the western states. When he was about twenty-two years of age he moved to Missouri and lived there for about two years, and from there moved to Nebraska, landing in Nebraska City on April 12, 1860, and there went through pioneer experiences. When he arrived in that locality he had just twenty-two dollars and fifty cents in cash in his pocket, and rented a farm for two years, meeting with admirable success, and then bought a farm of forty acres. He made good and his hard work and intelligent management brought him great success in all his undertakings, after once getting a start. In the fall of 1888 he came to Box Butte county and filed on a tract of land as a homesteader, locating on what is now his ranch, situated in section 8, township 25, range 48, six miles from Alliance. He erected a good residence and added every improvement in the way of machinery, farm buildings, fences, wells, etc., and although going through all sorts of hardships, failures of crops and other disappointments, always managed to raise a small crop, even when the neighbors around him had lost their all, and he has steadily forged ahead and accumulated a nice property, attending strictly to the business of building up his farm and home, and from the time of his settling on that place up to the time he had proved up on it, had never spent a night away from home. When he did prove up he had sixteen thousand growing trees, and no other man in the county could say that at that time.
Mr. Barkhurst was married to Miss Evaline Mossman, daughter of James Mossman, a farmer of Coshocton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Barkhurst are the parents of a family of nine children, who are named as follows: Sarah E., James M., Annie, Josephine, Frank T., Lillie M., Charles N., Hattie and Eugene. All of the children are married and nicely settled in homes of their own, and our subject is the proud grandfather of several interesting young folks, and he has three great-grandchildren living, and all live in Box Butte county, Nebraska.
Mr. Barkhurst is a Republican in political sentiment, takes a commendable interest in local and county affairs, and stands firmly for his convictions.
A picture showing several ranch scenes on
Mr. Barkhurst's property will be found on another page.
[Handwritten: Died at Alliance, Mch 14, 1916]
Mr. Dixon was born in Passaic county, New Jersey, March 27, 1856, and is a son of John and Jane (King) Dixon, the former born in Ireland, coming to America with his parents when an infant. In 1857 he removed with his family to Boone county, Illinois, and five years later to Howard county, Nebraska, where he died in 1894. Our subject is the third member of his parents' family of six children, all reared
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in Nebraska. where they were among the first whites to settle. As a boy he assisted his father in the farm work, and in this way received practical instruction and knowledge of this business, and afterward chose agriculture as his life work. In 1881 he came to Keya Paha county, and for the first two years lived on the north banks of the Niobrara river; they drove to the county with two yoke of oxen, camping out on the way at night tinder the wagon. He at once went to work establishing a farm, built a log house and broke up some land for crops, and remained on the place for two years. At this time wild game of all kinds was plentiful in the region, and during 1881 and 1882 Mr. Dixon killed thirty-four deer on his premises, which furnished a large part of the family provisions. He moved to his present farm in 1885. his first dwelling being a sod house, which was later replaced with a more substantial building. He cultivated part of the land, engaging from the start quite extensively in stock raising, and on this account was not so much affected by the dry years as many others in the vicinity. He now runs about three hundred head of cattle on his ranch, consisting of one thousand three hundred and twenty acres, the greater part of which is devoted to hay and pasture. He has a fine grove of forest trees, and a thrifty young orchard, making his ranch one of the most valuable properties in the county.
Mr. Dixon was married in 1886 to Miss Sarah Eason, a native of Minnesota, daughter of William and Rosa Eason, old settlers in Brown county. To Mr. and Mrs. Dixon have been born three children, namely: Elmer, Arthur and Alma, all of whom were born and reared on their present homestead. The family occupy a pleasant home and are popular members of the community.
Politically Mr. Dixon is a Republican, prominent in party affairs, having attended numerous conventions as a delegate, and many times offered an office, which he would never consent to accept, preferring a quiet private life to taking a part in public affairs.
Our subject has gone through some hard times since settling in this county, and has met with different serious accidents, among the most remarkable the following: In 1887, while attempting to draw water from a new well, the heavy bucket used in drawing up the water, got beyond his control, the rope caught him and he plunged headlong and with frightful velocity down the ninety-foot well. His father, who fortunately was near, descended as quickly as possible, and when he reached the surface of the water. only the feet of the boy were visible. He was brought to the top unconscious and remained so for four days, hovering between life and death, and for three weeks he was unable to do any work.
Mr. Zalesky was married to Sophia Jenik, on August 21, 1900. in Lodgepole precinct. Mrs. Zalesky was born in Bohemia, on November 20, 1847, coming to the United States with her parents when a small girl. Three children were born to our subject, namely: Sophia. Mary and Rosa.
The family have a pleasant home and is highly esteemed as worthy citizens and good neighbors in their community. Mr. Zalesky is a man of strong convictions, and politically is affiliated with the Republican party; he was reared in the Catholic church. in which all his children have been baptized.
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whose name is at the head of this article. For many years Mr. Faulhaber has resided in section 10, township 27, range 29, and has gained a valuable estate by his own labors. He is widely known and universally respected, having been an early settler in Cherry county.
Charles H. Faulhaber was born in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, in 1861. His father, Lewis, was born in Germany and was a child of two or three years when his parents came to America. He married Helen Souder, also a native of Germany, who came to this country at the age of two years. Our subject was reared in Wisconsin until he was thirteen, then the whole family came to Nebraska, settling in Lancaster county, and began farming, they being among the earliest settlers in that section, and the country was full of Indians and wild game. They went through the usual pioneer experiences, roughing it, many times camping out, etc., and had a hard time to get along. but succeeded in building up a comfortable home in time. In 1886 Charles and a brother came to Cherry county, driving in by way of Johnstown, at which place they spent one year, and in the spring of 1887 located on the present ranch as a homestead. They put up a rough shanty, worked hard to improve the place, and also worked on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway, which was then being put through the section, helping build that line into Whitman. Charles "batched it" for the first four years, and in 1890 was married Miss Jennie Martin. daughter of Adam Martin, who was an old settler in Cherry county, coming here in the fall of 1886. Mr. Martin was one of the most prominent among the pioneers, taking a leading part in building up the county, and a man of superior intelligence and attainments. giving his best aid in all affairs which tended to the good of the locality.
After his marriage, Mr. Faulhaber and his wife started to make a good home and accumulate a competence for themselves, and worked hard and faithfully with this end in view, now being handsomely rewarded for their efforts in now owning a fine ranch of one thousand five hundred acres. which is situated three miles northwest of Brownlee. The place is all fenced and improved with good buildings, including a comfortable house, all necessary barns, sheds, etc. He has about forty acres cultivated, and uses the balance as a stock ranch, making a specialty of the breeding and raising of high grade Hereford cattle. He has a large herd of registered animals, and the reputation of having the finest beef cattle in his county.
Mr. Faulhaber's family consists of his wife and five children, as follows: Roy, born in 1892; Carl, born in 1894; Ruby, born in 1896; Forrest, born in 1903, and Irvie, born in January, 1907. They are a most happy and congenial family, and have a pleasant home, surrounded by every comfort and convenience of rural life, and enjoy a host of friends and acquaintances.
Mr. Kinney was born in Roscommon county, Ireland, July 15, 1845, grew up there and came to the United States with one brother, in 1865, settling at first in Cedar county, Iowa, coming to Nebraska in 1867, stopping at Paxton for a few months, then went back to Iowa. He again came to Nebraska, locating in Kimball county, which was then a part of Cheyenne county, landing here March 4, 1870. For ten years he was connected with the Union Pacific Railway Company, and in 1878 engaged in the ranching and stock raising industry, continuig (sic) the work up to the present time. He has been running annually from one thousand five hundred to two thousand cattle on his extensive ranches, and is one of the most successful men in the county. He has passed through all the "old" Nebraska times, and has seen the region grow from a barren prairie to its present prosperous condition, and in this development he has played an important part. He has been an extensive shipper for a number of years, and besides his cattle operations, handles a large bunch of horses, which he raises for the markets.
Mr. Kinney was united in marriage at Cheyenne, Wyoming, in 1879, to Margaret Fitzpatrick, who was born and reared in Illinois. They were the parents of two children, Mary, F. and James J., Jr. The wife and mother died in Kimball April 23, 1882, her death being deeply regretted by her many friends who had loved her for her many sterling qualities of heart and mind. Mr. Kinney married again in 1886 Annie E. Shea, of Mechanicsville. Iowa, the second Mrs. Kinney being a native of Rock Island, Illinois, and to them have been born the follow-
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ing children: Theresa, Catherine, Winifred and Lucile, all at home, forming a charming family group.
Mr. Kinney is a stanch Democrat. He has been a member of the board of county commissioners, first elected in 1876. In 1890 he was elected county attorney, and with the exception of three terms, has served continuously in this capacity up to the present time. He was president of the Kimball Bank and principal owner of that institution during the years 1906 to 1908, in the latter year disposing of considerable of his holdings, although he is still a member of the board of directors. Our subject was the organizer of school district No. 3 in old Cheyenne county, and was connected with the schools in different capacities for twenty-five years.
On another page we present some interesting
pictures of the Cooley ranch property.
Mr. Albey Carter was reared on a farm, and there, under good parental training, acquired habits of industry and thrift that have followed him through all the years. When he was fourteen years of age, the family moved to Iowa, and settled in Buena Vista county, and later located on a farm in Sac county. Albey L. learned the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for three years in Iowa, and in 1884 went to Ord, Nebraska, and worked at his trade there for a year and a half. In 1885 he went to West Union and opened a shop of his own, which he conducted for two years, after which he took up a pre-emption claim in Loup county. He took charge of the fine farm of Ashley B. Cooley, his father-in-law, an old pioneer settler, in 1905, and has given it a great deal of attention ever since. A photo of this place appears elsewhere in this work. Mr. Carter has been prominent in public affairs and has taken great interest in politics. He has been school director and for one term held the office of county commissioner of Loup county.
In Iowa, on the fifth day of August, 1883, Mr. Carter was married to Miss Ida Cooley, daughter of Ashley B. Cooley and Jemima (Sheldon) Cooley. Mr. and Mrs. Carter are the parents of four children -- Zora, Lorin, Lella and Dell, and they make a most interesting group.
Mr. Herring was born in Baden, near Constanz, on a farm. In 1879 he settled in Ohio, remaining there for some years. Our subject worked as a chemist during his young manhood, being employed in different cities throughout the east and west up to the time he came to Nebraska. He is well satisfied with this state as a farming and stock raising country, and he feeds from forty to fifty cattle and about one hundred hogs each year, keeping high grade animals only. He owns six hundred acres of land, and raises from three to
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four thousand bushels of corn each year, averaging twenty-five to forty bushels per acre, besides two hundred acres of wheat, which runs from fifteen to twenty-five bushels per acre.
Mr. Herring was married in 1886 at Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Miss Augusta Langhon, and to them have come the following children: Alvin, Herbert, George, Hilda, Clarence, Harold, Ada, Floyd and Charles, Jr.
In 1906 Mr. Herring visited Europe, traveling through Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland, in the hope of benefiting his health, and he spent some time at his old home. He states that conditions there are very had, and hard for the poor and even the rich men, as a farmer aged twenty-six will have to work all his life and then be in debt or behind. The taxes are arranged so that the poor man really pays for the luxuries of the army and navy officials and rulers of the country. The legislators and officers in the armies and on the railways are well paid, receiving from five to six thousand dollars per year for their services, and are a well-kept and prosperous lot of people. After these men have served for twenty or twenty-five years they get a pension of from three to four thousand dollars, out of which they are not required to pay a cent of taxes, and this shows that the poor laboring men and the farmers have to carry the whole burden of keeping up the government, and there is widespread dissatisfaction under the surface, although the people dare not say a word, but have to pay the price. The Emperor of Germany gets a sum of twelve million marks, equal to three million dollars per year. while the Emperor of Austria receives fourteen million kronen, or three million five hundred thousand dollars. The president of France gets a salary of one million dollars (five million francs), and all these people travel both by land and water with a retinue of two or three hundred servants to attend them, and all the money spent so lavishly is ground out of the poor laborers. A little state covering one-half the area of the state of Nebraska, with a population of one million five hundred thousand people supports a standing army of thirty thousand soldiers, costing in times of peace forty thousand dollars each day, and in Germany, as all over Europe, this system exists. Russia being the worst of all countries.
The soldiers are ill-treated in many cases, and Mr. Herring states that we would not treat dogs as many officers treat the soldiers in their armies. He has seen an officer try to show a soldier how to take a cartridge out of a gun, and would push the gun on his shoulder with such force that it would knock the man over, and the conditions there are so bad that it would be impossible for an American to have a correct idea of the state of affairs which exist in that country. Mr. Herring's father, Ulrich Herring, served for seven years in the army, so he knows whereof he speaks when he tells of the hardships of the middle class in the old country. In big cities in Europe reform movements are gaining many recruits, and the people hope for better things before many years, although it may be a long time, as the army and capital have the people so thoroughly in subjection that they have to exercise the utmost caution and secrecy in any movement which is meant for the uplift of the masses.
Mr. Herring received a good education in Germany, finishing in the public schools, and afterwards took a full course in chemistry at the Worms Chemical School, and also attended the academy at Valparaiso, Indiana, for two years.
He is a man who has made the most of his opportunities, and is a thoroughly posted, up-to-date gentleman, and possesses a striking personality, universally esteemed by his fellowmen. He is a regular correspondent for the English and German papers in his locality, touching on subjects along the reform lines and especially labor problems, and handles his subjects in a masterly manner. He is an Independent voter, always standing for the best man. He is a member of the Lutheran church, and one of its earnest supporters.
Mr. Hughes spent the early years of his life in England, where he received his education, working in the mines as he grew into manhood. At the age of twenty-one years he came to America, landed in New York, came west to Wisconsin and located with a Welsh colony, working in the lead mines. After a time he went west into Colorado, where he worked in the gold mines at Colorado Springs. In the year 1880 he came to Dawes county, driving from Sidney, and located on the Niobrara river, about three miles vest of Marsland. Here he opened a road ranch, conducting a
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general store, saloon and hotel, and serving as postmaster. His building, which was twenty by one hundred feet, was amply fitted for the needs of the people. This was a stage station. Here he built up an extensive business, was prosperous, and achieved the success justly due his upright and honorable business methods. His place was the scene of many of the exciting times so well known to the pioneers of this western country.
Our subject lived in Crawford for a short time, but in 1901 moved to Marsland. He erected additional buildings on his ranch, which contained an area of two thousand acres, and dealt extensively in live stock.
In 1903 Mr. Hughes was united in marriage to Mary Lemon, daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth (Galvith) Lemon. Mrs. Hughes was reared in Dawes county, her father having settled here in 1887.
In the month of May, 1904, Mr. Hughes passed away, leaving to the care of his beloved wife three children, viz: John, Helen and Thomas. Surely a work of this kind would be sadly deficient if a sketch of his life did not appear in its pages. During the period of his life which was spent in Dawes county, he proved himself a man, in every way worthy of the high esteem in which he was held. He was a public-spirited citizen, one who took an active interest in the development and improvement of the county, and when he died he left behind him a host of warm friends who will ever honor his memory.
Mr. McNare first came to Nebraska in April, 1885, locating five and a half miles west of Valentine, which was then the terminus of the railroad at that time. He went to work improving his farm at once, and put up a sod house and other farm buildings. His start consisted of a yoke of oxen and a few chickens, a small beginning from which his latter success has grown. The dry years soon came on. He lost successive crops and was unable to make any apparent headway, so sold out and purchased his present home in section 26, township 32, range 26, and began over again. Here he has added to his original holdings until he has a place consisting of two thousand three hundred and sixty acres, mostly hay and pasture land and engages principally in stock raising, keeping at times as high as one thousand one hundred head of cattle and a hundred horses. He has a complete set of ranch buildings, house, barn, mill, tanks, etc., on section 14. The home place consists of a fine ten-room house with baths and running water, supplied by an elevated cistern reservoir, the first of its kind in this region. There are six never failing wells on the ranch, varying from thirty-six to a hundred feet deep.
January 21, 1883, Mr. McNare was married to Miss Virginia Yeast at Brandonville, West Virginia, a native of Maryland, but a few rods from where three state boundaries meet. They were reared within a mile of each other. She is a daughter of William and Martha E. (Deak) Yeast. Eleven children have been born of this marriage, namely: Arthur E., Herbert C., Robert G., Estella B., Charles G., William C., Violet Mabel, Edith M., Vern L., Hazel B. and Jennie May, the two elder born in West Virginia and all reared in Cherry county.
The family was one of the earliest settlers in this region, there being few neighbors and far between at the time of Mr. McNare's advent to Cherry county. Mr. McNare, a Democrat politically, has always taken a deep interest in local affairs tending toward the development of his locality, and has held different school offices in his district. He is a member of Camp No. 2947, Modern Woodmen of America, at Wood Lake.
A view of the family residence, with
portraits of Mr. and Mrs. McNare, is to be found on another page
of this work.
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and industrious effort. He is an energetic agriculturist, progressive, and an able representative of the farming community of his county.
Mr. Lewis was born in Audubon county, Iowa, in 1869, on his father's farm. The latter, Thomas also, was of American birth, a well-known farmer and attorney of that locality, and was county judge, elected to that office when Audubon county was organized. He married Josephine Kaylor, and they lived for many years in Iowa, our subject growing up there, attending the country schools and following farm work during his young manhood. When he was seventeen years of age he came to Sioux county, Chadron at that time being the nearest railroad point. He was employed on ranches in that locality, also in Wyoming, and led a regular frontier life, roughing it for a number of years and following the career of a cowboy up to 1892, riding all over the western part of Nebraska and into adjoining states. In the latter year he settled on a homestead which he now occupies, located in section 4, township 33, range 57, which was an entirely unimproved tract, and he has built up a good farm and home. The place is situated on Antelope creek, and he has it all fenced, supplied with good buildings, etc. He is engaged almost exclusively in stock raising, and making a great success of the business. Of late years he has also gone into the grain raising business quite extensively, his oat crop this year, which is very fine, will go sixty to seventy-five bushels to the acre.
Mr. Lewis was married in 1892 to Theresa Thomas, daughter of Samuel Thomas, whose sketch appears in this volume, and he is one of the oldest settlers in Sioux county, Mrs. Lewis having been raised here. Two children have been born to them, namely: Thomas Lee, born in 1895, and Albert Wilton, born in 1897.
Mr. Lewis is Independent in politics, and lends his influence for good government. He takes an active part in local affairs, and has served his precinct in different capacities. The year that he located in this county was that of the organization of the region as Sioux county, and he has assisted materially in its development ever since.
Mr. Peterson is a native of Sweden, and came to Phelps county in 1879 with his father, Anthony Peterson, the latter taking a homestead in Lake township, our subject locating in Anderson township, where he now resides. He began farming this at once, and soon afterwards bought one hundred and sixty acres of land adjoining, also three hundred and twenty acres in the next section north of his farm. To all this he added another eighty acres, so he is now the possessor of a farm of seven hundred and twenty acres, and with his brother, N. Peterson, has an equal interest in three hundred and twenty acres located in Centre township. He purchased all of this land during the years from 1879 to 1904, and all he is now worth was made since coming to this state. Before coming to Nebraska he farmed for a time in Mercer county, Illinois, but was not satisfied with conditions there, and thinks that Nebraska is the only state for a poor man. While running his farm he engaged in stock raising to some extent in addition to cultivating a good portion of his land, and was successful in both ventures. He raised pure bred Polled Angus cattle, and prefers them to any other breed for western Nebraska. He also raised a large number of hogs, and found this a very profitable line of work, as they can be raised for comparatively little, and mature quickly, always bringing fair prices on the market.
Mr. Peterson's father died in 1901, aged seventy years, leaving an estate including seven hundred and twenty acres of land, all of which was good fertile soil. He is not at present actively engaged in running his farms, but rents the land out and derives a comfortable income in this manner.
He was married in 1878 to Miss Louisa Anderson, who was also born in Sweden, and they have three children - Amanda, Sadie and Clarence.
Mr. Peterson has held the office of supervisor of district No. 1, Anderson township, and was a member of the county board of Phelps county. for Anderson, Divide and Cottonwood townships. He has been clerk and treasurer for Anderson township, holding each office for several terms. He also takes an active part in educational matters in his district, and has been a member of the school board for a long time past. Politically he is a RepubIican.
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ers and favorably known citizens of this locality.
Mr. Brandel was born in the city of Sandusky, Ohio, August 9, 1869. His father, Jacob Brandel, was a mason by trade, a native of Germany, who came to the United States at the age of twenty-two. After living at Sandusky for a number of years, he removed to Independence, Iowa, in the spring of 1871, where he lived until coming to Nebraska in 1884. He died in 1891, leaving a wife and two children, of whom our subject is the elder. The family settled in Brown county when he was a lad of sixteen, purchasing the homestead on which they now live, located in section 12, township 31, range 23. This homestead proof was cancelled by the government and they were finally compelled to file homestead papers and prove up on it, after having paid one man for the land. Their start was on a very small scale when they landed here, beginning with one horse, two heifers and a few chickens, which constituted the support of the family. During the first two years they lived in a small log house, which was rather close quarters, but they soon built a comfortable dwelling out of native lumber, adding a granary and other buildings gradually. The farm was steadily improved, but the family met with hardships and suffered much privation through the drouth periods and grasshopper raids, which put them back considerably in their work of building up their home. However, this was the usual experience of the settlers in this region and no more than could have been looked for, and they did not give up hope. A great deal of time was spent in hauling posts, timber and smaller wood from the land which was sold to help keep up expenses. In 1894, shortly after the death of his father, our subject went to Brownlee, a distance of sixty to seventy miles, where he worked in the hay fields, in this way being able to add quite a nice little sum to the store they saved to keep them through the hard times, still living on his father's farm and improving it. This farm now contains four hundred acres of land, all fenced, one hundred and eighty acres being under cultivation.
In 1894 Mr. Brandel was married to Miss Katie Haas, a native of Ross county, Ohio, whose father, George B. Haas, is a farmer of German descent, and one of the old-timers of Brown county, coming in 1886. Mr. and Mrs. Brandel have a family of four children, namely: Sylvia M., George H.. Howard W. and Selma F. Politically Mr. Brandel is a Democrat, always awake to the better interests of the locality in which he chose his home.
Mr. McLaughlin was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1846. His father, Thomas McLaughlin, was a blacksmith by trade, and was a pioneer in Iowa county, Iowa. Both parents of our subject were natives of Pennsylvania, and came to Iowa in 1856, where Augustine was reared and educated. He enlisted in the Eighteenth Iowa Infantry. Company I, in 1862, and saw service in the southwest, going through Arkansas, Missouri and Texas with his company, and although in a number of engagements was only slightly wounded.
He returned to Iowa after being discharged from the army, and in 1867 went to Denver where he followed freighting from Cheyenne through the mountains, also from Denver to Mexico, and from Sidney, Nebraska, into the Black Hills and Ft. Pierre to Deadwood.
In the summer of 1875 Mr. McLaughlin and a party of ten others went into the Black Hills on a prospecting trip, and remained there until they were ordered out by the government troops. The expenses of that trip was two hundred dollars for each man, and when they came to settle up and divide their spoils, found that he had only one dollar and twenty cents coining to him as his share from the gold they found. During those years he was all over this part of the west, and many times had encounters with the Indians.
In the fall of 1882 our subject came to Box Butte county, settling on a homestead in section 10, township 28, range 52, and there started a ranch. He first put up a rude shanty and went to work breaking up his land, and improving the place. His intention was to found a good ranch and home, and to that end he kept steadily at the work, and has since remained there constantly except during three years which were spent at Grand Island, Nebraska. He was one of the early assessors in the section, when this was all Cheyenne county, and at the time Dawes county was organized he was elected one of the county commissioners and helped organize the county. He also helped to organize Box Butte county,
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